

I was awakened by the vibration of my phone. So I scrolled down my phone when a message suddenly popped out on my screen.

From: 09********3

This is Zyria Pula Publishing Company. We would like to inform you that your book "Siren" already hit 100M reads in just a month. We want your cooperation to let us book publish your works in our Company. Thank you.

I was shocked. I replied this person to ask if it's legit but they didn't replied so i did my own research about this Pub. Co. Based on what I have found, The Zyria Pula Publishing Company is the largest Publishing group in the whole world. They have over 100 branches in one nation. This Company published so many books all around the world and the president of this company is Mr. Lorenz Michael Roq.

And as I knew about this Mr. Lorenz, i also had a research about him.

Mr. Lorenz Michael Roq, The president of Zyria Pula Publishing Company. He is a very powerful man. He is very luxurious. Mr. Roq owns 10 big companies not only Zyria Pula Pub. Co. He also manage the best selling resto bar in Hawaii.

This Mr. Roq is definitely attractive. Through his neatly fixed hair, his blue eyes, his tuxedo, his posture, you can see him professionally playing the game smooth. I don't know why I have the urge in wanting to meet him.

Fiona calling...

"Hello?" I answered the phone.

"Oh my godddd! My favorite author just hit 100 million reads on her first story. Her story is so jusstttt amazingg." She said so loudly.

"Uhmm, what's her name?" I asked out of curiosity.

"We don't know her real name. But her name in the app is D. Just a simple letter D. I don't know what it means maybe that D thingy is connected to her or about herself I don't know." She explained.

"What's her story? I might read it later."

"Her story is "SIREN" that is so beautiful you better read it now girl." She said proudly and I just smiled on what she just said.

"Okay, I'll read it later." I laughed.

"Okayyy, byeee." She said and i hang up the call.

Mr. Lorenz Michael Roq, no wonder why your company is flying high. I'll meet you soon.

"Ciantana! It's time to eat or you will get late on school again." My mon yelled.