2 years

*3 months later*

"I pronounce you, husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Chrom proceeded to kiss Sumia while everyone cheered.

Lissa, Robin, and Cherche were the bridesmaids while Frederick, Shane, and Vaike were Chrom's bestmen.

As the wedding continued, Shane eventually met back up with Robin.

"Great party in my opinion." Shane commented.

"Not as great as ours though. Especially the rings." Robin held out her left hand where a gold ring with a blue orb stood on top instead of the usual gem.

This had actually been the finished product of what he wanted his orbs to do but it took too much time to make so many of them. The orb allows them to send warnings to each other while the pieces holding onto the orb allows the wearers to communicate no matter how far apart they are while the design of the ring absorbs small amounts of magic from the user to increase its durability and power the orb.

"I'm happy for the couple though. I found out that Sumia has had a crush on Chrom for the last three years." Shane commented.

"Who do you think is going to get married next?" Robin asked while Shane rolled his eyes.

Robin always did like guessing/coercing people together and seeing how'd they act.

She's already gotten Lissa and Lon'qu together, Sully and Kellam, Cordelia and Gaius, Nowi and that Gregor guy, Miriel and Stahl, and even Tharja and Virion together!

"Dear, you've already gotten 12 of our group to try out a relationship with each other. Maybe let them take the first step instead?"

"That hasn't answered my question." She commented while doing an eye closed smile.

Shane sighed. "Lissa, Miriel, Sully, Nowi, Cordelia, then Tharja."

She blinked. "I just meant the next one. And you tell me I pair people together too much." She teased.

Shane wrapped an arm around her shoulder while looking at the dance floor, watching the newlyweds dancing.

"I wish these moments could last forever."

"Then you wouldn't get to meet your child." Robin commented which caused Shane to quickly look at her. "Oh yeah, you didn't know yet."

Shane hugged her while being careful of his grip. "I'm going to be a father."

She hugged him before they proceeded to dance for the rest of the night before heading to their new home.

Shane decided to leave the house to Max and Silverfang and go home shopping. He found them a two story house with everything they would need. They completely made it their own in about two weeks before they announced to the Shepherds they were going to get married.

They made it to their bed before going to sleep.

"Night love."

"Night Shane."

*8 months later (month 11)*

Screaming could be heard from the royal infirmary while the Shepherds were waiting outside the room.

"That...does not sound pleasant." Gaius said out loud.

"Don't forget that your wife Panne will be going through this soon." Vaike told him.

"Don't remind me. She already won't let me spend too much on my sweets anymore and prepare for ours."

On the inside though, you'd find a group of doctors helping a woman with long white hair go through labor while her husband with black hair just below his shoulders is seen sitting next to her, holding her hand.

"Just a few more pushes." One of the nurses told her.

"You hear that? You're almost done." Shane tried to reassure her, only for his hand to be crushed.


"One more push." Another said.

"You might hate me right now but they need you to give one last strong push." Shane told her.

A few minutes later, their little son entered the world.

Before more news came.

"There's another one coming!" A nurse said before Robin glared at him before another half hour past and another child came into the world but as a girl.

They took them away to clean them while Shane continued holding Robin's hand.

"You did it honey." Shane told her.

Robin looked tired with her eyes and hair all messy.

"Yeah...I did."

"Here's your healthy baby boy and girl ma'am." The nurse handed Robin her children wrapped in a blue and pink blanket.

Out of the blanket, both parents could see that their boy would grow up to look like Shane due to his purple eyes and tufts of black hair while their little girl would likely look like their mother with her blue eyes and white hair.

Shane and Robin smiled at them before Robin had fallen asleep. Shane leaned over and kissed her on her forehead.

"Goodnight honey."

*9 months later (month 20)*


Shane had just stabbed a man before opening his new tome, which is actually the combination of all his spells so he called it the Omnitome

It had a diamond design with Fire, Wind, Lightning, and Dark at each point while the background of the cover is just white with a purple dragon surrounded by a seafoam green.

"Erado." Shane pointed his hand at the body, erasing it until it seemed it never had been there.

Shane sighed. "That last of you or are you going to give up?"

Surrounding Shane is a group of bandits that Chrom had sent him to eliminate by Plegia's request. The bandits had been terrorising villages and had sent a request to Chrom.

"To give up means to betray our belief that you Ylissean scum will always try to destroy us!"

Shane sighed once more before sheathing his sword. "Exorno."

His right arm glowed before something shot into the air where he caught it with both hands, revealing a black spearheaded spear as long as Shane.

"Meet Light Banisher." He spun it to his right where the tip started glowing a dark purple.

He stopped it before pointing it at the crowd of bandits. "Eclipse."

