

"Madam, wake up. It's already 8 in the morning. Señor Massimo is waiting for you outside." I opened my eyes and smiled at her.

"Goodmorning Azarea. Please tell him that he'll wait for one hour you get me?" And she nodded and left my room.

A very wonderful morning for this wonderful woman. I headed my way to my bathroom and took a bath. I did all my rituals for my face and dressed up. I am wearing my Button front cape blazer dress paired with my black galaxy heels. I straightened my hair and ready to go. I got my bag and walked down the stairs.

"Goodmorning beautiful. You smell amazing. The scent I'm always craving for." He kissed my cheeks.

"Goodmorning baby." I kissed his cheeks too.

"Shall we now go?" I nodded.

"We'll now go! Take care!" I bid my goodbye to my maids.

"Take care Señor, señora!" They said.

He opened the door of his Audi and I entered. We have our own company. Drema Feria Carzona. The name of the luxurious company. Drema Feria Carzona, a car company. We two are boss. A lord to be exact but we don't want us to be treaten as a lord because we're only a human not a lord to be treaten special.

"Ciantana goodmorning. Mateo goodmorning." Timothy bowed. Our assistant.

"Goodmorning." We professionally said and walked towards the elevator.

"Floor 12 sir." The elevator girl said.

"No, floor number 9. I'll check something there." I said.

"Okay ma'am." She nicely said and pressed the button. "Floor number 9 maam sir." She said when the elevator opened.

"Thank you." I smiled at her.

"Ciantana. You're late." My client said while on her back.

"No one dictates what time can I be on my office. Not even my mother. I have my life, my rules, my time to handle. But, my time is gold, it's hard to get so you better be happy that  we still met." I strictly said.

"Mine too. So you better not make me wait." She smirked.

"No baby, not you but me." I laughed.

"I'm here to buy a car." She proudly said.

"You're giving me an attitude tho you'll just buy one?" I arched my eyebrows.

"Only one. But the most expensive one please." She smiled playfully.

"No hunny, not me. Just talk to my secretary if you'll just buy one. I'm just meeting business tycoons who'll buy all of my cars. Stfu when you're buying one." I turned my back her.

"Okay then. All of the cars. I'll be going. I'll just send my secretary here to handle everything. I'm late. Goodbye." She said and I just laughed.

"Okay then. Ms. Graziella Fontejon. Send your secretary and we'll talk. Goodbye." I started to walk.

"Hey hunny." The slut said to Massimo.

"He's not a car hunny. Fck off."

"I know. But I want him." He caressed my boyfriend's face.

"A slut." I laughed.


"I said nothing. Let's go Massimo." I held his hand and walked out of the room.

"What did you say to her?" I laughed at his accent.

"It's nothing baby. Don't mind that."

"Miss Ciantana?"

"Ohh, Mr. Clyde del Fario. How are you?" I smiled at him. He never changed.

"I'm good. I'm just waiting for my girlfriend." He looked at the room where we are few minutes ago.

"Ohh, Ms. Fontejon is your girlfriend? Tell her that Massimo is taken. And also, watch your girl's move mister. Goodbye."

"Goodbye Ms. Ciantana" he smiled and I just smirked.

"And also, pay the balance of your girlfriend. Her money can't pay all of her bills."

"Why? She said she'll just buy one." He turned his back.

"No, she said she'll buy everything so yeah." I laughed.