The Burning Seas

Shane leaned on a railing, looking at the large area of open water.

"Ah, take it all in! Breathtaking... Somehow our troubles feel a lifetime away out here." Robin commented.

"Yet in truth, we're headed straight toward them... I should be grateful the Plegians delivered us this fleet, as promised. But it's my first time on a vessel, and my legs... I never fancied myself a sea captain." Chrom told.

"This is my first voyage as well. In my time, all ships were destroyed. Smashed to pieces, along with their ports." Lucina brought up.

"Lucina... Something I've been meaning to ask... After you stopped Emm's assassination... Why didn't you stay with us?" Chrom asked.

"Likely tried not to mess with time if she didn't have to." Shane spoke up, getting their attention. "Let's say she stayed and said her actual name. You likely wouldn't name your daughter Lucina would you?"

Chrom held his chin. "Likely not. But she did change history so there's that."

"If indeed they have changed... The river of time always favors its original course. Take the exalt's death... I stalled it, yes, but in the end I was not able to prevent it." Lucina paused as her fists gripped themselves. "I was so certain it was over. That I'd saved the world. But time simply found another way back to its course. Perhaps the task is simply too great... Perhaps if I'd done something differently? I replay events in my head, over and over…"

"Don't. You did your best. And you saved Chrom, after all." Shane assured her.

"You're kind, Uncle. But nothing is certain... Another could take his life. Time could find a way…"

"..Do you know how I died?" Chrom asked.

"Only rumors... I was told you fell in a great battle, fought to sway your destiny. ...And that you were murdered—betrayed by someone dear to you."

Suddenly Robin held her head before Shane wrapped an arm around her to not worry the other two.

"You okay honey?"

"Y-yeah. Sudden headache but it seems to be gone now." Robin told him as he let go.

"After your murder and Grima's return, I took the name Marth and fought back. I prayed to the Hero-King for a small part of the strength he used to save the world. But I need this subterfuge no longer. I choose to fight as Lucina now. The name that reminds me of the strength in the man and woman who chose it." Lucina finished.

"And now the woman who bears it." Chrom told her, smiling.

The four of them walked into the planning room, only for Frederick to already be inside.

"The pegasus knights report the Valmese fleet matches ours, ship for ship. Their troops vastly outnumber ours. Our vessels are half-full, at best. But every Valmese ship is packed from stem to stern with soldiers." Frederick reported.

"If we attempt to board them in a straight fight, we'll be slaughtered." Chrom muttered.

"We've little choice but to try anyway. Plegia had no men to spare, but they were generous with other supplies...including oil. Perhaps two clever tacticians could find a use for that." Flavia hinted.

"Hmm... Perhaps we could." Robin muttered.

"If we can put their ships to flame, they'd have nowhere to escape to. We could—" Flavia started before being interrupted.

"You could roast us all like hams! Are you truly so eager to die, woman?!" Basilio exclaimed.

"Do you have a better idea, oaf?! ...The problem is we have no catapults. Hmm... How to get the lit oil on their decks without our own ships getting caught in the blaze?" Flavia asked.

"Honey, what do you do if you have two half full cups?" Shane asked.

"Well, as irrelevant as it is, I usually would pour one into-" She started before stopping and widening her eyes. "Dear, next time just say it straight out."

"I have no idea what you mean."

"What's the Assassin saying?" Flavia asked.

"What if we want our ships to go up in a blaze?"

"Why would we-" Basilio started before sighing. "I know better than to question you two, especially when you get those looks in your eyes."

"For the plan to work however, we need to disrupt their chain of command." Shane started.

"We need our strongest team of no more than 13 people to allow fighters the ability to move without cramping next to others." Robin explained.

"There's Shane, Robin, and I, leaving 10. Also, don't try to stop me Robin." Chrom told.

Shane put his hand on his chin. "Let's bring Virion and Noire as support in the case they have flyers."

Robin nodded. "I say bring Morgan and Laurent to deal with anyone with armor."

"That leaves 6 left." Chrom told.

"Let's bring Corrin, Panne, and/or Yarne. Panne or Yarne to deal with the Cavaliers while Corrin can quickly get rid of possible mages with her speed." He explained.

"That leaves 3." Chrom told.

Shane and Robin were thinking but figured they covered the groundwork.

"Lucina, Severa, Lon'qu, Kellam, and Vaike are the only ones left that either won't be affected by the ship fight or haven't had others already assigned."

"I say take Lon'qu, Lucina, and Kellam. Lon'qu and Lucina are more experienced in sword fighting than Severa and Vaike uses an axe which might be a problem and Kellam wears armor." Robin suggested, which Shane agreed with.

