Chapter 18

"Argh! Shut up will you?!" Trance yelled at Felix who's sitting beside her and never stop in bothering her by whispering something in her ear. 

Trance and Samuel exchange seats because of his brother and that decision of his brother have a good factor on him. Samuel will finally seat with his friends and Trance will seat beside Felix.

"What?" Felix sneers before he fiddled the knife with his fingers. Trance scowled as she eyes the blade on his hand.

"Hide your toy. The professor might say that you'll be in trouble." Felix steals a glance at the surgical band on her neck before he darted his gaze on another part of her neck. Appreciating the pale complexion of the girl.

Trance stopped from reading the book that Felix allowed her to borrow from him. She immediately covered the surgical band on her neck after she learned that the male beside her is staring at it.

"Do you have your fun now after seeing that wound?" She monotonously asks him as she closes the thick book, creating a soft thud.

"No. I prefer that without the surgical band covering it." Trance grimaced and pull her chair away from the male. He let a dark chuckle slipped on his lips as he shoves

A problematic sigh escape from her lips and Trance earned a death glare from him after saying the word: "Crazy." She just shrugged her shoulder instead of minding him.

Felix pulled his chair just to get nearer to Trance and stare at her while burying half of his face.

"How's the book?"

"It's----" Trance confusingly faced him after he snatched the book from her small hands.

"Where're your manners?" She raised a question with her dropped dead tone. Felix hummed as he flipped the pages of the book.

Even she's pissed at the male's behavior, Trance remained calm and patiently waiting for Felix to bring the book back at her. She tapped her fingertips at the top of the desk as the male scanned the book and flip the pages.

"Are you enjoying this?" Trance hummed in response before she snatched the book from Felix's hands and flipped it back to the page that she read.

"I told to the dean that you agree with tutoring me. When are we going to start?"

"Weekend. It's Friday today, let me rest for a while."

"So where are we going to study?"

"Whatever you want to." She replied while eyes are glued to the book.



"Your house?" Felix inquired her once again, Trance put the small finger on the edge of the book before she closed it and looked at Felix.

"If Cowichan will allow you and me."

"At the cafe?" Trance grimaced silently.

"Do you think that we're allowed? We can go to the mall but even we're allowed to go to the cafe your saying, I'm not going." Trance answered and opened the book again.

"Why? How can we study now? You don't want to your house or the cafe near my home. What about the library?" Trance clamped her eyes shut and swallowed the lump on the throat as she feels her stomach drop.

"You hate library too? Ho----"

"It could be easy for us if we study in your home. I'm the one who's going to adjust." She cut him off.

"It's my decision, not yours." Trance slammed the book at the desk in front of her while starting at his ash-gray orbs. Her shallow electric blue orbs never yield against his hostile look.

"Never mention that word again. Never." The male laughed darkly and smirked sarcastically. Felix clasped his warm hand into her small hand and tried to restrain her.

"What? You can't talk back at me, Trance. What would your grandfather say about this? His granddaughter doesn't want to teach a guy with low grades like me." His gentle hold vanished as he grips strongly at her hand, causing it to almost drain the color. Trance winced silently while trying to remove her hand from his grip.

"You know what I can do." He whispers to her ear. Felix tucked some of her hair strands behind her ear using his free hand. Trance feels intimidated as he caresses her hair. Her eyes begin to water when his grip goes tighter than it used to be every second.


"I noticed that you're good at enduring it. Do you want me to let go of your hand?"

"You're hurting me." A dark chuckle escaped his lips and tightened up his grip more. Trance can feel that the bones on her hand might snap any second.

"Do you want me to let go of it?" His sultry whisper sends a shiver down to Trance's spine.

"Come on, I'm waiting for you."

"Please, let go of my hand. I'm sorry." She begged in a small voice and enough for Felix to hear and make him satisfied before he let go of her small hand from his grasp.

"That's right, be a good girl to me." Trance clutch her hand that starts to regain its color back. Her fingertips are cold and the mark of his hand remains.

"Let's study at my home then. It's not like I'm going to stab you there so you can bring your brothers to accompany you." He said with a grin.

"You're smiling like a retard." Samuel said to his brother who's reclining on the couch with a glass of drink in his hand and his lips tugged upwards, forming a lopsided smile.

"And you're a retard." The younger grimaced before he continues to solve his rubrics cube. The raven youth leaned at him while menacingly looking at Felix.  Felix's smile drop after he takes a sip of his drink.

"I won't let him if I am you," Hiro said. Felix didn't mind their gossip about him, instead, he's just starting at the air while whirling the glass on his hand to mix it well.

"Seems like I know who's the reason behind that," Samuel whispered after he placed the solved rubrics cube at the coffee table in front of them. Hiro grabbed the cube on the table before shuffling it and give it to his brother, Haru, who's wide awake at the moment.

"Trance?" Felix immediately shifted his gaze at his brother. Even though he's coldly looking at Samuel who's giving him a smug look.

"I never thought that your name now is Trance."

"Stop playing with my sister, Felix. My sister is a girl. She's a girl, not your toy." Hiro added while sending death glares at Felix.

"This is my house, not Samuel's. You don't have the right to tell me what should I do. I enjoyed playing with her." Felix growled.

Now, when school is finally over and they made their way home, Hiro and Haru went to Felix's place to take something that they forgot to bring when they moved to their grandfather's home.

"I'm not telling you what to do, I'm saying that don't play with my sister's feelings," Hiro said.

"She may be acting like nothing else will threaten her but she's a fragile one. You saw how she breakdown that day. Trance didn't do anything to you." The raven added calmly. Haru then throws the cube on the male who's reclining on the couch and Felix successfully catches it.

"We proposed this gable on that organization so the happenings from the past will never happen again," Felix brings up, and noticing the raven youth is not coming to his mind

"What game? Who's with you?" Samuel asked him in seriousness, the playful and carefree persona is gone.

"Are you saying that you proposed a gamble on Excalibur?" Felix placed the glass on the top of the coffee table and reclined again.

"Not only me."

"The Phoenix and Dragon are with you?" A simple shook of his head is enough to make his brother left confused.

"They both disappear two years ago."

"What are you saying? What is he saying?" Hiro shrugged his shoulder when Samuel's gaze got thrown at him.

"Both of them, they died two years ago. But they got replaced by Anubis and Apollo."

"Who are those two?"

"Their successors, both came from the anonymous clan. I haven't seen their faces but Apollo is a good opponent. I encountered them in Dragon's Arena when I went on Japan."

"I talked to both of them after Apollo and I fought. We agreed to propose a gamble on Excalibur. Now, I have all of my pawns and I know our opponents are secretly making their plans."

Haru leaned his head on the backrest of the sofa while wiping his spectacles. He paused when his twin tapped his shoulder.

"You heard him? Let's challenge them. The last man standing." Hiro tells his twin but he got ignored. Felix shook his head after he heard the boy said that.

"Shut it Excalibur agent, will you? They send you here just to watch over me." Hiro snickered before he clings his arm around his brother's shoulder and tugged him.

"Don't worry, I won't report this to them. Just promise that you'll never let our sister die." A smirk crept into his lips before he leaned both of his elbows into his knees.

"Who said?"