With that word, a beam shot from the spear towards the bandits before expanding and wrapping around the group of bandits. Once it formed a bubble around them, it quickly shrunk down to the size of an actual bubble before dropping on the sand.

Shane walked up to it. "Erado." Before all evidence of the bandits disappeared. Shane put his tome back in his bag.

"I could be at home relaxing with Robin and the kids but I'm stuck cleaning up diplomatic messes before they can start. Subvolo." Using his magic, he floated up into the sky before an explosion happened on the horizon.

"That's not good. Propero."

Shane blasted off towards the scene before arriving a few minutes later as more explosions were going off.

He shot down into the town before shooting down road after road before an explosion consumed him.

"Hahahahaha! That appeared to be the Assassin and not even he could stop my destructive power!"

The voice belonged to a man with tangled hair whose face is half covered by a broken mask with robes flapping from the wind the explosion caused.

"Wind." A blade of wind shot out of the smoke before slamming into the madman but didn't seem to be affected.

"You think you can hurt me with such weak attacks? That barely tickled!"

The smoke settled before showing an unscathed Shane who had drawn Pyro.

"Then try this for size. Dragon's rage!" Pyro's blade suddenly blazed with fire. "Now, I have people to see, so goodbye."

Shane vanished before slashing his blade through the man's waist before he even knew it before being stabbed in the head.

"Subvolo." Shane flew through the air back towards the kingdom.

However, a figure had been watching the entire thing.

"So caring to save the people. So selfless to not stay for attention. So...idiotic." The figure then dispersed into purple smoke before disappearing but not before a purple gauntlet could be seen.

*3 months later (month 23)*

"Happy birthday Morgan and Corrin!" The Shepherds chanted as the twins' birthday arrived.

May 23rd.

Robin's birthday will come soon on June 17th with Shane's being August 7th.

Everybody gave them gifts ranging from toddler books to a wooden sword (Lissa had smacked the back of Lon'qu's head for that).

Shane had been doing more jobs recently to pay for his family since Robin wanted to stay with the kids, which he saw no problem with, and he refused for Chrom to pay everything for them. As a result, he hadn't been in touch with most of the Shepherds for a bit.

Lissa and Lon'qu officially married along with Sully and Kellam, Vaike and Cordelia, Miriel and Stahl, Tharja and Virion, Nowi and Gregor, Maribelle and Ricken, and finally Olivia, the dancer that used to be employed by Basilio, and Libra.

Man he missed a lot of weddings.

Panne and Gaius married long ago and already had a child called Yarne that had telltale signs of having more genetics from Panne than Gaius. Gaius, in fact, had actually spent much less money on sweets now and focused on becoming a better thief/fighter for his family.

In fact, out of the Shepherds, Frederick is the only one still single and he saw nothing wrong with that.

Everyone had also advanced in their 'classes' as well.

Lissa and Maribelle advanced to a War Cleric and had a decent understanding of how to use an axe, Lon'qu is a Swordmaster, Kellam is a Great Knight, Sully and Stahl became Paladins, Virion is a Sniper, Tharja became a Sorcerer, Miriel and Ricken became Sages, Gaius a Trickster, Cordelia became a Falcon Knight, Gregor a 'Hero', Vaike a Warrior, Libra a War Monk, Sumia a Dark Flier but still uses the pegasus she found, Chrom a Great Lord, and Robin became a Grandmaster as well.

"I'm surprised you didn't bring Lucina with you." Shane commented.

"We wanted to but then we couldn't give you our presents." Chrom chuckled.

Everyone talked for the next few hours before everyone headed home.

Shane kissed Robin before speaking.

"What did I do to deserve you?"

"Hm. You helped me master my magic and swordsmanship, you won the tournament in Ferox, you rescued us from the bandit tribe." She listed off. "Do I need to continue?"

Shane shook his head. "No, no you don't."

"Dada." They both heard, causing them to look at Morgan and Corrin who were sitting on their bottoms.

"Did you say dada?" Shane said quietly in shock.

"Dadda!" Corrin exclaimed.

"Momma!" Morgan exclaimed.

Shane picked up Corrin while Robin picked up Morgan.

"I knew they were supposed to start talking soon but this is amazing!" Shane smiled.

"Seems they've already picked their favorites." Robin smiled as well.

"You go ahead to bed honey. I'll put them to bed tonight." Shane told her.

"Alright, just don't be too wild." She joked before climbing the stairs to their room.

Once she closed the bedroom door, he held his hands out at Corrin and Morgan.


That makes his marks full with Chrom, Max, Robin, Corrin, and Morgan.

He then picked them up before heading to their room that's right next to theirs and placing them in their cribs.

"Goodnight Morgan. Goodnight Corrin." Shane whispered before heading to bed as well, not knowing that things were going to be busy soon.