Severa and Yarne

Shane packed up his items before exiting his tent.

"Lucina, Morgan, let's go." Shane told as he started leaving the camp with them hurrying after.

"I'm surprised Aunt Robin is letting you do this Uncle." Lucina told him.

That's another thing that slipped his mind.

Morgan had told him that before they came here, he had trained all the Shepherds children to fight and told them stories of their parents before they met their ends. Because of that, the new Shepherds took to calling him Uncle.

"Yeah, I thought for sure Mom would force you to let her come." Morgan agreed.

They had started jogging about five minutes ago since they left the camp.

"Yeah. She agreed, alright." He nervously said.

That got both of their attention.

"You mean-" They both started.

*Back at camp*

Robin groaned as she woke up before sitting up and stretching.

"Morning Shane." She groaned out before pausing at not hearing an answer.

She looked over at his side of the makeshift bed before seeing a note nearby. She picked it up and read it before fury was all that could be seen in her eyes.

"SHAAAAAANE!" She shouted.

*Back with the three man group*

"Aunt/Mother will be furious!" They both exclaimed.

"Yep. I'll definitely be getting a talking when we get back." Shane agreed. "But the Shepherds need at least one of their tacticians present right now. I'm able to cover more ground out of the two of us so I can try and find more of them in a tighter time frame. We only have two months before we are needed back at the latest. Besides, I have a way to know if something comes up and we're needed back sooner."

"I hope everyone can see you again. So they can at least be present at your funeral Father." Morgan told him.

"I get it, so we'll go South first and go along the coast. From there, we'll see if someone recognizes any of their descriptions." Shane told before they continued running.

*4 hours later*

They reached a town to see a group of five leaving the town they had arrived at.

The trio entered town as Shane heard two people talking.

"This can't go on Elder! We've barely enough to get by as is!"

"Their leader is a former Valmese General. We would be crushed instantly." The elder told them.

"What's this about a Valmese General?" Shane asked as he approached them.

"A Valmese General is leading a group of bandits and is sucking this town dry of food and resources." The elder explained.

"We'll get rid of them for you. We're looking for a couple of people because they've been reported missing. If you tell us if you've seen any one of these people, we'll get rid of your problem." Shane told him as Lucina came forward with a few papers that she wrote down their descriptions on.

A few minutes later, the elder said he recognized one of them.

"This red haired lady has been seen recently with the bandits."

"Severa, daughter of Cordelia and Vaike." Morgan informed Shane as Lucina thanked him and took back the paper.

"Now, to get rid of the bandits."

It took about an hour to reach the fortress they occupied.

"You two stick together. I'll go by myself and keep an eye out for a girl with red hair." They then split up.

Shane hurried forwards before equipping his Omnitome and rushed into the fortress.

"Inveniet: Red hair."

#Inveniet-original spell. Allows the user to search an area nearby them for certain things. If the user has seen it and has a name, the user can say their name and hone in on them. But if not, the spell will not activate due to only having a name.

A magic pulse went through the ground before it covered the entire fortress with the amount he used and felt a 'blip' when it reached someone with red hair.

'Nearby someone that is not known to be enemy or foe.' Shane thought.

He saw Ruffians coming towards him. He held out his hand. "Fire."

Seven fireballs flew forwards before striking one each before exploding, ending their lives.

He headed towards the area the blip came from before finding a red headed woman talking with a villager looking guy.

"You're right...My child deserves better. Let's get out of here!" He said before Severa told him to leave and she'll meet up.

The guy ran out an exit where Severa watched with a smirk.

"So you're Severa?" Shane spoke up, causing her to jump in surprise before turning around with a hand on her sword before her eyes widened.

"Uncle." She muttered.

"So, why don't we meet up with Morgan and-uff." He got interrupted by a red haired girl slamming into his chest.

"You stupid idiot! Why didn't you just come with! You were exactly like her!" Severa exclaimed, hugging him with her face in his chest.

"I don't know what you're talking about Sev." Shane commented before Severa looked up at him.

"Cordelia left, saying she needed to fight for what she cared for and never returned!"

