

"Cianta Elizabeth Del Transia! It's time to eat or you will get late in school again." My mon yelled.

"Coming mom!" I yelled back.

"Sis, you better read this story. It's so beautiful." My youngest sister said while I was going down on the stairs.

"What's that?" I asked.

"A story of a very mysterious author. I don't know her but she is very famous. But her story is ackkkk! Very amazing." She said happily.

"Ohh, is that the author that just have a D on her name?" I asked and she nodded.

"Yeah." She answered back.

"I already read her stories." I ended our conversation.

I don't feel talking to her because she have a mood swing. And we aren't close enough since our parents seperated. She is just my half sister. My true siblings is Frances Del Transia Catherine Del Transia. I am the eldest of us three.

"C'mon you four. It's time to eat." My mother called again.

"Okay coming."

"Mom, why did you even made this brat live here? She's just a half. We are your true daughters not that one." Catherine said while glaring at Rizza.

"Because your father don't want her to live in his house. You know him." My mother said nicely.

"Her mother. Yes her mother. Bring her back to her mother." Frances said while pointing at Rizza.

"Her mother died while she was 3 years old so I kept her darlings." My mom said and turned her back on us and washed her hands on tge sink.

"But mo--"

"Catherine. Frances. Stop it." I ended.

I just sat on the chair and have my meal. The girls are still glaring not until Rizza spilled his milk on the head of my sisters. I was shocked on what she just did.

"What the-" Frances said and she handed the ketchup and pour some on Rizza's head.

"Stop it!" I exclaimed.

"Don't you have manners? Just please eat peacefully and shut your mouths up." I added.

"You, Frances stop being a brat too. What did she do to you so that you are that much angry on her huh? And you too Catherine, what did Rizza do to you? Why are you acting so brave infront of Rizza? Even if she is our half sister, have manners on her. Now, eat up your food." I commanded.

After what the three did, mom confronted them on what they did.