Two Falchions and Two Pyros

A few hours later, they took them to the capital where they met the khan, Flavia, who told them that in order for their alliance to be formed, they would need to win the tournament coming up to decide who the leading khan is.

"How is this tournament going to work?" Shane asked.

"Unlike how it usually goes, this is our 75th year of doing this, causing a special occasion. This year, we will be having a fight between 3 fighters from both sides in an elimination style. Each sends out a person who will fight until they have been defeated. So choose your fighters carefully." Flavia warned.

"Chrom, Shane, and me." Robin suggested.

"That sounds like a good plan to me Robin." Chrom said.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to go last." Shane said.

"Can I ask why?"

"I plan on seeing what each Shepherd is good at and what they need to improve on." Shane explained.

"It will be held tomorrow at 4. Rest and bring your A game if you want that alliance." Flavia dismissed them.

"Hey Shane," Robin got his attention. "Would you mind helping me with my swordsmanship before we fight tomorrow?"

"I told you to tell me when you wanted to train so yeah, I'll help."

They trained for the next few hours before stopping, both of them sweating from the workout.

"You're better with your sword and magic now." Shane said while grabbing both of their cloaks that they both discarded during the fight.

"That's good to hear." She then grabbed her cloak. "I'll see you tomorrow." She then walked away to the room Flavia prepared for them.

"See ya." Shane almost left when a boy wearing a black and grey mask covering his eyes and went down the side of his face, black hair, skin tight shirt with loosely fit pants where most of those were covered by a brown cloak, brown boots, and black gauntlets up to his elbow entered the room.

"Hey." He caught Shane's attention. "You're one of the fighters that will be on Flavia's side right? If so, then that'll make us opponents tomorrow. Names Ike."

"Shane. If so, you're likely going to be my opponent." Shane then turned around. "I'll see you in the arena." He then left.

As he left, he could have sworn he heard 'He was so cool!' He shook his head, heading to bed.

The next day, Shane, Chrom, and Robin were waiting in the area for Flavia's fighters.

"The first fight is about to begin! On Flavia's side, we have the prince of Ylisse, Chrom! And on Basilio's side, we have the mercenary who appeared from nowhere and beat the previous champion, Marth!" The announcer announced, shocking most of the Shepherds.

"Marth?" Robin muttered.

"An acquaintance?" Shane asked.

"He appeared from the same magic circle that appeared from the sky that brought the Risen to our world. He saved Lissa before he disappeared before giving a warning that our world is on the edge of a calamity." Robin explained.

"Magic circle? Well, I'll have to make my own opinion of him." Shane then turned to the fight that began.

Chrom charged Marth and slashed before being parried and knocked away. He then thrusted his sword at Chrom who jumped to the side and right into his kick, kicking him away. Chrom rolled before getting back on his knee where Marth jumped in the air. He then started to spin before slamming it down on Chrom's Falchion.

"That looked like Chrom's move." Shane muttered.

Chrom pushed upwards, sending Marth backwards where he landed on his feet and swung his sword into a 45 degree angle from his waist. He then charged Chrom and swung upwards, knocking Falchion out of his hands and into the air where it landed blade first in the ground away from them.

Marth pointed her sword at Chrom's neck. "You have lost."

He chuckled. "I have. You're a strong fighter Marth."

"The winner of this opening fight is Marth from Basilio's side!" The crowd cheered.

"That Chrom was a good fighter, but Marth is clearly better. Something the present khans have in common." Basilio boasted to Flavia.

"They're just getting your fighter cocky and plan to move against it." Flavia fired back, but didn't truly believe it.

"Flavia's second fighter is the tactician, Robin!" The crowd cheered. "Begin!"

Marth charged at Robin who held out a green tome. "Elwind!" She shot out multiple blades of wind that Marth dodged before closing most of the distance. Robin pulled out her sword and blocked his slash while opening a red tome. "Elfire!"

Marth jumped backwards before a pillar of fire appeared where he used to be. "Elthunder!" Marth rolled to dodge before charging Robin again.

