Sacred Blood and A New Enemy

*One week later*

"Milord, we have received word from Plegia. They have agreed to meet us at the outpost on Carrion Isle." Frederick informed.

"Don't worry. Those ships are good as ours. This threat hangs over us all, including Plegia. I'm sure they see that."

*One week later*

"I still get a bad feeling." Frederick commented as they neared the meeting point.

"At this point, Frederick the Wary needs to be quiet. This is a diplomatic matter and we can't say things like that." Shane reminded him. "We all understand as most of us agree but that will make us more vigilant in the case of trouble."

"Ah, Prince Chrom. Plegia welcomes you." Aversa stated as they neared.

"Aversa!" Chrom exclaimed, his hand reaching for his blade on instinct before Shane caught his wrist before it could be seen as a bad sign.

"Keep your temper and emotions in check." Shane muttered before letting go.

"What can I say? It seems fate has designs for me yet."

��You serve the new king correct? Chrom asked while Shane started looking around.

"Perlustro." He whispered. [Aversa-slight threat in current state]

"I do."

"I hear he worships Grima." Frederick stated.

"Why yes, of course he is Grimleal. We are both believers. My liege often says it was his faith that got him through, after Gangrel's passing. It was a difficult time... But he kept order where there might have been chaos. We had meant to arrange an official visit to Ylisstol, but— Ah, here is my lord now." Aversa explained before looking at a man approaching.

Only for Shane to be in shock.

'That's the same man I used Mjolnir to kill during the failed assassination attempt.' He thought.

"An honor to meet you good sir. I am Validar, king of Plegia."

"The honor is mine. Have we met before?" Chrom asked.

"Oh ho, I'm quite certain I would remember any encounter with Ylissean royalty." Validar told.

Shane started toning them out as he started to think.

'How is he alive? I know he wasn't strong enough to survive Mjolnir back then but the proof's right in my face. First, he was the first person in decades that actually required more than wind to defeat. Next, I used Mjolnir, a spell powerful enough to eliminate most of the Shepherds on him. Then, I saw his dying breath. Everything points to him being dead!' Shane grew confused and slightly panicked before stopping quickly. 'But there was no body left.'

That realization fit some pieces together.

'Mjolnir, no matter how strong, can not vaporize a person, only severely burning them. The fact that his body was charred doesn't escape me but the fact that his body disappeared did after everything was settled. I figured that someone had just moved his body.'

His thinking stopped after his shoulder was shook, bringing him back. He looked at the person where the hand came from to see Robin looking at him.

"Is something wrong?" She whispered.

"Later." He muttered.

"-still have one more introduction to make." Aversa stated.

"Who would that be?" Chrom asked.

"Our hierophant, the highest one in her order in Plegia."

A person walked forwards wearing a robe that looked very similar to Robin's before becoming a Grandmaster.

"...The heart still sleeps, but the blood flows through it. And the blood is strong…" The hooded figure spoke after looking towards Robin.

"...Huh? Beg pardon, were you talking to me?" Robin asked.

Something bugged Shane. He had long since been able to feel someone's magic nearby and everyone had a different feeling. But this robbed figure had the same as Robin's but in larger amounts and it feels darker.

"Good hierophant, I would ask you to lower your cowl. In Ylisse, it is a courtesy expected of one in the presence of royalty." Frederick asked.

"... ...You are a long way from Ylisse, sir. ...But very well…" The hooded figure told him before removing their hood, shocking everyone from Ylisse.

He looked just like Robin.

Same long white hair, pale skin, nose, and mouth.

The only difference is that the figure had bright pink eyes instead of Robin's blue.

"My name is Robin, oh wait. That's your name as well isn't it. That is very strange." 'Robin' told.

Aversa however, wasn't in the mood for the Shepherds to start asking questions.

"I'm afraid we've no time for such trivial matters now, Your Highness. We have aid preparations to attend to, and you have a long, hard journey ahead... Oh, and do be careful on your way back to Port Ferox. This time of year the highroads of Plegia can be quite treacherous…"

*three days later*

The Shepherds decided to make camp.

