Poison Deaths of Blake and Jennifer Luciano

A nurse in dark blue scrubs and black with white design tennis shoes enters the room that Blake Luciano is currently recovering in for the next 12 days. The woman has a syringe filled with Potassium Chloride, the clear liquid has light reflected in it.

She walks to the IV bag and opens the little another opening to the IV that is connected to the sleeping brunette and she puts the liquid from the syringe into the clear tube. She puts the top back on before heading out of the room and walking to Jennifer's room, 2 rooms away.

She does the same as she did with her husband and walks out with the syringe now hidden from sight and puts it in the sharps box. Jaidyn and Trystan are sleeping on the red and black-haired male's bed. Jaidyn sleeping curled up into Trystan's right side. The brunette runs his hand through his fiancee's hair when a frantic knocking on the door wakes up the sleeping male.

"We need to head to the hospital quick, so get dressed and meet us outside!" Jaidyn gets out of the bed with his arm out of the sling. Trystan grabs some clothes and heads to the bathroom to change while Jaidyn changes.

The brunette is wearing blue ripped skinny jeans with a grey shirt 3/4th sleeves, a dog tag on a silver chain around his neck, and black Gucci ankle leather boots. Jaidyn has on an oversized long-sleeved dark purple shirt with a v neckline, grey skinny jeans, and black converse. Trystan grabs both of their phones and wallets from the nightstand before exiting the room.

Audriana is wearing a dress that leaves the top of her shoulders uncovered, but does cover the sides and flows down into a modest v-neck. It's a tight fit that removes the focus from her breasts, but without making it look sloppy. Her arms have been covered to about her elbows. The sleeves are a loose fit and, in a way, help put the focus on her soft skin. The dress's waist is thin, but it's a tight fit. A bow has been wrapped around her and rests gently on her lower back.

Below the waist, the dress widens and has a ruffle style towards the bottom. The dress reaches all the way down, almost covering her feet, and is slightly longer at the sides and back of the dress. She's wearing t-straps, gorgeous on their own, an ideal match in combination with the dress. To top it all off she's wearing an intricately designed necklace and several jeweled bracelets. Bryson beside her is wearing

He's wearing a clean shirt and left it unbuttoned at the top for a more casual look. On top of the shirt he's wearing a stylish vest with 6 buttons, it has a fairly deep v-line, it's just narrow enough for the top to remain visible, adding another layer to the overall look of the suit. The jacket fits him like a glove, a tailored glove. It has a smooth chalk stripe pattern which gives the suit a refined look. The 6 buttons of his single-breasted jacket have been left unbuttoned, it's a casual look that still manages to look classy.

The jacket is slightly longer at the back, it has vents on either side, there are two pockets on either side and there's a breast pocket that contains a pocket watch. He's wearing pants that have the same color as the jacket, but a slightly different pattern and they create a perfect balance with his shoes. He's wearing a sharp pair of cap-toe oxfords. To top it all off he's wearing a sleek belt, which can be accompanied by a tie clip and a watch.

The parents see the 19-year-olds walk down the stairs, Trystan's arm around on the red and black-haired male as they walk down the side of the stairs to the side. When the two males reach down the stairs, all four of them get into the black SUV. Jaidyn lays his head on the brunette's shoulder. Their hands intertwine.

Trystan closes his eyes with his hand keeping a firm grip on his fiancee's hand while Bryson is driving to the hospital. The blonde woman looks back in her seat to see the two whisperings quietly to each other, she looks back on the road.

"We'll figure out who did this and get justice for your parent's deaths," Bryson says with a strong angry tone in his voice. Trystan nods with him leaning his head on top of Jaidyn's, who is comfortable and half asleep with his eyes closed.

"You can rest for a bit while we are on the way to the hospital," Bryson tells the young adult, who nods and closes his hazel eyes and falls asleep. The SUV ride is smooth and a red light stops the black SUV.

The vehicle jerks, waking up the two people in the back. Jaidyn grabs his arm so it will be cushioned in his chest and Trystan grabs his fiancee close. A car quickly drives by with a police car not far behind it, the lights on top are lit up.

"Argh!" A large amount of pain goes through the duo haired male and his face is now filled with pain. His eyes shut with extreme pain, Audriana looks behind at the two young men.

"You two okay back there?" Her voice is filled with concern after her son let out a painful grunt. A small nod comes from the black and red-haired male, his head tucked into the brunette's shoulder.

"We are going to drop you two off at the door and head inside to meet with Christian." They both nod at the words when the black SUV stops at the doors to the hospital. Trystan opens the door before exiting and helping his fiancee out of the vehicle.

"See you two in a few minutes." Trystan shuts the door and he puts his arm on the other's waist before they walk inside of the hospital. Christian meets up with the two young men and takes them to the waiting area. He clears his throat before telling the awful news.

"Trystan, your parents were poisoned in their IV's and they are checking the security camera's now." Tears come down the brunette's cheeks, Jaidyn wipes them away with his left hand and places his head on the crying male's shoulder.

"They'll figure out who did this, Trystan." The brunette pulls the duo colored haired male into his arms.