Introductions, Family Spar, Shane's Heritage

"There it is." Shane called out, seeing the port they'd use for the ships as the sun started to set.

The port town was full of Feroxi and Ylissean soldiers ready to start boarding the ships any day.

"Let's go see your parents."

The group started walking into the town before reaching the improvised city gates.

"Halt! Name and purpose for entering." A Ylissean soldier demanded only to get a light smack in the back of the helmet.

"Idiot, that man is clearly Shane, comrade of Prince Chrom and husband to your own kingdom's Tactician." The Feroxi soldier told him before turning to Shane. "Welcome back sir. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but your wife is waiting for you but just happens to be in a meeting with Chrom and Ferox's Khans."

"Thank you. These 9 will need to come with me." Shane received a nod before they opened the gates and they walked through.

"Keep going straight and the largest tent near the pier is the one you need." Shane thanked him once more before they moved.

They passed tent after tent where people were either eating, talking, weapon upkeep, or all the above.

They eventually reached the tent and Shane could hear talking.

"-load up in a few days and head out. We'll need to split people up in groups for ships." Shane recognized Robin's voice easily.

He pushed the flap out of the way and walked into the tent and saw Robin happened to be facing the other side of the tent, leaving Chrom, Flavia, and Basilio the only ones who noticed him and their eyes widened.

"Some sword and lance users should be paired up with the archers and axe users can defend the healers," Robin continued planning before noticing no one seemed to be paying attention. "Are you listening?"

"I don't know about them, but I am." Shane commented, causing her to freeze before spinning around. "Hey honey."

Robin started growling before stepping closer to him slowly. "You leave for almost two months where the last thing you said to me was on a note and the first thing you say is 'hi honey?'"

"Uhhh, I found more kids?" Shane said.

"Talk about that later." Robin grabbed him by the arm before dragging out of the tent. "We'll talk later!" She exclaimed to the three of them before walking passed the children. "Introductions later."

The kids took a step back, forgetting that their aunt/mother had a temper when it came to their uncle/father.

"Uh, just find a place to sleep kids." Shane told them before being pulled by his wife. "Can't you loosen your grip a little? Ow! I said loosen not tighten!"

The kids could only watch as the man who saved them in both times, countless times and rarely be hurt, crying out in pain over his wife's grip on his arm.

Robin didn't let him leave their tent for the rest of the night.

*Next day at 8 a.m.*

Shane stretched his joints as the blanket covering him except for his head fell, revealing he was shirtless.

"If you do this every time I leave by note, I should do it more often." Shane muttered before laying back down on the bed where a sleeping Robin hugged him, refusing to let go again.

"If you do...castrate you.." Robin talked in her sleep, making Shane pale.

"Come on honey, we need to plan and introduce the kids." Shane whispered as he pushed her gently a few times, slightly waking her up.

"Five more minutes." She groaned.

"Don't you want to meet Lucina's friends?"

"They came from the future, they can wait five minutes." She grumbled before falling back asleep.

Shane chuckled softly. 'I never could wake you up in the morning. Even when tired, you find a way to get your way.'

Shane turned on his side and hugged her from behind and joined his wife in sleep.

*3 hours later*

Shane felt someone push him, causing him to groan.

"Nooo..more sleep." He groaned.

"It's already 11 Shane. If we don't get up soon, they'll come looking and find us like this." Robin pointed out, causing him to groan again.

"I still hate that you can get me out of bed but I can't get you out of bed." Shane grumbled before sitting up and getting out of the bed.

"I didn't hear you complaining when I got you into the bed." She teased.

"Never would. Now then, I guess I should introduce the kids to the Shepherds."

"Shouldn't you get dressed first?" Robin asked, pointing out that he was still naked.

Shane then released the spell he casted before entering town to seal his armor. The only downside is that it drains his magic the longer it's sealed. And since it was sealed throughout the night and morning, his large amount of magic had gone down to half. The reason is due to the armor being a part of him that guards all of him.

Robin watched as his body glowed before armor appeared.

"Done." Shane smirked.

"Not. Fair." She muttered before fixing her hair.

15 minutes later, they had all the Shepherds and kids at one of the training fields.

"I'm not sure if you know why I left but it was to find more of the future children that Lucina and Morgan came back with." Shane then walked to the group where the New Shepherds gathered before stopping at Severa.

"This is Severa, the first one we found. She would fit as a 'Hero' class. She is the daughter of Cordelia and Vaike. She fights with a sword and an axe." He then walked to Yarne. "This is Yarne, the second one we found. He is a Taguel, meaning he's the son of Panne and Gaius. I've been told that just like Gaius, he likes sweets." Gaius cried ow due to Panne hitting him in the head. "Next is Laurent. He is a Sage and the son of Miriel and Stahl and is more alike with Miriel." He then turned to Nah. "This is Nah, a Manakete. She is the daughter of Nowi and Gregor. She'd like to get to know her parents." He walked to Noire. "This is Noire, a Sniper. She is the daughter of Tharja and Virion and has a slight issue with self-confidence without her talisman." Then moved to Kjelle. "This is Kjelle, a General. She is the daughter of Kellam and Sully. She fights with a lance or axe." He moved to the last one. "And last but not least, is Corrin, an Assassin. She is the daughter of me and Robin. She fights using a sword and wants to take my place as Ylisse's Assassin."

