chpt 5

Kelly cracked open his eyes, still feeling fatigued and groggy. The bed was cool and the sheets empty, the familiar heat not at his back. He turned his head, blonde hairs sticking up in random directions, Eminem wasn't in bed or in the room. He felt a pang in his heart, slight pain, he wanted to wake up with him, he shook his head, no it's enough even being around him, but his attention was redirected. His body was sticky, but it didn't ache, thankful that Marshall didn't set out a murderous pace. He buried his head into a plush pillow blushing mad at the thoughts of yesterday. He really likes Eminem, he's surprisingly sweet and all around great, it's just that Kelly can't find any reason as to why Enimen likes him. He did say he was cute, the fact that Eminem thinks he is attractive makes his heart giggle, if his looks are the only reason he likes him, Kelly can live with that, his personality isn't the best and he can agree. Kelly hasn't had sex in a while, but what Eminem served was most definitely the best he ever had. He remembers just how many times they had kissed, Eminem had used so much tongue and care, Kelly remembered his touch, the trail of his touches going down his skin, he felt his shame grow heat in his gut. His stomach flips with anxiety, he doesn't feel he deserves such niceness from him, Eminem deserves someone better. Kelly does consider himself an ass, as does everyone else he meets, he feels incredibly spoiled just being near him, how does Eminem tolerate him. Everything in Eminem's house fit together, the extravagant furniture and modern decorations, everything fancy and expensive, the only out of place thing there was him. The door was suddenly kicked open, Kelly snaps his head from the pillow, frightened. Marshall was at the door with two big plates of double stacked waffles, eggs and bacon, balancing them as he neared the bed. He sets a plate down for Kelly and one himself, he handed Kelly a bundled napkin with a knife and fork.

"While you were sleeping I ordered some breakfast."

A blinding smile on Marshall, absolutely wreaking Kelly's train of thought, Kelly forgot just how sexy he is upclose. Kelly's mouth watered and the sight of food, he hadn't eaten a full meal in about a day, at this point Marshall is going to make him cry. He was thinking about him and getting food, twice! None of his friends have even done that once. Why would someone as great as Marshall worry himself over futile issues such as me being hungry, though it would be rude to bring it up. Kelly turns to sit up, crossing his legs, palms to the bed between his legs.

"T-thank you!"

They begin to eat, Marshall watching Kelly hold his waffle like a taco as he packed it with syrup. Marshall strokes his beard, still eyeing Kelly.

"So, I have a question."

Kelly hummed in response, Marshall cleared his throat.

"Why did you leave like that a few days ago?"

Kelly squeaks, his face flooding red, nervously stuttering.

"I-im... soo sorry! I kinda got freaked out... after s-spending a night here, and I was s-scared a-and confused 'n stuff..."

Kelly mumbled off, pouting his pink lips. Damn, he is insanely adorable, instantly desolving all the tension he felt earlier.

"Hey, it's okay, dude I'm not like forcing you to be here, you can leave when ever you like."

Takeing a bite out of his eggs, waving his hand at Kelly.

"But this time I actually want to stay!"

The enthusiasm in his voice is melting Marshall, fuck I'm going to die early from a heart attack. Kelly takes a big bite from his waffle, syrup dripping down his chin and soaking his fingers, mid-chew Marshall looks at Kelly and nearly chokes on his food. Kelly was licking at his lips and swiping his tongue over his fingers, sucking at them. Marshall tried to pry his eyes from him, but it's too entrancing. Kelly catches his look, realizing what he's doing while licking the length of his finger, unintentionally being erotic.

"Oh god, I wasn't trying to- um."

To Marshall, it was so entertaining to see Kelly freak out all shy.

Marshall puts a large hand on Kelly's knee, rubbing his thumb over the flesh.

"Does your body hurt anywhere? I tried to be cautious."

Kelly blushes red, averting his eyes while toying with his fingers.

"I-i'm fine... just my guts kinda feel weird 'n all."

Kelly lied, his chest was really tender, stinging even.

They finished their plates, Marshall stacking the used dishes on his night stand

"You want to take a shower together?"

Kelly makes a shocked 'huh?'.

"I mean I already have seen your body."

Marshall chuckled. Kelly huffed in silence, blushing lightly, they both knew that he also would really enjoy the time with Marshall.


Kelly is standing in Marshall's bathroom, hugging a a small long towel, across his chest to his crotch. They were brushing their teeth at the sink, gargling mouthwash and rinsing their mouths. Kelly kept peeking over at Marshall. He almost can't handle looking at Marshall naked, he was really jacked, and his dick was big even when soft, how the hell did he manage to fit it in himself? Why would Marshall even want me, I'm not particularly feminine or pretty? He is so nice and attractive. Marshall starts the shower, looking back to Kelly, how is he so effortlessly sexy? Ah... his legs are so pretty. Marshall reaches for Kelly's hand and leads him to the shower, Kelly drops his towel on the sink counter as he follows him. In the shower there was a large bench, both of them sat on it, steam developing around them. Kelly kept having his eyes wander back and forth from Marshall to the floor, he swallowed thickly. Marshall lathered up two hand towels and handed one to Kelly. The hot water rained on them as they scrubbed themselves. Kelly rubbed at his arms and legs, washing up his stomach and lower back, he winced as he reached his chest, his puffy nipples an agitated red. Marshall subtly watched as Kelly gingerly washed around his chest, purposely avoiding the sore areolas.

