
Throughout the day, the lively chatter that went around the small, popular diner had dimmed as the day grew older and the sunset and went to rest to save up energy for the following day. The result in that casts a small purple and orange hue in the sky that gave the interior of the diner a happy feel. Cassandra watched as the last family leaves with satisfied smiles on their face, laughter dances within their irises.

The day had been extremely busy, more so than usual, almost making Cassandra regret the job she had chosen. But it's not like she had many options either way. She turned towards Lily, who opted to sit on the counter near the cash register as she massaged her legs. The sight made Cassandra all too aware of her aching legs as well and decided to pull up a chair from a nearby table.

She sighed as relief washed over her, "Thank god!" she exasperated and she laid her head down on the cool table, "Do you think we can close up before someone else comes because I might die of exhaustion," she mumbled as she peered up at her best friend who mirrored the same expression as her. Lily shrugged as a form of an answer, seemingly already tired from the hard day of work to even utter a word. The pair weren't even supposed to work today, but the diner had been short-staffed and in need of help because the other employees had sudden emergencies that needed their immediate attention. They were also promised money and they didn't want to pass up the opportunity of being paid, though if they had known of what the day had in store for them, they would have given this a hard pass.

It was quiet for the moment until they heard the farewell greeting from the chef, who had to man the kitchen by himself. The act alone earned more respect from Cassandra than anything else, "Good night, Gary," Cassandra said, loud enough for Gary to hear her. Even if he was aware that she wouldn't notice, he nodded in acknowledgment. He was never much of a talker anyway. Cassandra crossed her arms onto the table and laid her head on them, "Do you want Chinese or Pizza tonight, I'm too tired to cook?" Cassandra asked into the sleeve, but the question was directed at Lily, who looked a little bit dazed.

"When have you ever known me to be picky with food. You know I'll eat anything," she answered not really thinking that much about her answer, "At least you should know," she mumbled.

Cassandra lifted her head with her eyebrows raised, "That's a lie and you know it," she said remembering one of her meals that Lily wouldn't be caught dead next to.

"That isn't fair. The shit that you make does not count as food," Lily defended herself, her face contorting into a grimace the day she found her best friend eating Vienna and chunky peanut butter with a banana smoothie, "That shit ain't normal," she said.

Cassandra was about to answer with a snarky comment when she was cut off with a loud thud from the door. Both of the girls lifted their heads from the alarming sound and stared at each other for a while, "You go," they said at the same time. Simultaneously, they both reared their head back.

"Why don't you go?" Cassandra asked.

Lily shrugged, taking cover behind the counter she was sitting on, "Because," she said as she made herself comfortable in the otherwise uncomfortable position. She wrapped her thin arms around her legs and curled herself into a ball to make her look smaller. She got out of the position and settled for the first one and pushed herself against the wooden counter. The ledge at the top giving her more coverage.

She rolled her eyes, "That's all you're going to say. Because," Cassandra crossed her arms as she looked over the counter where Lily sat perched with her arms around her exposed legs. Cassandra shook her head as she stared at her best friend of about two years who struggled to get into a good sitting position.

Lily nodded her head, finally getting into a position that made her smile in content, "Pretty much. But seriously you should go. I don't want to be the typical dumb girl who always follows strange sounds at night, you know the ones in the horror movies, the one that always dies," she replied as she peered up at Cassandra who looked down her in amusement. This was one of the reasons why Cassandra didn't like for Lily to watch horror movies with her, because she would always become paranoid and think that the doll or demon would come for her, same with murder mystery shows, she would come up with all these absurd ideas about the killer coming for her, especially when the killer hadn't been caught. Those always got her staying up late and standing guard with a baseball bat, with a cup of coffee.

Casandra raised her eyebrows as she looked down at Lily as she came to a conclusion, "So what you're saying is that, you want me to be the dumb bitch who always dies first because she is a curious little shit," she concluded.

Lily grinned as she stared at her best friend, "I'm so glad you understand. Good luck," she said as she tucked her head away into the safety confinement, otherwise known as her lap.

Cassandra went quiet for a moment, trying to figure out a way to convince Lily to go as well because quite frankly, she didn't want to go either, even if she will never admit it, "You do know that the ones always left alone also get attacked as well, so if it is a ghost you might die as well if I'm going to be the dumb bitch," she said with a smug look on her face, knowing that she got the best reason that Lily couldn't deny.

She thought it over for a whole minute and finally came to the realization that her best friend was indeed right, "Oh, good point. Let's go together," she said as she got up from her position that was starting to hurt her ass.

Lily pick up a nearby chair and held it in front of her person for protection. Cassandra raised her eyebrows in lazy amusement and slight curiosity, though she knew what the answer would be, she asked anyway, "What are you going to do with a fucking chair?"

She stared at her friend and gave her a pointed look and pointed to the chair that would now act as a weapon, "It's my weapon that will protect me," she said in a 'duh' tone as if the answer should be clear as day. Lily finally stood next to Cassandra and she looked at her with fierce determination that wasn't there before. It was like the chair gave her more confidence than any knife in the kitchen could, but then again, she wouldn't want to go to the kitchen and grab one and then suddenly being attacked from behind. After all, why can't chairs be an effective weapon?

Even if it is against a ghost, though a knife wouldn't be different it would've still made Cassandra feel better than any chair could.

Cassandra rolled her eyes as she stared at her friend, "You have so much hope for a piece of wood," she said as she crossed her arms once again and looked back at the entrance where the sound her come from earlier. She realized that today might be the actual day that she might die. Or maybe her worst fear might have come to finish what they started two years ago. She shivered at the sheer thought and the confidence she had before dimmed a little, or what she would count as confidence, even if she were just faking it. Lily felt a sudden change in her friend and decided to continue the useless banter.

Lily scoffed, effectively bring Cassandra out of her dark, haunting thoughts, and started to mentally prepare herself for whatever lay beyond the darkness, "Well this piece of wood can hurt if you swing hard enough," she replied as she looked at Cassandra who had also been staring forward into the unknown.

Without looking at Lily, she continued to question her friend's choice in weapons, "So what, are you going to attack the ghost with a chair? Does that sound logical to you?" she asked almost condescendingly, but in a good fun way, "In case you hadn't caught up in this whole ordeal, it's a ghost we're talking about,"

"You know what, you do your own thing and I'll do mine," Lily said with a fake scowl on her face.

Cassandra was about to answer with the most famous words known to mankind that everyone had at least uttered once in their existence when she heard a groan from where the thud had come from the first time. Lily also noticed the sound as more alert than before, bantering with the young adult next to her had always made her forget really important things in extremely dire situations. Like that one time when she was play COD and Cassandra mentioned how she could rock Cyan braids with blue tips. They had a whole conversation about it and it's safe to say, Lily hadn't done well in the game.

The pair slowly walked to the sound that made them want to shit their pants and cower away like Lily had done moments before. Just worse. It was dead silent, the moonlight showed over the diner, and strips of moonlight entered the small diner. The light hit the pair, giving them an enthralling glow. Their breaths were non-existent like they didn't want whatever was out there to hear them breathing because they might hear them.

They reached the glass door of the diner and found the most shocking sight ever, the sight almost causing Lily to scream in fright, but she swallowed it with a great struggle as the scream was fighting its way out her throat. A disgusted grimace found it's way to Cassandra's face and sat high and proud on it's newly found pedestal.