Chapter 17

"Why are you here?" Trance asked in monotone the dashing prince of gloom who placed the tray with a milkshake on the table before he sat next to the girl.

"To have a lunch." She grimaced while looking at him as he took a sip from his vanilla milkshake. Even he's sitting on Trance's left side, Hiro has never been able to stop glaring at Felix who's talking to Trance.

"You only consume that small amount of food?" Felix asked her curiously.

"Yeah." She nonchalantly replied before sealing the container of her food.


"Stop asking her already." Hiro interrupted their conversation while looking at Felix menacingly. Chuckle slipped into Felix's lips and positioned his elbow at the top of the table before he leaned his head on it. Instead of noticing the menacing boy, Felix is still looking at the small female beside him.

Hary tapped the raven's shoulder to motion him to sit with them instead. Hiro left no choice but to do what the blonde wants but his eyes never leave both of them on the other table. He's somehow pissed at Felix because Felix is making Trance uncomfortable.

"Short hair suits you but I prefer you with long hair." He complimented Trance while combing her silky smooth and jet-black hair gently.

"Why did you cut it anyway?" Trance took half a minute to respond to his question. She's trying to look tough but she's deeply scared of the lion of a man with ash-gray orbs sitting beside her.

"I-It's long and heavy when I tied it up." Felix hummed before he sipped again on his milkshake.

"Do you want to have one?"

"W-What?" He rolled his eyes before he leaned close to Trance.

Trance froze from her seat when she smells the familiar whiff of perfume on the air. Her heart thumped and she feels her stomach dropped. Memories started to flash through her mind.

"I'm asking you if you want a milkshake. I'm going to buy you one." Felix observed that the girl beside him is dazed while her eyes are cast down to the table. He placed his warm palm on her shoulder and gently shaped her.

"Trance, are you listening to me?" Trance flinched and looked at him with wide eyes, like a cat when their owner scares them.

"Please don't hit me." He creased his brows while looking at the girl who started shaking her pale and small hands. Her breathing went at a quick pace and her eyes began to water. Felix started to panic on his mind while trying to calm Trance down.

"Listen to me," Felix tilted Trance's chair to make her face him. She's now crouching while gripping to her black polyester skirt. Felix kneeled to take a glimpse of her face.

"I'm not going to hit you. Take deep breaths. I won't do that." The male said in a calm demeanor while caressing her cheek.

"I won't." He said before he planted a kiss behind her palm to comfort her.

Bryle noticed what's happening in them and tapped Haru's shoulder. From burying his head on his arm, Haru looked in his sister's direction before he went back to his previous position.

"You're not worried?" Bryle asked him in low voice, although he knows that Haru won't notice him like what he usually does on the rest, aside from his sister.

"There." Felix handed over Trance his handkerchief and the girl shakingly accepted it and wipe away the tears from her eyes.

"Let's get out of here." He gently pulled her from her seat and leave the cafeteria together with guards behind them.

"T-That person is here." She said after she was seated in her chair. Felix looked at her and pulled the chair beside him. Their classmates are not there at the moment, making both of them are the only students inside the room.

"Who?" Trance sobbed before she shook her head. To her surprise, Felix kicked the chair that he's about to seat with. He's casual but he looked at Trance in hostility.

"Tell me now." He said in a pissed tone.

"Tell me now why you ended up like this?!"

"Stop playing with me, will you?" Even she's shaking, Trance managed to ask him straightly and her puffy eyes meet his hostile eyes.

"Playing? I'm not playing! Do I look like I'm here with you right now because I'm playing?!" He raised his voice at her. Felix clasped his slender hand on her wrist while looking at her in a pissed expression.

"I don't care! Stay away from me, will you?! I hate you for hurting my classmates and scaring my friends!" She tried to escape his iron-clad grip but the male never thinks of letting her go.

"Ha! You bargained yourself to me because you loose on our game." Felix said in a drop-dead tone.

"You're my prize. Aside from that, if you know that you will swallow your pride at the end of the day, you shouldn't agree." He said before he pulled her wrist and kissed her small knuckles. Trance looked away after she realized how foolish her decision was.

"But if I don't concede with that, you won't stop on doing that."

"Stop kissing me." She murmurs and takes her hand back.

"Alright, little tiger." Trance kicked his knees, but Felix catches her feet and leaned down to her level. Trance's bracelet glows and ready to send electric shock on her but it immediately went back to normal.

"Stop calling me that." Felix hummed in an eerie way, making Trance shivered. She is about to stand up and leave him there but his slender hand caught her small wrist.

"Not so fast, I told you to not leave my side, aren't you?" Trance rolled her eyes and face him with a done expression written all over her face.

"When did you say that? Giving rise to the story like that is no good." She said.

"Do you have a short-term memory loss? I told you earlier to stay by my side, what part of that is hard for you to comprehend?" The edge of Trance's lips tugged upwards and it forms a small smirk that cracked on her lips before it dropped and her expression went on her usual stoic one.

"All of it." She sarcastically said, making the male in front of her smirk and slammed his hand on the wall beside her. Trance is about to make her exit on his right but he caged her.

"Messing up with me?"

"No. Let me go back to my seat." Felix sarcastically smiles before he leaned to her ear. Trance froze at the moment while looking at him with wide eyes.

"You probably don't want me to get pissed. Even you're a Miyazaki and I know your grandfather and your brothers are the twins, I can do what I want on you, Trance." His eyes wandered from her face down to her lips trailing down to her neck before he started at her electric blue orbs emotionlessly. Sharp tension builds up between both of them hastily.

"Test me with your cockiness and you'll regret it." He whispers before his lips twitched into a sweet smile yet his eyes held hostility and murder.

At that moment, Trance regretting and wanted to leave him here but the small part of her mind telling her something. This time, she didn't want to listen to that anymore. In front of this crazy man, she can't withstand his blank stare at her even she's wearing her stoic mask.

"You're not going to believe me?" His big hand brushed against her pale neck, making Trance gulped while anxiously looking at him. Felix's small touch sends shivers to her down to her spine.

He pulled something into his pocket and showed it to Trance, making the girl's stoic expression dropped as her gaze meet the shining object on his hand.

"Oh! Are you familiar with this?" He chuckled maliciously before he fiddles it with his slender fingers.

"I use this when I'm pissed, Trance. Do you want to try it?" Trance can feel a loom on her stomach and she clenched her hand on the wall behind her.

"I'm asking you if you want me to try it to you." He repeats his words and emphasizing every word although he keeps his voice sexy, making Trance almost jump. She nibbles her lower lip and cast her eyes down to the ground. Trance can taste the metallic taste of liquid in her mouth.

"N-No," Trance muttered. Felix stared down at his victim, astonished and patiently waiting for her to cry from fear or beg him to spare her life but then, Trance looked at him in the straight face despite her eyes being puffy from her cry.

"Knife is used by a noob like you. You don't play fair. Is that how you treat your previous opponent?" She said.

"I thought you play fair, Felix Valdez." His genuine and sweet smile dropped before he forcibly leaned Trance on the wall behind her and pressed the tip of a cold blade on her neck. She hissed in pain.

"I play fair, as far as I remember you said the word help me two times. I consider the first one as your joke but the second isn't." Felix said and smirked like a maniac when he took a glimpse on her neck where his blade pressed and it starts to bleed.

"As far as I remember too, you agreed on our agreement. It's a bargaining agreement and you.." Felix draws the knife away from her and watches how her neck bleed.

"Bargained yourself to me."