
"Good!!! I can use wide range Curse Dispel magic..."

He closed his eyes immedtely after stretching his body a bit. He inhaled and exhaled and started to concentrate.

"Okay here I go..."

He gathered the mana and was about to use the spell when he suddenly got another doubt which made him pause in the middle.

"Wait... how far is this range that we are speaking of? Can it Dispel curse of one whole kingdom...?"



- Any curse below level 8 at a range of 4 km in radius will be completely dispelled.


Rin smirked a bit after looking at the answer. It meant that he could use it as far as 4km easily which was indeed a great thing.

However, the kingdom was even larger than that so he had to basically grow stronger to be able to purify an entire kingdom with the dispelling magic.

"Okay, let's start..."

He immediately closed his eyes and started to concentrate again. He started to imagine the area and the range till where the magic will last. Then he extended his right arm towards the front and started to collect a huge amount of mana from the atmosphere itself.

Anyone could perform magic if he or she had adequate and necessary amount of mana. The body generates mana after converting the food intake. Other than that it tried to extract mana from the air that is inhaled.

However the real and largest source of mana is present in the environment outside instead of the body which maintains mana by sacrificing an important force in the body.

Therefore Rin thought it was wiser to use the mana which is available at such a large quantity instead of exhausting his own.

This was just in theory which was being studied by a scientist of the kingdom who had taken years to even just think about it. But Rin just did something like that within a matter of seconds and utilised the mana from the nature to its fullest.


A huge wave like ripples were generated which spread out on a large scale and travelled the distant area. Though there was no curse at that place, Rin had found another person who was inflicted with that curse just outside the palace.

"Huh? If he himself had transmitted this, then this doesn't makes sense that he would be attacked by his own curse..."

Everyone in the area who was affected by such a curse was healed. The man about who Rin just now mentioned was none other than the highest minister who was in hurry to meet the king.

He was none other than Balzro Mila Who was supposed to be the owner of the curse so it was indeed weird for him to have the curse upon himself.


Leo who had been sleeping until now was suddenly waking up since the curse had no longer any affect on him as it didn't even exist now.

So he was regaining his consciousness slowly and steadily. Also the high minister's reactions changed. It was as if he was feeling better now which was quite obvious since he was freed from the curse too.

He entered the palace and was told to wait in guest room by the King's personal guard. Everyone had already left since it was already night hence the only one who was left was Balzro.

Rin used a sleeping spell on Leo and made him fall asleep deeply and started to walk towards the guest room since he knew that Balzro was already waiting by using his search magic.

The personal guard was walking towards the King's Room when he saw Rin trying to enter the guest room.

He immediately pointed his sword at Rin.

"Stop! Young master, you can't enter this room! An esteemed guest has visited. So please get back to your chambers."

Rin didn't move. He was just closing his eyes and standing there. The guard couldn't understand Rin's intentions since he too was one of the victims of the rumours.

"Young Master, please leave from here. If you try to do anything weird I have to hurt you..."

Rin didn't think anything about that and started walking towards the guest room which made the guard feel as if he was humiliated.

He immediately pulled his sword back and swung with great force. It was going to hit Rin when it suddenly stopped.

The guard himself stopped the moment he saw Rin glaring at him with his crimson eyes which gave off a red light.

"Are you planning to kill me, Reid?"


The guard was suddenly surprised the moment he heard Rin saying his name.

'How does he know my name?' is what he thought in this mind since even the Kings wouldn't remember his name like that.

It was quite a shock to him since he had underestimated Rin a lot!

He immediately said, "I'm sorry Young Master, I was presumptuous!"

Rin didn't hold a grudge nor was he angry on Ried because he knew it very well that Reid was one of the very few men who could be completely trusted.

Also his stats also proved the same so he wasn't angry on him since anyone in his position would do the same based on the rumours that had been spread.

Then Rin suddenly spoke and said, "Then can I go inside...?"

Reid hesitated for a moment and said, "Young Master, a high noble and an esteemed guest is sitting inside... if anything happens then..."

"Balzro Milo..."


"His name is Balzro Milo right? Our highest Minister? The one who is inside now, who you mention to be esteemed?"


Reid couldn't say anything else since he was completely surprised at Rin's words.

"Then it's fine... no need to worry."

As soon as he said this he walked towards the door and after opening it, entered it quickly.

"Amazing... did I ever mention who was sitting inside? I don't think so I did... then how did he find out?"

Reid couldn't figure it out even after thinking on this matter deeply.