Shooting Deaths of Bryson and Audriana Rosario-Calabria

Two loud pops get the attention of a female doctor; her short strawberry blonde hair moves with the breezy air. She runs over the black SUV, the window on the driver's side has broken glass with a bullet hole in the glass. She uses her pager to get help from the two people.

Two nurses rush out with beds and one of them opens the passenger's side door, blood running down Audriana's face. The three nurses get both of them rushed into the hospital, Jaidyn sees his parents rushed into double doors, the direction of the surgery rooms. His eyes widen and he tries to stand but he falls to his knees.

"Mr. and Mrs. Calabria were rushed to the surgery rooms for emergency surgery immediately." Christian goes up to the nurse's post and finds out what happened to the mother and father of Jaidyn. Trystan helps his fiancee up from the ground and tears come down his face. His shoulders are shaking badly and a woman in a dress leaves her shoulders mostly uncovered and flows down into a stylish jewel neckline. It's a comfortable fit which removes the focus from her breasts, but without making it look sloppy. Her arms have been left uncovered. A choice that adds to the elegance and grace of the dress.

The dress's waist is broad, but it's a slim fit. A bow has been wrapped around her and rests gently on her lower back. Below the waist, the dress fits snug around her and has a suit skirt style. The dress reaches down to her feet and is the same length all around. She's wearing open toe black heels that are 5" above the ground.

She walks up to the emotionally distraught boys, whose parents have been killed in very tragic and violent ways. Her medium-length brown hair with her ocean blue eyes meet the amethyst and hazel eyes. She sits down beside them and smiles at them.

"I'm Raina Cunningham and I'm going to take you both back to the mansion and for the time being, I will be with you and let you know what is currently happening." Christain comes back with a look of sadness and anger. He sits down in the chair diagonally across from Raina.

"So they couldn't save them. Their wounds were too severe." The two young men are in shock and they are carefully taken out of the hospital waiting room to a dark blue SUV and get in the back seat. The driver drives out of the parking lot and on the way to the Rosario-Calabria family mansion that now belongs to Jaidyn. They don't say a word to the driver and Raina, who is in the passenger front seat.

She looks back at the two distraught males, Jaidyn with his hair covering his eyes and Trystan is holding the other to his chest. They just lost their parents and had to plan funerals for all of them. They aren't speaking to the adults in front and are grieving the loss of both of their parents.

"We're here, head inside and go lay down while I figure out what to do." The brunette just nods at the woman and opens his door and gets out with Jaidyn clinging to him. They both walk inside the large manor, silence fills the large entrance, and heels click on the floor.

"Please take them to Jaidyn's bedroom, so they can rest for a while and make sure to check on them hourly." Raina shut the front doors and Trystan pushes the guard away from them.

"I want Jaidyn to move in with me because he is in worse condition than I am. Call my mansion and get the movers here tomorrow to move everything from his room and collect valuable items and treasures from his parents' bedroom." His tone is filled with emotion and is holding the shaky heir of the Rosario-Calabria mafia. One of the people in the brunette's mafia nods and does as they were told.

They walk into the now former bedroom of Jaidyn, the red and black-haired male has tears running down his face and holding onto the other's grey shirt. Soaking the right shoulder and Trystan holds him tightly to his chest.

"Let's get you laid down and rest while I pack your things." Jaidyn shakes his head while being taken to his bed. Trystan sighs and puts both of their phones on the nightstand then lay side-by-side. Jaidyn's silence is making Trystan worried about the other male, a knock on the door gets Trystan to okay them to enter.

Raina enters the room with the right-hand man of his recently deceased father; Jackson Marino. He has slicked-back hair with piercing green eyes. He has on a standard shirt and buttoned it up fully to support the elegant tie he's wearing. On top of the shirt he's wearing a stylish vest with 4 buttons, it has a fairly deep v-line, it's just narrow enough for the top to remain visible, adding another layer to the overall look of the suit.

The jacket was clearly made for him, it's a perfect fit. It has an intricate, but subtle plaid pattern, giving the suit a stylish casual look. The 4 buttons of his single-breasted jacket have been left unbuttoned, he's clearly going for a more casual look, but at the same time, he looks elegant as well.

The jacket is the same length all around, it has no vent, there's a pocket on either side and there's a breast pocket that has been left empty.

He's wearing pants that copy the style of the jacket, both in color and pattern and they perfectly complement his shoes. He's wearing a classy pair of spectator oxfords.

"We have people carefully moving important things from their office and bedroom. Please pack up all things you can and we can take care of the rest and make sure this mansion gets sold for a very good price and have the money transferred to Jaidyn's bank account." Trystan nods at the words while his fiancee remains unresponsive.