Nervous, Robin pushed out her magic as much as she could. "Arcthunder!" Marth rolled to dodge it before jumping and dive kicking Robin in the chest, causing her to drop her sword and tome before rolling backwards across the arena floor.

Robin groaned before trying to lean up before a sword appeared in front of her neck. She sighed. "I yield."

"And the winner of two fights straight is Marth from Basilio's side!"

"Looks like I'll be in charge for another three years." Basilio boasted again.

Flavia didn't respond, instead biting her cheek. She had heard the report from Raimi herself talking about their skill but both of them were beaten quite easily and quickly.

Then she remembered the other person from the report.

"He was like a demon. He beat our men left and right and even tried to teach that Tactician during the fight! He caved in Jeral's helmet with one punch, slightly caved my chest armor with a stomp, and broke my javelin with one punch as well. He will bring you victory if you use him."

She smirked now. "Don't be sure. Remember," She started as Shane made his way to his side of the arena. "Always leave the best for last."

Marth charged again and slashed where he lazily parried it to the side before grabbing one of his arms, spinning, and throwing him away before taking out a red tome.

"Arcfire!" He pointed his palm in Marth's direction where a line of fire burst out from the circle and appeared in Marth's direction. He got up and ran away from the flames only for it to start changing direction and tried to cut him off. He jumped backwards over the flames behind him and jumped at Shane.

He pulled out a yellow tome. "Elthunder!" He shot it at Marth who couldn't dodge since he leapt in the air, resulting in him crying out from the electricity and flew backwards. "Arcthunder!" The three orbs appeared over Marth before shooting three bolts of lightning and hitting Marth, sending him out of the ring.

"And in a comeback, Shane has defeated Marth, earning a victory for Flavia's side!" The crowd cheered.

Basilio's smirk disappeared from his face. "So you had him go last in the chance the other two lost and defeat their opponent."

"Something like that. I'm surprised an oaf like you could understand that." Flavia jokes.

"Basilio's second fighter is the past champion, Lon'qu!"

"So you're a swordsman?" Shane asked and received a grunt. "How about a swordsman duel only?" Lon'qu looked surprised as did anyone else.

"Mister Shane, I'm just making you understand what you're proposing. A swordsman's duel is where only swords are allowed. Any other fighting weapon will result in a disqualification, losing you the match." The announcer told him.

"I'm aware. I can see he's the type who takes fighting with his sword seriously and would be too wary about my magic to fight at his best. So, how about it?" Shane asked.

"Agreed." Lon'qu agreed.

"Alright folks! We have a special fight between two swordsmen who will only be using swords as their weapons! Anything else results in a disqualification!" The crowd cheered loudly. "Begin!"

Shane drew his silver sword and they both dashed at each other. Lon'qu slashed at him but he parried it to the side before throwing a left hook and punching him in the face, dazing him where he slashed upwards against his killing edge, sending it into the air. Lon'qu quickly jumped backwards to put some distance between them. Shane caught the killing edge in his left hand.

"Round one goes to me Lon'qu." Shane commented before throwing his sword back to him where he caught it.

"Round one?" Robin asked.

"In a swordsman duel, the two fighters fight the best of a number of matches. Judging from the crowd, it's likely a best of three." Sully explained, causing everyone to look at her. "What? Ya shitheads think I don't know things?!"

Lon'qu dashed forwards, similar to how he did in the beginning and slashed but Shane noticed something different this time.

His blade had a tint of pink.

'Critical!' He thought before blocking it and being sent backwards. He quickly stopped and noticed his sword had a chip in it. "Dang."

Lon'qu did it again and was critical again. He blocked it again and noticed there were cracks almost reaching the middle of the blade now. He charged Lon'qu and heavily slashed at him. He tried to block with his sword but his sword broke upon contact. Shane then pointed the swordpoint at him. "And there's round two. I've won this time Lon'qu."

"I admit defeat." Lon'qu announced before grabbing both parts of his now broken sword.

"And Shane has earned another victory for Flavia's side!"

Basilio growled. "So it comes down to our last fighters. We certainly know how to pick them."

