chpt 6

The room's curtains were pulled tight over the large panes of glass. The only light in the dark was illuminated by a cellphone. Kelly laid hunched on his side, on his bed huddled under a dark plush throw. The large seal sandwiched between his milky thighs, the head of the animal tucked under his chin, his arms pressing it flush to his body beneath the comfy blanket. Ever since he got home from Detroit, he stuck Marshall's hoodie on the seal, sniffing and hugging it when ever he started to miss him. He stared blankly at his phone, studying the last texts.

Marshall: Goodnight, hope you sleep well.

He sighed as he ducked his head onto the seal, the familiar husky scent hitting home, just hardly calming his anxiety. During the first two weeks of when he returned to his house with Casie also with him, he sufficiently distracted himself with her to forget about Marshall, and it worked. From watching more movies, listening to music together, just hanging out casually. God, he loved his sweet daughter, she really is the best kind of distraction. Though he did get calls and texts from Marshall, his attention elsewhere. The third-week rolls around, and she's off to her moms, with no more Casie to avert his emotional state, each emotion and thought is in a 100 car pile-up, he's a mess. Yeah, Marshall has been calling him at least once a day and sprinkled in a few texts, it was enough earlier, but now, it's barely enough to keep him factual. He misses Marshall's soft short hair, his pretty eyes, his big rough hands, and that raspy deep voice of his. He's going crazy. But he needed to swallow the reality, he needs to stay in his hometown for the next month or two, working hard on albums and going to different places around town for a couple of interviews. Kelly shut the phone off, he shouldn't be up this late, he needs to be up early. His heart beats painfully slow, his mouth and skin dry, his skin crawls with the need just the feel Marshall. He drags a hand over his face, rubbing at his sore eyes.

"Stop being selfish... he has a life, you're not a priority."

As the month pans out, Kelly is working hard on his songs, constructing an album, trying his damnedest not to think about Marshall. He finally gets time to take a break and breathe, exited he can finally text or call Marshall for a little bit longer. Unfortunately Marshall was working on an album not too long after Kelly just finished off the last song, Kelly was lucky to get a short text here and there.

Kelly is completely shattered. He can't stand this silence. It's been too long since he's heard Marshall and he's to shy to talk to him about it. He's iching all over, craving for some type of touch, begging for Marshall. He's like a messed up tornado of suppressed horny-ness, depression and fear. And with this stupid equation equals a desperate Kelly dry humping the seal, grinding against it in some elastic women's shorts. Burying his face into the hoodie, upon days of having the jacket, the scent was fading, it terrified Kelly that he can't smell Marshall any more. His dicks dripping inside some restrictive panties, he bawls his fists into the sheets, out of breath and sweaty, shaking from anxiety and exertion.


He shutters as his hips rub his dick harder onto the plush animal. He yanks down his shorts in one motion and licks two fingers, slicking them up and reaching out behind his back and pressing them on his hole. He whimpers as he pushes them in, the fingers brushing his prostate. He bites his lip as he spreads the fingers apart and sinks them in further.


He thrusts them in and out whilst streatching himself in an animalistic way, breathing heavy out of his mouth like a dog as his tongue peaked out over his bottom lip. He pumps them fast, adding a third, driving them against his prostate. He moans lustfully, arching his back, his legs being to tremble. Pleasure tingles down his thighs, boiling and pressuring in his gut. He pummels his entrance for what seemed like an eternity, his strained wet dick not any closer to releasing. His wrist tires out, haulting his motions, his head falls to the sheets, sweaty and bright red.


He dips his finger tips into his prostate, electricity sparks hotly from his hole, encasing his entire body in heat.

He hisses as the hair on his neck raises, other hand furiously jacking himself. A bit back whimper slides out as he managed out a less than mediocre spurt. This isn't working anymore, he's tired, muscles burning from this work out. He reluctantly gets up to the bathroom to wash his hands, drying them and falls back to his bed. All his pent-up sexual frustration won't go away, he hasn't been able to make himself cum in weeks. His hole his aching to be stretched by anything, wanting that burn. He knows he doesn't have anything cylindrical, long or thick to help him, he chokes down his embarrassment. Maybe a sex toy will help? His face gets a bit heated as he picks his phone back up, opening up Google.

"Something with fast shipping..."

Adam and Eve.


