The Omni Awakens


With the sound of a sword returning to a scabbard, a bandit fell to the ground with his chest slashed from his left shoulder to his right hip.

Looming over the body stood a 20ish year old looking man wearing red gauntlets similar to the scales of a dragon, a robe that grandmasters are typically seen wearing, leather boots, black pants halfway down his shins that met with his boots, and a red shirt that if you looked close enough, you'd see chainmail underneath. He also had a dark red bag that had a flap on it on his right hip and two swords with one of the blades hidden in a black scabbard and the other in a brown scabbard on his left hip. The man had black hair down to the base of his neck and purple eyes.

"And that's the last of you." He muttered before looking around, seeing the place littered with bodies of bandits.

"Now I can head back." He said before opening a white tome. "Propero!" Wind blasted outwards from him before he disappeared.

#Propero-C-rank original wind magic. Wind allows the user to move at extreme speeds.

3 hours later, he stopped outside a massive city. "Ylisstol." He then shut his white tome and put it back up in the red bag before putting his hood up. He then walked to the gates and entered the city, heading for his destination.

The palace.

He entered by following behind the blue haired prince, Prince Chrom's group of warriors called the Shepherds. To Chrom's left stood his blond haired sister Lisa who specialized in healing magic. To his right stood Frederick in his armor. But behind him stood someone he had only seen once and that was a year ago.

A girl with long white hair and wearing a plegian robe looked around the city in awe.

"Robin." He muttered.

Last he saw her was her running from those followers, Grimleals, that believed Grima to be their god. He helped her before leaving, not expecting to see her again in only a month in the same situation. He stayed with her and trained her in magic and sword use since she used those. Two months later, he left saying that he needed to get back to work.

They reached the throne room to see Emmeryn and Phila next to her.

"Chrom, Lissa, welcome home. Oh, good day Frederick. How fared you all?" Emm asked.

"Well, we won't be having any bandit problems for a while." Chrom assured.

"Good. And our people?"

"Safe as they can be. We still need to watch the borders. Those bandits crossed over from Plegia."

Plegia, the country next to Ylisse, had tensions with Ylisse due to the previous exalt declaring war on Plegia.

"Forgive me my lord, my pegasus knights should have stopped them." Phila apologized.

"No, Phila. Your duty was here, with the exalt."

"And besides, we had plenty of help!" Lissa exclaimed.

"Ah, you must be referring to your new companions here?" Emm asked, addressing Robin and Shane, who hadn't been noticed before and still only noticed by Emm.

"This is Robin. She fought bravely against the brigands. I decided to make her a Shepherd." Chrom introduced.

"It sounds as though Ylisse owes you a debt of gratitude, Robin."

"Not at all, milady." Robin told her.

"I apologize but Robin has claimed to have lost her memories but I still only see it as that: a claim. We cannot rule out that she might be a brigand or a plegian spy." Frederick told her.

"Frederick!" Chrom ridiculed.

"Yet you allowed her into the kingdom. Does she have your trust?" Emm asked.

"Yes. She risked her life for our people. That's enough for me." Chrom told her.

"Well then Robin, you seemed to have earned Chrom's faith and as such, you have mine."

"Milady." Robin said.

"Now, what of your other companion?"

That froze everyone in the room except for Emm and Shane. The four spun around quickly and finally saw Shane.

"Who are you stranger?" Chrom asked, his hand ready to pull out his sword if things started getting rough.

He pulled down his hood, revealing his face to everyone. "I might be a stranger to you four but not to the Exalt and Phila. My name is Shane and I've just returned from the area the Exalt asked me to investigate."

"Ah, Shane. I'm sorry I didn't recognize it was you." Emmeryn apologized.

"It's nothing Exalt."

"Shane, I've told you time and time again to just call me Emmeryn." She sighed. "But enough of that, how did your investigation go?"

"It's what I told you I believed it to be. A large group of bandits had made a make-shift fortress three miles from Westtown. I numbered them to be around 65 of them." This caused shock to go to the four faces of the Shepherds.

"What?! We have to go help!" Chrom exclaimed, about to start running.

"Stop." His word stopped them. "I'm not done with my report. Like I was saying, they numbered that high but were more a threat together, no matter how small, than individually so I took care of them and eliminated them."

" killed 65 bandits by yourself?!" Robin exclaimed with shock.

"Yes. Unfortunately, none were worthy enough for my personal sword so I used my silver sword."

"Silver sword?! Those are extremely durable and expensive!" Lissa exclaimed.

"Yes, but it hasn't failed me yet."

"Thank you for taking care of that matter Shane." Emmeryn thanked him.

"Is there anything else you have for me to do?"

"No, you may relax. I'll tell you if something comes up."

Shane nodded and turned to head out.

"Hang on sir." He looked back to see Chrom addressed him.

"Yes Prince Chrom?"

"Just Chrom please. Would you like to join the Shepherds?"

"Milord! We just met this man." Frederick explained.

