Home is where the heart is.

A few days had passed since Ash and Jacklyn both left for some time away. They left to have some space and avoid whatever drama was next to come. Ash had gone with Jacklyn to support her and her mother. On the other hand, Scarlett stayed home with Cadence, preparing to get their home back. Scarlett had been teaching Cadence more complex moves and combo attacks with swords, guns and knives along with her fists, head and feet, showing that you can use a variety of different methods.

The sun was just about coming up over the horizon. The sky was turning from a dark blue-black to a light blue with red and orange streaks. There was a chill in the air before, being warmed up, as the sun rose. Everything was dark outside, you could see the black stilettos of the trees. As the sun rose, they became brighter and brighter, before long you could see the outline of the trees turning into the actual trees. Kind of like a painting, you start blocky before adding details. Everything was quiet, no birds, no wind, no chattering, nothing.

Scarlett rose from her bed, alone. She walked over to the dresser to do her make up for the day, black eyeshadow and eyeliner covering her whole eye socket and brown eyebrows, followed by dark Maroon lips and a pale face. Scarlett straightened her hair, tied it in a high ponytail before securing it with one of Ash's bandanas hanging on the side of the mirror. She got up and walked over to her dresser to pick out her clothes. Scarlett put on a black shredded shirt with a white tank top underneath, black leather jeans with rips at the knees and knee-high boots. The boots were about a three-inch heel, buckles down the side and a zipper on the other. They were decorated with studs on the heels and the top of the boot. Scarlett pulled off the ring that Ash had given her and looked around for a safe place to put it. She opened the draw of the dresser and put it in a tiny box. After Scarlett had placed the ring down, she noticed something small and red. She picked it up to examine it closer. It was Heath's vile of blood Ash had tried to hide from her.

"What's this? Blood. Why would Ash hide something like this here?" Scarlett questioned to herself.

She opened it carefully and sniffed it. As soon as she smelt whose blood it was, she instantly plopped the lid back on.

"This is Heath's blood. I'd know that smell miles away but, why is it in here? What is Ash trying to hide?" Scarlett asked herself.

She threw the tiny vile into her pocket and shut the draw before, sliding her hands into her leather gloves. She took one last look t herself in the mirror, Her scars were actually healing up, and her fang was slowly growing back. Scarlett smiled to herself before grabbing her phone, turning off the lights and heading downstairs. She walked into the kitchen and flicked on the lights. It was only just beginning to become bright in the house and the lights were that dimmed you could only see where you were walking.

"We need brighter lights in this house, and Ash has some serious explaining to do about this blood," Scarlett whispered, before brewing some coffee.

Soon later, Cadence had awoken and joined Scarlett down in the kitchen for coffee. Cadence had done a brown smokey eye with a bold, dark red lip. Her eyebrows were almost the same colour as Scarlett's. Cadence hair was curled and lay against her back. Cadence was wearing a black cocktail dress, reaching down to her knees. She wore black leggings under the dress, and on her feet were black stiletto heels. She wore long black satin gloves and a crown on her head, followed by, huge diamond ring, necklace and emerald earrings.

"Cadence? Really? we're going to get your house back, not a fashion show. Here, take that jewellery off, you don't want to lose it and place them in this box." Scarlett said, handing her a box off the shelf.

Cadence took off her jewellery and placed it inside the box. Scarlett looked Cadence up and down before taking off to the shoe and coat rack. She picked up some wedge booties, Plain black suede and a long black trench coat. She walked back in where Cadence was and handed her the coat and shoes.

"Here, put these on, you are not going to walk for miles in stilettos, and you'll catch a cold going out in that dress," Scarlett said.

Cadence nodded and slid out her heels, placed them down by the side of the counter, put the booties on and put the coat on. The trench coat fell to about her thighs, exactly where the dress ended.

"Is this better?" Cadence asked.

Scarlett shook her head and pointed to Cadence's golden crown with diamonds and emeralds in, on her head.

"That needs to come off, you're going out to find your house, not royal duties. It needs to come off." Scarlett said, approaching Cadence to take it off.

Cadence stood back and halted Scarlett. She turned around and opened the bag placed on the couch. She pulled out a silver tiara, decorated with blue diamonds, diamonds and onyx's. Cadence handed it to Scarlett.

"Here, this is yours. It's the royal princess's tiara, it belongs to you." Cadence smiled, placing it on Scarlett's head.

"Mum, I'm not a princess. Please, I don't want to wear this, it's uncomfortable and makes me look all posh and royal." Scarlett said, removing the tiara from her head.

Scarlett placed both her tiara and Cadence's crown safely into the box and place the box on the highest shelf where it wouldn't be knocked or broke.

"I don't think I will ever get used to that P word or wearing those weird tiaras. I have to admit ever since you told me I've felt off. Kind of like, a whole new door just opened in my life." Scarlett explained, pouring the coffee.

Cadence nodded and sat down at the table followed by, Scarlett and the cups of coffee.

"Does it feel weird without Ash or Jacklyn here?" Cadence questioned.

"It does, I'm so used to waking up with Ash beside me. It felt so weird waking up and him not being there, him not bringing me cups of coffee while I'm getting ready." Scarlett answered, blowing the steam away from her coffee.

"I'm glad, it has been forever, since just me and you sat down and talked, it's nice. I hope Ash and Jacklyn are well." Cadence said.

"To be fair, they never really got along. It's only really been recent since Ash and Jacklyn have got along much better. They use to be at each other throats every single day. God knows what happened to make them change, but I like it." Scarlett smiled.

Cadence smiled and placed her cup down gently before making direct eye contact with Scarlett.

"I must say, you've grown up a lot. You look exactly like your father did. If he saw you now, he would be so proud of everything you're doing. You go out and risk your life to save the ones you love. He'd be proud of you Scarlett." Cadence said.

Scarlett signed and shook her head. She gently placed the mug down.

"No, I don't think he would be. He hated vampires, he hated the being I am mum. He would look at me now, and I guarantee his words would be 'oh my god, what have you done to yourself. why are you drinking blood? That's disgusting, you're not my daughter anymore, you're a monster.' He didn't like vampires, he only tolerated them. I knew as soon as I wanted to get involved in this lifestyle, I had to leave. I couldn't face you or dad and tell him about this, about me, about Ash and Jacklyn." Scarlett explained.

Scarlett rose to her feet, wiped away her tears before returning her mug to the sink and cleaning it.

"Sweetie, a princess never cries. You're strong, I'm sure your father would have understood, just like me. Don't cry, I know you're having a hard time accepting this princess stuff, but it's who you are." Cadence reassured, joining Scarlett over at the sink.

"Enough with this princess stuff, we got work to do. Let's go." Scarlett said, avoiding any more questions.

Cadence nodded and followed Scarlett to the front door. Scarlett placed her long trench coat on which, covered her whole body all the way down to her ankles. Studs decorated the shoulders and cuffs and it had a few holes in it from previous fights. Scarlett handed Cadence her sword, knives and a pistol before opening the door. Scarlett turned off all the lights and locked the front door behind them, slinging the keys into her pocket. It was finally bright outside, the sun was shining, no clouds, no wind and birds chirping, starting their day. Cadence and Scarlett proceeded to find their castle.