What Is Happening To Me

For a few moments of silence enveloped, only the sound of their heartbeats seemed to rumble like the sound of horse racing.

Their eyes were looking at one another with a gaze of passion. Their body froze, which felt only warmth starting to creep up, creating a strange yet pleasant sensation. Their bodies didn't seem to want to be separated from each other.

Slowly George's eyes that had been staring into Alesha's round eyes moved to her lips and Alesha did it too. She reflexively stared at George's lips then returned to his sharp eyes.

She seemed to feel her body helpless, comfortable, and didn't want to let go of the delicious warmth. Her round eyes seemed to be drowned by the enchantment of George's handsome face.

This was the first time she felt this strange thing. Her soul seemed to fly to the sky and took her to a very comfortable and beautiful place. The pleasure became even more when she felt a warm and soft touch on her lips.

Her eyes then closed for a moment as the soft-touch felt stronger and spread all over her lips made her feeling to ecstasy.

That touch made her body felt hot, there was something strange going through her. A kind of sensation that made her completely forgot everything. Her hands reflexively began to circle George's neck, her body getting closer against the hot man's body.

Slowly her lips had only passively received the warm touch started to move. Her tiny mouth trying to return his touch which she felt more enjoyable.

"Hmmm..ahh…!" a soft moaning voice accompanied by a sigh came out of her mouth, but it only made her felt the touch became more and more.

George, who was crazy because of the pleasure of his lips, made him lost control when he heard Alesha's sexy low moaning. He was like a hungry lion ready to devour his food to the end, he buried his mouth, even more, opened Alesha's mouth with his tongue, and as if he was never satisfied. He then sucked her tongue gently enjoying every detail of that beautiful mouth.

Only soft sighs and moans could be heard from their mouths, the lunch that was supposed to eat the food on the table turned into a hot and passionate meal.

George who had lost control began to travel his mouth on her collar then move to her neck. Alesha who felt it suddenly opened her eyes and how shocked she was when realized her position was already straddling George's lap, her arms were curled around his neck and the most terrible thing was George had buried his head around her neck and began to kiss her. After she realized what was happening, with all her strength Alesha managed to let go of herself from George's embrace.

Meanwhile, George who was very excited felt Alesha tried to escape from his embrace still didn't budge. He wouldn't end the pleasure no matter what. She had made him forgot all the principles about woman, subverted his pride, and filled him with pleasure from Alesha's body.

Alesha's struggling movements increasingly made him lost control and continued his kiss even more on her pretty white neck. But, when he felt her body no longer moving and hearing faint sobs, he suddenly realized what he was doing.

He immediately let go of his embrace, he saw she bowed helplessly in front of him with tears in her eyes. George suddenly felt sorry, his heart stabbed as if he saw the girl he loved felt sad because of his ashamed action. He then wiped her tears gently, lifted her body, and brought her to the sofa.

"I'm sorry," he said, staring at Alesha. she cried not only because of George but also because she felt sorry for everything.

She had done such inappropriate silliness, she felt impure. Her first kiss that supposed to be for someone she loved but why she did a silly thing by giving it freely to another. She felt she didn't deserve to be loved anymore and thinking about that made her cried even more.

George who had been trying to calm her down, became panic as he saw Alesha's tears didn't stop. He didn't know what to do to make her stop crying. For the first time in his life, he saw a girl crying and made him felt worried.

He used to make a lot of women cried but he didn't care at all, but this girl scared him. Then, the idea popped up in his mind, the idea that might cost him the girl, but he didn't care anymore.

"Please don't cry anymore, I'm sorry, I crossed the line. But really, I don't mean to force you." He stared at Alesha regretfully. Alesha still sobbed like she didn't care what George said.

" I'll cancel the contract if you stop crying." Said George again.

Alesha stopped her sobbing then looked up at George to convince herself.

"Really, you will cancel the contract?" she asked in disbelief.

George nodded, " and you may go home now, I apologize for what happened."

Hearing that, her cute lips smiled and her beautiful face was bright and cheerful. She quickly rose from her seat, took her bag, and walked and walked towards the door. Then she turned around and smiled at George.

"Thank you." She said and then disappeared behind the door leaving George in his silence. His heart suddenly felt empty. Then he got up from his seat, stepped into the bedroom, and laid down on the bed.

Meanwhile, Alesha who had just arrived at her apartment went straight to the room and threw her body into the bed. She tried to sleep but couldn't. She had tried many times to close her eyes her scene with the prince kept repeating in her mind.

She remembered how she had wildly returned that gentle kiss and it made her very embarrassed yet happy. She also didn't understand her feelings. Her heart was disappointed when George let her go. Her heart seemed not willing to leave the prince.

She felt as if she had lost her original self when she saw the prince for the first time. A self that she couldn't understand anymore, a self that when imagining the prince made her smiled, a self that always wanted to be around him. She imagined all of those things until she was in her dreams.