Shane's History

"Well, you in this time have a sister named Corrin then." Robin told him.

They talked as they made their way back to Ferox.

"Do you have any stories you can tell me?" Morgan asked.

"Eh, you have likely heard them all." Shane dismissed.

"But I haven't." Robin piped in.

"Besides, even if I have, you have a lot more, you know, with your unaging situation." Morgan commented, not noticing the atmosphere changed until he stopped walking. "What's wrong?"

"What unaging situation?" Robin demanded while Shane gave Morgan a 'should-have-kept-quiet' look before focusing on Robin.

"I planned on telling you once we got back to the capital but I can tell the story now." Shane sighed. "Have you heard my story yet?"

"No, I only know about the end." Morgan informed.

Everyone else had gone to sleep a while ago, explaining why no one else seemed to be around.

"Would it be fine if I listen?" Someone asked.

Shane turned and saw that it was Lucina who spoke. "Very well. Everyone might want to take a seat. This story won't be a short one." Shane coughed.

"I'll start it off by saying I am way older than I look." Shane started.

"You're not going to say you're fifty are you?" Robin asked, rolling her eyes.

"No." Shane paused for a second. "If we go by our human years, I am 3870."

Robin choked on air while Lucina and Morgan were looking at him in awe.

"3870?! How have you lived for so long?!" Robin exclaimed in shock.

"That's something I'll tell you at a later time."

"That means you were around when Marth lived!" Lucina brought up.

"Little Mar-Mar." Shane chuckled, confusing the three present. "Inside joke."

"You're story?" Morgan reminded him.

"Thank you. My story will be almost 2,000 years ago. I lived in what is now Plegia but used to be Dolhr, the Empire of Dragons."

"Dolhr? I haven't heard of that." Robin muttered.

"Because by this point, it has been mostly forgotten due to time. The emperor of said empire went by the name some people remember. He went by Medeus, the Earth Dragon Emperor."

"THE Medeus?! The one Marth slayed?" Lucina asked.

"The same one but almost a hundred years before that happened. I'll tell you a few things about this period. Most Earth Dragons at this point have turned feral, due to a disaster that started affecting all dragons. That's why the dragonstones were created. They are objects that past dragons have put their dragon powers into them to stop the disaster while having their powers. One of the most dangerous types of dragons were the Earth Dragons. The only other dragon type that could compete against them were the Divine Dragons. When I was around 500, the Divine Dragons fought the feral Earth Dragons before sealing them in the Dragon's Table 50 years later with both sides taking extremely high casualties. Three years after the Empire was born, they declared war on Archanea-Ylisse, Regna Ferox, and Plegia's ancestor. He destroyed the kingdom but the last of the royal family, Artemis, escaped before finding a village and someone called Anri." Shane told.

"Anri..Where have I heard that name before?" Morgan muttered.

"With Anri's help and those they found on the way, they managed to defeat Dolhr and slay Medeus. The Kingdom of Archanea then split into four new Kingdoms: the Kingdom of Aurelis ruled by King Marlon, the Kingdom of Grust, ruled by King Ordwin whose fighters became the most powerful and feared of the land, the Kingdom of Macedon ruled by Iote who built it in Dolhr's forests, and the Kingdom of Altea, ruled by King Anri until he died and his brother became King Marcellus. His rule however caused a dispute that led to the creation of the Kingdom of Gra." Shane listed off.

"Where were you all this time? You know a lot about these events." Robin asked.

"I wandered across the lands and fixed problems that I ran into. But I mostly stayed in the Icy Mountains. Until about 70 years later, where a strange blue-haired boy wanted to take back his fallen kingdom. That boy was the grandchild of King Marcellus and went by the name, Marth." Lucina and Morgan seemed to be paying more attention now. "He set out on his mission to defeat the revived Kingdom of Dolhr. A year later, he and I found out that a mage named Gharnef used magic to revive Medeus. I was prepared to go and deal with him when I heard that Marth had slain Medeus. The peace wouldn't last for long though.

Two years later, Marth is deployed to suppress a rebellion but would lead to a war between Altea and Archanea which would end two years later with the defeat of King Halidan. This part is where I became involved in Marth's life for a brief period of time. I had found out Gharnef had managed to survive the earlier war and revived Medeus once more, only as a Shadow Dragon, a forsaken dragon form that only those who intend nothing but destruction and hatred are able to take, a form that halved any physical attacks and sealed any magical attacks. I had made my way to Dolhr Keep, the place he used as his headquarters. I arrived too late, Marth and his companions were there already and rescued the women who would have been used as sacrifices for Medeus but that was as far as they got."

"Wait, but the legend says that he slayed Medeus and established peace for hundreds of years." Lucina protested.

"He did, but would have failed originally." Shane told her.

*Long ago*

"Gah!" Marth yelled as Medeus in his Shadow Dragon form backhanded him away. He landed with a thud and Falchion clattered on the ground. His body had been covered in gashes and slashes with blood covering half his face.

"You defeated me once, but not again. This time, I'll leave you as a corpse!"

Medeus charged up a Dark Breath, a spell-exclusive to dragons that use their hatred as a blast of magic.

Marth grabbed Falchion before shakedly standing back up with his sword held in front of him with both hands.

"You can try to kill me Medeus, but there will be another who will defeat you!" Marth yelled before a figure with a cloak walked past him.

"Let me help you out." The figure said, walking closer to Medeus.

"Watch out!" Marth tried to warn just before Medeus shot the spell from his mouth before it surrounded the cloaked figure. Marth cursed at the loss of another life.

"Now then, Medeus," Marth heard, causing him to look back to the area surrounded by smoke. "It's time for your time out."

Suddenly a figure jumped out of the smoke with something in its hands.

