The Seacomers

"I had hoped we wouldn't have to fight again." Shane sighed.

They had received word from Ferox that Valm, the continent across the sea, had sent warships to land at one of the ports.

"I can't believe that you were fine with Robin coming along." Chrom told him.

"And argue pointlessly when I can have Max and Silver watch over the kids until we return?"

"I'm still shocked that Virion is a Duke." Lissa joined in.

Virion and someone called Cherche had explained their situation that someone called Walhart the Conqueror had taken over their town called Rosanne, located in Valm. Virion then proceeded to ask us if we would help save his town. Shane didn't know what Virion expected since he is a Shepherd.

"I guessed he had some role in politics due to the way he acted." Shane told them as they arrived outside the port and saw a ship in the port. "Heads up! Valm ship in the port!"

Everyone pulled out their steel or silver weapons or their tomes.

"Can you see how many there are and what they are dear?" Robin asked.

He nodded. "Perlustro." Shane's vision became much sharper as he could see all the enemies. "Thirteen Knights, twenty-one Cavaliers, two Bow Knights, and four Paladins. They don't appear to have anyone who will be using magic."

"Group 1 will be Ricken, Tharja, and Miriel. You three will focus on the Knights. Group 2 will be Kellam and Frederick. You two will watch their backs. Group 3 will be Lon'qu, Panne, Nowi, Libra, and Virion will focus on the Cavaliers. Group 4 is Sully, Stahl, Gaius, and Gregor will focus on getting rid of the Bow Knights as quickly as they can. Group 5 will be Chrom, Shane, and me and we will focus on the Paladins." Robin explained their plan.

Shane realized that they didn't bring all the Shepherds. They had left Lissa, Maribelle, Cordelia, Sumia, and Olivia behind. He grew confused before remembering that each of those five announced they were pregnant a week ago, preventing them from fighting.

"Everyone, let's show them why they shouldn't mess with the Shepherds!" Chrom exclaimed before they charged forwards.

"Group 4, you'll need to split up as their Bow Knights have split up. Half of you go with Groups 1 and 2 and the other follow Group 3." Robin told them

Group 1 and 2 diverged, starting their part in the plan.

"Group 3, your targets are approaching." Shane informed before they broke off as well, leaving their group as the only one left.

Group 5 started getting closer to the ship when they could hear metal hitting metal along with spells being cast.

"Robin, there're 8 Cavaliers, 4 Knights, and 3 Paladins on the boat. You and Chrom should take the left side while I take the right." Shane suggested where she nodded.

They split up where Shane started heading to the two Knights. "Exorno."

Magic shined off his arms before a golden bladed axe with a black handle about as long as his arm.

This weapon is called Lightning Splitter due to its electrical properties while also capable of converting magic he puts into it to increase the impact's power. Like Light Banisher, it has a few skills that only the weapon has. Lightning Splitter has levels where the amount of electricity increases.

He grabbed the handle before lunging at one knight.

"Level 2: Chain." He commented before lightning started sparking off the blade before he slammed it into the chestplate where the Knight became electrified before the lightning quickly jumped at the other Knight, frying him alive.

"Diruo." Lightning Splitter turned into magic before returning back into Shane's body.

He quickly rolled to the side to avoid the steel spear that got thrusted at him before pulling Pyro out.

"Propero." Using his own magic, he shot forward at the Cavalier before slashing the rider. He jumped before twisting his body and slamming his leg into the face of the Cavalier behind him.

When he landed, he leapt at the stunned Cavalier and slashed his head off before pointing his open hand at the two Cavaliers left.

"Traho." The two Cavaliers shot off their horses before flying towards Shane who quickly decapitated them as well.

He stood back up straight and eyed the Paladin who had watched.

"Come! The only solution between us is death!" The Paladin exclaimed before charging him with his silver lance.

"Exorno." He sheathed his sword and grabbed Light Banisher.

He spun it and knocked away the lance to the side before continuing the spin around his back and slashed the horse, causing it to rear before falling over, leaving the Paladin horseless.

"Hiiiyah!" The Paladin slashed at him but couldn't hit him due to him side-stepping out of the way every time.

Shane side-stepped before holding his lance with the point behind him.

"Night Strike." He commented before slashing at the Paladin before a black energy wave shot out of the spear and cut him apart completely from the shoulder to the hip.

Night Strike-attack only used with Light Banisher. The spearpoint begins to absorb dark magic from either what's stored in the lance, from the user, or from dark magic in the area. After gathering enough, the user slashes the lance and a black energy wave will shoot out for at least 10 meters where anything it hits gets cut in the direction it flew.

"Diruo." As the lance went back inside him, he pulled out his Omnitome, before heading to the leader.

The leader is a Paladin who wields a Spear, one of the few kinds of spears that have the mystery magic that returns them to their thrower's hand.

"You are nothing! A speck of sand on the boot of the great empire!" Dalton exclaimed.

Shane pointed his hand at him. "Elwind."

Multiple wind blades shot forward, hitting Dalton, causing him to cry out before his armor glowed as he began stopping himself from sliding backwards.

Shane inwardly cursed, recognizing it as the skill Aegis, one of the abilities people can learn that can block a majority of damage from bows, stones, and tomes.

His armor had deep cuts throughout it as he snarled.

"Haaa!" He chucked his Spear at him, only for it to bounce off his chest before grabbing the spear.

"Here, have it back!" Shane then threw it hard, sending it shooting at Dalton and before penetrating his side, sending him flying back on his back.

Shane's book flipped pages before settling on a page.

He held his palm flat at Dalton. "Thoron."

A beam of electrical energy shot from his palm before entering Dalton's chest, who had started to get back on his feet.

"What...H-how...ahh." Dalton died not long after saying his last words.

Shane then shut his tome with a slight clap of the pages closing before looking across the battlefield.

All the groups were finishing or about finished with their opponents while Robin and Chrom had just defeated their Paladin.

Shane walked towards them as a fireball went up into the air before exploding, the sign that Groups 1-4 have finished their tasks.

��Is it finally over?" Robin asked.

"Yes but victory came at a great cost." Chrom stated.

"You mean the Feroxian army." Shane clarified.

"This is troubling. Feroxian soldiers are the finest east of the long sea. If they had trouble, we all will." Chrom stated.

"That's not the half of it." Flavia appeared before stopping next to them. "This was just a vanguard-a taste of what's to come."

"It would be a slaughter." Shane muttered.

"Ylisse is just as unlikely to survive a sea attack. Robin, Shane, what do you suggest?" Chrom asked.

"Their greatest strength is their calvary, which puts us at a disadvantage...on land." Robin started.

"But if we were to catch them at sea, it would turn to our advantage." Shane finished.

"How? Ylisse has no warships to fight them with."

"Then we'd need to get help from a country that does." Basilio spoke up.

"Sounds like you have an idea oaf."

"And likely one Chrom will not like if I'm thinking of the same place." Shane muttered.

"Plegia!" Robin exclaimed.

"No. Absolutely not. Out of the question." Chrom denied.

"They have gold and boats, boy! And more importantly, we have a fart's chance in the wind without them." Basilio told him.

"The oaf is right...Crude, but right."

"We have no choice Chrom." Shane explained.

Chrom stayed silent for a moment. "Very well. Send a messenger and request a summit immediately. Let us pray that the king is more reasonable than the last."

"Indeed." Robin agreed.