His eyes are overwhelmed by the sheer amount of dildos and vibrators. He for sure knows he is not getting something big, under baked medium or a small would be fine. He swipes his thumb down the catalog, a saddle like machine catches his eye. Multiple speeds with a small rotating dick. He shyly put it into his cart checking out immediately. Regret sinks into his gut, blushing crazily at how desperate he is.


He crams his face into the bed, fuming, the coiling heat in his gut gradually dispersing. He wraps himself in his blanket. Come on get a grip, you're better than this. He hates that he is acting like a girl, all blush-y and flustered over someone. How come it was never like this when he was with other girls. Haaa... what the fuck is this?


Two days worth of being down and having crying fits, has led him to this.


The white rod in his ass vibrated violently in him, sparking nerves and hitting his prostate repeatedly. Headphones on, blasting godzilla, his long thighs hardly able to staddle the saddle like motor. Marshall's deep yet silky voice making his cock stand taller, pink and slathered in precum. Lube caked both the smooth surface of the machine and his dick and ass. Riding the stick in full nudity, he was huffing out high moans, a trembling hand holding his phone, a photo of Marshall brightly being portrayed. He leans back and rolls his hips, fucking harder onto the fake dick. His eyes flutter shut as he bites his tongue, hands whitening as he claws at the base of the motor beneath him.

"Oh-... shiiit~ ....e-em~!"

He arches deeply, the coiling heat in his core building, he chokes as his body freezes up. Images of Marshall flash in his mind, holding Kelly, stroking his body, kissing him ever so gently, melting him whole, and ramming his dick into him. Kelly loved how nice Marshall is, his ice like eyes staring lovingly down at him as he took him in bed. A tingling warmth waves down his stomach, flushing over the tops of his thighs, his toes curling. Kelly wants to hear Marshall once more, having him kiss Kelly as he nears his orgasm, and hold hands, feeling his scratchy beard as he gives Kelly a blowjob.


His thighs clamp to the machine, his hole constricting on the dildo, he crouches over his legs, cumming hard with a mini yelp. It strung from his heaving chest, the white substance tribbling down the crease of his legs.

He turned off the motor, his hole still sensitive and twitching. He used a nearby skin wipe to clean himself.

Falling down from his high, he still feels empty. His eyes look back to the picture of Marshall on his phone, intimidating and alluring, his cold gaze stirring a tremor up his spine. Like most days he feels alone, but this kind of loneliness seems to eat away at his mind. He cusses as his eyes start to burn.

"Grow the fuck up, don't be needy, Marshall doesn't need to deal with that."

He angrily swipes away his tears, his shame streaming down his face. As much as he tried to stop and convince himself, he can't help the selfish and obsessive thoughts of Marshall. He wants to mean something significant to him. All his self-deprecating thoughts wash a subtle sadness over him. Is it too much to ask to see him?


A week passes. Marshall hasn't called since last week. Kelly's brain wouldn't shut up, What if Marshall is ghosting? Was I being played? and much more insane thoughts that didn't make sense. And like every time his emotions get the best of him, he smokes weed and drinks his feelings away. The same routine. His diet consists of nothing but monsters and beers, the bottles scattered all over the floor. Splayed out on his bed, smoking a fat blunt the length of a pencil. The ash-tray on his nightstand full of blunt and cigarette butts. His eyes dry and bloodshot, mind blank, having not slept in the last two days. He hot boxed himself in the room,

a thick fog floating in the air, disoriented and numb, to high and drunk to move. He can see the light from the corners of the blinds shifting to a blue-ish gold, practically the only light in the night black room, his alarm blinking 11 a.m. His mouth is gravel like, his joints and thighs aching, and his dick is sore. To couple with spending his time being kinda depressed, he masturbated the days away. The saddle still on the floor and the bottle of lube uncapped, he has been riding it every day, only ending his sessions when his legs were too weak to lift his weight. A small mountain of soiled wipes with cum stains covering each one. His phone rang, the alien like ringing cut the air, Kelly's heart jumped out of his chest, springing to sit up, he frantically searches for his phone in the sheets. A scared smile on his face, his mind chanting Marshall's name in hope. He pulled up the covers and snatched his phone, the sudden light blinding him, he blinks his eyes into focus, Marshall's name flashing on the call. He starts to grin stupidly wide, his dull eyes now beaming with joy, blood pumping fast. He bites down his smile, breathing deep for a second, calm down, don't be weird. He answers the call with a quick click.