"Hmm~ ah~"

Marshall smirked as he pulled Kelly closer to him, pressing their lips together, draping his arms on his waist. Kelly was freaking out, it was so much more to handle Marshall when he was sober. Marshall propped his head in the crook of his neck, licking at the skin.

"I thought you said you weren't hurt anywhere?"

"I k-know just... it's embarrassing.."

Marshall leans Kelly back, hands on his waist, supporting his back, making the water run down his head, the soap residue dripping down with the water over his chest and stomach. He pulls Kelly in closer, propping his legs over the tops of his thighs. Marshall kisses down his neck, Kelly moans tilting his head, opening more space. Marshall's ears greedily eat up all Kelly's sounds, egging him to tease the lanky blonde more. He ghosts his lips down to his chest, brushing his lips on one of his nipples. Kelly grips the back of Marshall's head.


Marshall parts his lips and uses his hot tongue to lick up the puffy nipple, the flat of the tongue massaging the flesh. He slowly sucks as he studies Kelly's face, red and covering his mouth with his hand. Eyes shut tight, sharp gasps sneaking past his hand. He switched to the other nipple, slipping his hands up the span of his silky thighs, roughly cupping his ass. Kelly curses softly, bitting his lips, Marshall gives his nipple a last lick before nudging Kelly's hand out of the way and claiming his lips in a gentle kiss. Marshall's fingers trace his crack, a finger prodding his hole. He plunges it to the hilt, warm cum oozing out around it. Kelly breaks the kiss, gasping.


Due to the hole being worked last night it was considerably loose, another finger added with ease, scissoring at the walls as they crook into his prostate, making him jut his pelvis. He pushes Kelly down on his back, crossing his thighs over one and other and hooking his calves over his shoulder, hugging the supple thighs to his chest. Marshall retracts his fingers and fists his throbbing dick, he inserts it between his thighs, pressed tight against his dick, slipping in, to shadow over Kelly's dick. Marshall locks a hand with Kelly's and with his other he locks the legs in place. Marshall rocks his hips, igniting sparks in Kelly's groin. Kelly moans out as Marshall starts a slow pace, grinding hard on his member. Their dicks slick together, the hot cloudy mist aiding to the feel. Marshall's hips slap hard into the back of Kelly's thighs. He grunts loudly in unison with Kelly's moans, kissing deeply, wet and messy. Marshall shutters his twitching dick rutting over Kelly's as he whimpers. Kelly's stomach spasms as he squealed, his pink little dick drenched with pre. Marshall quickens to a bruising speed, sucking on Kelly's lips as he curses.


Marshall exhaled huskily on Kelly's neck, listening to his small moans. Kelly wailed as he came, Marshall following after him with a deep growl. They both cum streams of white, landing on Kelly's stomach. Marshall, breathing hard as he hunched over Kelly, who's eyes are lidded over and red in the face. Marshall smiles as Kelly hesitantly reached up for a kiss, his arms draping over his neck. They stay like that for a comfortable minute before untangling themselves and finishing off their shower. They towel off their bodies and he hands Kelly a Large, fluffy robe. Marshall then pulls on his tee, underwear and sweat pants. Marshall rubs a towel in his hair as he side stares at Kelly slipping his arms through the sleeves of the robe, securing it to cover his lower waist.

"So, when you wore the lingerie I gave you, did you like it?"

A cocky smirk on his lips as he asks the obvious question. Kelly blushes a bit while he pouts looking down, he forgot that Marshall had walked in on him.


"Well, I have like a bunch of women's clothes that my past girlfriends have left here, I haven't really gotten to throwing them out."

Kelly felt excitement race in his veins, he almost didn't want to admit how good it felt to hear that. He can't fathom the pain of going into a store looking for women's clothes in his size to feel out his new interest of clothing.



Kelly wore a pale pink pair of high waisted spandex shorts, a pastel pink crop top sweater, and pink and white striped knee highs. Kelly admired the color scheme, fawning over the feminine style. He shakily opened the bathroom door, a nervously wide grin plastered on his red face as he steps out. Marshall sat on the bed, awaiting Kelly to finish dressing.

"That looks amazing on you!"

Marshall couldn't help the huge smile on his face as he saw Kelly, the pink suited him so well, despite Kelly being a dude, he could pull of anything and it would look great. The pink outfit was heart stoppingly adorable, his hands clasped and unclasped wanting to hold Kelly's waist.

Kelly felt his eyes rake up and down his frame as he stood, he planted his face in his palms.

"You've done so much for me and all I have been doing is eating and taking gifts from you."

"Trust me it's fine, I love doing it."

Kelly couldn't help giggling and smiling as Marshall hugged his front, rocking his body back and forth in a chaotic hug. Marshall shot his hands behind Kelly to fill his palms with his ass, squeezing the mass with his fingers and giving it a playful smack.


