The investigation

====================================→ never mistake my silence for a weakness, no one ever plans a murder out loud....


"He was killed, murdered, stabbed. Everyone knows that you were meant to marry him but you never wanted to marry anyone out of your will. The only way you thought of avoiding this is by killing him, right?" The 'panther' tried to interigate me. He strolled around the chair with his hand behind his back and looking straight ahead of him, ocasionaly talking a quick peak to see if I was still listening.

"Yes, that's true. I never wanted to marry him. I never wanted to marry out of my will. But he thought of me the same way as I, of him. He was a kind and selfless guy, I have to give him that. Which means, I would even think of killing him. I wouldn't kill anyone for any reason, especillay for that. That would be foolish and uncalled for. Like you said, I didn't want to marry him, so I had to think of a plan, your right. It was either get rid of him or me and I choose myself. I ran away. Anyways, I don't need to explain myself to you. All you need to know is that I didn't kill him. I would never kill." I firmily stated the last part as it was true and I needed them to believe my plea.

I would never kill. Especially a hybrid.

You see, in the hybrid community, there are laws and thoses laws have sub-laws. These are all important and have to be followed by evey hybrid in that community. They are very similar to human laws just some are worded differently and others are about actual hybrid matters. It's for saftey and peace between hybrids and humans. This is because humans don't know about hybrids and we want to keep it that way for as long as we possibly can. 

We're also hunted all the time and we have been since a few centuries ago.

They are called double H's. Which stands for Hybrid Hunters. They are mostly a small group of half hybrids {where one of their parents are hybrid and the other is human} whom treasure human life rathar than hybrid life. There's not many of them left but we still have to keep our guard up all the time, as they can easily disguise themselfves and attack.

Now, back to the laws. There is a main law which is widly known as  'you should not kill a member of the human or hybrid committe.' Of course there are some exeptions, for example, If it's an act of self defense it is accounted as a defense and the punishment isn't as bad. But the most important part of that law is the sub-laws. The main one being 'you shall not purposely harm, kill or offense a member of the hybrid community.' This is why, even if I wanted to, I wouldn't kill him. If I did the punishment could be extremely bad and I would not be able to cope.

I have to know this because of my father. He wanted me to study law and take his place once I become 18 but that's if he can find me before then.

Despite my explanation they didn't seem to believe me and they carried on with their investigation.

"So why was the murder disguised as you, hmmm? Why did they have the exact same hair and car as you? Because I thought, you ran away so no one could find you." The 'panther' asked sarcastically, to try and squeeze the truth out of me.

"Yes that was mainly why I ran away, and your point is...." I asked, not quite knowing where he was going with this.

"Well, who else would want to kill him? Nobody else, right. My point is.." He continued, "All of the evidence we have here is targeted at you and nobody else." He cleared his throat and stopped infrot of me before speaking again. "So, I'll ask you once more. Did you kill him?"

"If I were to kill him, do you think I would make myself so obvious. If it were me, I would wear a wig maybe dye me hair. I would wear dark clothes and most likely walk to avoid any leads to go towards me. Not to mention, my father being the top of the comittee, I would completely ruin his reputation by doing so. Not like I haven't done that already by running away, but you get what I mean. So, to answer your question. No, i didn't kill him." I answered his question confidenlty, looking him straight in the dark brown, almost black eyes that he had.

He didn't say anything nor did he break the eye contact. The rest of the hybrids just stood in silence, their eyes wide as some of their mouths were agape watching the story unvail itself infront of them. It was as if they were watching some intense scene in a movie and they were waiting for the twist to be revealed.

"Okay, I believe you. But if it wasn't you then who was it?" He muttered quietly as they rest of them either gasped or released a deep breath that they were unconsciously holding in during the 'intense' scene.

Talk about being dramatic. <0-0>

"I don't know who it could be, but can you please get me out of this chair. My butt has gone numb and my legs, limp." I asked shuffling around my chair in order to get the blood in my body to rush to my non-moving lower body below my torso.

"Sure but under one condition." He affirmed returning to his spot at he door, where I had first met him. "And what might that be?" I requested.

"You come with us and help us...'

> to be continued