His voice broke as he spoke, his speech ending in a very high pitch. He clears his throat, embarrassment prickling up his spine.

"Hey! I'm so sorry I wasn't able to talk to you much, work got a bit hectic, and I got really busy with signing deals. How'd you sleep?"

Marshall smiled as he spoke, currently driving in a car while on call, exchanging glances from the road back to Kelly. Kelly wipes a sweaty hand on his bed, he forgets just how frighteningly attractive Marshall is, even in a casual hoodie and hat.

"Oh- um.. okay."

"I'd hope so... Uh- Are you free today?"

Kelly definitely didn't plan on having any friends over, and he had already finished all his album work.

"I don't have anything planed-"

"Great! I was in Cleave Land for an interview, which I just did... and since I'm in town, I was wondering if you would like to eat out with me?"

FUUUUCK- Kelly scanned his room, he is so fucked, he is super high and maybe drunk and his room is destroyed. Regardless of wether he is intoxicated or not, he is not missing this opportunity.


"Perfect, I'm already driving to your house, just be ready once I get there. In about an hour I'll be there."

"Wait! How do you know where I live?"

"Dude your address is posted all over the internet."

"Oh, yeah- sorry."

"It's good, see you in a bit. Bye~"


Marshall hangs up and Kelly goes into a frenzy. Fuck my room is gross, I feel gross and smell gross, fuck! This is fucked, I'm so fucked. His drunken self wobbles out of bed as steadily as he can manage, his thighs are fire while walking. Retrieving a garbage bag and clumsily collected all the empty cans and bottles, dumping the contents of his ash tray into the bag aswell. It's like he's looking through beer goggles and walking on uneven stilts, he can't think, just the broiling pumping of blood and the need to be quicker. Once the room was clean, he ran into the shower, sanitizing every inch of his body. He rubbed a dry towel over his damp body, patting out the droplets, and hobbled to his dresser fully nude. Formal? Casual? Semi formal or casual? Fancy? He massaged around his eyes, a massive head ache pounding his skull. He's seeing doubles, his vision moving in confusing circles.

"Fuck it-"

He pulled on some faded ripped black jeans, his uncoordinated hands sifting through the shirts, pinching out a loose gray button up. He managed to smooth out his clothes, straightening out his collar and shirt cuffs.

He examined himself in a mirror, combing a hand over his bleach blonde hair, I don't really look high, I look a little better than decent. He slips on some socks and popped his feet into some designer sneakers. A migraine was still hammering in his heard, his stomach hurt from all the beer, his energy levels were off because of the monster, hands and feet vibrating. He rummaged through his drawer, finding some Tylenol, swallowing it dry. Fuck he needed to put away his sex toys. Right as he reached out to pick up the motor, a loud ring from his door caught his attention. Kelly freezes up, his blood dropping cold. FUCK.


He paced back and forth, Do I look okay? Fuck, will I act weird? What if I do something he doesn't like? His heart rate picks up, an itching developing under his skin, anxiety swirling hazardously in his head. He bends down and sticks an arm into the bottom drawer in his dresser, fishing out a little baggie of white powder. He holds the bag, unsure. His tongue feeling unnaturally heavy in his mouth. I only need it for this once, and thats it, i'll throw it out later. He shakes out an unwieldy line on his nightstand, sniffing up the white residue.

"*COUGH* ha-*COUGH* shit!-"

The drug kicks in immediately, his pupils dilating to the size of quarters, he can hear his heart beating and the circulation of his blood, a slight sweat developing. Okay, I'm okay I'm ready. He wipes his nose as he reaches for his phone and runs to his front door, pulling the door wide.

"Ha!- I'm -ha- sorry- for the wait."

Marshall is standing before him in all his glory, wearing the same scheme of clothing, hoodie and sweats. Seeing his sweet smile after so long has Kelly screaming on the inside. Marshall chuckled jokingly.

"You're always apologizing. Are you ready to go? I reserved us a place for this afternoon."

Kelly anxiously followed Marshall to his car, sitting beside him in the front seats. Marshall reversed and exited Kelly's drive way and began to drive to the city. Marshall glances worryingly at Kelly's slightly hunched and pale figure.

"How's your month been?"

"Uh- G-good."