"Alright, we both have questions about the other Robin but it will do no good to think about it now. Let's head to bed." Shane told Robin who, after a bit, decided to follow.

Shane woke up during the night to see Robin rolling around in her sleep and talking similar to a panic.

He placed his hand on her head. "Somnium visionis."

#Somnium Visionis-D-rank original magic. Allows the user to enter the target's head and see what they are seeing.

Shane's vision changed to show Robin surrounded in darkness before he saw Validar next to her.

"-don't take that tone...especially against your father."

That caused Robin and Shane to freeze.

"You are of my flesh, but of sacred blood. You are to serve a glorious purpose! Search deep in your heart. You already know it is your destiny…" Validar told.

"No... Get...out…" Robin struggled, knowing that they were in her mind.

"Why do you resist us, Robin? Your rightful place is at my side. Not wasting your time with these doomed servants of Naga! Give yourself to Grima! Let me join your strength to the fell dragon!" Validar exclaimed.

"How about you get out of my wife's head!" Shane exclaimed, having enough of this, surprising Robin and Validar. "You say that she belongs at your side? She's chosen who to follow. Wasting her time? We are her family! I don't care if you're related by blood, but she's chosen her family so leave! Coactus Exitum!"

#Coactus Exitum-C-rank original magic. Branch of Somnium Visionis. Used to force something out of the dream like state.

Validar suddenly disappeared in purple mist, leaving Shane and Robin alone in her mind.

"Shane." She whispered. Shane walked over and hugged her. "I'm his daughter."

"So what? I don't judge you based on that." Robin hugged him back. "Besides, there's a few better titles for you." She looked up at him. "You are my wife, my children's mother, and Ylisse's official Tactician. Now, let's get out of here and inform everyone that Validar entered your mind."

Shane vision returned to see Robin still in their bed before sitting up.

"Everyone up! Enemies surrounding the camp!" Frederick yelled, waking everyone up.

Shane grabbed his and Robin's swords while Robin grabbed their bags of tomes before they handed each their own weapons.

They came out of the tent before seeing Risen at the top of cliffs and an abandoned building further down.

"Risen!" Chrom cursed.

Before anything could happen, a flock of crows appeared before revealing a person inside it.

Shane however, became focused when a rune slowly started being scrawled across the ground by what seemed an invisible hand.

He pushed his hands out away from him, extending them left and right.


The Shepherds were confused before they were pushed away from him.

"Shane! What are yo-" Chrom started before the rune finished before glowing bright blue before Shane and the rune disappeared.

"Shane!" Robin yelled.

Shane reappeared in some abandoned warehouse with little light, causing him to wait for his eyes to adjust.

"If only you knew how much trouble you are in." A voice echoed across the building. "Risen Videor!"

Tens of Risen Chiefs appeared around him, causing him to tsk.

#Risen Videor-Unknown Magic. Seems to create Risen.

"Exorno!" His arms glowed before being replaced by gauntlets before drawing his tome.

The Risen Chiefs charged him with Tomahawk.

"Arcfire!" He shot a stream of fire forwards, hitting multiple Risen but they continued their charge. "Shit!" He jumped out of the way of a Tomahawk. "Perlustro!" Shane knew these weren't the regular kind of Risen.

[Risen Chief-Extremely Dangerous. Risen Chief-Extremely Dangerous. Risen Chief-Extremely-]

"Enough! Continui: Valflame!" He used one of his best AOE attacks that caused explosions throughout the warehouse that some charged through with damage and others became incinerated.

However, due to it being a high level spell, it began to quickly become unstable with Continui.

He side-stepped a thrown Tomahawk before looking over and seeing a large amount being thrown in his direction.

"Forseti!" He sent out a tornado from his palm that blew the Tomahawks away while also sending some into the Risen.

Before feeling a strong pain in his back, causing him to cry out.

"So you're from the future? And you're my daughter?" Chrom asked Lucina, who nodded.

"Now is not the time!" Robin exclaimed before running back to their camp.