Kelly gasped surprised, giving Marshall a flustered scowl, struggling to get out of his grasp.


A joyful and cheeky jingle to his voice.

Later in the day Kelly was scrolling his insta feed, nothing but sugary sweet recipes tempting him for some cookies, but this time he wants to make some from scratch. He walks from his room to Marshall's studio, knocking softly on the door. A muffled come in echoed from behind the door. Cracking the door open, Popping in his fluffy head of blonde hair, Marshall, now in a great mood, rests his head on his fist, looking fondly at Kelly.

"Heyy~ Can I use your Kitchen?"

Marshall raises an eyebrow.

"Uhh... sure go ahead, clean your mess?"

"Yes! Okay bye!"

After an hour of preparing ingredients, sifting through recipes, and mixing all the items into a dough, he had created a mini mountain of dishes. He finished balling up the cookie dough, filling two greased trays up, and setting them in a preheated oven. He was covered in flour, somehow getting it in his hair, he changes his clothes, and prepares himself for the most cleaning he has done in years. Fingers now prune-y and nasty, but all dishes cleaned, dried and put away. He wiped down the table with a cloth as the oven timer went off, cleaning off the rag and hanging it to dry on the dishwasher's handle, he slipped his hands into some oven mits. Plopping the insanely hot metal trays down on the marble table, impatiently watching YouTube as they cooled. Once he was able to touch them without getting burned, he peeled off the crispy treats and placed most of them in a large zip lock bag, leaving at least six left. He retrieves a plate and a cup of milk, stacking three cookies on the ceramic dish. Washing and drying the trays, returning them to their designated areas. He stalks carefully to where Marshall worked, manging to use his shoulder to press down on the door handle.

"Buenos Dias good sir, I'm here to pay my respects to my care taker!-"

Marshall was confused and mortified, Kelly left in a dash, quickly and mildly setting a plate and cup on his work desk. Bolting out of the door but quietly clicking the door closed. A delicious smell waffs in the air, he turns back to his desk. A plate of cookies and a cup of milk in front of him. His heart fucking HURTS, he wasn't expecting Kelly to make him something. It's been so long since someone has made him food, he takes a bite out of the crispy cookies. It tastes heavenly, his mouth can feel the effort he put in the cookies. He gulps down some milk.

"Thank you! They taste great!"

Kelly is so randomly adorable.

Kelly heard Marshall from his room, a dopey smile on him, pleased with Marshall's reaction. Felling a little accomplished he had finally done something for him. Though he was mischevious. He had purposefully distracted Marshall while he raided his closet for a hoodie, sneakily stuffing it in his luggage bag.

Marshall somehow let him stay for an entire four weeks, spent binging movies and messing around, screaming horrible dad jokes at each other. The time flew fast, everyday feeling as if it only lasted an hour, not nearly enough time in a day to satisfy them. Hours filled of random talk, so evident of how infatuated they are with each other. Holding hands and kissing endlessly, nights of fancy dinners at the house and Kelly exclusively wearing women's clothes for his stay. Kelly can't belive that he is this close with Marshall, like a wet dream and a miracle come true. He was even better than what Kelly imagined he would be. His younger self would have never believed he was able to be so close with his idol.


"Alright we're here."

Marshall parked in the front of the airport, crowds of business people waving in every direction. Kelly placed his hand over Marshall's, disappointment etched over him.

"Thank you for driving me."

His baby blue eyes misted over sadly, his lips pressed in a fine line.

"Good bye."

The words left a bitter taste, it was too soon, he didn't want to leave, but he was getting custody of his daughter for the month, promising himself he'd always be there for her. He reached for his car door and paused.

"I'll still be able to see you? Right?"

The question left his lips trembling, a frown forming.

"Of course anytime"

Marshall gave his hand a comforting squeeze, Kelly's pout turning up. Kelly gives him a quick peck and jumps out of the car with his bag, slamming his door. Kelly gave him no time to respond before he left, leaving him winded in the car, a half smile on his face. Kelly waved in his departure, running into the large building, needing to be on time for his flight. Marshall watched him enter the building before he unparked his car and reversed out. Steadily driving out of the parking area to exit the airport to the road back to his house. He had grown so accustomed to Kelly's presence, seeing his feathery blonde hair and blue eyes, hearing his weird laugh, it's almost foreign how quiet it is. Marshall was already missing the spunky kid, the air around him feels so empty without his sassy remarks. Shifting looks from the road to the passenger seat next to him, he didn't want Kelly to leave, but settled on the fact they both have responsibilities to tend to. His calm expression melting into an annoyed one, unable to fight off the possessive selfishness festering in him. It was more painful than he would admit seeing Kelly leave.

"It's fine, we'll still call each other."

A little insecurity formed in the back of his head, what if he doesn't want to talk anymore, what happens if he leaves like Kim. He starts to sweat, his breathing and heart rate picking up. He forcefully swallows down his suffocating fear. He gives the steering wheel a death grip, no there are not the same person, if it doesn't work with Kelly it's okay, some people just don't mix well. He blinks back the pricking burn in his eyes while exhaling, wanting nothing more than to indulge himself in his music, giving him no time to think about this.