Shane smiled. "Sev, sounds like she meant you. Fighting for a world where you didn't have to fight everyday of your life." He then put a hand on her head. "Besides, you look like you turned out just fine."

Severa just couldn't understand it. While the Uncle she grew up with didn't look much different than now, he still did the same things. He called her Sev, didn't dismiss her view of her mother but tried to explain it, and even did his famous hand-head thing he always did, despite when some of them told him to stop. He'd always wear that large smile on his face that he only showed to his family.

She just nodded before remembering. "We can't go. That stupid Nelson took the only thing I have of Cordelia while I slept."

Shane frowned before smirking.

"Then let's go teach this Nelson not to take what isn't his."

They headed to where she said he was before they met up with Lucina and Morgan, who proceeded to hug her, despite her protests.

"I'll let you choose Sev. Spell or sword."

"Spell, and can you use some of your magic?" She asked.

After having raised the future children, they always loved his type of magic, even when it was as simple as pulling something from far away to him.

He smiled. "Sure."

They walked into the room and saw who they assumed to be Nelson.

"You traitorous wench!" Nelson exclaimed, seeing Severa.

"Now, that's no way to speak to a lady." He pointed his hand at Nelson. "Repellunt."

Nelson slammed hard into the wall behind him, causing him to fall on the ground.


A beam of electricity shot out of his hand before striking Nelson and killing him.

Severa walked to his body and searched him before finding it.

Cordelia's wedding ring.

"Alright, with that done, let's continue onwards." Shane announced as he turned around and started walking out of the fortress with the three kids quickly catching up.

The now group of four walked through a forested path for the next few hours before making camp for the night.

Lucina and Morgan were sitting at the fire while Shane went with Severa to get some food.

Only for him to learn that she stunk at hunting.

"Gah! This is useless." She exclaimed.

"You need to stay calm when hunting Sev." Shane informed.

"Well soooorry for not being my mother."

"What does that mean?"

"Every time I screw something up. I can't cook, can't hunt, heck I don't even know how to maintain a sword's sharpness!" She threw her hands in the air. "Everytime I screw something up, someone compares me to Mother. You have been with her for years in the Shepherds. I must be a huge disappointment."

"Nope. Cordelia is Cordelia. Now Severa, you are who you want to be. Want to improve in those things? Practice. If you don't, don't practice." He placed his hand on her head. "Never, let someone else say you should be like someone else. Show them why they should know the name Severa." Shane then hugged her, knowing that she must have been compared to Cordelia for most of her life.

She hugged back as they just stood in silence before Shane heard something. "Traho."

Some things shot out from the bush before finding themselves stuck in Shane's grip, revealing them to be bunnies.

"Well, we've got food." Shane grinned as they went to the camp.

*3 days later*

"Yarne's been here." Lucina stated as they looked at scuff marks around the ground. "Judging by the tracks, he was here about an hour ago getting food if those deer marks are any indicator."

"Tell me about this Yarne." Shane asked.

"Yarne is the child of Panne and Gaius. He gained the ability to transform into a beast from Panne and uses a steel sword that Gaius taught him in his spare time. Also, he developed a taste for sweets. He's also very skittish." Morgan told him.

"So he's a Taguel. That will make finding him easy enough." Shane then placed his hands on the ground. "Inveniet:Taguel."

A pulse of magic went outward from him through the area before expanding, looking for anyone with the blood of a Taguel that it could find.

The three children watched as he stayed in that form for a bit.

"You know what he's using right now?" Severa asked.

"He's using his locating spell, Inveniet. It allows him to search for someone based on some kind of description. It can be name, appearence, race, or even the person's sex. He typically used it when he wanted to find one of us." Morgan explained.

Morgan spent most of the time he could with his father when he could so he learned what most of the spells were and could even do a few. Not to the magnitude as him but still counts.

"Found him." Shane spoke before standing back up. "He's in a field with a lot of people that don't seem peaceful due to the amount of weapons they have."

"How far away?" Lucina asked.

"Not far, let's go!" Shane took off running with the trio not far behind.

A few minutes later, they burst into view before seeing two groups fighting each other.

"Where's Yarne?" Severa asked.

