Broken Heart

"What…!?" Olivia's eyes opened wide in horror hearing what Alesha said. Meanwhile, Alesha only bit her lip and looked at her cousin with a worried look. She hoped Olivia didn't tell her parents about this.

"Alesha, don't mess with this. We all know that he is the future king of this country and you are nothing for him. Not to mention his family, how could you wonder something impossible? Looked, we stayed here just want to live peacefully, don't even think you can charm a prince's heart. And you have to know this, that prince just wanted to make fun of you, he has already engaged and you know the consequences, right? Please, Alesha, stop this before you go too far." Olivia managed to explain her concern. She worried with Alesha about her feeling.

Alesha who was so innocent and didn't know anything about was starting to like someone, but unfortunately, that person was impossible for her to have. She felt pity for her cousin, she was really afraid Alesha would be heartbroken and fall apart.

"So what if he is a prince and engaged, they are not married yet, right?" Alesha replied stubbornly. Her feeling for George affected her so much so she didn't care about any warnings.

Hearing that, Olivia was shocked and worried even more.

"What's wrong with your smart brain, huh?! Why can't you think realistically anymore? You may like any other guy but not him because you will get hurt."

Alesha felt silent, she was actually aware of the situation now. But, deep down in her heart believed that George also had the same feeling as she, and she would prove it. Olivia didn't need to know her intent. She looked at her cousin with a smile.

"Don't worry, I know what you mean. I'm also not that naïve.' Hearing Alesha's replied, Olivia then smiled in relief. She said goodbye and when home.

Suddenly, her phone rang.

[Hi, Bella, what's wrong?]

[oh my, don't tell me you're not ready yet?]

Alesha frowned a moment, then her round eyes were enlarged. [Oups, I forgot, Ok, I'll get ready right away, bye.]

She turned off his phone then rushed towards the bathroom. Soon he came out and got dressed. After a while, she looked really pretty in casual clothes and sneakers and drove off in her mini cooper.

"You know, we supposed to meet an hour ago, how could you be late? Who warned you to be on time yesterday? If only I know you will be like this, I won't cancel my date with Jonathan." Bella grumbled irritably while sipping her drink.

Alesha smiled and sat in front of Bella. "Sorry, I was busy taking care of something with my cousin in the apartment so I lost track of time." She said apologetically.

Bella still pouted even though Alesha had explained her reason. But then Bella smiled. After chatting for a while, they began their tour. They were in a mall and planned to watch a movie together but because Alesha arrived late, so they had to wait for the next broadcast time. They entered a boutique and had a look.

Alesha was very happy, her face beamed and sweeter. The beautiful smile on her lips always brightened her face. Since that kiss incident, she was always in a good mood. Her round eyes sparkled beautifully like a morning star. But suddenly her brow furrowed and her beautiful eyes turned dark, her smile vanished all of a sudden after seeing someone so familiar holding a beautiful woman.

The woman looked very spoiled clinging to the arm of the man beside her. Alesha's heart felt like it was prickling, hurt so badly so she grabbed her chest. She felt difficulty breathing and her vision was blurred by tears. He didn't understand what this feeling was. She felt a kind of hurt for the first time. Bella saw her condition in utter confusion.

"Are you okay? You are not looking good." She asked worried as she led Alesha to sit in the chair. Alesha tried to regain her feeling. She then wiped her tears and tried to smile forcefully.

"I'm okay, I just got dizzy and I'm fine now. Let's just go to the movie, it's the time." Alesha said trying to divert while pulling Bella's hand and leaving the place.

Inside the cinema, the sound of people's screams of fear was already heard. Bella had already closed her eyes and screamed hysterically when the ghost in the film suddenly appeared. But unlike Alesha who has been silent without any expression, her eyes watched at the cinema screen but she was absentminded and had no fear at all.

Whereas she was a coward, if she invited to watch a horror movie, she just closed her eyes during the film and didn't want to be alone in the apartment after that. And of course, Bella would be forced to accompany her, but this time Alesha acted unusually.

Bella accidentally saw her, wondered why this cowardly queen was acting so strange now or Alesha was already possessed by the ghost of the film. She thought. Thinking about that, Bella shivered with fear. She then refocused on the screen with tension.

Meanwhile, Alesha was still expressionless. Her mind was still confused by what she saw earlier. Who was that woman, why did they look so intimate. All of a sudden she remembered Olivia's words that George was engaged. Her eyes fill with tears, but she still believed George also liked her as much as she did.

After the film was over, they came out and went back to walk around and finally entered one of the restaurants.

"Why were you suddenly so brave? I thought you had been possessed by a ghost. Bella started the conversation.

Alesha raised her eyebrows and smiled a little. "I was great, right?" she replied briefly sipping his drink.

"are you sure you are okay? Since in the boutique, you have acted weird." Bella lightly touched her shoulder.

Alesha nodded as she thought something and Bella realized it, but she didn't want to ask her any further because she seemed didn't want to talk about her problem at this moment. After satisfied with their meal, they then continued the tour.

They entered one of the painting shops, after a second, Bella left Alesha alone and headed for the toilet. Alesha's round eyes seemed to sparkle at those beautiful paintings in the gallery and for a moment she forgot all problems that bothered her life.

She enjoyed what she saw without aware of surrounding until she bumped to someone. She almost staggered backward. Luckily she felt a strong arm holding her. she looked at that arm then her gaze moved to the face of the owner.

"P...Prince..?!" her heart drummed right out of her chest. For a few moments, they looked at each other seemed just lost in their closeness, until a loud shout was finally heard.

"George..!!" they gasped hearing the sound and reflexively took off their hold hands.

Alesha saw a beautiful woman with an off-shoulder dress, the short dress seemed very attached to her body. With her long legs and hills of 15 cm, it strengthens her posture which was already tall. She walked arrogantly towards them, with a suspicious gaze, she glared at Alesha.

'Who is she?" She asked still looking at Alesha sarcastically. Meanwhile, Alesha stood still and looked at the woman right before her in silence while hoping the answer that would come out of George's mouth could make her believe her feeling even more.

"She is nothing, let's go," George answer dryly as he took the woman's hand and left.

Hearing such a hurtful answer, Alesha could only stand frozen. Didn't know what to do, she felt numb. Her heart was even more painful than ever, tears rolling down her face which had started to turn pale. She was so disappointed to hear George's remark, Olivia was right. He was just plying her feeling. She was so wrong about him. what a naive.

She then realized how stupid she was, wondering about a prince's love for her which she knew well was impossible. Her mouth created a smile as Her heart was devastated to realize it all. She felt even more ashamed by her thought. But, a soft touch on her shoulder made her back to her sense.

"Hey, are okay?" why are you crying?

She turned her head and looked at the source of the sound. Seeing that person beside her, she couldn't help but cry even more. She cried as if pouring all the sadness in his embrace. The man just gently stroked her back trying to calm her down.

Meanwhile, a pair of sharp eyes stared at them. His face darkened as his hands clenched into fists holding back his emotion.