Noire and Nah

*5 days later*

"I thought we were finding our friends, not playing hero." Lauernt stated.

"We are, but I hate slavers with a passion. After hearing they captured a girl, I can't not do anything with a clear consciousness." Shane told him. "Besides, it's on our way."

An hour later, they arrived at an area that had a lot of people around.

"They are definitely them." Shane confirmed.

"They surrounded that building. I think the person hid in there." Lucina inputted.

"Alright, I'll take Morgan with me and head towards the building while you four clear out the nearby enemies as much as you can." Everyone nodded. "Let's go."

Shane and Morgan ran towards the building while Group two went across the small riverbed and charged at the enemy.

"We got a lot of fliers. You know what that means?" Shane asked.

"Means we should blow them away with our talent." Morgan smirked.

"Elwind!" They both exclaimed, sending multiple wind blades through the air, ripping through the Griffin Riders and clearing a path to the building.

"Morgan, you stay out here and prevent anyone from entering while I check on the girl." Shane told him before running into the building.

Shane stopped when he saw a girl with light blue hair and a bow was looking for something.

"Where's my talisman? Ah here it is." The girl grabbed something.

"Hey, are you alrigh-" That was all he could get out before the girl shocked him.


Shane blanked. 'Tharja. Definitely Tharja's child.' "Hey."

The girl turned towards him with a dark look. "WHO DO YOU THINK-" She suddenly stopped before the look went away. "Uncle?"

"Yeah. Let's hurry up and finish this to get you back with your mother." Shane suggested before they made their way out. "What is your name?"

"I am Noire, d-d-daughter of Tharja a-a-and Virion." She stuttered.

"Shane! Leader's out here!" Morgan yelled, causing Shane to run out with Noire not far behind.

He stopped outside to see a guy on a horse knock Morgan back through the air with a hit from his silver sword+. Morgan landed beside him and could be heard breathing hard, likely from the effort he had to give in the fight.

"More meat for the wolf? Nice to know you recognize ol' Erza here." He asked.

"No, just a lion that must remind the wolf who's at the top of the food chain." Shane drew Pyro before holding it by his side.

Erza charged him and slashed at him, only for Shane to parry it to the side. Shane then turned quickly before slashing into Erza and his horse, wounding Erza and killing his horse.

"GAH!" Erza cried out, holding his bleeding side as Shane walked closer before decapitating him.

He turned around and saw the rest of their group rejoining them.

"Good news. We found Noire." Shane told them before they started moving again.

*5 days later*

"Why did you decide to come here?" Yarne asked, looking around.

"The people from the village said that this place is haunted. I seriously don't believe that to be the case." Shane replied before everyone heard a scream. "That's not a ghost. Severa, Noire, you're with me. Lucina, Yarne, Morgan, and Laurent. You go right and see if there's anything there."

With that, the two groups split up and ran down the halls.

Shane's group quickly ran into a group of Risen Sorcerers.

Shane brought out his Omnitome. "Let's send them back to the grave!"

Lucina's group continued running until the wall next to them fell, causing them all to jump and look into the newly opened room, before seeing someone inside.

"Nah? Is that you?" Lucina asked.

"Lucy?" Nah asked before smiling. "I found you guys finally!" She quickly joined them by walking over the collapsed section before it suddenly fixed itself.

"The heck?" Yarne commented.

"Likely some kind of magic that holds this building together but it's getting so old, it seems to be wearing off." Morgan guessed.

They all heard groaning, causing them to look further down the hallway and spot a group of Risen coming towards them.

"Blasted Risen!" Morgan exclaimed before everyone got ready for a fight.

"Arcfire and Forseti!" A tornado of wind combined with a stream of fire shot out of Shane's hand, cutting and burning most of the Risens, causing them to drop dead.

Severa blocked a General's lance before a silver arrow struck it in the head, causing it to look at Noire before Severa slashed its head off.


"Elwind and Valflame!" Shane yelled.

The wind blades flew the air before striking Risen which caused explosions that engulfed them, leaving nothing left. The wind blades contained the spell Valflame in them and released them after hitting something. With that, there were no Risens left in the area.

"Nice teamwork you two. You'll go far if you keep that up." Shane complimented as he already continued walking down the hallway.

Severa and Noire quickly caught up and were looking around for any sudden attacks.

"Now, let's go see who's in char-" Shane started before quickly getting in front of them.

A dark swarm of darkness spun around him before squeezing Shane, who looked shocked before going into a deadpan.

Shane pushed his arms outward, breaking the spell.

"Waste, dark magic with slightly high damage but low accuracy as its trade-off." Shane listed off.

A Risen Chief stepped into view with a purple tome in his hand.

"Severa, stay back. The only reason that didn't hurt me is due to my experience in magic. That would hurt you a lot." Shane turned to Noire. "Noire, shoot your arrows when you see an opening. Exorno." Shane summoned his gauntlets. "Iunctura: Gauntlets and Traho."

Shane ran forward before jumping into the air and holding his left hand at the Risen before it shot through the air towards Shane who pulled back his right arm and slammed it into him, sending him crashing into the ground.

Shane fell to the ground before slamming his hand into the Risen once more, creating a small crater.

Shane stood up and looked down at the dying Risen. "And that is that."