Kelly cringed at the uncertainty in his tone, stop asking for attention, sound a bit more normal. Kelly tapped his finger tips at the tops of his knees, sporadically blinking his eyes, surges of caged energy making his muscles jump. Marshall used a hand to place on Kelly's upper thigh, thumbing the fabric, hearing his sharp gasp and feeling him twitch at his touch. Marshall knit his brows, this was odd, Kelly's always weird in a cute sense, but this is different.

"All right... I rented a closed room booth for lunch, it'll just be us there, I'm pretty sure there won't be any paparazzi."

Maybe Kelly's all worried being seen with me. It will ruin both our careers if word gets out we're seeing each other.

Other. Luckily most of Kelly's tattoos are covered by his sleeves, but the trade mark double x's behind his ear are very distinctive. Marshall wore very general apparel, he looks like every other white dude on the streets, hoodie and sweats.

He slows the car when they near a red light, he took this moment to use his hand from the wheel and dig in his pocket for his glasses. He's less know for wearing glasses, this will help complete his vague white trash look. Marshall continued to drive.

Kelly trained his eyes on the large hand on his thigh, the warm imprint practically melting him. The fingers were a hair away from his crotch, which was steadily starting to fill. He forced himself to look away, his vision pointed straight at the road. He peaked at Marshall, when did he put glasses on? Kelly smiled, it kinda makes him look like a nerd... Kelly's grin dimmed, the air around him turning into a suffocating heat. The dark metal framed glasses accent his eyes nicely, how does Marshall manage to look hot even in geeky glasses.

Marshall pulls into an under ground parking lot, a towering skyscraper perched on top. He pulls up to the booth in the front of the lot.


He rolls down his window, and one of the tux uniformed men walks up, the clack of his polished leather shoes bouncing off the concrete walls .

"Mr. Mathers?"

Marshall hands him a black business card.


"Now sir, If you would hand me your keys, I'll be parking the car in slot g on the fourth row in the back."

Marshall and Kelly exit the vehicle and walk towards the modern and sleek elevators.

"Where did you book us for lunch?"

Kelly was already bugging out, fuck I don't want him to spend too much on me. Marshall shrugs, smirking as he intertwines his fingers with Kelly's, who tenses up on contact, gushing red.

"You'll see when we get there."

Kelly is rendered silent as they board the elevator, his hand limp in Marshall's. As the assend to the upper floors, Kelly realizes he is in a glass elevator, he can see all the employees hustling down halls. He spins his head around, checking the people. He starts to bite the nail of his other hand, his unnerved blue eyes scattering around.

"H-hey we're in public... what if someone sees?!"

Marshall scoffs.

"It's okay, this place is way too high end for paparazzi to stalk up, I know the staff, they are professional. I promise you there won't be any picture taking."

Marshall kisses the hand he is holding, making Kelly jolt. He narrows his eyes at Kelly.

"You... don't want to hold hands?"

Kelly waves his other hand fast with his fingers spread out.

"What? NONONO! I like this, please hold my hand."

Marshall messes up Kelly's hair, patting down the locks.

"You're cute."

Kelly lost his breath, at this point he's going to pass out. The bell in the elevator dings, they walk out and Marshall tugs Kelly in the direction of a stylish French restaurant, well dressed butler like waiters held at the entrance with menus. In the front area was a short red carpet, tall white windows with navy blue interior curtains that portrayed a clear view of the working staff in the kitchen. Marshall hands the butler a black card, who opens the door for the both of them.

"Follow me please, I'll get you two seated right away."

The waiter walks all the way down the hallway, taking a right, and slides open a door. Both Kelly and Marshall are ushered in, the door is closed quickly. Kelly was puzzled, pointing to the door.

"Isn't he supposed to... you know, take our orders?"

Marshall releases his hand from Kelly's, slotting it on the small of his back, pushing his toward the table in the middle of the room, Kelly reluctantly sits in his red leather seat parallel to Marshall's, who also seats himself. Kelly spots a metal trolley full of 6 covered metal dishes.


I'm stupid, of course it's a serve your self restaurant. Marshall rubs his hand together, exhaling loudly.

"So... I don't really remember what I ordered, but, Go crazy, eat whatever you find."

Expensive foods like escargot, caviar, wagyu beef steaks, creamy soups, a thick chocolate cake slice and decadent garlic bread sticks. They talked over the delicious food, about the music business and what they have been working on lately. After about an hour they finish the meal, Kelly ate too much, awkwardly positioning himself to put off the pressure in his gut.

