The Wall of Ferox

"So this is the fortress?" Robin asked.

They arrived to see a fort in front of them with giant walls stretching across the land as far as the eye could see.

"Yes, this is the Longfort. It stretches along the border of Ylisse and Regna Ferox." Chrom informed.

"The khans that rule Ferox have grown quite wary of foreigners. Still, don't mistake a lack of hospitality for open hostility. This simply calls for a bit of diplomacy." Frederick suggested.

"Negotiation's not my strong suit, but I'll do my best. Remember everyone, your actions here reflect upon Ylisse." Chrom reminded.

A few minutes later, Shane spotted something he didn't like.

"The Feroxi Guards seem to be mobilizing." Shane announced, getting everyone's attention.

"Why? What reason would they need to mobilize?" Chrom muttered.

"Don't know. But we should plan on who will fight if it will come down to it." Shane told him.

"Robin?" Chrom asked.

"No more than eight would be advised. We need Chrom, Shane, and I in the chance we need to fight, taking up 3 of the 8 leaving 5 spots left." Robin informed.

"Shane, can you see what we might be facing?"

He looked but could only see half of what he figured was there. "Only half. Three knights, three mercenaries, and two archers."

Chrom held his chin. "Let's take Frederick, Virion, Miriel, Vaike, and Lissa. Sully and Stahl, you stay back from the fight in case anyone needs to be taken out of the battle." Chrom suggested where Robin nodded.

"Let's go meet the guards." Shane muttered before the group of eight walked towards the fortress.

When they reached it, they heard someone shout.

"Halt! Who goes there!"

They looked up and saw one of the knights Shane saw without a helmet showing they were female.

"In the name of the house of Ylisse, I seek an audience with the khans!" Chrom exclaimed.

"Take no step further! I have been given the authority to eliminate brigands such as you!"

"Lady! We're not brigands!" Shane tried to explain.

"You think you're the first "Ylisseans" to try and cross the wall?"

"If you'd just listen-" Chrom tried this time before being cut off.

"I've heard quite enough! Attack!" She ordered.

Multiple archers were aimed at Chrom and Robin, who happened to be standing next to him. They released their arrows.

Shane jumped in front of Robin while drawing his silver sword and hitting all of them out of the air as something swooped down and grabbed Chrom. After deflecting all of them, he looked and saw Sumia had saved Chrom and pulled him on her pegasus. She landed down next to them.

"Thanks Shane." Robin thanked where he nodded. "Alright, everyone pair up with someone and help them out."

Virion joined with Miriel, Lissa joined with Frederick, Shane joined with Robin, and Sumia joined with Chrom.

"Guess I'm with Vaike then?" Someone said.

"Yeah." Shane agreed before looking in his peripheral. "What's your name?"


"Vaike. Your with Kellam." Shane told him.

"Where is he?" Vaike asked, confusing Shane.

"He's right behind you."

He turned around. "Gees Kellam, can you make a noise?" Vaike asked.

"I'm surprised you saw me." Kellam said, shocked and happy to have been noticed.

"And miss a guy in giant armor? You've been with us since we left but I decided not to say anything thinking you wanted to be alone since everyone didn't say anything."

"Shepherds only knock them out if you can, let's go!" Chrom exclaimed before the battle began.

"Virion, Miriel, Chrom, Sumia, Frederick, Lissa, Vaike, and Kellam, you take the left side while Shane and I will take the right." Robin told them.

"But Robin, you two will be alone while the 8 of us will be over there. Take more people with you." Chrom insisted.

"We'll be fine Chrom. Lissa needs to stay with the bigger group, Robin and I can use long range and close range attack leaving Virion and Miriel with your group, you know how to lead and Sumia would be best for you to have as a partner, and Kellam and Vaike can help in the strength department. Point is, we have ourselves covered. Now go so we can finish this." Shane explained before he and Robin followed their plan.

"Stay safe. Now, let's go!" Chrom's group hurried to their side, wanting to meet back up with their tactician quickly.