Shane moves away from the group. "We can plan all we want since Robin's told me we have a few days but I'd like if you'd spend time with your future children. Now, if you need Robin or I, we'll be with Morgan and Corrin."

With that, Shane and his direct family moved away to go get lunch and talk. Soon after, Sully and Kellam brought Kjelle to a training field, Panne and Gaius took Yarne to a place to themselves, Laurent followed Miriel to see her studies while Stahl shook his head, seeing his son more like his mother than him, Nowi quickly grabbed Nah and dragged her off to show her flowers while Gregor laughed and followed, Noire nervously followed Tharja, who started muttering of what new kinds of hexes and curses she could make, with Virion smiling beside Noire, and Vaike wanted Severa to show him how "tough" she had gotten.

"-and then you forbid me from training for a week! How is the future Assassin supposed to be strong if you wouldn't let them train." Corrin huffed.

"Well, you shouldn't have practiced your sneaking ability to surprise Morgan when he was practicing a spell." Shane replied.

"But how else could I? No one could sneak up on you and mother had grown use to you sneaking so she could always spot me."

Shane and Corrin had started a conversation that had Morgan and Robin listening.

"You could have practiced through hunting. That way you would be able to hunt more efficiently and practice your stealth ability." Shane suggested.

"But you never let me try on my own. Everytime I tried, you would show up and bring me back home."

"Sounds like the current you is different from the future you dear." Robin commented.

"Maybe I went looking for her when she disappeared."

"Father, we both know that you could easily find her and check if there was anything hostile near her." Morgan explained.

Shane sighed. "Maybe I was a paranoid father."

"Yes/Absolutely." The two siblings answered at the same time.

"Anyways," Robin grabbed everyone's attention. "We need to spar to understand where you guys are in your training."

"Sure, we can have them fight you one-on-one then together before the same with me." Shane suggested.

"I haven't sparred with Mom in a while." Morgan commented.

"Well, I can help teach you some more advanced spells."

"And Dad can help me with my swordsmanship." Corrin added.

"Alright, we'll spar later."

The family of four continued eating before going to one of the free training fields.

"Alright, first will be Robin and Morgan." Shane told before they went out to the middle of the clearing. "In the case of me thinking that you are getting too into it, I will intervene." They nodded. "Alright, begin."

"Elfire!" Morgan exclaimed before the ground under Robin started glowing with a rune.

Robin jumped backwards, dodging the pillar of fire. "Arcwind!"

She shot a vortex forward, causing some of the flames to swirl inside it, before continuing and slammed where Robin last saw Morgan, only to crash into the ground, sending a cloud of dust into the air.


Blades of wind shot out of the dust towards Robin. "Elthunder!"

The X-cross ball of lightning shot forward and collided with the blades, canceling out both spells.


Three orbs of electricity hovered over Robin. "Arcfire!" She shot a stream of fire upwards, canceling Arcthunder.

Suddenly, Morgan shot forward with Pyro drawn.

Robin drew her Levin sword and blocked his strike. She knocked his blade upwards before kicking her foot outwards, hitting him in the chest and sending him backwards. She thrusted the sword towards Morgan. A bolt of lightning shot from the point of the blade and towards Morgan.

Morgan slid to a stop before seeing the bolt. "Ah, crap."

The bolt struck and caused an explosion of smoke before Morgan shot out from the smoke and rolled with static electricity sparking off of him.

"That's that!" Shane called out, surprising Morgan and Robin.

"I'm..I'm still good to go." Morgan told him.

"No. You've proven that you're as good with magic and a sword as Robin was when you were born in this time."

"But that was a year ago!"

"But an amazing feat. Keep in mind that Robin's strongest weapon is her strategy." He explained. "Power alone will not win you every battle. Just as skill alone won't either."

"Mother has already proven that she is more proficient in the blade than you so you would have to resort to your magic, but she already proved that she could keep up and block those as well, leaving you with little you could do." Corrin pointed out.

"Dang it. I'm still far from Mom's level." Morgan muttered.

"Not true." Robin said as she walked over to him. "I'd be only a little bit stronger than you right now if Shane hadn't trained me before we started training together. Now, imagine how fast you'll grow with both of us training you." Morgan nodded.

"Alright, do you need to rest Robin? If so, I'll spar with Corrin for now."

"Thanks. I could use a slight break." Robin walked over and sat against a tree in the shade where Morgan followed and sat by her.

Shane and Corrin walked to the field and took their nearly identical stances.

"Begin!" Robin exclaimed.

Shane and Corrin dashed at each other and crossed blades. They pushed against each other, trying to get past the other's guard.

Corrin jumped back, ending the struggle, before she jumped in the air. She changed her left arm into part dragon before it shot down towards Shane.

Shane side-stepped it as it lodged itself in the ground. Soon after though, he found a foot connected with his head, sending him rolling.