"Fuck... Thanks this was great, bruh the food was awesome."

"I don't mind spending my money... hey! There's an entrance to a mall on the first floor, wanna check it out?"

Kelly hasn't left the house in an eternity, he could do with some spending. Being this still is causing his to be fidgety, his foot jumping up and down.

"Um... sure?"


They hiked down the tile floor in the mall, unbothered people swarming past, all the talking balling up into an inaudible ambiance. Sadly they couldn't hold hands, but Kelly wasn't going to let that ruin his day, he has waited too long to see Marshall. Kelly lingered at a particular shop, this store had a wide variety of simplistic yet cute designer clothing. Marshall paused behind Kelly.

"Wanna go in?"

"Ah, no, I'd be weird for me to go in, six foot dude in a girly store."

"I'll buy it for you."

He nods his head upwards, signaling to the far side exterior of the store.

"Wait out here, anything particular."

"You'd really do that?!"

He fiddles with his fingers.

"l-I don't really know what to get"

Marshall stuffs his hand in his hoodie pocket, another fixing his glasses.

"I've been in a shit ton of girl's clothes stores, I'll pick something out for you."

Kelly waits outside the store, feeling super spoiled, heart beating in his throat. He's doing so much for me, his mouth twitches up into a shy smile, fuck I'm happy.

Not even 15 minutes later, Marshall is jogging out of the store carrying two bags, catching his breath as he aproched Kelly.

"Fuck-! They kept looking at me like I was a sex offender."

Kelly scoffed.

"This better be worth it."

"Can I see what you got?"

Kelly outstretched a hand to one of the bags. Marshall cheekily pulled his arms back, the bags out of Kelly's reach. He gave off a smug look, making himself look incredibly handsome.

"Nah, it's a surprise."

Kelly pouted, fuck he can't bring himself to mad at Marshall.

They later found an old arcade, ecstatic, Marshall spent a hundred on tokens, boasting how he is a god at pac man.

"Yeah right old man, sure your hands can still work the stick."

Marshall's eyes darkened, getting up close to Kelly, who visibly is blushing hard, Kelly leans away bringing his hands up to protect his face.

"Your going to eat your words."

He backs off of Kelly, half laughing at Kelly's reaction. He was frowning deeply, now thanks to Marshall he has to sport a chubby. 16 games later, Marshall had raked up a mountain of tickets, Kelly's drugged out ass losing every round, he can't even focus on the game, though he is sure even if he was sober, Marshall would have beaten him regardless.

"Shit you are good."

Kelly sulked in the little bar stool at the arcade game.

"Yeah bish! Fucking rich."

Marshall marches past various aisles of classic games to the prize booth in the back, with his earnings, exchanging them for a large blue rabbit stuffed animal. He dumps the prize onto Kelly.

"You spent all your tickets on me?"

The rabbit in his hands was very long, blue cross stitched eyes and mouth with a purple ribbon on its neck. Kelly tilts his head up from where he was sitting, his eyes locking with Marshall's, no girl he's dated ever had that look in their eyes when he gave them gifts, Marshall is angelic, just too holy for Kelly to have.

In the distance Marshall and Kelly start to hear hushed chatter, Eminem being questioned in their conversation. Marshall starts to move his body to cover Kelly from the arcade entrance, telling him to hush, using another arm to box him in. Out of the corner of Marshall's peripheral vision, three more add to the group forming a few lengths away from the arcade. I fucking swear to god, the one day he actually wanted to go outside, this happens.

Kelly eyebrows draw inward, he tilts his head off to the side around Marshall, looking straight at the mass.

"What's happening-?"

His gaze is met with two other girls, who's faces light up. Fuuuck, It was in slow motion, they all started screaming in unison.


Marshall growls as he yanks Kelly up by the waist, quickly snatching up his two bags on the floor.


They both run-walk out of the store, coving their faces as they raced towards the elevator shaft, but people starting running with their phones out in from that direction. Marshall grabs Kelly's arm, turning at a corner, the people behind them far away enough to not see where they went. They run into an hallway, no people in sight, Marshall finds a unisex bathroom, turning the knob and prying open the door.

