"Makeup, cramps, headaches, busted ear drums and all. Fun,"

Lily dropped the chair when she noticed the heart-wrenching sight in front of her eyes as Cassandra made a disgusted face as she stared at the horrible, unnecessary creature that did not deserve the praise it got daily. At least according to Cassandra. Lily on the other hand adored the creature and instantly felt sympathy for its current situation.

Being lonely and lost that is.

Lily's head slowly turned towards Cassandra, who situated herself away from the horrid situation. She felt bile quickly run up her throat as she tried to look anywhere but the direction of the thing. With great amounts of reluctance, Lily twisted her body away from the creature and turned to look at her best friend. She gave the biggest pout she could muster up and forced her eyes to become bigger than they were before. She trying to take up the innocence of babies.


Cassandra immediately started viciously shaking her head, "No," she said with no room for argument, but Lily wasn't having it and walked up to her friend. When Cassandra realized what her friend was doing, she tried to get away but as always, Lily caught her.

"Please, please, please," she pleaded continuously and continued with a loop and ended it with, "I'll fucking do anything you want and agree to anything you say if you do this one thing for me. Please," she begged as she dragged out the vowels in the middle of the word to extend it. The latter sentence seemed to catch Cassandra's attention as she slowly turned to Lily, causing Lily to let go of the bone-crushing hug she had Cassandra stuck in with no hope of escaping. Cassandra crossed her arms as she slowly brought her gaze to Lily's face that seemed to be genuine enough.

A small satisfactory smirk found its way to her face, replacing the grimace she had on just moments before. She stared at Lily for a while, "Anything?" she slyly asked as she tilted her head, her high ponytail moving with the motion, "Anything I want?" Lily nodded vigorously with a grin on her face.

"Anything," she nearly screamed in joy. Cassandra looked past her and stared down at the dreadful creature, that always seems to find a way into her life.

Cassandra sighed as her gaze came back to Lily, "Fine", she whispered reluctantly as she dropped her crossed arms, "We can keep the fucking cat," she said, almost gagging at the sentence she never in a million years imagined saying. She could swear that it left a sour taste in her mouth.

Lily crushed her into a hug with the biggest grin know to humanity, "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you," she rushed out. Lily pushed Cassandra away from her body, which left her stunned by the sudden action, and watched Lily run to the cat. "You know, one day you love cats just as much as I do... or maybe at least tolerate them and I'll be there and say 'I told you so'," Lily said as she cuddled the domesticated animal as it purred in content, "Well, aren't you a friendly cat," she said as Cassandra freed her hair from the dreaded ponytail, letting her curly, brown hair loose. She almost sighed in content when she massaged her hair a little.

Cassandra shuddered in disgust at the horrendous thought that seemed extremely far-fetched and seemed just like saying pigs will one day fly upon Earth. Cassandra scoffed, "That is highly unlikely, and stop touching that thing. What if it's dirty, you don't know where it's been," Lily rolled her eyes, but ignored her friend entirely and seemed like she got a new one.

Dogs are way better.

She thought as she picked up the chair that Lily neglected when she saw the cat. Cassandra scoffed at the thought. The bloody atrocious animal, that, mind you, may, or may not have some type of disease that it probably gave it to Lily, who might later give it to her. Scratch that, will give it to her later. She put the chair back to its original position and turned around to fetch the keys that were behind the counter that held the register. Cassandra walked towards the exit and then the bell rang for the last time that night, as she locked the door that held joy earlier today and will hold joy for the rest of the week, and most probably the year and many years to come. A sudden cold, gust of wind sifted through the air and rippled through her uniform, and ran a mile in her hair.

She shivered, not only from the cold but what seemed to be her gut warning her of future events that are closer than what she would expect, and she had an inkling that it had something to do with the black as night cat. She crossed her arms and began rubbing them. The clouds above her started to form and looked like they were getting ready for a downpour. She could tell. She met Lily and the bloody creature by the car, that had been with Lily for a while. Cassandra always wondered where Lily had gotten the money to buy such a luxury car, and when she always asked about it, Lily had suddenly grown quiet and so cold that she could rival the temperature in Antarctica. There is only so much you could do with minimum wage, they were already paying for the apartment that wasn't even on the bad side of town, but it wasn't the good side of town either. It was just perfect for them.

