6| A Revelation


I groaned while opening my eyelids. The warm sun rays are piercing into my room through the huge glass windows. The orange sunrays blend with the blue sky at the horizon, leaving behind a shade of morning atmosphere. My head was pounding with a bad headache after yesterday's event. Those anonymous letters, the black-masked man, everything is so confusing me. After the event, I came back home without telling any soul about those anonymous letters. I rummaged my brain for all the answers to my questions or at least to understand a bit about those words, but failed miserably.

I fisted my hair frustratingly while shutting my eyes tightly to subside the intense head pain. 

Suddenly, I heard the clinking sound near my doorframe. Ughh...Mom is coming...I must get up but I don't want to.

The clinking sound increased and then silence grasped the situation.

"Kiara Cassandra Watson!!! Get up now!!!", Mom shouted from behind the door.

I instantly opened my head and tried to get up but as always Miss Clumsy possessed me. I fell with my back and groaned with indignation.

"Yes mom, Coming", I shouted with intense head pain and a sore back.

"You better be ", mom growled and went away with the clinking sound subsiding.

Why is she infuriating? It's not so late I guess...then my eyes fell on the clock.

Oh God, it's freaking 11 am. I need to go to the police station too...

I ran into the shower and freshened up myself.

After getting dressed, I headed down.

"Good morning mom", I greeted her smilingly.

"Good morning ", she looked up at me without a smile.

"Umm...sorry mom. I was having a headache so I got late", I said looking down, fidgeting with my fingers.

"Aww...hun, how are you now?", her scowl expression changed into a look of concern. She left stirring the soup and looked up at me.

"I'm better now mom", I reassured her with a smile.

She sighed and smiled warmly at me.

"When are you going to the police station?", she asked while handing me the bowl of soup.

"Now, only after calling Aaron", I said while sipping my soup.

She nodded and smiled.

I shoved out my phone from my pocket and called Aaron.

He picked on the second ring.

"Hello", he sounded exhausted.

"Hello Aaron", I said cautiously, not wanting to disturb him.

"Hey sis, what's up", he chuckled, recognising my voice.

"Will you go to meet Mr King".

"Yeah, I'm heading towards your home ", he said.

"Ohh... okay", I chuckled and cut the phone.

After around half an hour, Aaron appeared at my doorframe.

"Ready?", he asked as soon as I opened the door.

I nodded smilingly and asked him to come inside but he politely refused.

I waved mom while they two shared their mom and son bond. Aaron has always been more like a son than a son-in-law for mom, and after V's death, their bond has got stronger. Mom has lost Viola, but Aaron has taken both of their places in her heart. She has looked after mom with great care and concern, after V's demise. We headed towards Aaron's car and seated ourselves.

" Aaron!! We can ask Mr King to meet us at the cafe rather than the police station", I asked with hesitation.

The mere thought of visiting the police station nauseates me. My last visit for the police station was not at all a pleasant one but was rather horrific. No, don't think I visited it for myself but something else. Well, that's a story for another time.

"Yeah, sure. As your wish Kia", he said sensing my discomfort.

I nodded with a grateful smile.

Shoving out my mobile phone, I dialled Mr King.

" Hello, Inspector", I greeted him.

"Hello, Ms Watson, when are you coming?", he answered in his deep voice.

"Inspector it will be very grateful if we can meet at any cafe rather than the police station", I proposed him with hesitation.

" Yeah, sure Ms Watson. I think Delilah's Cafe is best ", he asked from the other side.

" Yeah, that will be great. Thank you inspector", I said and cut the call.

"So, he agreed I guess", Aaron asked shifting his eyes towards me for a dram of second and again back on the road.

" Yep", I said popping the 'p'.

"But... Aaron, what do you think, he will tell us about Martha?", I asked him worriedly.

" Don't worry Kia", He tried to assure me with a smile which doesn't reach his eyes.

I nodded and looked outside the car's window.

Soon, after 20 minutes, we reached the cafe.

Entering the cafe, the heavenly aroma of a caffeine hit my nostrils, and I inundated into it. Looking around the decorated cafe with perfectly carved wooden tables and chairs and the beautiful chandelier enhance the glamour to the cafe. The beautiful decoration with flowers and the sweet aroma of baking add soul to the cafe. Ms Evans, the owner of the cafe, is a very sweet lady with her beautiful hazel eyes and motherly smile. She knows me and V since our school days. This was our favourite spot after school and every weekend.

"Hello Ms Evans ", I greeted her with a smile plastered on my face.

" Oh, hello Kiara dear, how are you", she asked with her blissful smile.

"I'm good, how about you?", I asked her tapping my fingers on the counter leisurely.

" I'm good too dear", she said with a warm smile.

"Well, Ms Evans gotta going and have my seat", I said her when I noticed the inspector entering the cafe.

" Yeah, sure dear. Have your seat and your fav cappuccino", she chuckled.

I laughed lightly and headed back to my seat, and found Aaron and Mr King greeting each other.

"Hello Inspector ", I shook his hand, greeting him.

"Hello Ms Watson", he said with a small smile.

"Have your seat, Mr King ", Aaron said to him.

" Well, Mr Smith and Ms Watson, I have interrogated Ms Martha and we got a surprising evidence...", he trailed off while I am drowning in anticipation.

"Is she the one?", Aaron asked the one question which is stirring inside my stomach since the time Mr King said about Martha and her footsteps.

Me King shooked his head.

" No, we have cross-checked but whatever she said is true", he continued. "That night when Mrs Viola was murdered, Ms Martha visited to ask her for leave to visit her grandson who was miserably suffering from typhoid. When she was walking down the corridor, the shrieking sound of Viola from library frightened her. She rushed towards the library. She noticed a black-masked figure in black clothes and Viola are brawling and the figure roughly fisted her hair and she shrieked, but the strange thing was the figure didn't utter a single sound. The figure tried to strangle her but she dug her heels on the shoes of the figure. Martha was seeing all this and packing up all her courage, she walked towards the figure. She thrashed the head and tried to drag the figure but he/she was fast enough to hold the vase and hit Viola's head and she fell on the ground with blood splattered everywhere. Martha shrieked and tried to unmask the figure but failed and the figure strangled her. She breathed hard and only noticed a pair of dark hazel eyes with a deep cut on the forehead which may need few stitches and would leave behind a permanent scar and after that, she blacked out. When she opened her eyes next day, she was lying on the bed of her daughter's house and her grandson passed away and because of which she couldn't confront us but she said she tried to contact us but her mobile couldn't be found. We checked all your house CCTV and also near the roadside and found a black figure dragging the unconscious body of Martha into a white car and drove away. Even the number board of the car was also missing. We visited her village to know the truth but they confirmed her words", he narrated us the entire incident and all about their investigation.

Hearing all those, caused my blood rush inside my veins fast with my hairs on the back of my neck stood up. The entire incident somewhat seemed like a planned professionals murder, more like the filmy style.

I looked up at Aaron who was gaping with a hanging mouth towards Mr King. He was equally flabbergasted as me.

All these seemed to be a fictitious story but is freaking true

Omg!! A planned murder.

To be continued...