

As i stepped my feet out of our car, i can feel the hot glare of the mean girls on our school.

"Oh, look who's here. Ciantana Elizabeth Del Transia. The just so nerdy and simple girl. Why are you so beautiful even if no make up? I want to look like you. No I'm just kidding. You. Are. So. Ugly" Ana said and pushed me hard so i fall out of balance but as I opened my eyes, a very unexpected person covered my sight.

"Are you okay miss?" He said huskily. His scent.

"I-I'm just o-okay sir. Thank you." I nervously answered.

"And you girls, stay away from her, or else. Now go." As he pushed away the girls he looked at me and seriously looking at my face. "You are so familiar." He uttered.

"Boss, let's go." His bodyguard shouted.

"Careful at those mean girls sweetie." He said and took his way on his car.

"Heyy! Ciantana! Who is that? He is so handsome." Fiona said.

"I don't know him." My innocent mouth said.

"Ohh, Kk. Let's go." She pulled me away from the entrance and headed to our class.

Our professor is discussing but my brain is flying. Thinking about him. His unexplainable scent. His posture. His eyes. His touch. I can't explain. No, I'm just drugged. Arghhhh!

I don't know what to do when I am still in shock on what that man did to me. He stunned me with his handsomeness. He is a god.

"Ms. Del Transia?" our professor caught my attention and i fixed my position.

"Uhm Yes sir." I was tensed.

"I am calling you 20 times then you just responded. Are you okay? Your mind seems flying. Are you sick? Ms. Fiona, check if Ms. Verzosa have a fever." our professor said and Fiona checked.

"Yes sir, she is too hot." Fiona said and I was shocked.

"Huh? I have a fever?" I said and checked myself and yes, im hot.

"Okay Ms. Del Transia. You can go home now. And come to school if you are okay. understand?" i just nodded and fix my things.

I headed my way on the dark hallway because the clouds are black and preparing to rain but I suddenly remembered that i didn't packed my umbrella. And yes, it did rain and i am stuck here at the hallway with my bag then suddenly, a familiar scent hit my nostrils. As I looked at my side, I saw him. Smiling.

"Well, I guess we are trapped." he said while his two hands are on his pockets.

"Yes sir, I didn't have my umbrella on me." i just said.

"But its Class Hours. why are you here?" he asked me again.

"I have a fever and my professor said that i can go home." i answered.

"Ohh, do you have a driver?" he asked. again.

"I will just walk when the rain will stop sir." I responded.

"You have a fever? And you don't have a driver? wait. I will just go and get my phone and my car keys. I will drive you home."