Suddenly, the Risen's eyes glowed purple and red, causing Shane's eyes to widen.


Vengeance-Sorcerer skill. Can cause the user to deal more damage the more damage they've taken.

The Risen thrusted out his hand and the familiar spell Waste reappeared but something different happened.

It began to hurt.

"Agh! Noire! Now!" Shane exclaimed as the spell started to suck energy out of him.

A slight whistle started before the Risen received an arrow through the head, ending it for real this time as it started turning to smoke.

Shane dropped on the ground and got on his knees.

"I..hate..Vengeance." He huffed before getting back on his feet.

"You alright?" Severa asked.

"Yeah, let's make sure the others are as well."

"Gah!" Lucina exclaimed as she went flying through the air and sliding on the ground.

"Lucina!" Yarne exclaimed before an explosion happened near him.

"Stay focused Yarne! This one's not like the others." Morgan reminded him.

They had managed to beat most of the Risen before a Death Knight showed up. Their attacks were doing little to nothing while he had been knocking them around.

"Arcwind!" Laurent yelled before a vortex shot towards it but did nothing.

Lucina pulled herself up with her sword before standing. "We need to hold out for Shane. This one's out of our league." Lucina didn't like admitting it.

The Knight charged at Laurent before hitting him and sending him flying and landing next to Lucina, quickly followed by Yarne. The Knight then threw his lance through the air at Morgan.

The lance began to slow as Morgan's life began to flash. His friends, father and mother, that day, Naga giving them hope, coming back, and this adventure.

The lance sped back up before changing directions slightly, just missing his head before reappearing back in the Knight's hand.

A person appeared between him and the Knight with their sword at their side with gauntlets.

"Stay away from my kids!" Shane growled.

"So you're the one called Shane?" He asked.

"Yeah, that's the name of your executioner."

"I'll tell you since you are going to die anyways. I've been hired by an anonymous benefactor to kill you." He held his lance in a position. "Now die!"

"Perlustro." [Death Knight-Extremely dangerous] "Kids, stay back. I'm proud that you survived but don't get involved." He then faced his opponent. "Dragon's Rage!" Pyro Wyrm glowed with an orange fire that went down the blade.

Shane dashed forward as a fiery aura appeared around him.

Ignis-Grandmaster skill. Adds half of mag to a physical attack and vice versa with strength.

Shane slashed at him but right before it hit, Shane saw his armor start glowing red, indicating Pavise activated.

While Shane got distracted for that brief second, Death Knight slashed with his lance that shimmered blue on the blade.

Luna-Great Knight skill. Causes the blade to shimmer blue and halves the opponent's def.

The lance struck true and slashed across Shane's chest, causing him to cry out and be thrown back.

"Uncle/Father!" The kids exclaimed, upset and angry that they physically couldn't move to help due to their injuries.

Shane got back up before looking at the Death Knight again. "Congrats. I haven't been hit like that in a while." Shane turned serious. "And I won't again. Exolvo."

A cloud of magic blocked Shane from everyone's visions for a few seconds before it imploded back into Shane, who wore something he hasn't in centuries.

His robes were gone, only to be replaced with red, black, purple, and dark grey armor along with his hair growing slightly shorter and more wild.

"I figured I would eventually have to reclaim this form but I had hoped I wouldn't need to."

"Time to finish this."

"Couldn't agree more." Shane smirked. "Iunctura:Valflame and Pyro." The flames glowed a dark red and more wild.

They charged at each other and Death Knight thrusted at him, only for him to easily spin out of the way as he began to glow a green aura this time, along with his blade.

Astra-Swordmaster skill. The user strikes the opponent with five quick attacks dealing half damage each strike.

"Go to hell!" He slashed at him and saw a red aura appear and disappear. He slashed once more from behind him and met another red aura on his armor. His third slash came from his side and met it again. His fourth slashed his back but didn't meet the red aura and easily slashed through the armor and for blood to come out of it. His fifth and final slash went for his waist and separated his upper body from his lower body, leaving no chance he could be alive.

Shane let out a heavy breath one after the other before being able to breathe naturally again.

He walked over to the Knight and grabbed his weapon, recognizing it as Gradivus, one of the three legendary relics.

"I got another one back, mother." Shane whispered before turning it into magic particles he then absorbed. "All that's left is Mercurius."

"Uncle! Are you alright?" Lucina asked as they could finally stand.

"Yeah, I should be asking you all that." Shane looked over them and saw their injuries.

"We'll be fine." Yarne tried to play off before wincing from the movement.

"Riiight. We'll be heading to the nearest town and be resting there." Shane looked at the body again. "Still, who had the money to hire someone like this and the reason to send him after me?" Shane shook his head. "Nevermind. Let's go."

Shane helped them out of the house, talked with Nah, who he easily saw Nowi in her, and helped to the town.

*Back at the house*

A figure walked and stood next to the now dead Death Knight.

"He is growing stronger too fast." They placed their hand on their chin. "No, that's not it. He's releasing more of his power now." They pointed their hand at the body.

"Risen Verto."

The split body rejoined at the waist before standing back up.

"Good, now all I need to do is find you another weapon." The figure cackled.

From the Death Knight's helmet, two red eyes glowed from underneath.