A hazy figure was coming out from a ruined building there are still signs that it was burnt not long ago. The hazy figure seems to be heavily injured and retreated into the forest without a trace.
He was panting from exhaustion and pain he felt from his injury he continue to run, but it seems he wasn't running from anyone rather running out of time to carry out his mission.
He steps in a twisted branch and he trip he tried to get out of his situation but it only worsens his injury. He grunted from the pain he felt he saw a branch enough for a crane to support himself he picks it up and get up. Every step he took the more it affects his wound in his abdomen but he was stubborn he still carries out his will to report for his mission, his vision starts to blur the surrounding but even its blur he continues to walk even though he knew that it will only worsen his situation.
He trips again this time he tried to get up but his body took its toll he was desperate to get up but only loosen his vision.
"I...need.. to re*cough port .... S.H.E.I.L.D...."
The night has come as the skies blew the city into darkness it is the time of the children of the night to be awakened.
"Tonight, where the blood shall bleed, begins the destiny."
As if the words of the man carried by with the wind carrying the words that would turn into reality. Perhaps even more than he could predict that it would be the piece that will start the clocking of destiny.
The sound of the breaking windows shatters the silent night. Where two people were running away from their enemies. Both are running for a very long time but it would not last long for their weight of tiredness shall be the beginning of their misfortune.
The two people who are running away are a middle-aged woman and a male child. Both are gasping from running for a long time yet it seems that they didn't even notice the wound in the leg of the woman. Has left a trail as they were escaping from their assailants.
You could see the anxiety and fear in the woman's eye feeling the incoming danger that would possibly kill her and her child. The child is confused and currently unable to understand the heaviness of the impending danger that is coming to them. He knows someone is chasing them but he never knew why nor who are they. Possibly he would never know who are they for the rest of his life and that would be also the reason he would shake the whole world into chaos. That would be another time to tell, the assailants seem to be catching up with them. Forcing the woman to plan either make time for her child to escape by himself or ambush the assailants. The woman is thinking so hard weighing the choices she could think of. The woman felt her child grabbing in her clothes as he looks at him like she would vanish if he didn't grab her tightly.
The woman was having a mix feelings between her selfish wish and the best decision that would make it out for the both of them. Then, she suddenly smiled at her child as she tries to comfort her child.
"Hey kiddo can you promise mommy about something?" As she puts her child into a tree hole that even if you don't look carefully you wouldn't find this hole for it is blended between the background which is not easy to spot. The child looks at her refusing to let go of her he felt that if he let go of his mother he would never see her again.
"Mom, c-can you just stay with me..." He knew what his mother is trying to tell him, he knew those words that come out through her mouth would be lies. He already knew that but he still going to believe the lies that his mother is going to tell him.
"Don't worry kiddo mommy's gonna stay with you but you see we are going to play a game. You know to hide and seek right? all you need to do is to hide in this tree and cover your ears no matter what." As she tries to comfort him she knows her child already knew she was lying and that what makes it hurt for her, because she knew that her child knows that she might never come back...alive. She tries to hold up her tears not to make her child more worried than he already was.
"I know mom... I know....b-but will you come back and pick me up again?" As he looks at her with pure innocent eyes hoping, believing she would really come back to him.
"Promise?" As he shows his little pinky towards his mother which stun the mother. She mustered up her courage and shows her sweetest smile to her son. And hooked her other pinky for her son as she nods as a sign of agreement. He suddenly hugs his mother and smells her scent for the last time to comfort his fears as he slowly lets go of his mother. The child tightens the finger that he and his mother had an exchange and inserted himself towards the tree hole. Then look towards her mother to confirm that he already entered the hole. The mother smiles again towards her son and showed a silent sign. The son nodded as a sign of agreement and starts to cover his ears listening to his mother's advice.
The mother then starts to run towards the assailants she knew her decision will break his son's heart. But it would break her heart more if he didn't live past before the age of 50 he could live a better life without her. Having married, having grandkids, and enjoying reunion... without her. Although it hurts her so much that she could never see her son again she wish that if things were a bit different then possibly the outcome might be different.
She saw the incoming enemies then hides into the shadows waiting to ambush them. The assailants seem to be searching the clues to find the prey they are chasing. Then one of the assailants notices something is wrong but can't pinpoint it. Suddenly the assailant was covered by its mouth and was pierced by a thin tree branch to its neck. Was then drag towards the shadows the woman then slowly kills all the assailants one by one. The same strategy that she used earlier yet she was discovered by the other assailant when she was attacking the assailant in her arms. The other assailant then aimed his weapon at her but was deflected by her yet the assailant in her arms jab her with the elbow in her ribs which caused her to step back. The assailant then tried to attack her she then grabs the arm and twisted at the back and was shot in the stomach with the other assailant's weapon. Using the body as a shield she then pushes through the other assailant and knocks him down. And stab him in the eye which resulted in his death she then proceeds to kill the remaining 3 assailants.
The remaining assailants are trying to corner her one of them tries to lock her movements but was evaded by her. The two other assailants attack her continuously while the remaining tried again to lock her movements. She then evades the first attack by blocking with her arm and stab the other with her weapon in the lower jaw which pierces its skull making the branch move upwards. The remaining assailant tries to shots her in her head but shoots her left leg which her to lose balance and lets go of the other assailant. Who didn't forget to take a chance to kill her resulted in her being cut her head.
The head then rolled towards the ground and a single tear came out of her one of her eye. One of the assailants then kicks the body as he complained to his remaining member.
"F**** this b*tch made our lives harder and even managed to almost eradicate the team tch! We even lost the child that the woman had protected f*** this b****" As he kicked the body again out of anger the other member tried to calm him and starts to report to the headquarters about the mission.
"I'm going to call the headquarters about the mission to declare that the woman is killed but the child is missing." As he searches for his communicator his head suddenly flew away as his body falls to the ground. The noisy assailant then searches for the enemy but was scared and tries to escape from the unknown enemy. He then felt something was at his back and look back as he regrets why did he turn to look back. As his head rolls to the ground towards the other head of the assailant.
"Scums like you don't deserve to live in this world." As he sheaths his sword back to its scabbard and looks towards the body of the woman. He then closes her eyes as a sign of respect to the poor woman.
"Your death shall not be in vain." As he slowly looks towards the memories of the woman and found the location of the child that the woman was with.
"Bring her back to the association for more investigation." Someone came out from the shadows and brought a body bag to put the corpse of the woman into the bag. He then proceeds to find the boy hidden in a tree hole.
He first knocks on the tree to let the boy know that someone is there. The child thought it was her mother he then immediately goes out of the hole, and yet he was hoping it was his mother but it was someone else. He first frantically search his mother he thought he was mistaken that his mother did not come back.
"Mister where's my mommy?" As he blinks his innocent eyes that seems tears are going to fall. He was unable to give a response immediately he thought that this child is very unfortunate his mother died to protect him. It was very touching but it is hard to break the truth to a child who is innocent of the cruelty of the world. He then hugs the child and hoists him up as he walks away.
"Your mother is currently sleeping she couldn't pick you up because she got tired."
"B-but mommy said she would pick me up no matter what and why is she sleeping? Can I see her now?" As he looks towards the man who picks him up he seems to be saying I want my mother back. The words that he tried to tell the child seems to be stuck in his throat. Unable to tell the words that could break the child's innocent.
"I will let you see her later for now you need to sleep." As he pats the back of the child which lulls the child into slumber. Yet the face of the man was grim and sad someday he needed to tell the truth to the child. And things might change everything and when I say everything it is EVERYTHING.
I wonder what would happen to this child's destiny...