Lily's red hair is blowing in the air as she gushed at the cat in her arms, which started to look more like a kitten the more you heard its mews and meows when Cassandra reached them. The vague smell of water and smoke had reached the pairs nose's, they didn't think much of it though and carried on as nothing had occurred.


Cassandra stared as she stared into the night, with her back leaning against the tinted windows of the car. Lily briefly looked up before she carried on with her newfound friend and furry companion.

"Yeah?" she said, encouraging Cassandra to continue with her onslaught, though Lily didn't think it would be that she had a hunch.

Cassandra turned to look at Lily and stared her down for a while, nothing was heard except for the occasional sounds the critters of the night made and the kitten's sounds of appreciation. She rested her elbows on the surface of the cars and rested her head on her crossed arms and sighed, "Since you now have... that," she pointed to the domesticated animal in disgust, and the creature seemed to stare her down as well, "I might as well get a pet of my own, you know to help me tolerate having that demon spawn in our apartment," Lily looked with furrowed brows, "It's only fair," she finished with a shrug as she turned to look back at the hauntingly beautiful night sky. Hauntingly, for other reasons unbeknownst to her. The whisper in her voice was carried by the November wind and gently delivered to Lily, who stood on the other side of the car.

"What kind of pet," Lily narrowed her eyes but didn't spare a glance at Cassandra as she slowly put the kitten back in the car as if shielding her from Cassandra's notion. Lily's emerald green eyes met the moonlight at the perfect angle, it made her eyes look almost unrealistic, unearthly.

Cassandra's whiskey eyes flickered to her friends for a moment and quickly back to the starry night, "You know like a man's best friend, but in this case a woman's best friend," she shrugged once again, her curly, brown locks being carried by the subtle blows.

"You mean a dog," Lily deadpanned, Cassandra's hopeful eyes zoomed right back to Lily's, who looked quite uncertain with the idea of a mutt being anywhere near her little kitten. She crossed her pale arms across her chest and looked thoughtful. She thought back to the diner, and the events that had passed not so long ago.

Cassandra licked her lips, the gust of wind quickly drying them up again, "It doesn't have to be a dog, it can be a puppy and your thing, and as much as it pains me to say can be the best of buds, just like us. Wouldn't that be adorable?" Cassandra was practically ready to go on her knees and beg. She was willing to do almost anything, and either way, if begging and pleading didn't work, she could still use Lily's words from back in the diner and watch as it bites her in the ass. Whichever the way, she was going to get what she wanted. No matter the cost.

Lily wanted to see how far Cassandra was willing to go to get what she wanted, she had already made up her mind, and decided that get her furry friend a companion while she was not around would be great, but she wanted her friend to sweat it, she wanted to know how far she would go. Without using her words against her of course, "I don't know..." She faked uncertainty in her voice and had an Oscar-winning unnerved look on her face as she glances back in the car, where she knew Cassandra knew the cat was and looked back at her friend. Her eyes were practically drooping with disheartening spirits, which Cassandra didn't fail to unnoticed.

"I'll fucking do the laundry for a month and clean the house for a week!" Lily still had the same face on her facial structure and started to cross her arms as if she were uncomfortable with the concept of her new companion, with something that could end its life with just one bite to the jugular. Cassandra continued her pleas, "I'll wash the dishes for two months with no help whatsoever from you. I won't even give a snarky comment on you being a couch potato," Lily's eyes raised a fraction, before dropping again, her friend didn't fail to see that and hope started blossoming in her chest. She knew what she had to do, even if it would break her into a million pieces, she would do it to have a puppy.

Cassandra dropped her head and shoulders as she whispered, "You can fucking choose my outfits next time we go clubbing," Lily's ears perked up, but she still didn't say anything, Cassandra sighed in frustration, "I'll even flirt, but with one guy and one guy only. But only if they approach me on their own with no influence from you whatsoever," she said with a scowl on her face. The look on Lily's face went away and suddenly she was all sunshine and rainbows and she clapped her hands in glee, she suddenly looked ready to run around the whole world with the excitement she suddenly accumulated.