"Get in!-"

Mashall tugs Kelly in, closing the door to about an inch open, looking out, making sure the fans weren't near them. He locks the door and backs up, setting the bags down.

"Alright they aren't close, but there still-"

Marshall was cut off by a trembling Kelly, the wet sniffling sound amplified by the bathroom.

"Fuck! Th-they- I-i know they took photos, dammit, I'm going to end your career a-and-."

Marshall's expression softens as Kelly's brings his hands up to wipe away the tears.

"Kelly, I don't know for sure if they took photos or not but..."

Marshall hugs him close, both hands on the waist, letting Kelly rest his head on his shoulder.

"I got an idea-"

Marshall hands Kelly the bags on the floor.

"Put on the clothes, we can't have a picture of us together, but if you wore the girl clothes, people with think i'm out with my chick."

KElly dabbed his eyes with his sleeves.

"But what about my face, I look like a guy- "

Marshall sighs.

"The only thing making you look masculine are your clothes-"

Kelly makes a hurt expression.

"Ouch my feelings- "

"I mean- you're very pretty."

Kelly stuttered, his brows twitching, his cheeks reddening.


Kelly starts to remove his shirt with Marshall casually watching, he twists his body away, blushing angrily.

"H-hey turn around."

Marshall leans on the door.

"I've already seen your body though."

Kelly lightens his tone, asking in a gentle voice, pouting his lips.

"But- still, please?~"

Mashall turns to face the door not without rolling eyes.

"Only because you said please-"

"Thank you."

"And that you're cute-"

Kelly groans, his neck and ears dusted pink, Marshall is so dumb sometimes. Kelly removes his shoes, and his shirt. He unbuttoned his pants, peeling them over his thighs, bending over to pop his feet out of the fabric, and taking off his socks. Marshall sneakingly turned back around, observing as Kelly pulled the red plaid pleated skirt over his ass, a tight pair of dark boxers on, him still bending over, ass on perfect display. He gave it a playful squeeze, Kelly yelps slapping his hand away.

"You said you'd turn around!"

Marshall shrugs.


Kelly fusses as he buttoned on his white long sleeved blouse, tugging the fabric over his tatted chest ,a shapeless black bow on the collar. He scrunched up a long beige knitted thigh high, slipping his foot in and dragging the material up, the same with the other foot. Marshall's mouth was watering, his infatuation with Kelly's legs sparking up, he just wants to lick up the curves on them. At the bottom of the bag were black platform heel boots, he slotted his feet into them, giving him a five-inch boost in height. Resting his hands on his hips, he looks back to Marshall, brushing his hair forward to simulate bangs, so he wouldn't look exactly like mgk.


Marshall takes a deep breath, eyes checking him out.

"You are.. so beautiful and as much as I really want to take my time to look at you, we need to leave before the crowds get too big."

Kelly pinches the bridge of his nose, mumbling.

"I can't with you, oh my god."

Kelly packs his normal clothes and shoes into the bag, Marshall holds his hand, once he opens the door, they tread fast out of the hallway into the open. Not even a minute later, cameras are flashing and fans in mini mobs are screaming Eminem. A camera man tried to keep up with Marshall and Kelly's pace, asking questions like is this his girlfriend, are you on a date and such. The crowds closed in on them grabbing, touching and gripping them. The people were just mashed together, the most the cameras could get was maybe a head shot. Marshall and Kelly somehow wedge themselves into the elevator, some weirdo behind Kelly was feeling up his legs, kinda pushing up his skirt and patting his ass as Kelly attempted to enter the elevator, extending a hand to Marshall with a terrified look.

"Em! Pull me in?"

The weirdo had a strong grip on his underwear, and as Kelly was yanked to safety, he felt a large pop and a gust of wind, his hands shot down to weigh down his skirt, fuck they were short. The doors closed, and they descend to the lower floors. Kelly felt humiliated, it was utterly disgusting, a nasty random dude just harassing him in front of all these people. Kelly was sure that no one could have possibly taken any photos, there were too many fans pressed up to elevator shaft. His underwear fucking ripped, exposing all his junk, and it doesn't help that this skirt covers almost nothing, the shivering cold making his cock rise.

"Fuck that was shitty."

Marshall looked over his shoulder to Kelly who had his hands pulling down the front his skirt and had his legs squished together, completely still.

"What are you doing?"

Kelly blinked back tears, no don't do this in public


"That answer is concerning."

