
*12 days later*

"You guys continue along the coast without me. I'll catch up in a few days." Shane told them.

"What? We can simply wait a few days." Nah said.

"No. Because of that Death Knight, it has put us too far behind. You continue onwards and I'll take a short cut and come back to regroup with you." He explained.

After going back and forth, they eventually agreed to split up and meet again.

"Remember, if you need help, Morgan apparently has one of my orbs that still works at this time."

With that, they split ways.

*9 days later*

"So these are the ruins." Shane looked around and saw...well ruins.

Until he heard the grunts he had heard enough times to know it by heart.

"Great more Risen." He drew out until he heard a voice.

"You think you can defeat Ylisse's future assassin? Think again!" Followed by an explosion.

"Huh. Better go meet my future replacement." Shane continued onward, easily dispatching the Risen in his way until he met up with the stranger, only to recognize them.

Despite them supposed to be only 1 right now.

It was a girl with waist long white hair and blue eyes.

The most shocking part belonged to her armor, which resembled his, only blue, light blue, grey and dark grey as the colors. Her sword looked completely black except for 4 green orbs along the blade.

"Hah!" She slashed through a Risen and turned around before seeing Shane and freezing.



They stayed still until Shane put a hand up.

"Elwind." Blades of wind shot past Corrion, slicing the Risen behind her. "How about we finish these Risen and talk after?"

Corrin nodded before settling in a stance similar to Shane's.

"Ah, did I teach you my sword style?"

"Yes, but mine is a combination of your's and mother's fighting style." Corrin explained.

Shane drew Pyro and slashed a Risen. "After we return to Robin, I'd like to have a spar with you to see how well you fight."

Corrin ducked and split another in half. "That'd be fun."

They continued fighting until they met up with the leader, a Risen Chief who had a tomahawk.

"You want him?" Shane asked who received a nod.

Corrin dashed at him before Shane's eyes widened as the area glowed a tint of red as the Chief and Corrin's figure darkened until almost silhouettes.

Lethality-Assassin skill. The user and target turn into almost silhouettes as the area glows red. The user dashes forwards and attacks the target's weak point with all their strength, killing them instantly.

Corrin dashed and slashed where the Chief looked like it had blood shoot out from it. The Risen fell to the ground before the area turned back to normal, including Corrin.

"Alright! Once again, the future Assassin proves her ability to be the assassin!" She exclaimed.

"So you already know Lethality. Did you inherit any other abilities from Robin or me?" Shane asked.

"Completely, I have Lethality, Ignis, Astra, Vantage, and Dragon Form." She listed off with Shane nodding.

"Those are pretty handy-wait, Dragon Form?"

"Yeah, Dragon Form. The ability to shift parts of my body into my dragon form." Corrin explained before she grew horns and a tail that laid on the ground, surprising Shane. "I can also shoot out a claw-like appendage from my arms that shoot out about 5 meters [about 16 feet] and can also grow my wings to give me flight."

"Huh. I can't do that." Shane commented.

"Really? You could in my time. Though you always said that it made you uncomfortable while doing that."

"So, did you come with Lucina and the group?" Shane asked as they left the ruins.

"Lucina? Who's that?"

That made Shane stop. "You...you don't know Lucina?"

"Obviously not Dad." She crossed her arms.

Shane put his hand on his chin. "What was your future like?"

Corrin turned serious. "My future, you guys defeated the Valmese army and returned home, only for a Plegian named Validar to kidnap mother and Morgan when I turned 14 and you went after them, along with the Shepherds. A month passed with no news except that something had caused the ground to shake there and for loud roars with destruction everywhere.

People eventually went to check the area, only to find something horrifying yet amazing. On the ground, they found the decaying body of a giant dragon with holes and slashes all along its body. They identified what it was two years later. A dragon called Grima." That shocked Shane. "Everyone grew tense but happy that something had slain the Fell Dragon that somehow revived.

One year later though, I'm 17 at this point, they found the Shepherds. They were all dead but two people were missing. Mother and you disappeared without a trace. So, without a leader Ylisstol began to panic before naming the one they thought responsible enough to lead. Prince Luke, the son of Chrom."

'Luke and Lucina must be the same person, just different due to dimensions and such.' Shane thought.

"Three years later, a new threat appeared that easily destroyed Plegia, Valm, and Regna Ferox. Another Fell Dragon that became known as Mors then set its sights on Ylisse, destroying every town until Ylisstol. We later learned of ruins that could send people back to a random point in time. Luke told me to go there while the New Shepherds would buy as much time as they could. I eventually left and found the ruins before arriving here just now." She told.

"So your future became destroyed because of a Fell Dragon named Mors." Shane placed his hand on his chin again. "Mors in the dragon language means death and destruction. That dragon was likely responsible for killing Grima and likely had to gather strength. He targeted Plegia, likely due to appearing there. And you're certain they targeted Valm next?" He received a nod. "To do that, they'd need to fly over Ylisse or over the ocean which would take three times as long."

"You're saying.." Corrin realized.

"That dragon didn't target Ylisse at first, meaning it didn't pop out of nowhere, it knew what and where Ylisse was." Shane then turned the direction Lucina's group would be coming from. "We might as well wait here for the rest of the group."

Shane proceeded to explain Lucina's situation and how it seemed similar to her future.

"Do..do you think that means it can't be avoided? The end I mean." She clarified.

Shane placed his hand on her head. "No, this means that we should try even harder. I'm not going to let my children, nephews, and nieces be born into a world that they have to see their parents die."

They continued talking about more lighthearted things. Like if she'd bested him yet in a fight, how she seemed taller than Robin but just a few inches shorter than himself, and stories of each other. Before they knew it, it became night and they went to sleep.

*7 days later*

"That's most of the coast and there were no reports saying that they found any of these people." Shane told the now regrouped group. "I think the rest aren't on Ylisse or Plegia."

"Where else could they be?" Nah asked.

"The only other place. Valm." Shane then looked at the horizon. "We better hurry back to the town so Robin can catch us up to speed on the plan."

"It was nice knowing you Uncle/Father." Lucina's group said simultaneously, confusing Corrin.

"What do you mean?"

"Father here decided to leave the Shepherds group in his search for us before telling Robin and only leaving a note." Morgan explained.

"I'm sorry, but I agree with them Dad."

Shane sighed. "I do too. This won't be fun."

With that, they started their walk to their fathers, mothers, aunts, and uncles.