

"You have a fever? And you don't have a driver? wait. I will just go and get my phone and my car keys. I will drive you home."

I was about to open my mouth but he ran to an office. After a few minutes, he came back and now he is wearing his coat on.

"Wait, I didn't even asked you if it's alright to drive you home. Can I?" he asked nicely and I smiled at him. Who would resist him? Like, it's not a big deal to other people but for me, resisting this man infront of me is a big mistake.

"Yes." I smiled.

He opened the the door of his car. I directed our house and he dropped me safely.

"Uhm, Sir thank you." I thanked him inside the car.

"Just call me Lorenz. I'm just 19 years old." I am in state of shock when he said that he is still 19.

"You're just 19 but managing a lot of companies? how?" I asked out of curiosity.

"I home studied. And now, here I am. A president of a Pub. Co. and many more companies." he said proudly.

"How I wish I was like you."


"How I wish I was like you." I lowered my voice.

"Why?" I saw the confusion on his eyes.

"Because, you just studied at your house, me? I need to go to school to be bullied." I said with a teary eye.

"Shh, that's a part of being a student." He said to calm me down.

"Thank you for the ride sir." I said in a happy tone.

"What did I say?" he arched his brows and I laughed.

"Oh, Thank you for the ride Lorenz. You okay now? HAHA" I laughed on what I said.

"You're welcome Miss?" he questioned.

"Ciantana Elizabeth Del Transia." I said.

"You're welcome Eli." he gave me a nickname.

"I'm gonna go now. Thank you again Lorenz." I smiled and got out of the car.

"You are welcome Eli. till we meet again."He said and I closed the door of his car and he drove to where he will go.

I hope I will see you again Lorenz.

As I entered our house, my heart beat is so fast. I opened the door and I saw my mother

on the ground. Blood everywhere. When I looked around, my heart jumped. I saw Catherine on the stairs, unconscious. I don't know what to do. I ran outside and headed to our neighbor to ask help and they called an ambulance. Minutes later, my mother and sister is now in the hospital. Rizza and Frances came home early because of what happened. Frances led to the hospital to take care of my mother and sister.

"Miss, what happened here?" the police officer asked me.

"I don't know. When I already arrived home, I was shocked when I opened the door. It was

my mom on the floor full of blood. My sister, on the stairs unconscious." I answered what I know.

"Stay here. we'll just go inside." he said and I nodded.

"Sis, are you okay?" Rizza asked me and I smiled.

"Mommy and Catherine. Are they fine?" i asked her.

"Frances already called me and said they are still unconscious." she said.

And any minute, I saw a familiar car heading to our way. As he stepped out from his car, I saw his dark aura.

"What just happened here?" he arched his brows on us.

"D-daddy." Rizza uttered.

"What happened here?!" he shouted at us.

"I don't know. The police is still  investigating dad." Rizza answered.

"You. You are the one who arrived first here. Maybe you're the one who did it." he accused me.

"I cannot do such thing to my mom especially to my sister. If I am the one who did it, then you will not see me here anymore. And one thing more, why are you here? Aren't you busy with your new family?. Go with them. I can handle this. We don't need you anymore here." I glared at him.

"Oh, you have the guts now to talk to me like that. How dare you." he said and turned his back on us and headed to his car. When he already left Rizza hugged me so tight.

"Go. To the hospital and check mommy." she said and I nodded.

I am now at the hospital. I saw a nurse and asked where is my mother. I felt my body trembling when the nurse pointed a body wrapped by a white bedsheet. A tear came out from my eye.

"Is that my mom?" I asked.

"Yes. She is Aurora Verzosa maam." my world stopped.

"What is the cause of her death?" I asked blankly.

"A stab in her chest. 5 stabs." she said.

I ran to the cold body of my mother. I hugged her. Very tight. And a hand touched my shoulder. I looked at it's direction.

"My condolences." he said.