He quickly stopped himself before noticing Corrin running at him before bringing her sword down.

"Exorno!" His red and black gauntlets appeared before he stopped her blade with his hand. "I'll admit, you caught me off guard. That is not an easy thing to accomplish."

However, he didn't expect for Corrin to grin. "So it's gauntlet time huh? Exorno!"

Shane grew shocked as, just like him, her arms glowed before going away to reveal ocean blue and black gauntlets similar to his.

She reared back a fist before slugging Shane in the face due to his shock.

Shane shook his head before concentrating.

"Not easy huh? I've shocked you twice in the past minute!"

"Now, it's my turn." Shane said, confusing her.

"Wha-" Was all she could say before her eyes widened before dropping her sword and crossing her arms to brace the sudden punch that sent her sliding back.

"You forgot something!" She lowered her hands to see her sword spinning towards her.

She turned to the side and grabbed the handle as it started to pass her before using its momentum and spinning around to block a slash from Shane.

She ducked under his left fist before changing her head to a helmet-like state before raising her head upwards to try and headbutt him with her blunt helmet.

Shane tilted his head backwards before kicking upwards and hitting her chin, sending her a foot off the ground before he slammed his fist into her helmet, stunning her briefly but long enough for him to push her to the ground and hold his blade a few inches away from her neck.

"Finished." Shane told before getting off her and returning his gauntlets to magic.

"Ah man." Corrin's voice seemed muffled by the helmet before it changed back to her head as her gauntlets turned back to magic as well. "I had you at the beginning."

"You did. You surprised me with an attack that not only works as an attack, but one that can draw you closer to your opponent." Shane helped her to her feet. "If you were faster or more agile, you could have been able to avoid the kick to the chin." He then turned to the other two who were still under the tree. "Robin, Morgan, ready to head back?"

They got up before walking towards them. "Dear, did you have to use so much of your strength? I can already tell that she'll likely have a bruise from that punch earlier."

"Think of it like this, she made me use that much power. In my opinion, she's better at swordsmanship than you are but you'd likely still win in a fight due to your mind and magic."

"What did you do earlier? With your hand?" Morgan asked Corrin, getting his parents' attention.

"I turned it into a claw from my dragon form and shot it at Dad." Corrin answered, despite being confused by the question.

"Dragon form? Father never mentioned being able to do that." Morgan muttered.

"Because I likely couldn't anymore." Shane brought up.

"'Anymore', what do you mean Father?"

"I mean I can turn into a dragon. But due to the incident with Medeus, I have Fell Magic running through me. The more times and the longer I turn into my dragon form, the amount increases while also making it more and more difficult to turn back on my own." Shane then looked at Robin. "That's actually how your mother and I decided to get married."

"Because you were a dragon?" Morgan asked.

"Nope." Shane then proceeded to tell how he couldn't turn back on his own unless his emotions calmed down and how Robin easily calmed him down, releasing him from that form.

"And then she asks 'So when are we getting married?' Out of the blue! Almost made me trip and fall on my face." Shane grumbled.

"Hey, don't forget that you agreed a few seconds after I asked for it." Robin pointed out.

"Hey Dad," Corrin started. "Who were your parents?"

The clearing turned silent as a question they all wondered at one point.

"My father went by the name of Ichigo Sosuke, a master of the blade and one of the best strategists in history. I only knew him for 20 years, a relatively short time for manaketes, but he died to protect everyone he knew from an enemy who could manipulate someone's senses. He took him far away but many could still see the fight. When it was over, our tribe went to check on one of the few humans that managed to be accepted into the tribe. They found him on death's door while his opponent had died from being impaled by Ichigo. Ichigo gave some last words I don't remember but he passed his sword onto me."

Shane focused before putting his hand out. "Kiru, Doragonkuro."

Pyro appeared in his hand, confusing them.

"Unseal, Zangetsu."

Suddenly, another sword appeared in his other hand. A thin black blade as long as his arm with its handle spiraling around the handle area with a chain hanging off it.

"Woah!" Corrin and Morgan said.

"With this sword, Ichigo likely saved a majority of my tribe. He would be remembered by my tribe forever." Shane then dismissed Zangetsu.

"What about your mother?" Robin asked.

"My mother went by the name Nagi. She was one of the few dragons that turned human and fell in love with my father. She gave birth to me 3 years after meeting him. After his death, she originally didn't want me to learn to fight, too afraid I'd make enemies as strong as my father's. Until she saw me use Zangetsu where she eventually went around and found masters that could teach me. She died as well, but about a millennium later."

"Sorry for bringing it up." Corrin apologized.

"No need. I planned on telling you about your grandparents eventually."

"Dear, we need to go and plan for the war." Robin reminded.

"Alright. Let's go."

The family of four walked away from the field and back to the camp.

They never noticed the cloaked figure or the man in a long white jacket.

"You should kill him now before he has a chance to become a problem." The older man told him.

"Where's the fun in that? Destroying someone is only fun when you see the last of their hope leave their eyes." The cloaked figure turned around. "Let's go."

The figure with the white jacket then slashed the air before a portal appeared in front of them before they walked through and it closed.