5| Charity Event (Part II )


It has been six months since Viola left me since she broke her marriage vow of staying beside me till my last breath. The day before the tragedy was her birthday and I still remembered her brightening countenance when I handed her the gift, a diamond-studded necklace with a pendant carved in heart shape with a picture of us two inside it. Her beautiful sea-green eyes were brimming with tears with a huge grin plastered on her face. Those eyes were enough to captivate me when I first saw her in a family dinner. She was looking breathtaking in her royal blue gown with her beautiful locks hanging on her temples. The dance, the kiss, the laughter, the merriments we shared were amazing and will always be treasured in my heart.

Flashbacks ~~

Knock knock...

"Come in", whispered Viola from inside. She has been getting dressed for the last two hours but still has some unfurnished business left. Well, you know woman and their makeup. 

When I opened the door and entered the room, my eyes fell on those sea-green orbs, and my breath hitched. She was looking mesmerizing in her royal blue gown. It fits her so perfectly. Her eyes are looking glamorous with her red-tinged lips.


Wow, is she for real? How can she look so gorgeous every time I look at her?

"Aaron", Viola nudged me while wiggling her eyebrows. Then I understood, she has been calling me for long.

Retreating from my thoughts, I said,


"How am I looking?", she asked while twirling around and eyes glowing with hope.

"Just breathtaking ", I whispered while looking from head to toe.

"Thank you", she whispered back while blushing hard.

I walked towards her and caresses her cheeks.

"Happy birthday sweetheart", I whispered in her ears.

"Thank you ", she smiled while fidgeting with her fingers.

I brought out the small box from behind and handed it to her.

"Wow!!", she grinned after opening it.

"Do you like it, love ?", I asked worriedly.

Will she like it? I don't know...

I guess she will or maybe not...

"I love it ", she grinned from ear to ear.

I sighed, after knowing her answer.

She hugged me tightly with her eyes glowing with sparkling happy tears.

"I love you", I kissed her forehead.

"I love you too", she sighed and rested her head on my chest.

Flashbacks ends~~

Yet, the very next day, the entire incident changed. Those brightening pink-tinged cheeks was now pale and lifeless. Those eyes which always captivates me, were now closed forever, snatching away my chances to stare at them giving speechless messages of love and affection. And those hands which held mine to reassure and comfort me is now covered with blood. The sanguinary, cold and pale body with blood splattered everywhere was enough to tear my heart apart into millions of pieces, which can never be remoulded.

These six months were the toughest time of my life and it's still now. Isn't it hard to continue living when your soul and only reason for living has been snatched away from you? It is ...

Today's charity event brings back all those memories when Viola used to be so excited and cherish today's event. It has always been her wish, to help the orphan children. Thus, she came with the idea of this event. Viola always manages the event with great care after all she loves children so much.

Halting my train of thoughts, I bumped with a black figure with a black mask.

"I'm sorry", he quickly said and left immediately towards the bar, without looking up at him.

I don't remember inviting anyone like him.

Who is he? Or why is he here? He looks unfamiliar.


I looked at the man suspiciously, standing in front of the bar. He is dressed in a black figure with a black mask, only revealing his deep-green eyes. When he caught me staring at him, he quickly paced backwards towards the exit. I started following him, but he speeds up his strides. He went out and took the left turn and disappeared in the pitch dark lane of the city.

I huffed down, on seeing his disappeared figure and started entering the event towards the bar. I strongly needed a drink. Who was the man? He is quite suspicious. I don't feel right about him. What he must be doing here?

Suddenly my glances fell on a piece of crinkled yellowish paper. I crooked my eyebrows and started opening it. My eyes darted on the letters written on it.

"Don't go after Martha 'cause she isn't the killer. See across the mask, and find the homicide. It can be MH, or LEO or someone close to you ."

What does it mean? Who is MH or LEO? How does someone know about Martha? I don't remember telling about her to anyone. Moreover who the hell is behind a mask? This is so confusing. Why anyone would even try to help me? Could it be that he is just messing with me? Or the seriousness is intense and I'm not getting it.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder and my breath hitched. Quickly turning back, my eyes fell on Bella. I quickly hide the paper behind me.

"Hey, what are you doing here?", Bella asked with her hands on my shoulder.

"Uhh... I... I came for a drink", I said while indicating the drink with my finger.

It doesn't seem like she gulped my lie, and started narrowing her eyes at me intensely. Under her intense gaze, my hands became sweaty and my mouth dried up.

Before she can question me any further, Aaron came to my rescue.

"Heya beautiful, what you two are doing here? Come and meet Ashton", he said and started dragging us towards Ashton.

"Hey, Kia!! After so long!!!", Ashton beamed and hugged me firmly. I chuckled and hugged him back.

Ashton Parker is a chestnut-haired, handsome guy of Aaron's age, with light blue- eyes. He is the head journalist in LIFE HOUSE GROUP. He is a close college friend of V. Soon, after her wedding, he also became a friend of Aaron. He had a crush in Viola, since his college days. But, because of her wedding with Aaron, he concluded to be only her friend. He was quite heartbroken after the truth of her marriage with Aaron dawned him. Yet, he decided to be always a good friend to her.

"Hello Bella dear, you too after so long! ", he said and they shared a side hug.

We all started talking when Aaron's phone ringed and he excused us.

"So, Kia! Any news regarding V?", he asked with hope in his eyes.

"Nothing much, but Mr King suspects Martha", I said while fidgeting with my fingers.

"Oh!! Martha!!", his eyes widened. "I have never thought she could do something like this".

I nodded and gave a sardonic smile.

My phone beeped with a call from Mr King.

"Hello, Ms Walters".

"Hello, Inspector ".

"Miss, can you come tomorrow once, at the police station, we found a lead from Martha".

Hearing about Martha, I instantly nodded my head. But realizing, that he cannot see me, I answered.

"Sure Mr King". I said.

"Thanks, Ms Walters", he said and cut the call.

To be continued...