"Trust me it's fine."

Marshall knows something is up, and he plans on getting the truth out of Kelly.

They arrive at the car garage, and Marshall walks to the parking ticket booth, picking up his keys. He then trudges to the back of the parking area, with Kelly running clumsily in heels behind him. Kelly slows down, his semi poking up from with in the skirt.

"Em! Wait- I-i'm out of breath, how the hell are you supposed to run in heels?!"

"Dude it's like 10 feet away you can do it."

Kelly wobbles over to the car, resting against it, his chest heaving. Marshall gets into the driver's seat, starting the engine.

"What are you standing there for? Get in."

"I can't-"

"What do you mean?"

"I- uh.. fuck-"

Kelly snapped his head to look around himself, really flustered as he opened the passenger door and sat facing Marshall in a kneeling position on the seat. Kelly closes the door behind him, spreads his thighs and flips up his skirt, his boxers were torn open down the middle of the bottom, his dick open to the air.

Wow, Marshall wasn't expecting that.

"How? How the fuck did that happen?"

"Some dude was... groping me as we tried to get in the elevator... and this happened."

Marshall brain was set on fire, seeing red. He cracks a fist across the driver's seat compartment, a deafening bang like a gunshot rang out, Kelly flinches away.

"You could've told me earlier, I could've stopped it!"

Kelly just hung his head, hands on his knees, cowering from Marshall's outburst. Marshall noticed Kelly's trembling form, anger diminishing, he cupped Kelly by the cheek, staring into his crystal like eyes.

"Are you okay?"


Kelly's voice was weak and strained, he presses into the hand at his face. Marshall ducked his head, kissing Kelly, his rough lips on soft ones, he suckles and licks at the lips until they are red and puffy. He breaks away, leaving Kelly gasping for air. Marshall's thumb caresses his skin, his other hand locking in with Kelly's.

"They only thing that matters if that you're okay, if something like this happens again, the dude that does it, is going to be bed ridden in a hospital."

Kelly and Marshall buckle in, and they begin to leave the building, the sky a darkening blue color. The air conditioning was on full blast, the cool gust catching under Kelly's skirt, hitting at his poorly hidden boner. He presses his dick down and sandwiches it between his thighs, his balls are compressed in an uncomfortable way, his position is painful to keep up. Kelly felt precum start to bead out, if he starts to leak he'll ruin Marshall's seat.


Marshall steers the wheel into a wide left, the car driving up and out of the underground parking space, meeting up to a road. He glanced at Kelly, while mostly focusing on the road.


"Can you turn down the AC... I-i'm going to make a mess on your seat~"

Kelly was sheepish sounding, a distressed tremble in his words. Marshall lusted for this shy and embarrassed side of Kelly, his more devious part of his brain tempted to tease him. A sly smirk perks on his face as he rotated the AC dial to max and flicks the heat switch on for Kelly's seat.


The seat slowly started to warm the back of his thighs, and to make matters worse, he was cold as hell. He glared at Marshall, pursing his lips in a frown, Marshall didn't ever turn his head to acknowledge him, just smiling like a jackass, this infuriated Kelly. He pulled his underwear down his thighs and calves, keeping his hard stare at Marshall, once fully removed he balls it up and tosses it on Marshall's lap. Marshall was unfazed. Kelly reclines his chair a bit back, and frees his dick from his thighs and starts pumping slowly, with his other hand he loudly starts to suck on three fingers. Kelly produced obscenely wet noises, moaning softly around his fingers, purposefully choking on them. If Marshall's wanting to tease me this bad, I might as well make a mess in his car. Marshall doesn't even bat an eye, even after five minutes of Kelly playing with his dick. Kelly is sweating, panting out of his mouth, he widens the gap between his legs, angling his groin to Marshall, he used an arm behind himself, over and under his ass, he inserted the fingers into his hole. He continues to stare at Marshall, waiting for him to turn his head, he bites his lip, eyes fluttering open and closed, little curses and whines slipping through his red mouth.

The heat in his gut getting tighter, sparks of pleasure making his thighs shake when he presses his fingers into his prostate. Why the hell is Marshall ignoring this?

"I'm- -g-gonnah~ jack it... on-... your seAt~"

"I now I can see it."

