Rage Against a Mad King

That worried him.

"Omnituen:Chrom." He stated before his view shifted to show a desert with fallen enemies around him as Robin started exclaiming things.

"Chrom! We have to go! More reinforcements are coming!"

Reinforcements? Where were they?

'They're obviously somewhere in Plegia as Ylisse doesn't have any deserts this large.' Shane/Furore thought.

Chrom didn't say anything.

"We can't let the opportunity Emmeryn gave us go to waste boy!" Basilio told him.

Emmeryn? What did she do?

"I can't imagine the pain of losing her but we need to leave!"

That stopped him despite everyone running away.

"Losing...her." He muttered. "Meaning...she's…"

Everything around him returned back to the crypt but dark magic circled him again before zooming into him, causing his form to change once more.

Unlike his dragon-human look, he looked completely like a dragon now. His red mask had turned a dark grey, but now had purple on his mask, chest, hooves, and tail, and had dark grey scales along his body, easily highlighted by the black that separated them from each other. Along with his new grey wings.

Plena Draconis Forma-[A-rank Shane passive Fell magic] (This form is one of Shane's strongest forms and about twice the size of Frederick's horse. This form comes out when Shane feels so much negative emotions that it's too much for Furore and transforms. In this form, Shane loses the ability to talk and only focuses on two things: the reason why he transformed and his family. With his new wings and body, Shane's speed, strength, and his Fell and regular magic are increased by 200% but at the cost of his defense going down and becoming extremely vulnerable to Wrymslayers and Wind magic. In this form, it is incredibly difficult to the point of impossible for Shane to return to a human until his emotions are calmed. He gained this form due to the curse he gained centuries ago that continued to grow over the years.)

Furore-no, Shane reared his head to the ceiling and let out a sound that no one would ever forget.


A creature that all people on the planet feared, worshipped, or forgotten had been born into this world for a second time.

A dragon that had given into the power, rage, and madness.

A Fell Dragon.


"Shepherds! Today we end this fight and bring peace to both Plegia and Ylisse!" Chrom shouted as they stormed the enemy.

But just as they started moving, both of the armies stopped as they heard a sound.



"What in the blazes was that?" Gangrel asked.

"I'm afraid I do not know sire." Aversa told him worried.


"What could make such a noise?" Robin muttered.

"Whatever it was, it sounded angry. Let's hurry this up!" Chrom answered.

The fight took a while before the Shepherds defeated most of the enemy until an assassin snuck up and captured Robin from behind where a group of archers took aim at Robin.

"What now Princey? If you continue to attack, your tactician will be filled with arrows." Gangrel proceeded to maddly laugh.

Chrom growled.

As he was about to surrender, the archers were suddenly blasted by a beam of magic, causing the entire field to shake, allowing Robin to quickly get away.

The assassin tried to go after her before a giant black spike rose out of the ground and through his chest and out the back.

After the dust from the beam settled, everyone saw that all the archers had been incinerated if the ashes were an indicator.

"What in Naga's name could cause that?!" Lissa exclaimed before she got the answer, whether she wanted it or not.



15 minutes ago..

Shane shook his head. 'Must...stay...in control!'

Last time he transformed into this, he caused untold destruction to an island large enough for a kingdom to exist off the coast of Ylisse.

He stayed in that form for three weeks and caused chaos to the point that when he turned back, the island no longer existed.

Shane growled before he saw the Shepherds about to fight another battle.

Due to no longer being able to talk and in this form that is extremely connected with magic, he only had to grunt and think his spells.

He returned to his own body before extending his wings.

He flapped downwards hard before shooting through the ceiling and into the open air. He turned his body before flapping again, where an extremely loud bang occurred, when in reality, there were thirty bangs back to back.

He continued flapping before his enhanced eyesight saw Robin being held captive with a group of archers pointed in her direction.

He growled before opening his mouth wide. 'Ruina Radius!'

#Ruina Radius-A-rank Fell magic. The user shoots out a dense beam of fell magic that is stronger based on the amount used.

A purple beam shot out of his mouth before covering the area of archers with an amount he knew would kill them.

He saw Robin escape the person's hold and start being chased.

'Fell Spica!'

Fell Spica-C-rank Fell magic. Creates a giant spike of Fell magic that appears using magic as a base before shooting into the opponent.

The spike shot upwards into the sky three times his height.

"What in Naga's name could cause that!?" He heard Lissa exclaimed.

He then spotted Gangrel and proceeded to growl before slamming in between the two forces.


"A dragon!" Sully exclaimed.

"Do you know them Nowi?" Ricken asked.

"Just because I'm able to turn into a dragon doesn't mean I know every dragon." Nowi huffed.

Robin however, noticed something.

"It knows us." She muttered, catching Chrom's and Lissa's attention.

"How do you know that?" Chrom asked.

"It attacked the archers pointing their bows at me and likely was the culprit for that giant spike. And now it has put itself between us and Gangrel. Like it wants to protect us."

"But we've never met a dragon besides Nowi." Lissa protested.

"So you brought a beast to this fight princy? No matter. I'll slay it and you!" Gangrel exclaimed before charging them.

"Get ready-" Robin started before the dragon grunted before numerous spells started being formed.

"Fire, Elfire, Arcfire, Bolganone, Valflame, Thunder, Elthunder, Arcthunder, Thoron, Wind, Elwind, Arcwind, and Excalibur." Miriel listed off, seeing their sequences. "Whoever this dragon is, they're able to easily cast magic as if breathing."

