The Discussion

Reid couldn't say anything else since he was completely surprised at Rin's words.

"Then it's fine... no need to worry."

As soon as he said this he walked towards the door and after opening it, entered it quickly.

"Amazing... did I ever mention who was sitting inside? I don't think so I did... then how did he find out?"

Reid couldn't figure it out even after thinking on this matter deeply.

Run entered the room and the minister stood up out of respect but the moment he saw Rin entering he immediately sat down with one of his legs crossed on the other.

It was as if he was the head and Rin was some commoner who had come to ask for help.

Rin didn't mind it since he could understand that this was due to rumours but soon he started to get angry the moment he heard his disrespectful attitude and way if speaking.

"What the fuck are you doing here Prince? Hey back to your room, this is no place for people like you..."

Rin grit his teeth slightly but kept a smile on his face as he didn't want to cause any problems.

He had just come to ask for something since it concerned the curse on which he was studying.

"No well I..."

The minister was not ready to listen to anything. He was already influenced by the rumours and on top of that he he didn't give Rin any face even though he was royalty.

Ron's anger kept on increasing but somehow he suppressed it and kept it under control.

However the matter got worse when he say the person looking down on him and his actions.

"When will you realise that you are just pitiful Prince Rin..."

He told it directly on his face without caring for any consequences.

By the time the minister kept on telling whatever cane to his mind, King Leo woke up and walked towards the guest room. While he was in his way, he was informed by the guard about the minister and also about Rin who just entered abruptly.

For a second Leo thought that Rin might cause some trouble so he rushed immediately but by the time he reached the door, all he could listen was insulting words coming out from the minister's mouth.

It was indeed true that the minister was very loyal to the king but trash talking a royal just because he is weak or just because of some rumours was not a justifiable act.

King Leo stayed calm and was just eavesdropping at whatever was being told. He was waiting for Rin to take action or trash talk too. He wanted to see whether Rin had matured or was still the same with bad temper.

But Leo didn't show any sign. He was indeed not the Leo of the past. But that didn't mean that he could tolerate everything.

He kept on listening keenly his every words. He didn't mind some words since what he told was indeed right which Rin has actually did but other words were like thorns that were pricking him from within.

He even decided to tolerate that and listened to the minister blabbering. But the minister never cooled down. It was as if he had tons of things to say and would continue endlessly so he obstructed him immediately after some time.

"LISTEN!", he shouted.

The minister was suddenly surprised due to the scream. He ended up answering to that out of fear, "Yes?"

"I didnt come here to discuss about that..."

The minister stared at Rin and wondered the actual reason of him coming here.


Rin immediately spoke and said, "I have come here to ask you about the curse that you were studying upon..."

"Huh!!!? How did you know that?"

It was indeed a confidential information which was supposed to be secret but somehow Rin knew about it. Well of course he did after looking at the flying texts!

He immediately said, "All I want you to know is, stop experimenting on that curse... it will be disastrous if you continue..."

It was just a bluff but the minister was already panicked so he took it as a threat. He didn't know that the information would spread in such a way and even the royal family would come to know.

"But I don't understand why I can't test on it?"

He retaliated and objected what Rin wanted but Rin too didn't give up and kept on answering. In the end both of them were tired after discussing for one whole hour for which the king kept on standing and hearing their conversation.

"Okay fine then, I won't...", that was the real reason as to why he had come since he wanted to ask for a separate piece of barren land where he could experiment on this but it looked like it wasn't possible.

But Rin didn't want this to happen since the curse was too potent. However he was happy to see someone as the high minister to be so talented as to make a level 2 curse all by himself.

It was something that couldn't be achieved even after years of training. So Rin didn't want to disappoint him. Hence he proposed a proposal for the minister.

"However if you really want to learn more and experiment more about it, I can given you an approval..."

The king thought that Rin had matured and did the right decision by rejecting at first but now that he told about proposal the king was forced to withdraw his words.

But the man was happy since he could experiment on it. He immediately asked out if excitement, "What is this proposal Young Prince?"

For some reason the man was now referring to Rin as young prince. This was not a bad change so Rin thought of telling everything to the minister, but he could feel Leo from the other side of the door.

So the only thing that he told was, "Come meet me tomorrow again, I'll tell you everything in detail at that time..."