
Chapter 5

The crash. It came from the doctor who suddenly knocked onto a desk that was situated next on Jackson's bed. Gasps. Everyone in the room gasped as they stared at the doctor. Were they dreaming? No. Absolutely not. A thud. It came from the book that lifelessly fell to the floor.

The doctor certainly didn't know what was going on. One second he was giving a patient some painkillers, and then the next his knees weakened, making him stumble on the table behind him.

"Wha? Who- How?" He wasn't able to form a coherent sentence. In fact, he couldn't think at all. A book just wrote by itself with his blood. HIS BLOOD. He wanted someone, anyone to slap him. This could all be a dream right?


No. It wasn't.

He turned to look at the girl who was previously holding the fallen book. No words were spoken but their eyes.. everyone's eyes were at him. Silently begging not to tell anyone.

If he would, they'll probably put him in a mental asylum.

"Dr. Adler, I know you're confused and probably freaking out right now but please, PLEASE we need you to cooperate" the other girl, that he didn't know the name of, slowly walked towards him in calculated steps. Afraid that he may run and tell everyone outside what happened.

He would. If it wasn't for the fact that the boy that was seated before was now blocking his only exit.

"Don't touch me" he said in a time that he didn't know he could make. It was growl and a scream combined, if that made sense...

"We're not gonna hurt you. You're one of us" the sitting girl was now on her feet, also advancing towards him.

"I.. I won't tell anyone! I promise! Just.. please let me go!" None of the words that the two girls said entered his mind. It was like he was underwater. Not even his perfectly advanced brain can process what's happening. Nothing made sense. At all.

The only thing he could do is take out his scissors from his doctors coat and 'threateningly' wave it Infront of him like a madman.

"Don't go near me or I'll.. I'll stab you!" It didn't sound convincing, really. Not even to he's ears. But he still needs to try, right?

Doctor Adler was about to 'attack' when a loud 'pang' echoed inside the room. And judging from the pain that Dr. Adler's brain had registered, one of them has indeed, hit him with something.

His eyes rolled back behind his head as his body slumped to the floor. The last thought registered by his brain was;

Did they really need to do that?


"Did you really need to do that?" Sheena said as she gaped at a grinning Kyle, who was holding a pole that is used to hold the Iv's.

"What? It would be easier this way" he shrugged. They looked at the unconscious doctor and Jackson winced.

"That's going to hurt so bad"

"Enough. We need to get out of here now. Human or not, those patients will soon wonder why their doctor suddenly disappeared. And we might be being watched right now as we speak" Sheena said as she looked at the blinking CCTV camera. Everyone followed her gaze, and it's as if the camera had a spell, it made everyone move.

Kylie automatically checked the door and pulled down the blinds. For extra measure, she locked it and leaned on it.

Kyle hauled the unconscious doctor to his shoulders, his grunts showing off the effort his body was exerting to lift the dead weight that he is forced to lift.

"Kylie, are you afraid of heights?" Sheena asked making everyone stop. She was gazing outside of the window and automatically, everyone knew what she was thinking.

"No. I'm not. What about Jackson though? We can't just throw him out there. This room is in the second floor" Jackson physically winced at the possibility of him getting hurt any further.

"Kylie, Kyle, you guys jump first and catch Jackson. Then I'll hand you guys Dr. Adler before I jump myself" Sheena ordered as she opened the window.

"Okay" Kylie breathed as she looked outside the window. It was high, yes. But it wasn't high enough to break something. Well.. that is if you land correctly.

Kylie counted to three before jumping off. Not a sound left her lips as she flew off the window before landing on her back with a thud. A small ow was heard.

"Kylie! Are you okay?" Kyle asked as he gave me Dr. Adler, which I leaned on the bed for less efforts.


"Go on Kyle" I urged when I heard some knocks outside the door. Kyle nodded and quickly jumped off, falling down on his back like Kylie did.

"Hand him to us!" I left Dr. Adler on the floor and helped Jackson walk. Every step physically took a toll on him, Sheena can see it.

"Guys, Catch him carefully, yeah? We can't make him bleed out" Sheena said as she tossed a curtain towards them. The two understood quickly and took each corner, holding it for Jackson. Sheena raised her brow, silently asking if their ready, which was answered with two thumbs up. She turned to Jackson who was already turning pale.

"Jackson. I need you to fall down on your back so Kylie and Kyle can catch you without touching your wounds. I know it won't make it any less painful, but it'll lower the risk of your wound opening up" Jackson silently nodded and faced his back towards the open window.

"Oh gosh. Please help me lord oh Lord" Jackson mumbled to himself as he crossed his hands over his bullet wound. With a final prayer, he leaned backwards and fell.

Sheena automatically checked if he was okay and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Jackson was fine and was being lowered to the ground carefully.

"Okay Sheena. You can do this" She chanted to herself as she looked at the crumpled doctor on the floor. She hooked both her arms under the doctors arms and dragged him towards the window.

Her legs physically shook as she heard banging from the doors, the lock barely holding on.

With a grunt, Sheena pushed the doctor outside the window, Kylie and Kylie catching him safely.