"Mercenary!" Shane told Robin as he shot Fire near a soldier to knock them out.

Robin parried the merc before shooting Thunder, knocking him out. Shane then parried the next Soldier and punched him in the gut, knocking him out. He then searched their bodies.

"What are you doing?"

"Ah ha!" He exclaimed before pulling out a key from the Mercenary. "We can open the door now without having to force it open." Shane explained before they walked up the steps and opened the door.

"Brigands have entered!" The knight exclaimed, causing three Soldiers to run up the stairs and block the way to the leader along with a knight.

"Tch. Should have figured they'd have more than they showed." Robin muttered.

Shane put up his red tome and pulled out his yellow tome. "Robin, lesson one in advance magic. Arc- magic is essentially the same as el- magic except instead of slowly letting the magic out of you, you push it out as hard as you can. Arcthunder!" Three orbs of lightning appeared above the enemy. "Lesson two, you then squeeze the magic together like el- magic but tighter before focusing it on your opponent." He then swung his arms downwards, causing the orbs to send lightning bolts down on each of the Soldiers, knocking them out. "And lesson three, always stay aware of your surroundings. While using this magic, you feel tuned to the magic in the air, leaving you slightly defenseless."

"Uh huh." Robin commented while writing everything he said down.

"I don't expect you to do arc-magic yet, but try doing an el-magic. You send magic out like normal but with more power." Shane instructed.

Robin pointed her hand at the knight. "Elthunder!" She shot out a lightning ball with lightning spinning in the shape of an X from the center. It flew and hit the knight but stayed standing due to Robin's Magic not being so high yet. "I did it!"

Shane nodded. "Now, let's focus on swordsmanship. I want to see how strong you are against the knight only using your sword. I'll block any hits I think you can't block."

Robin and Shane charged at the knight. He swung his lance at Robin who ducked under it and slashed at his chest but her sword bounced off. "I can't hurt him. I'm not strong enough."

"Yet." Shane commented before punching his helmet, causing it to slightly cave in. "Not strong enough yet."

"You!" Someone shouted at them, causing them to see the knight from earlier. "My name is Raimi and our battle will tell the truth of your group."

"I'll handle this one." Shane told her, putting up his tome and holding his silver sword pointing at the ground next to his side. "I'm going to tell you now, I have no intentions of ending your life."

"We'll see." Raimi said.

Raimi charged him before thrusting her javelin that Shane dodged around and pointed his sword at her throat.


She backed up before throwing it at him, to which he grabbed the middle, spun around using its momentum before throwing back at her sideways into her chest, sending her backward on her feet.

"Dead if I had thrown that with the point."

She then charged at him angrily and thrusted once more but decided to swipe it to the right where he dodged. He grabbed the javelin end, preventing it from coming closer to him.

"I have the strength and then some to stop your javelin. Do you not see how outmatched you are right now?"

"I will only accept defeat when my opponent actually hits me!" She snarled.

He sighed. "Alright then." He pulled back his other hand and smashed it into the javelin, breaking it in half and throwing her off balance where he knocked her feet out from under her and stomped on her chest, caving it in slightly, while pointing his sword at her throat again but closer this time. "Admit defeat or I'll have to take back what I said earlier."

She growled. "I admit defeat."

He stepped off her and sheathed his sword. "Come on Robin, we need to let the others know that it's over."

"I can do that." Raimi said before getting back up. "All Feroxi Soldiers! Lay down your arms! These are not imposters!"

Shane and Robin saw the fighting the group encountered stop before the other door opened.

"Couldn't let us try to help? You practically did everything." Chrom shook his head.

"Let me know when you want to continue training Robin." Shane told her.

"A thousand apologies, Prince Chrom. I truly took you for brigand impostors. But no frauds could ever wage a battle as you just have! I will send word of your arrival to the capital and escort you there personally." Raimi then left.

"Amazing. Her whole demeanor changed." Robin said shocked.

"Actions speak louder than words in Ferox." Shane informed.