The whole morning class was never been so tense before. Nine's threatening glimpse and the hand brushing against the tip of the swiss knife is enough for some of them to shut their mouths. None of them didn't even dare to lift their gazes aside from the blonde boy who's panicking and the siblings.
"Why she's here?! Trance?!" Hary burst out after Nine went outside. Trance buries her face in her arms while Hary faced them in panic, silently laughing at his reaction as if he took sight of the ghost in front of him. Trance relaxed her shoulders as the whole class went noisy again while Hary is in a panic state.
"Dude, she created damage on Prince."
"Emotional damage, correction."
"Harsher than third-degree burn."
"Man down."
"Are you perhaps related to that crazy woman?" Yen asked him. Kiel and Bryce darted their gazes away as the confused Japanese guy give them a confused look. Hary clings into Kiel's arm with a terror written all over his face. Trance raised her head after Bryle tapped her. Yen rubbed his still aching neck, "It too difficult for me to breathe until now."
"They seem like afraid of the new student," Shin commented yet his eyes cast on Trance who seems doesn't pay any attention to everyone. Trance raised a brow as she meet his gaze, "What?"
"You changed a lot, your grandfather and Hiro told us that you and Haru got involved in a car accident. Both of you are fallen into a coma."
"Are you sure that you can recognize us?"
"She did," Hiro replied.
"Why she's here? Why you brought her here, Trance?"
"Why did you bring that demon of a woman here?"
"Ahh!!" Hary almost falls from his seat when he saw Nine walking towards him. She rolled her eyes before her shoes against the floor. Her shoes tapped into the floor in an eerie way like tap....tap....tap...I'm the replacement of the grim reaper, "Overacting? Oh, Hello Kiel and Bryle. How's your life going?" The two remained in silence while the blonde lady was seated in front of them.
"How're your organs by the way?" The two slowly retreated away from her, making Nine laugh in an antagonistic way, making Hiro and the rest looked at her in confusion.
"Yeah? I switched some of your organs. It's already been failing anyway. I have something to ask you by the way," Nine clamped her hands on his shoulders and shove him away from them, "Trance! Help!" Trance just ignored him and continue watching the view outside the window. Not catching the fall for him. She played safe and shrugged her shoulders.
"Do you miss being here? It's been a year." She paused from staring at the window and looked at Kiel. Trance faced him with a lopsided smile on her face. She threw glances back at the window wondering about something.
"Unfortunately, I miss the silence in my hospital room than you. You reeking pigs." 'There is something wrong.'
"We're not allowed to visit you but I hope you don't wake up, boss."
"How's that guy treating all of you?"
"Nothing much, like a normal classmate after all."
"Truth. You know how much I hate liars."
"The man threatens some of us. You just woke up and choose violence."
To her surprise, Trance's phone beeped in her pocket so the girl immediately checked it out.
'I don't know what is this for.'
Nine: Sent a photo.
Fucking hostage-taking. Shit got everyone panik.
Demeter: You just went there to take a photo of them?
Artemis: I ordered her to recognize everyone's face.
Demeter: Make sense. I hope you didn't go in the actual scene and get yourself shot. 🙂
Artemis: Thank your captain later. ;)
Nine: Bruh, one student of the section 10 class tried to mess up with me.
Kai: I sense emotional damage.
Hera: Nine chooses violence.
Artemis: I see this coming. Nine's hair and height are long yet her patience is shorter.
Hera: Lol.
Demeter: Good luck to the guy that you're talking about.
Nine: Trance has an evil grin too.
Trance: Even I will do the same. HAHAHA deserve. But the fuck why do they tell everyone that I got into a coma?
Nine: He looks like a type who can be a good clown and I was the one who made that excuse. At least there you got the peaceful sleep you sought.
Trance: Are you joking? What's wrong with you?"
Nine: I'm not joking.
Kaid: whAt?
Demeter: (2)
Artemis: Hey, that's a good excuse though.
Hera: (3)
On the other side, Trance can't help but put on a long face while Nine puts down her phone. The rest of the class managed to entertain themselves in peace. She turned on her phone again and typed something. Their attention doesn't get snatched out despite the noises arising behind them.
'I don't know what is this for.'
Nine: He thinks he's handsome but he looks like a tadpole.
Trance: He's an idiot.
Hera: Stay on guard, Captain doesn't have any orders yet.
Demeter: Copy that.
Kai: Copy that.
Trance relaxed herself, tranquilizing the adrenaline on her while Nine tapped her phone against her desk. She shook her head and covered her mouth as she yawned then leaned on Hiro's desk. Nine crossed her arms, observing her whole surrounding.
"Are you related to Hary?" Yen asked her. Shin gives him a meaningful look that says: 'It's obvious.'