"And he protected Westtown from bandits that could have destroyed the town." Chrom pointed out.

"We'll see." Shane said before leaving and heading to his house he made.

"I'm home." He called out before hearing feet travel from upstairs.

He closed the door before taking off his cloak and placing it on a hook. He then took off his tome bag and swords and placed them on a weapon rack and table. He then turned towards the stairs and saw who made the noise just before said person hugged him.

"Welcome home Dad!" A boy who looked close to 17 exclaimed.

The boy had messy short brown hair, myridian clothes, black boots, blue eyes, and leather gloves.

"You missed me this much? I was gone for only three days Max."

Max isn't Shane's biological son and they both knew that. Max was a 12 year old orphaned boy who wanted to join the military but couldn't. He started giving up hope until a passerby asked if he'd let one setback destroy his dream. He grew determined and asked him if he could teach him anything. The passerby ended up being Shane and taught him how to properly use a blade and taught him how to be a myridian. He typically used a steel sword and a killing edge.

"Well, you left without saying anything." He pouted before falling to the ground after something ran past him and bumped him.

Shane knelt on a knee as a wolf jumped on him.

"I see you missed me as well, Silverfang."

Silverfang is a 7 year old wolf with fur that reminded Shane of silver at the time and named him that. He found him as a cub when he left to deal with a group of idiots who had stolen some weapons and were threatening a nearby town. He saw the mother dead a bit further down so he decided to bring it with him. He brought him home when Max was 14 and asked if he could take care of him when he had to leave for quests the Exalt asked him to go on.

He shook the fur on his hair before standing up and stretching and brought out a blue orb. "I'm going to take a nap. If this starts flashing, wake me up." He placed the orb on the dining table and went to sleep.

He woke up as his door started opening. Max's head poked in.

"Your orb thingy started flashing." Max left.

Shane made his bed since he has no idea when he'll be back in this bed again. He went to the dining table and grabbed the now flashing yellow orb before it stopped. He then grabbed and put his swords and tome bag on and grabbed his cloak.

"I might not be back for a bit. Take care of yourself and Silverfang and don't forget to continue training. Maybe when I get back, we'll have a spar." Shane told him as Max's face lit up. He always did love sparring, even if he never won.

"Alright, be safe."

"Also make sure you have your orb on you." Shane then left the house before heading to the palace.

When he arrived in the throne room, he saw Emmeryn, Chrom, and Robin waiting.

"Exalt, Prince, Robin." He greeted them.

"We wanted to know if you wanted to join us on a quest. We're going to Regna Ferox and going to ask them to support us against Plegia and the new enemy: Risen." Chrom explained.

"Explain what these Risen are."

"Best way, they are the walking dead as if possessed by spirits focused only on destruction and chaos." Chrom explained.

"Sounds similar to something I read happening in the past. But they were called Daemonium Miltium, demon soldiers."

"So it has happened before? Why isn't it well known?" Robin asked.

"It happened almost a millennium ago and I'm only comparing what I've figured out. Soldiers that dispersed into purple mist once killed, never bled to death, and seemed to come from nowhere. It's not well known because history had something else to focus on and there wasn't any real damage caused by them since I only found records of one fight." Everyone was too focused on sealing Grima instead of strange men who disappeared a year after the dragon was sealed. "If you're fighting them, it would be best if I join along to make sure your group stays safe."

"Thank you Shane." Emmeryn told him.

"Now, let's go before noon so we can keep going and make good time." Shane said. "Where should I go to wait for everyone?"

"The gates. Everyone will be there in 10 minutes from now." He nodded before heading there.

"Wait up!" He heard and looked back to see Robin running after him.

"What's up?"

"I just wanted to get to know you." She said.

"Alright. Question each?" She looked confused. "For each question you ask me, I ask you a question." He explained.

"Oh, sure." She looked sideways so he couldn't see her embarrassed that she couldn't understand that at first.

"Ladies first."

"Alright. What class are you?"

He became confused. "Class?"

"Oh, sorry. Some reason, I can look at someone and determine certain things about them. Classes would best be used in an example. When I look at Frederick, it says he's a Great Knight, Lissa is a cleric, and I'm a tactician. But when I look at you, all I see are question marks." She explained.

He held his chin. 'Sounds like my Perlustro.'

#Perlustro-B-rank original magic. Allows users to see 'stats' of a person and determine if they are a threat to Shane.

"Sounds like you're able to see what people train in the most. Lissa trained in healing so people would call her a cleric. Frederick has trained to be a knight so there is that. But me? I'm afraid it won't be that simple. I've trained and mastered almost every weapon on this land. Lances, swords, bows, axes, and magic. The only ones I haven't are stones." He explained. "So I guess the closest class would be Omni. Now, do you remember me?"

"Have I met you? If I have, I'm sorry to say I've forgotten everything since Chrom found me in a field."

"Yeah, I've met you. While I don't know you, I know you're a great strategist, sword and magic wielder, and you want to help people."