"Northwest part." Shane pointed. "I'll get him. You three stick together for now. Anyone here is an enemy, got it?" They nodded. "Iunctura: Subvolo and Propero." Shane shot through the air before flying over the two groups.

"Let's do this!" Severa exclaimed before the three of them charged into battle.

Shane kept using Inveniet to get an accurate placement before seeing Yarne surrounded by Paladins.

"Perlustro." [5 Paladins-mild, each has Aegis] "So attack magic is out." Shane drew Pyro before shooting down towards the group before slashing one of their heads off, surprising everyone, before throwing Pyro through another's head before picking up the first one's lance and throwing it into another's chest, quickly ending three of the five Paladins.

"Traho." Pyro came flying back to his hand and dashed at another one who actually managed to block in time before being kicked off his horse just before Shane swung Pyro upwards behind him, knocking the thrown spear into the air before throwing Pyro at the dismounted Paladin, ending his life. "Traho."

In about ten seconds, four Paladins were killed and Shane faced the last one with Pyro at his side while looking at the last one.

Shane dashed forward before side-stepping his thrust and slashing at his chest before thrusting Pyro into his chest, ending the fight briefly.

Shane turned to Yarne who only stood watching him with wide eyes.

"We'll catch up later." Shane then ran back into the battle.

Yarne watched him and could only mutter one thing. "Uncle?"

*A few minutes later*

Shane stabbed one of the last few people fighting before someone yelled to stop. Shane turned in the direction to see two guys. One wore a giant suit of armor and wielded a tomahawk while the other was another Paladin with a spear.

But his focus was on the Mercenary who held Yarne at spear-point.

"Gyral and I don't agree on much, but we both agree on wanting you dead. I saw you protect this..beast from my Paladins. Now, you'll fight both of us or James there will end the boy's life." The Paladin told him.

"Dalen and I are nothing like our men. We are more experienced." Gyral proclaimed.

"Now, prepare to die!"

Dalen charged forward and thrusted his spear at Shane, who summoned his gauntlets.

Shane thrusted his hand forward and grabbed the Spear's blade before pulling it to the side and reared back his other hand, preparing to punch Dalen away before he felt pain in his side.

He let go of the Spear and jumped back and looked at his side to see a wound. He quickly looked around and spotted a Tomahawk before it returned to Gyral's hand.

"Perlustro." [Dalen-no threat. Has Aegis. Gyral-very minor. Has Pavise] "Preparo."

Shane took off in a burst of speed before slamming his right hand into his chest then his left into his head, sending the very wounded Dalen to the ground near Gyral.

"Dalen won't be getting back up. At the very least, he won't live if he does." Shane told them.

Gyral looked down at Dalen before slamming his Tomahawk down on Dalen's head, killing him.

"No good idiot. Couldn't even stay alive enough to be a shield." Gyral snarled.

Shane narrowed his eyes. 'I know he's my enemy, but that's just wrong.'

"Now, I'll make sure you die this time."

Gyral ran towards him and swung his Tomahawk but was just too slow to land a hit on Shane.

He reared back his right arm and swung at his chestplate, sending him sliding backwards but staying on his feet.

Gyral threw his Tomahawk, only for Shane to grab it and throw it back at him before running after it.

Gyral dodged his Tomahawk, only for Shane's Gauntlet, that started glowing pink, to slam into his face, sending him flying off his feet and onto his back.

Shane leapt into the air before pulling his arm back. "Time to finish this!"

One of Shane's abilities he learned activated: Ignis. Shane felt his magical power transfer into his gauntlet as he drove it into Gyral's chest, caving it in before his gauntlet went through it, ending the life of Gyral.

Shane pulled his arm out before looking in Yarne's direction, only to see the Mercenary on the ground dead.

"Good work Yarne." Shane congratulated, knowing he was the one to do it. "Looks like the fighting is over."

"Yarne!" Morgan exclaimed before jumping at him, knocking them both down.

"Morgan! Get off me!" Yarne told him.

"There they go again." Severa sighed.

"Looks like they're acting like brothers to me." Shane smiled before getting serious again. "We should keep moving if we want to find them."

Shane started walking again where Lucina and Severa were behind him while Morgan and Yarne quickly caught up.