"That we do ya oaf."

"Now for the final match! On Flavia's side is Flavia's underdog, Shane! And on Basilio's side is another stranger that appeared out of nowhere, Ike!"

The man he saw earlier entered on his side.


Shane drew his Silver sword and dashed forward and slashed, only for everyone to be surprised when Ike drew a black blade with a dragon handle and slashed at the sword's weak point, breaking it.

Shane quickly jumped backwards, but everyone noticed the air Shane gave off became different.

"How do you have that sword?" Shane asked, confusing everyone.

"A family heirloom from my dad's side." Ike answered.

"What's so important about his sword?" Robin asked, curious.

"If it is similar to my match, it could be a sword that only he knows of and somehow there's a duplicate." Chrom suggested.

"Strange." Shane started before drawing his other sword, to reveal it as the same blade. "Because I made this blade and never heard anyone make a copy."

Ike then pulled out a red tome with his left hand. "Arcfire!"

Shane pulled out a green tome. "Arcwind!"

Shane sent out a small vortex of wind that collided with Ike's Arcfire blaze and sucked it up before disappearing. Shane dashed forwards and slashed at Ike only to be blocked by the twin sword. "You're pretty good if you can sword fight and use magic at the same time."

They disengaged and Shane jumped backwards before pulling out a yellow tome. "Arcthunder! Arcthunder!" He casted Arcthunder twice, causing six orbs to appear over Ike.

Ike pulled out a green tome. "Elwind!" He casted multiple wind blades that Shane couldn't dodge since he is still in the air while Ike couldn't dodge due to casting his spell. Both of their attacks hit causing the arena to be enveloped in smoke.

Nobody could see anything but could hear multiple sounds of metal hitting metal.

"Arcfire!" "Arcfire!" They heard two voices simultaneously exclaiming before the arena's temperature soared and they saw two giant streams of fire being cast through the now settling smoke.

"I've had fun here, but I've got someone waiting. Bolganone!" Someone exclaimed before hearing someone cry out and a giant plume of fire shot into the air soon after.

The dust finally cleared and everyone saw Shane holding a magic circle that contained a wind blade and his sword pointed at a downed Ike.

"And it's finished! Shane from Flavia's side has won, giving Flavia victory!"

The crowd erupted as Shane canceled his spell and sheathed his blade and Ike got back up.

"Good fight. Maybe you'll be able to beat me next time." Shane held his hand out where Ike shook it.

"I didn't expect you to be this strong."

They then walked back to their sides.

"Amazing!" Robin exclaimed. "I didn't know you were this strong!"

"Well done Shane. As much as I hate to admit it, you single handedly won us our alliance." Chrom congratulated.

The Shepherds continued to congratulate him before they met Flavia once again.

"Congrats. You have my respect and your alliance. Tonight, we celebrate!" Flavia exclaimed before leaving, likely to a party.

Not long after, a big man came into the room with an eyepatch on.

"Bah! Any excuse to party and Flavia jumps on it." He grumbled.

"I'm sorry, but have we met?" Chrom asked.

"I'm the west khan you removed from power." He then looked at Shane. "You boy, are handy with your sword and magic. I was sure I picked the stronger fighters."

"What do you know about them?" Shane asked.

"Who? Marth and Ike? All I know about them is that they beat my team that I set up single handedly each. But they're gone now, up and left the moment the tournament ended."

"We'd best be going. The Exalt will be happy to hear of this." Chrom said.

"Before you go boy, I have a gift." He then turned and allowed Lon'qu to be seen. "He's not much of a talker but amazing with a sword."

Lissa then approached him before Lon'qu freaked out.

"Away, woman!"

"Hey! Wh-what did I say?!" Lissa asked.

"Ba ha ha! Let's just say that ladies tend to put Lon'qu on edge. Nonetheless, he is capable. Perhaps he even has the makings of a khan. Consider him West Ferox's contribution to the Ylissean cause." Basilio said.

"Welcome aboard." Chrom said.

They then left on their way back to the capital.