"Iunctura: Bolganone and Excalibur!"

#Iunctura-Original magic. Allows the user to combine two spells into one or combine a spell with a weapon, imbuing the power of the spell into the bladed area. Ex. Pyro and Thunder would cause it to gain electricity but will still count as a physical attack.

Fire erupted out of the ground while a tornado formed with sharp winds spinning around Medeus's massive form. The tornado twisted and picked up the fire and spun violently while also slashing at the dragon.

Now that the figure landed on the ground, Marth got a good look at the stranger. The stranger had medium-length pale green hair, green eyes, while wearing strange green and gold armor with a blue cape with blue shoes on.

The tornado was blasted away, showing Medeus hadn't taken a scratch.

"So the legends are true. Shadow Dragons do seal away magic." The figure put his hand on his chin. "So that means this will be down to physical force." The figure then drew a black scaled blade before igniting in flames.

Medeus roared at the figure. "Why would you stand in my way!? Look at how humans treat the manaketes! Hunted! Captured! No help except for the rags they find on the streets! Humans must pay for what they've done to us!"

"While I agree with the point that they should pay, some are trying to fix that. While small in number, they can change how everyone looks at us. I will admit that your cause is a noble one, but you took it down a path that you didn't need to." The figure held the flaming sword at an angle by his side. "You have lived a long life Prince Medeus, it is time for you to get your deserved rest."

"I will not rest until that blasted lineage of that boy is finished!"

"Goodbye, old friend." The figure dashed at Medeus before jumping in the air. "Dragon's Silence!" The flames on his sword turned white hot before the figure slashed downwards before hitting Medeus in his long neck, going through his neck.

"Goodbye...Shane-boy." Medeus muttered his last breath.

Unknown to the group and Marth, this was a battle of old friends.

Shane had known Medeus his whole life and saw him as an older brother figure while Medeus saw Shane as a little brother. Shane would always hang out with him and listened every time when he would rant about how he hated how manaketes were being treated and Medeus would listen when Shane would bounce ideas for magic that he thought of.

The last spell they ever worked on together had been the Dragon's Silence in the case Medeus would lose himself like all his brethren before him.

Shane watched as Medeus's dragon body started turning into purple smoke before it started lifting into the air before a voice called out a spell that would change everything.

"Tenebris Fusione!"

Everyone turned and saw the injured Gharnef holding a purple tome in one hand and his other pointed at Shane.

Suddenly, the smoke still around stilled before shooting at Shane at speeds he couldn't dodge.

The smoke entered his body as he began to scream from pain. The smoke made his blood boil and his bones crack as it slightly lifted him into the air.

Marth dashed as best he could and slayed Gharnef, trying to stop the spell he casted but was too late.

Shane dropped to the floor as he felt rage and power start flowing through him.

"Stranger, are you alright!?" Marth called out.

"StAy BaCk." Shane growled as he began to be surrounded in dark magic. "Ianuae Magica!"

#Ianuae Magica-A-rank magic. The user can teleport somewhere they've been.

Shane disappeared from the place, never to be seen for the rest of Marth's life except for finding his name through whisper but his name would go down in history.

As Shane the Shadow Slayer.

Shane had appeared on an island before being transformed into the demonic beast that would destroy the whole island before turning back to Shane.

When he did, his light green hair turned pitch black, his green armor turned black, purple, and dark pink, and his blue shoes turned red.

Shane didn't know if his armor would be damaging due to his sudden and unexplored new power, so he turned it into magic before absorbing it, never wearing it again.


"I would find out later that Gharnef had fused part of Medeus's power and spirit into me, increasing my power but also my life-span. I believe unless in battle, I will not die. Not by aging or disease." Shane finished.

Everyone stayed silent, sinking in the information that the man in front of them is over three millennia old.

"So you actually are Shane the Shadow Slayer. I had my guess but I couldn't believe that." Lucina said aloud.

"Does this change anyone's opinion?" Shane asked.

"How could it? You're still my husband and my children's father. All that's changed is that I'll have to help you with your magic now." Robin stated, confusing Shane.

"Help me with what?"

"Helping you find a way to let us stay with you. You'll need us to be happy for the rest of your life." Robin stated, not knowing the weight of her words.

"You mean eternal life? Robin, that's on a fine line. That will take an enormous amount of power and constant attempts to figure it out right?" Shane explained.

"And? We'll figure it out Shane." Robin stated.

"And I'll be there to help any way I can." Morgan stated, surprising the three.

"What about your future?" Shane asked.

Lucina and Morgan looked at each other. "We...actually planned on staying, even if we could go back. There's nothing to go back to and everything to protect here."

"But I thought your future would change?" Robin asked.

"Parallel Universe Theory." Shane muttered with his hand on his chin.

That surprised both the future kids.

"How did you know?" Lucina asked.

"Can you explain dear?" Robin asked.

"Parallel Universe Theory is a theory the Divine Dragons thought of in the past. They believed that time travel itself is physically impossible. If you went back in time to change something, the future version of themselves would never need to time travel back in time, thus causing the Grandfather Clock. However, they believed instead, time travel could be possible by sending a person into another almost identical universe but before a certain point. Thus, the parallel universe theory. No matter what they do in the new universe, nothing will happen to the person's original time." Shane explained.

"Our world was nearing destruction anyways. Ylisstol was the last city standing when we came back in time and it was being destroyed then." Lucina explained. "I just wonder how everyone is doing."

"There's more of you?" Shane asked, to which he got a nod. He sighed before getting up. "We should all head to bed. We've talked about things more than we expected."

Everyone went to bed, with Shane thinking of what he'll do until the time to go against Valm arrives, giving him two months.

Two months to find as many of those children as he could.