"Well, you know how chocolate is supposed to make everything better,"




She constantly chanted in her head on a continuous look. The only sound to reach her ears were the heavy pants that came from her and the small thuds that she made. A mix of pleasure and pain rocked through her body as she went faster then she did before. She made sure to focus on her breathing and her pace to ensure that she endured longer.

She always loved running in the morning, with no distractions whatsoever. It reminds her of the soothing sound of running water, even if the current sounds she was making were no where near close to the ones of water.

But they did the same thing.

The soothed her and comforted her on ways that no human or any other living being could. Running was her go to therapy when she had gut wrenching nightmares that had occurred hours before.

Running reminded her of her current situation, the situation she had been in since she was six. It was the only thing the knew. It helped her forget the onslaught of terrible nightmares and memories that she can't seem to find in her life. It was all black the moment she tried to remember past the tender age of six. She always got a raging headache whenever she did. Running was the parent she never got, but so desperately wishing she had.

Sweat dripped down her face and slowed worked its way to her chest and so on. She rounded the corner to the two-bedroom apartment that she shared with her best friend and only companion, Lily.

She stopped for a moment to get a well needed breather. The chilling air helped her body cool down a tremendous amount. After a while of listening to sudden busy streets of New York, she steadily walked up the stares with a relieved smile. The smile that showed that she forgot the reason why she went for the much-needed run.

She opened the door and was slightly surprised to see that Lily was up eating breakfast. Cassidy could clearly see that her friend was still tired and a bit hungover from the water she had gone to the night before. She furrowed her eyebrows once she saw what she was busy with, "Why are you up so early, Lily," she asked, concerned for her friend who she knew definitely cannot cook to save her life.

Lily suddenly lofted her head, like the only realized that she wasn't alone in the apartment anymore. Her face slightly dropped in disappointment and the crease between her eyebrows returned, "I wanted to make a basic breakfast for you," she answered with a cute pout touching her rosy lips.

She begrudgingly dropped the spatula that was a different colour was the last time Cassidy had used it. Cassandra furrowed her eyebrows, "But you know you can't cook," I said with amusement as I walked further into the room. My eyes roamed over the mess.

Lily sighed and rubbed her eyes, "Yeah, I know. But I thought the Internet could help. Turns out it isn't as easy as they made it seem," she explained. I let out a laugh, my mood becoming more brighter than it was moments ago.

Cassidy went to the stove and was horrified at what laid before her eyes, "What the actual hell!" she yelled, completely and utterly mortified at what she was currently staring at with wide eyes. She steadily moved her wide, accusing gaze to a sheepish Lily. Lily rubbed her neck as she looked any where but Cassidy, "Where in the internet did you learn this from? Please tell me I'm extremely curious," she said fighting a smile and crossed her arm. She was suddenly aware of how sticky she was from the dried sweat, but her curiosity got the best of her, so she tried to ignore. She felt as dirty as the kitchen looked.

Lily looked back at her, but not before looking at the mess she called food, "Umm... about that," she chuckled lightly, finally meeting Cassandra's amused eyes, "I wasn't completely honest with you,"

"Pray do tell,"

"Well, you see I saw the recipe for scrambled eggs and found it quite... boring and not up to my um... standard. It wasn't challenging enough for me," Cassandra hummed, showing she was still very much listening, but she already knew where the story was going, "So I added a little twist,"

Cassandra drifted her whiskey eyes to the disaster, "Well you're 'twist'," she started and stared at the so called breakfast with blatant disgust, "Looks like it can give me a heart attack by just looking at it," she teased with an easy-going smile, all her troubles disappeared from her mind as she stared at her friend in pure, heartfelt amusement, "Do you expect me to eat that though, because I have to check with my doctor first," she said, clearly mocking Lily.

Lily scowled, but there was no hard feelings in it, but rather mirth was dancing her eyes as well, "I didn't know that you can't deep fry eggs, okay. But I learned to never do that again," she explained. Cassandra looked back at the oily mess and noticed a black substance steadily rising to the top with pride. Cassandra's disgust went up a notch when she noticed the unidentified substance that stared at her angrily.

She pointed to the massive cooking fail and looked at Lily, who was also staring at the fail as well, "What the fuck is that black substance?" she asked and looked back at it and noticed more was becoming more visible to anyone who paid attention to it, even if the sight alone could make you loos your sight as well, "And why is there more coming out,"

Lily had the mere audacity to look ashamed as she looked at her creation with regret. The poor, young woman looked like she wanted to die when she noticed this as well, "Well... you know how chocolate is supposed to makes everything better–"


"– Oh Yes. The eggs started to look like a mess, so um... I thought that the stickiness of the chocolate would act as a delicious glue that would hold the eggs to gather and add a sweet taste to the bland and buttery egg. I regret that decision now... obviously. So, so much," she said as she looked down, abashed.

Cassandra was quiet for a second. The she suddenly burst out in child-like laughter as she doubled over and held the kitchen counter for support. The sound got the attention of Lily as she looked at her friend with a sour look. Tears of joy started streaming out of Cassandra's eyes.

After a while, Lily got rid of the sour look and instead settled for crossing her arms and slightly smiled. Cassandra, with great difficulty, stopped laughing at her friends' expense. She looked to Lily with a tearful smile. She took a deep breath to steel herself and force her smile to drop, "I just have one question," she said with an undeniable smile to her voice.

"Hmm," Lily hummed, already knowing the question.

"Where in the actual fuck did you get the idea of deep-frying eggs?" she asked, struggling to get the words out, her voice showing promise of more obnoxious laughter.

Lily moved to the kitchen counter and propped herself onto ledge to sit there, convinced that the bar stool a few meters from her was much of the effort, "Well, you know how they deep fry everything in Texas?" she rhetorically asked, looking anywhere but Cassandra to avoid her gaze, "Yeah, that's where I got it from,"

"Oh," was all Lily heard. Curiosity got the best of her and decided to just look to her best friend who was radiating joy that was suffocating the room. She found Cassidy struggling to keep a straight face. She took extremely deep, shaky breathes as tears fought to exit her tear ducts. Lily noticed that her shoulders were also shaking.

She sighed and gazed up at her best friend, "You can laugh," she said reluctantly. Cassandra stubbornly shook her head as she looked away, but making sure not to look at the oily, chocolaty fail and Lily, knowing that she would burst out into uncontrollable laughter.

"No," she rushed out, making a move to shower, the dirt probably disgusting her more. The dirt that she was covered in, "I'm going to shower," she said as she rounded the corner. But before she made the turn, without turning around she spoke, "And if you can handle it, make please cereal," she teased and chuckled in glee as she rushed to her door.

Lily watched with a smile, knowing that her objective was fulfilled.