The sound of footsteps echoes through the corridors of the hallway as the cold face man walks in the hallway. His face was beautiful, sharp, and dangerous like he was the reincarnation of Adonis. Yet he was not a nice man that you could chat with a coffee in a cafe for his aura exuded with danger.
There other people who are present in this situation and currently at the sidelines. They couldn't help but hold their breathes when he come nearer as their own legs wobble like a newborn deer as they are trying to find a chance to run away as far from this person. One of the people made eye contact with the cold face man and that almost made him piss in his pants at that moment. He then immediately avoid his eyes fortunately he didn't piss his pants right there. And manage to hold it but his fear grows each second because he made eye contact and worries about his little poor life thinking about what is going to happen to him.
Suddenly he stops his footsteps when the two poor scared people started to tremble like a rattle instrument. As he slowly walks towards their direction the two were scared like a poor lamb that has been sent to a butcher.
'F*** sh** why is he coming into our direction did we made a mistake? Did I offend him because I made eye contact with him? Oh dear God whatever God's who hears my prayer please save me in this cruel situation'
While the other guy, his soul has already left in his body, and currently unable to go back to his body due to a sudden shock and traumatic experience.
'I am nothing but a thin air I am going to heaven sayonara shalalala' as if there are angels that were singing in the choir; as his soul slowly ascending together with the angels.
His cold and demanding voice echoes throughout this silent hallway like his voice is like a judgment to tell their punishment like a from the reaper. The innocent man who was trembling like a rattle was shaking even more than before. The poor man pointed his friend if he meant he was calling his friend. But his eyes go narrow and he slowly pointed to himself then the cold face man nods as a sign of agreement.
"U-uuum...wu-w-a-w-wha- *clears his throat* w-what can I do for you, Sir?"
Then just look at him like he was staring like a snake looking at his prey. The poor man trembles with fear as he starts to sweats like he was in the Sahara Desert. The cold face man opens his mouth about to say something which results in his out of reflex he did something a bit embarrassing.
His words echoed throughout the corridors and there was a sound of pause. Like everything goes silent not even a chirp of birds nothing it was so awkward. His words have a lot of meaning depending on what you like to hear. It sounds like he was going to be sexually harassed and it really REALLY was so embarrassing. That made the cold face man taken aback and was trying to hold his laughter but controlled his face because it would be weird if he did.
"I was trying to ask you about the directions to the room of Ms. Venice."
Both of them are watching each other and the poor innocent man was embarrassed. His face was like a tomato and his mouth opens and closes repeatedly like a fish out from the water. He then calms himself and reorganizes his brain to properly speak.
"You just need to turn right and go straight then you can find his room."
"Hm." as a sign of thanks and nod at him as he slowly walks away from the poor innocent man. Watching the cold face Adonis walk away from them the other friend then recover his soul back to earth.
"Hey! why did you say *imitate his friend's voice high pitch* Please don't eat me I am not delicious!!!"
As he snorts and started to laugh like crazy if his soul didn't fly away when the man faced them. His friend then slaps his back out of anger and was so pissed at him.
"Shut the f*** up like you didn't almost lose your soul just because he came near to us and you even abandoned me when I needed you hmmpp!!!!"
He then walks away from his friend and was so pissed at him. His friend then follows him while trying to coax his friend from his wrath.
"Oh! come on already I'm not the person who almost pissed his pants!"
"You better shut your mouth, Fred!!! if you don't want me to break your figurines in your bedroom!!!"
"Oh sh**!!! Dan!! I am sorry please leave my waifu out of this conversation!!" as he increases his speed to keep up his angry grumpy friend.
The cold face man then arrives in the room and knocks onto the door.
"Come in!!" a sound of a man from the inside invites the person from the outside. The cold face man then enters the room filled with neon pink and full of pink accessories. Like it was out from a barbie collection and in the middle of it was a man.
Or should I say a crossdressing man wearing a floral dress which makes his muscles bulge out from those clothes? As he slowly turns around to face the visitor in his office as his face slowly then brightens because of the visit of the cold face man. His face was like a bear with a scar on the left side of his face he has a brown haired wig. His hairy front chest seems to be going to pop out at any moment. Like he was a wolverine mixture of the hulk and the dress seems going to rip into pieces with a tiny pressure of his strength. And his eyes seem to be like a sumo wrestler going out of the battlefield.
"My sweet sugar pumpkin pie!!!" his high pitch voice like it was a shriek of a banshee. As he welcomes the cold face man and opens his arms so big the bears could fit with it. His arms bulge like it was full of steroids and proteins. And smiles like a killer so bad that it looks like a maiden that it was forced to go to a hardcore gym together with bodybuilders.