"What's got her worried?" Lucina asked.

"Wait, what about your friend, Ike?" Chrom asked.

"Same as well, just not your son. But where is he? We agreed to meet here at this exact time." She muttered. "Now, about Robin?"

"Oh, right before this fight began, Shane was teleported somewhere by a rune that would have teleported all of the Shepherds if he hadn't used his magic to push us away from him." Chrom then hurried after Robin, Lucina following close behind.

Shane fell against the ground before sliding before crashing into the wall.

His head, back, chest, arms, and legs were practically covered in blood before his gauntlets returned to his body, needing the magic more than the gauntlets.

Shane struggled onto his feet before looking at the last 5 Risen Chiefs. They were different from the others. They dodged, threw in places where he would land, and were just plain stronger than the others.

"Goodbye, Shane." The Risen threw their Tomahawks at him before the sound of metaling hitting metal rang out, showing Shane on his feet with Pyro out.

"Nice..try..but I've got a few more rounds left."

"Really?" The voice snapped his fingers before the room filled up again. "These ones are just like those five."

Shane snarled before grabbing an orb from his bag.

"A dragonstone? Why do you have that?"

"You'll see." Shane then thrusts it into the air before light covers him to reveal himself in his dragon form.

It leaned forwards before letting out a screech. It reared back its head before shooting it forwards, letting out a beam of magic that ripped through the Risen before tearing through whatever made the incredibly strong walls of the warehouse.

It spun it head to the left then right, shifting the beam in those directions, getting rid of the rest of them.

"This strong already? I'll have to move up my plans. Crepitus!"

An explosion happened on the dragon, causing it to screech in pain before black spikes shot out in random directions throughout the warehouse, leaving no place left not stabbed.

The dragon then reverted back to Shane who's robes were destroyed and his shirt had multiple slash marks.

"Who...was…that?" Shane huffed before falling on his back.

"Father!" Someone yelled before Ike appeared next to him. He started searching himself like he was looking for something. "C'mon, c'mon, where is it!"

" to tome." Shane told him.

He quickly opened Shane's bag and grabbed an elixir.

"Here!" Ike quickly handed it to him who used it and restored his health.

"Ah, that's better."

"I thought you had died! It's a miracle I even found this place!"

"Calm down. First off though," Shane finished stretching before looking at Morgan seriously. "Why did you call me father?"

"Well, first, my actual name is Morgan." Morgan proceeded to tell Shane his story similar to what Lucina did with Chrom and Robin.

"Grima returns and all the Shepherds die? Where was I!?" Shane exclaimed before Morgan held out his palm at the ground.

"Ianuae Magica." The rune from earlier appeared before they vanished into a bubble that began moving them through space.

"No one knows what happened to you but we assume that you died. Everyone when they were alive told stories of your strength but then one day, Chrom and Mother disappeared shortly before Grima returned. You disappeared after telling us that you'd buy time to allow us to go." Morgan explained. "I also inherited-"

"My blade. It makes sense now how you had it." Shane finished just as they arrived back at camp. "Where is everyone?"

"Shane!" A voice exclaimed.

Shane turned around to see Robin before being glomped by her and falling on his back again.

"What happened? Where'd you go? What happened to your robes!?" She listed off.

"I got teleported, an abandoned warehouse, Risen." Shane answered.

"Oh yeah, Lucina came from the future where Grima-"

"Was revived and destroyed the world before destroying the Shepherds." Shane finished, confusing Robin. "Morgan here is from the future too."

"Yeah, well Lucina is Chrom's daughter." Robin told him.

"Really? Neat. Oh and this is our son." Shane introduced Morgan who waved.

Robin looked at Morgan, blinked, looked back at Shane before looking at Morgan.

"Huh. Question, who was your favorite parent?"

"Uh...Mom." Morgan rubbed his neck.

"So that means you're most likely Corrin's favorite." Robin told Shane, who smiled.

"Wait, who's Corrin?" Morgan asked.

"Corrin, your sister." Shane told him.

"I don't have a sister. I'm an only child."