This continued for the next half hour.

"-then he had the gall to say I hate meat. I told him that must be good for him since he's such a meathead." He finished telling a joke/story which caused Robin to laugh.

"I see you two have gotten to know each other." They heard before looking in the same direction and saw Chrom and what Shane guessed to be the Shepherds coming with.

"Who's this? Is Teach goin' to have to compete for his position?" A blond hair muscle main asked, trying to make himself seem superior.

"Compete? Please, it'd hardly be a fight." He commented.

"Huh? You wanna say that again?!"

"Vaike, please calm down." A girl with long hair tried to defuse the situation.

"Can someone please introduce me so I can learn names?" Shane asked.

"The guy calling himself 'Teach' is called Vaike, the girl trying to calm the situation is Sumia, the guy riding a horse without armor is Stahl, the red haired girl on the horse is Sully, and the blue haired guy is Virion." Chrom introduced.

"Chrom uses Falchion, Lissa uses a staff to heal people nearby, Sully and Stahl use a bronze lance, Virion uses a bronze bow, Vaike uses an iron axe, Sumia usually uses a lance but needs a pegasus to ride, Frederick uses a steel lance, and I can use a bronze sword and the spells fire, thunder, and wind." Robin listed off since she had to know what everyone used for her plans as their tactician. "Did I miss anyone?"

"There's Maribell but she's a healer, Ricken but he's a kid with magic, and Miriel who also uses magic and should be meeting up with us later." Chrom added.

Shane nodded before he noticed them looking at him. "What?"

"Well, what can you use?" Lissa asked.

Shane decided to say a little bit but not everything. "I can use swords and magic while also being able to fight with just my fists."

"Vaike thinks he judged ya too quickly. Another man who recognizes the effectiveness of using his muscles." Vaike nodded.

"Well, let's get going if we don't want to be late." Chrom announced before they headed off.

"So, what kind of spells can you use?" Robin asked.

"Well, I can use fire up to Valflame, lightning up to Mjonir, and wind up to Forseti." Shane listed off. "But of course I'd need their tomes to actually cast them though."

"So you've practically mastered magic?" She whispered.

"If you want, I could always help you with it if you want." Shane told her before they started talking about anything and everything.

Hours later, they walked into a plain before seeing multiple enemies.

"Risen! Everyone, remember what we're up against." Chrom told before drawing Falchion.

"Vaike's gonna teach them not to-hey! Where's my axe!" He exclaimed and looked around.

"Now is not the time for jokes Vaike." Chrom said.

"It's not a joke."

"Fine, stay to the rear then." Chrom and the Shepherds charged at the Risen.

Shane, however, stayed back to make sure Vaike would be protected. He watched as Chrom ducked under a sword before slicing the Risen in half before it disappeared into purple mist. Robin shot a ball of lightning at one only for it to still be alive before Virion picked it off. Stahl, Sully, and Frederick were charging forwards to clear the bridge further up ahead.

"It seems I've finally caught up." Someone announced behind him and looked behind.

"You Miriel?" He asked.

"Yes. Now, do you know any ignoramuses who have misplaced an axe?"

"Hey! My axe!" Vaike exclaimed before taking it from Miriel.

"Ah, I should have known."

"You watch him while I go help them." Shane then ran forwards before drawing his silver sword and a wind tome.

He met up with Robin but saw her stab a Risen Barbarian and a Risen Soldier coming from behind her.

"Wind!" He exclaimed.

With that one word, a blade of wind appeared and moved faster than most could see and decapitated it. He slid to a stop beside her.

"You alright?" He asked.

"Y-yeah. Thanks for the save." She thanked him.

Shane looked outwards to see everyone was finishing off the grunts, leaving the leader at the end of the fields.

"Let's go." Robin nodded before they headed to the leader.

"Must...kill!" The Risen Chief exclaimed.

"Thunder!" Robin exclaimed, sending a ball of thunder at it, causing it to fly backwards and cry out.

It got back up and looked at Robin. "I'll help when I think you need it alright?" Shane asked. Robin nodded.

The Risen threw a hand axe that Robin barely dodged before it teleported back to its hands due to all throwing weapons having some way to return after being thrown.

"Fire!" She shot a ball of fire at it that missed before dodging another axe. "Thunder!" It got hit this time. "Wind!" She shot a blade of wind that cut off its arm. "Fire!" She shot another ball of fire that hit this time that finished it off.

"" It muttered before turning to purple smoke.

Robin and Shane then put away their tomes.

"Congrats Robin."

"Thanks, but I'll still take those lessons if it's still available."

He nodded. "Let's get back to the group."

They then walked back to the group to hear the end of whatever Chrom and Frederick were talking about.

"-no path is safe. We'll need to stay wary."

"Alright, with that done, we should continue right?" Shane asked.

They continued walking until they found an injured pegasus where Sumia said to go on ahead and she'll catch up once the pegasus is healed up. They continued onwards to Ferox.