Mashall was casual with his speech, still driving without a care in the world. This hurt, a spreading ache in his chest, he mentally was begging Marshall to look. PLeasepleaseplease look at me. They are about five minutes away from home, Kelly is on the edge of cumming, and crying his face out. He has been doing this for way more than 15 minutes, why won't Marshall look at him. They pull into the driveway, it now being dark, he parks the car. Kelly was trembling from the core, so close to his orgasm. He tears up, starting to hiccup. He tugs on Marshall's hoodie sleeve, finally getting his attention, it was too dark in the car to read his face.

"E-Em~? P-please~ I need you~"

Marshall shot a hand down under Kelly's seat, pulling the lever and fully sliding it back, reclining the seat until it was flat. He climbed over the driver seat compartment, shadowing over Kelly, aggressively kissing him, nipping and lapping at his tongue and lips.

"I love it when you're needy."

Marshall growls on his neck, sinking his teeth into his Adam's apple. Kelly sobs out a moan, arching his back.

"that w-was mean~"

Marshall kissed back up his neck, using a hand behind Kelly's head, locking their lips, he dominates over his tongue, making out open mouthed, sucking of the tip of Kelly's tongue. Kelly moans breathily, mouth agape and sleek with spit. Marshall rips of his blouse, exposing his chest, he attacks the puffy nipples with his tongue and fingers, he forcefully tugging on the nipples, Kelly whines wantonly.

"Ow~ ow~ oh ah~"

Marshall latches his mouth on the nipple, sucking and nipping at the flesh, watching Kelly come undone, batting of long wet lashes, a pretty red mouth trembling, his beautiful face contorted in pleasure. He bites the nipple and comes up for air, undoing his pants.

"I'm gonna put it in-"

His voice labored and husky. He pulls down his boxers mid thigh, he whips out his dick, hard and red. He hikes Kelly's legs over his shoulders, and uses his thumbs to spread his hole. Kelly weakly pulled down on Marshall's shoulders, pursing his wet lip, his breathing like a dog with it's tongue out. Marshall folds him to where his knees are at his head, he battles with Kelly's mouth as he starts to spit him open, both hands embraced lovingly. Kelly's eye's roll back as the hot thick head pierces him, popping past his ring, the soda can like thickness of the dick hotly grinding up into his prostate. It wasn't slow like last time, he fucked like an animal, ramming hard into the far depths of his hole. The eletrifing heat exploded out of Kelly's dick, hitting Marshall's jacket, crying out just to have Marshall swallow his sounds, every nerve on fire, tears running and hiccuping as he moans pitifully. Marshall pulled all the way out and diving back in punching him in the gut with every ram. His balls smacking Kelly ass with every thrust, Kelly's toes curl, the rush of hot flesh gaping his hole and abusing his prostate. Marshall bites Kelly's pink tongue, causing him squirm squealing quietly, he keeps a constant pace of pummeling Kelly's insides, the harsh crack of his hips against Kelly's ass will defiantly later leave a bruise. His thrusts were so powerful he rocked the car back and forth, he snarled as he was getting ready to cum, practically bull-dozing Kelly with so much force he made him speechless, just squeaking with the endless thrusts, eyes crossed. Kelly's groin was filling quickly, the pressure ready to burst, Marshall kisses him harder as the both come close. Kelly was bawling his eyes out, whimpering with all the sounds he made.

"I - m-m issed you so much~"

Pressing his lips back into Marshall's hoping they'd stay like this forever. Marshall licked off of his lips, going to his shoulder and growling deep as he bit down hard, pumping Kelly's hole with cum deep in the back, Kelly arches up, his legs quivering as pulses of pleasure wreck his frame, he cums with a scream, clenching his hole down on the meat rod in his ass. Marshall laps at the bite, kissing up back to Kelly's sweet mouth, claiming it as his again, exploring his cavern, breaking away to rest his forehead on Kelly's, a worn out staring contest.

"Kelly, I know I shouldn't tell you what to do with your life, but please go easy on the drugs, I don't want to see you ending up comatose."

Kissing his cheek full of affection, his blue eyes emitting a comfy warmth. They make out slow, maintaining eye contact.

"I- just really missed you-"

Marshall hugged Kelly close, their chests flush against one and other, his large hand brushing back his blonde hair.

"It's okay, I'm here."

Kelly's anxiety melted the longer they stayed hugging, a sense of comfort and safety in his arms, he inhaled through the nose, his scent even better up close.