Kyle placed him on his shoulders once again while Kylie supported Jackson. Kylie's eyes found hers as she screamed.

"Hurry up Sheena! Jump!" And just as the door was blown open, Sheena jumped. She cradled her head in her arms as she felt the ground nearing. She rolled on the grass and stood up straight, wincing slightly.

"Lets go!" Sheena helped Kylie with Jackson while Kyle lead the way.

"Jackson, where's you're parents house at?" Sheena asked as she hastily buckled her seat belt. The doctor was seated in the middle of Kylie and Kyle in the backseat while Jackson was slumped on the passengers seat.

Never once in Sheena's life did she have to kidnap someone.

"I'll tell you. Just go towards the city and I'll tell you from there"

With that, Sheena stepped at the gas. The last time she had driven this fast, was..

She never drove this fast before.

She was zooming past cars, and probably breaking lots of laws in the process but what could she do? They litterally kidnapped a patient and a doctor from a well known hospital.

"Turn right" Jackson's voice was clear. And so was the highway, so Sheena made a sharp turn. The tires screeched making everyone in the car flinch.

"I'll be amazed by your driving skills, if it wasn't for the circumstances" Kyle mumbled as they zip tied the doctor.

"Turn left" Sheena barely managed to, but she did. She glared at Jackson who raised both hands but grunted afterwards.

"Is your wound okay?" Kylie asked from behind. Jackson felt around the plaster that covered the wound.

"Yeah. Still intact" He sighed and tried to sit up straighter.

"The house with the silver gate, No-no- yeah that one"

"You're joking. Aren't you?" Sheena looked at the tallest mansion she had ever seen in her entire life. It was in different shades of yellow, gold, and white. And probably about 4 to 5 stories.

"No. I'm not joking. This is our family house. Well, it was" Jackson grunted when Kyle helped him off the car. Jackson took the keys from Sheena and tossed it towards the guard? Helper? Whatever.

As they entered the compound, maids rushed towards the five. Two people carried Dr. Adler. Another one helped Jackson. And the rest guided Sheena, Kyle, and Kylie inside.

And if the outside wasn't breath taking enough, the inside was litterally gold. The interior was gold. The staircase was gold. Picture frames were gold. Vases, chandeliers, and even the table was gold! 

The floor and sofa's were pristine white. The only things that weren't gold.

"You can stare at the house another time. Right now, we need to, uhh.. secure the doctor"

"Lead the way"

Everyone followed Jackson. It took a while to reach their destination, but they eventually did. They were greeted by a tall door. It probably was the tallest door Sheena had ever seen.

"Bring him inside" he patted on of his servant's back. Sheena, and the others watched as they disappeared behind the doors only to come out without the doctor.

Gosh. Is this what kidnapping feels like?

"I'll show you to your rooms" Jackson mumbled while clutching his stomach.

"You need to rest. We'll manage" Sheena helped Jackson walk as he was dragging his feet on the ground from exhaustion.

"You're not even supposed to be walking for a few days, yet here we are" Kylie scolded as they hauled Jackson into his bed.

"We were running for our lives" Jackson deadpanned. But a hint of a smile graced his lips.

"Yeah yeah. Just rest and sleep" Jackson nodded his head as he sunk down into the covers. A few seconds later, he was already dead asleep.

The trio left the room. Closing the door quietly, they were greeted by a few maids who escorted them to their rooms.

Sheena would love it here. Who wouldn't? But aliens and kidnappings weren't really her cup of tea.


Sheena woke up with a start. She clutched her chest, feeling her rapidly beating heart. Sweat made her hair and clothes cling to her like a second skin, making her grimace.

"I need a shower" she told to no one in particular. She looked outside the window and noticed that it was probably around 7:00 pm.

That was the longest nap she had ever had. But it's not like she ever had one. She was too busy teaching and making lesson plans.

And only now did she have an opportunity to rest when they're in a middle of a possibly alien invasion.

Very normal.

Sheena quickly hopped into the shower that was connected to the room. The warm water cascaded down her body, instantly relaxing her sore and tense muscles.

She scrubbed herself until she felt clean enough. She wrapped herself in a towel and rummaged through her bag that she packed.

She looked to the mirror shrugged. She looked okay. Plain shirt, plain pants. It was all good.

Sheena left her temporary room and wandered around. It was honestly what she wanted to do the moment she stepped inside the huge mansion.

It didn't look like a home. Despite the beautiful architecture and amazing furniture that probably costs more than her yearly pay check, it felt cold.

There wasn't any warmth in it. And no. Before you could ask, it isn't about the heater.

"Fancy seing you here" She turned around and came face to face with Jackson. Who was in a wheel chair.

"You never told us you were rich" Jackson shrugged his shoulders and smiled a little.

"You never asked"

"That's such a clichè thing to say, Mr. Wright" Sheena laughed a little as she pushed Jackson.

"You hungry?" Jackson turned to look at Sheena and instantly grunted as he hugged his hands to his stomach.

"Very classy" Sheena quipped. "And when am I not hungry?" She continued.

Jackson laughed a little and shook his head.

"To the kitchen then"