Unknown to the group, the dragon, Shane, was starting to lose himself bit by bit, starting with his ability to hold back.

Gangrel managed to dodge the fire attacks while using his levin sword to absorb the lightning magic before using the stored magic to dispel the wind attacks before jumping at the dragon.

"Die!" He exclaimed before he suddenly stopped.

The dragon had grabbed him by the waist with his tail.

He flung him into the ground before landing over him, preventing him from grabbing his blade.

Chrom hurried forward. "Hold on dragon."

The dragon looked at him before pushing him away with his tail.

"Chrom!" Sumia hurried to him along with everyone else.

Except Robin.

She walked forwards to the dragon before it opened its mouth, either preparing to bite his head off or about to cast a spell.

"Robin!" Chrom exclaimed, seeing her approaching it.

"Hey," She started gently, causing it to pause and look at her. "Can you just prevent him from running? He's wanted by us for killing our leader." It immediately turned back to Gangrel as everyone could feel its aura turn from anger, to murderous.

"Did you know Emmeryn?" Robin asked. The dragon moved its head similar to a nod. "We want to stop him to end this war. So everyone can go home." She paused. "Do you know us?" She received a nod. "Would you mind if I came closer?"

The dragon looked at her bag and sword. She noticed his look. She took her bag off while grabbing her sword by the sheathe before throwing it away from them.

The dragon nodded before laying down, on top of Gangrel.

"Get off of me ya blasted beast!" He exclaimed.

Robin walked closer before placing a hand on his side. "Did he hurt you?" She gestured to Gangrel before growing confused when he shook his head. "Then why?"

By this point, the Shepherds were in awe that she managed to talk down a dragon. While Sumia talked down a wounded Pegasus, Robin was talking down a dragon with the power to kill them in seconds.

The dragon lifted one of its hooves before crudely writing in the ground.

"F...A….M...I...Family? He hurt your family?" She asked after getting to the I.

He nodded his head.

"Nonsense! The only people that would have been hurt recently would be that brat and his wolf." Gangrel told before the dragon turned to him and growled in his face.

"Looks like that's the family King." Chrom said as the Shepherds walked closer.

This caused the dragon to tense until Robin spoke again.

"None of them mean you harm. They are my companions."

He relaxed slightly but stayed on guard, becoming more animal than human mentally.

"That's impossible! The brat and wolf belong to your blasted assassin!" Gangrel exclaimed.

Before anyone could process that, the dragon shot to its feet before shoving Robin away from them.

"Rob-" Lissa started before the dragon cried out as it shot away from the ground and past the thick trees and into a forested area as wind blasted the Shepherds.

"What was that!?" Frederick exclaimed.

"Wind magic!" Miriel exclaimed.

Chrom looked around before seeing Aversa on a hill. "There!"

Everyone looked before she dispersed in purple mist.

"Die princy!" Gangrel had shot to his feet and grabbed his levin sword and charged at Chrom.

Chrom blocked it by parrying upwards before quickly ending the Mad King's life.

"It's over." Chrom muttered.

"Yes, it is milord." Frederick agreed.

A soldier met up with them. "Sire! The Plegians are surrendering in mass."

"Order our forces to stop at once! This war is over."


Robin however, went to the dragon's side as everyone had gathered to hear what to do now that the war is over.

She looked it over and saw a lot of cuts and slashes over its body.

"Forseti. That must have hurt a lot." She muttered before placing a hand on its head as it started showing the signs of a wild animal about to attack. "Hey, hey." She muttered softly. "It's just me and me alone. You must have taken that attack for me. So, thanks." The dragon started calming down. "You have saved my life twice today. I guess I owe you three times now, huh. Don't I,"

The dragon's form started shrinking before its tail disappeared, its hooves turning into slightly tanned human hands and leather boots, its chest changing into a robe with a red undershirt with chainmail.

"Shane." As soon as she said that, its helmet turned into a human head with black hair down to their shoulders and a naturally tanned face that highlighted their purple eyes.

Shane laid on the ground looking tired and looked up at her with a smile.

"And you just saved me from staying in that form. So let's...call it...even." Shane barely said, with the lack of sleep starting to get to him.

Robin shook her head. "Only you would turn into a dragon to save me." She muttered.

"Of course I would. Now, help me to my feet please." Shane asked before Robin helped him up before putting his arm over her shoulder and holding him up with her other arm.

"So, what are we gonna do now?" Shane asked, confusing her. "With the war over, there will be peace between the countries causing the Shepherds not to really be needed."

They started walking back to the group. "Simple, we settle down and continue working for Chrom. Despite there being peace, that peace won't last forever." Robin told him, where he nodded before freezing at the realization.


She rolled her eyes. "Yes, we. Unless you're interested in someone else?"

"Wha-nonono! I didn't mean that at all! I'm only interested in you!" His eyes widened. "Well, that's out of the bag now."

"I'm glad that you feel the same." She looked away with a happy blush. "When do you want to get married?"

That almost made him trip but caught himself before looking at her before smiling wide.

"The day you'll take me as yours."

She looked at him now, both of them blushing. "Then I guess we'll make plans after we return because I already want you as mine."

"Shane!" Chrom exclaimed, ruining the moment. They looked in his direction to see the Shepherds coming towards them.

They caught up with each other, only Robin knowing what happened to the dragon, before heading back to the capital.