Her iris sparked as she jumped up and down from the excitement, Cassandra could immediately tell she got tricked once again and gapped and her friend who seemed proud of herself, "You'll go clubbing with me, and let me dress you up!?" she practically let the whole of New York know.

"Makeup, cramps, headaches, busted eardrums, and all. Fun," she grumbled sarcastically, the words leaving a distasteful sting in her mouth. She had already gotten over the deceit of her elated friend.

Lily sighed and rolled her eyes, almost simultaneously, "C'mon, it's not that bad, besides you can avoid the headaches, just don't drink,"

Cassandra glared at Lily, "Then how the fuck am I supposed to cope through the night. I'll be surrounded by horny men and bitchy girls who are all drunk out of their minds," she said, as the scowl on her face deepened. She was obviously not happy at all, she really hated socializing more than needed. She got the humans were social human beings, but obviously her brain and heart hadn't gotten the memo, and frankly, she couldn't find a fuck to give.

Lily rolled her eyes, amusement swirling in her eyes, "Why do you have to be so grumpy about clubbing, and besides not all the girls are bitchy, there are some nice girls," she tried to reason with her friend.

Cassandra hid a small smirk on the corner of her mouth and angled her face so that Lily wouldn't see, but Lily noticed, Lilliana Denkworth notices everything, "So you're not even gonna disagree about the fact that all men at clubs are horny," she leaned away from the car as she uttered those words. Though she knew deep down that there are those men that aren't horny sitting in a club, but her head had already deemed all men trash, as least based on the lot that she had encountered. Granted they weren't many, but they sure did leave an impression, some bigger than others.

Lily was thoughtful for a moment, "I mean you're not wrong... but your also not right," she shrugged, slightly shivering from the coldness that surrounded her.

Cassandra raised her thick brows, "Oh, how so?" she queried almost mockingly.

"The bartenders aren't always horny, and the possible asexual guys that are there, just came to please their friends, or keep them company. They are in fact not horny, as well as some demisexual guys, who would only feel that their 'friend' might wanna come to play with someone that they have formed an emotional bond with, and it would be rare to find them lurking in clubs and being horny, for you, if you want me to be specific, " Cassandra knew that Lily didn't mean it in a bad way, because she was, in fact, right, and Cassandra couldn't deny this fact, yet her stubborn ass wouldn't admit to that. Not in a million years.

She narrowed her eyes, almost playfully, "Don't play smart with me, I'm not exactly in the mood," that wasn't a complete lie though, she really wasn't in the mood to stand around in the cold, in the middle of an empty parking lot with legs that were still very much aching from standing all day long. At least she and Lily were free for the following week to come.

Lily giggle slightly, but suddenly grew serious, "Fine, I'll promise you this. The moment you feel the slightest bit uncomfortable, we'll just leave. I won't even get drunk if that will help you feel better about going," she said with all sincerity. Even though the conversation was about getting Cassandra to go clubbing, and doing the very thing she loathes, Lily would never force her to stay in a place she felt uncomfortable in.

Cassandra smiled a little bit, and her eyes glittered in hope, "Can I not just go?" then the mood died instantly, and Lily's sincere face went down the drain as she tightened her crossed arms.

"You promised though,"

"Yes, I did, but you also said that you'll do anything that I ask of you. Remember?" she smugly asked, even though she was going to go anyway didn't mean that she couldn't play with her a bit more.

Lily shrugged and was totally unbothered by this true statement, "True, but then again, do you really wanna waste that once in a lifetime opportunity, to not go clubbing, when you can ask me to do whatever you want? This might not happen again, you know?" she asked and she damn well had a good point,

A sigh escaped her pink, tinted lips, "No I do not,"

She smiled in triumph, "Exactly," she opened the door of the car and Cassandra followed suit, "And Cas," she started with a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

She raised her eyes to the sweet melody of her friend's voice that only came once in a while, it unnerved her, "Yeah," she reluctantly asked.

"You could've just stopped at the laundry, I would have been fine," she said and rushed to get in the car.

Cassandra was almost livid, "You little fu-," the car door slamming had cut her cussing session short.