The treasure chest fell silent and lost all of its glow. The world became alive again, the birds chirped their songs and the squirrels made whatever noise it is they make.
It seemed the Earth had regained its life but the Roberts family were still entranced by what was happening in front of their eyes. The chest continued to levitate and began to vibrate.
The treasure chest began to spin slowly at first. Within a matter of seconds the chest had started revolving so quickly that it gave off the optical illusion that it was sitting still.
Sherlock the Parrot yelled out, "Ehhh, shield your eyes! Ehhh!"
In a blinding flash, the chest emitted a barrage of colors in an explosive display that would put the 4th of July fireworks at the beach to shame.
The Roberts family all fell to the ground in unison. It wasn't because of any sort of force or feeling, it was purely out of fear and shock.
Sasha was the first to gather herself and reenter the shed. The inside was transformed into something she had never seen before. There were no more tools, the oil spots were gone, all the broken debris that was scattered throughout had disappeared.
Inside the shed it was cold, like see your own breath cold. That made no sense because it was eight five degrees out and there was no air conditioning installed.
A moss had covered the floor and twines had climbed the two by fours. It appeared there was some dew as well covering the newly residing moss. Definitely a sight to see.
The rest of the family entered and remained in their state of shock. This truly was an unbelievable thing to see.
Before anyone spoke a word, Sasha noticed something buried at the surface of the moss. It pulsed colors like a children's toy. A very faint humming could be heard coming from it.
Being the brave little woman she is, Sasha approached the object with eyes glimmering and mind racing.
Curiosity was her second nature.
As she leaned down to touch the object, a smooth stone of some sort, "Baby, don't touch that." Her mother sounded very worried.
Her words fell on deaf eyes because this was happening.
Just before she touched it, things got even more unbelievable.