

She walks into the huge hall, red silk gown draping off her curves and exposing her tanned neck draped with diamonds. The men turn, cigar fumes curling luxuriously in the dim lighting of the hall. An overwhelming scent of cherry smoke, vannila and whiskey permeate the air. She is the envy of all women who see her, golden curls carelessly bouncing each step her feet thump on the ground with her fuming heels. As elegantly saunters through the hall, cigarette holder poised in hand. Red lips, a smooth back and striking sapphire irises captured the eye of all wealthy guests. Resplendent, the word to use. Forbidden fruit. Walking towards the bar, bathing at the gold dim light. The diamonds on the hanging chandelier makes the light sway to its ease. As reaching it's target she leans, the dark haired man before her transfixed by her goddess like beauty.

"Baby you know, not all cells in our body can be replaced even in our brain. So please tell your girlfriend, not because she's your new, you can replace your memories and also your love to me. Like what I am doin right now, you're stunned. I'm back Massimo." I caressed his face.

"L-luna.." he stuttered.

"No one's Luna." I smirked.