Omni's Rage Against The Grimleal

If anyone lived nearby, they'd hear a boom every few seconds before silence during the night.

Shane landed before entering a meditative pose. He had been flying at incredibly fast speed for four days to get there quickly.


#Omnituen-B-rank original magic. Spell connected to Signo. Allows the user to see/move around 1 foot per point in magic of a marked person. The user can only use it up to four times a week.

Shane's view of a vast desert changed.

He saw Dark Mages upon Dark Mages around him.

"I'm telling you that if you want to live, you'll let me go!" Max exclaimed.

"Silence boy." A man with short black hair and wearing an outfit similar to Validar. "If you want the mutt to stay breathing, you'll be silent."

Shane saw outside the building they were in and figured out they were in a crypt. He could see a town in the distance.

"Amplio." Shane chanted.

#Amplio-D-rank original spell. When using Omnituen, it allows the user's vision to zoom in on a place they can see.

The town grew closer until he saw the name on the town entrance.

"Sunagakure. Village hidden in the sand." Shane read. "If I'm correct, that's about a four day flight from here that I could cut down to three if I use more magic."

"Sir," A mage spoke up, getting the leader's and Shane's attention. "We've been given new orders to execute him if he's not here in two days. Counting this one."

Suddenly his view changed before returning to a seemingly endless desert.

Shane snarled as dark magic started circling around him as his fangs started growing and his eyes burning purple. The dark magic suddenly flew into him as his gauntlets and boots started changing and growing up his body before exploding and creating a sandcloud around him.

Once it settled, it revealed someone with a red dragon-like helmet with a pink/purplish visor, grey, black, and slight red armor, dark grey dragon-like gauntlets and boots.

(Called Furore)

#Furore Forma-Passive A-rank Shane only. A form that Shane can take to increase his attack, magic, and speed by 100% but at the cost of lowering his defense and resistance by 50%. In this form, any spells used have their power combined with Fell Magic to increase their power by 20 extra. He becomes a force of rage and chaos by not having anything on his mind but the one goal at the time that caused him to transform. The longer he's in this form, the harder it is for him to revert back. The more times he enters this form, the more Fell Magic enters his body, making his transformation into this form easier.

"Subvolo." Furore then took off with five bangs while looking like a dark meteor through the sky.

"Propero." He blasted through the sky with three more bangs, putting him at Mach 8, just over 6,000 mph. "Gravitas Extrico." The released gravity caused him to break Mach 10.

"The Grimleals die for their mistake!" Furore exclaimed. At his current speed, he'd reach that crypt tomorrow evening.

Almost a full day passed before Furore landed with a smash outside the crypt.

He shot down the stairs before ending up in a large room at the bottom of the stairs in an instant.

He looked across the room and saw Max on the ground.

"Welcome, Assassin of Ylisse. We've been-" The leader started before Furore disappeared and reappeared in front of him as his followers fell to the ground with black spikes of magic spearing them through the chest, head, or heart.

He grabbed his throat before slamming him into the ground.

"You shall see your mistake in the burning pit of hell." He growled before grabbing his left arm with his free hand and easily ripping it off and throwing it to the side, all the while he screamed in agony. "But first, I have some questions. Fell Allucinatio."

Purple magic glowed from his eyes before shooting into the leader's eyes.

*Furore's Mind*

The Leader looked around, confused as to why he found himself in a dungeon with empty cells. Well almost empty with the exceptions of skeletons that filled two cells.

"Where am I?"

"Your personal hell."

He turned around before feeling something stab through his palms and feet, pinning him to a wall. He cried out in pain before something clamped his mouth.

He looked down and saw a skeleton arm come out of the wall and clamped its hand on his mouth.

"No no no. First, you pay for taking my son and his wolf." Furore snapped his fingers.

Four red hot chains bursted out of the wall and floor before piercing through his arms and legs repeatedly before chaining together on his chest, all the while burning his insides.

"What is your name."

"Leonardo." He cried out.

"Well, Leo. We are in my mind, my world. Making me a god here. With a thought, I could destroy you instantly. But just know this, every day in my mind, only a second passes out there." He then leaned closer to him. "For the next 24 hours, I'll be asking questions. For every question that you lie, delay, or just plain out ignored, your punishment grows worse and worse."

He then stabbed Pyro into his head, killing him.

He then stepped back and snapped his fingers, reviving Leo without his head wound.

Leo looked around fast, confused and panicked.

"That was your punishment for my kid. Now, you know what I've said is true. Now," Furore cracked his dragon-like knuckles. "Let's get back to those questions."

Leo gulped.

*12 hours later/0.5 seconds later*

"Just tell me who hired you and I'll end this!"

Furore had learned that they were from Plegia, they belonged to the smaller part of a branch of the Grimleals, they weren't told he would get here so fast, and that Max's execution before being moved up would have been two more days from now.

For the last few hours though, he couldn't get Leo to tell who had hired him to do this.

He had burned him alive for fifteen minutes with Arcflame, electrocuted him for fifteen minutes with Elthunder, had the vortex Excalibur constantly spin and cut him to pieces for half an hour, and has been constantly using Gravitas to increase his weight to the point his bones turned to dust for the last hours.

"You can only kill me, but my employer can kill my family." Leo panted.

Furore stood silent before he would have smiled evilly if he had a mouth that could.

"Is that so? Well then," He placed his dragon hand on his head. "Cogo Veritas."

#Cogo Veritas-C-rank forgotten Fell magic. Forces the person used on to answer a question not yet asked. Commonly used with Fell Alluctinatio.

#Fell Alluctinatio-B-rank forgotten Fell magic that forces the opponent to go into the user's mind if they make eye contact.

Leo's eyes lost their light. "What is your question?" He sounded dead/monotoned.

"Who and where is your family?"

"They are in the town Plegiaville on the border of Plegia. My family includes my wife Casandra and our two sons, Roman and Thar." Leo answered before the light returned in his eyes.

"So your family of Casandra, Roman, and Thar can be found in Plegiaville." Leo's eyes widened.

"No! Leave them out of this!" Leo pleaded.

"Then you know what to give me in order for them to last longer than tomorrow." Furore looked him straight in the eyes. "Actually, I could still do that, but instead, force them to go through the exact same things that you are right now."

"Alright!" He yelled. "Alright. I'll tell you." He quivered.

Furore always did like breaking people.

"The person who hired me was…"

Furore's anger spiked at the name before they exited his mind.

Furore slammed his clawed hand straight through Leo's face.

He then walked over to the unconscious Max and saw that one of his knees were shattered enough that he would never be able to fight.

He placed a hand on him. "Warp."

The body of Max started glowing before vanishing, going to where Furore sent him.

The Royal Clinic.

He found Silverfang in the same condition before doing the same thing.

Once he did that, he then started arching his back and yelling from the bottom of his throat as more dark magic started floating around him.


The magic started going into him before it suddenly stopped.


[Unable to do so.]