"No. Just happened to be involved in an incident with them. I don't know what is his problem now. I didn't do anything wrong to him but I don't know why he acts like I'm going to choke him." They eyed the girl wearing a uniform with a skirt while sitting on the chair in a manly way.
"Nine would probably choke him to death if she got annoyed." Trance commented.
"This woman traumatized me! Call the cops now!" Hary went down on being hysterical.
"Eat your shit up, Karen with balls."
"Karen with what?!"
Trance's eyes widened and about to speak up when her watch beeped, sending SOS. Trance looked at her with a stoic face then stood up. Trance clings her arm on Nine's shoulder then, "I remember that my doctor said that I have a checkup today." She grabbed her bag and then joined Nine outside. Almost all of class 10 fell in confusion aside from Hiro and Felix as the two ladies exited the room.
"I never expected this early." Trance commented as she walks next to Nine.
"They are so inefficient here. Trained but lacking of proper skills as if they didn't go through it. Finally, Commander Artemis has the next order now." They both stopped at the abandoned part of Priam Videlle where the others are waiting. Instead of wearing their designated school uniforms, they're wearing black clothes that question Trance.
"There's no time to ask about it. You go get change." Kai handed Trance black cargo pants and a black fitted shirt.
"What's the mission now?" Trance asked them. Artemis cleared her throat and placed the black box in front of them where the hologram popped out with the images of different individuals.
"There's a hostage-taking and illegal transaction around this radius. It was held by a known mafia group yet some guards tried to stop them and it caused a bloody encounter, resulting in injury in some of them and deaths. The dean was held by one of the hostages and other students. The hostage-takers requested that no cops should be involved and every 20 minutes, they're going to kill students if we don't surrender those boys named 'Raiden, Haru, and Yen.' to them." Artemis explained.
"Haru? You mean my brother?" Her captain nodded.
"But, he's no longer studying here and he's held in Excalibur headquarters." Trance commented. Artemis and the other heave a problematic sigh.
"We think the same, Trance. We all know that he's not allowed to go outside. It would be a great threat." Artemis agreed before looking back at the hologram.
"Who are they?" Kai asked his captain while pointing out the hologram.
"They're the hostage-takers, they're from our neighboring municipality. They're the gang called 'Serpents'. Notorious for smuggling illegal drugs, human trafficking, and countless assaults. Their leader is Martin Lopez a detainee who escaped from prison for 2 years." Hera retorted as she wipe the blade.
"They're 85 in total. Some of them are guarding the Hanan, Tala, and Apolaki building. I think they're 25 men guarding the Tala building where the hostage-taking is currently happening and 30 other men are guarding the Hanan and Apolaki building while the remaining 30 are searching for those three students. They held 30 hostages. Every armed man is guarding every passage to those buildings." Artemis explained, "Three of us should search for the remaining two students before the Serpent's means found them." She added.
"The one should bargain with them while the remaining two serves as the assistant." Nine commented.
"Nine and Hera both of you will be my assistant. I'll be the one who's going to bargain with them. Trance, Kai, and Demeter, the three of you are the ones who are going to find Raiden and Yen. Any questions?" Trance raised her hand.
"I have a plan on my mind, but I don't know if this can help." She pulled out from her pocket the chalk from her bag that she was planning to put on the chalk box in their classroom and walk towards the blackboard, "I saw the school's blueprint before." She draws something on the board. Her comrades remained watching her as she draws boxes and some circles on the board.
"Wait, did I hear it right, Trance?" Hera asked the female in from of them. "Yes. I accidentally saw it we're having a school camping, someone wearing black clothing in that night on Aman Sinaya building, our building dropped that. At first, I thought that was just a map but I never thought that was a school blueprint. I immediately return that to our dean so there's no problem."
"Someone wearing black?" Yue asked her this time.
"Yes, a thief. The dean told me that the blueprint got stolen from its safe, he called the school's owner and immediately tell him what happened. That's also the reason why the prison section is now allowed to go to their home instead of the school's boarding house. It's like some sort of parole" Trance put down the chalk and faced them. Ashley scanned the whole drawing and looked at the younger one.
"I recall correctly that the thirty of them are searching for Haru, Yen, and the guy named Raiden. There's the possible building where Raiden is." Trance pointed out the box with 'Mapulon patio' written inside of it.
"There's a hidden shortcut there but since we have the Heimdall, I think taking shortcuts is futile. That's the building where the college and other students used to take their time to hang out in their free time. Or sometimes, they're on Mayari Square."
"About Yen, I know where he is. On the Tala Building, there are two buildings near Tala." Trance pointed to the box that she draw. Kai raised his hand and then tapped the drawing.
"The one is a library and one is a high school building. Both 3 stories and 5 kilometers away. Nine and Hera can use that two buildings if they're going to be your back up from afar."