"Sounds like we have our team. Now we need to make their groups." Chrom then turned around. "I'm going to go tell them to prepare for battle while the others help in your crazy plan." He then walked off and out the room.

"We'll go spread the word too." Flavia said as she and Basilio left.

"Chrom, Panne, Lucina, Lon'qu, Yarne, and Kellam are close range fighters, Morgan, Laurent, and I are mid-ranged, and Virion and Noire are long ranged. You and Corrin either fit into all of them or a mix of them." Robin listed off.

"Let's make three groups, allowing a magic user and two close ranged fighters in each group. Let's have Chrom, Lucina, Laurent, Virion, and Yarne as Group 1. Group 2 can be you, Panne, Lon'qu, Kellam, and Noire. Group 3 leaves me, Morgan, and Corrin." Shane listed off.

"Your group only has three people while the other two have 5." Robin pointed out.

"I can fit in all three ranges, Morgan is just like you with a foot in close-range and mid-range, and Corrin can use her dragon form to move around. All groups fit the standard. My group just has more people that fill up those requirements easier." Shane explained.

They talked strategy a bit more before calling it a night. The pegasus knights had reported that we'd make contact tomorrow.

*Next day*

"That's the general's ship." Frederick reported.

"Alright, Groups 1 through 3, get on the deck while the rest of you hurry up and do your part. We plan on doing this fast." Shane called out.

The groups got on deck before their ship picked up speed and went to the general's ship, with two other ships on their left and right.

"One ship against ours? They have insulted the army of Ignatius!" Ignatius yelled, causing his men to yell in agreement. "Slaughter them and let them drown in the water!"

"Honey, which group goes after the general?" Shane asked.

Robin thought. "Your group will get started on that ship. Chrom's group will go after the southern one and my group will go after the one on the right."

Shane nodded before telling the groups where they go.

"Morgan, Corrin, let's go!" Shane told before everyone went where they were supposed to go.

"Generals and Knights!"

"Elwind!" Shane and Morgan shouted as blades of wind quickly tore through their armor before they continued.

Corrin backflipped before shooting a dragon claw forward, into an enemy before pulling herself forward and decapitating him.

She quickly caught up to them and started slashing through some mages while the men continued casting Elwind to kill as many as they could to prevent from being surrounded.


Panne transformed before attacking the Cavaliers.

A fighter tried attacking her before Lon'qu quickly disposed of him with his Killing Edge.

"Kellam, stay with Noire and protect her from anyone that tries to get close." Robin then faced a Knight. "Elthunder!"

"Hyah!" Lucina exclaimed as she slashed an opponent.

Chrom hurried to her side and blocked a lance before knocking it to the side and stabbing him.

"Arcwind!" Laurent cast a vortex of wind at a Knight while Yarne got the Cavalier that started going after him.

"Ha!" Virion released a silver arrow that ended one of the pegasus knights.

"Arrogant pup! The seas are my home, and they will be your graves!" Ignatius told them.

"Kids, go help the other groups. This will be over quickly so get prepared for Phase 2." Shane told them before they ran off to help the others quickly get rid of their opponents.

"All you're doing is stalling their deaths."

Shane glared at him. "Never. Never threaten my family. Unseal, Zangetsu." Zangetsu appeared in his right hand before the chain wrapped around his arm up his upper arm.

"Come to your death!" Ignatius then charged at Shane.

Shane waited for him to get closer before swinging Zangetsu, instantly breaking his Spear.

Ignatius stepped back in fear and shock.

"Don't worry about your Conqueror, he'll be joining you shortly." Shane then slashed him from his shoulder to his waist, ending his life.

"Next time you should release me at the beginning. I do love a bloodbath."

Zangetsu is Ichigo's sword that was tied to his soul. In his last moments, he pushed what remained of his soul into it, allowing Zangetsu to continue without him and join with Shane's soul. Due to being Ichigo's originally, he can only talk to Shane when he brings him out.

'I'll think about it if the enemies actually deserve you. I only used you this time because he threatened our family. I'll talk to you later.' Shane then resealed Zangetsu.

Shane then headed to their ship before shooting Arcfire into the air, the signal that Phase 2 is about to start.

Not long after, the other two groups quickly joined him.

"Everyone, head right at them. Ramming speed!" Chrom ordered before half of the ships started increasing speed. "Steady..steeeeady."

"We're right on top of them!" The soldier steering yelled.

"NOW! JUMP!" CHrom exclaimed as everyone started running to the side of the ships.

Everyone jumped over while Shane stood on the railing.

"Fire." Shane shot a fireball at a barrel of oil, starting a fire so it could spread after impact.

Shane then jumped backwards and landed in the water feet first.

His head went underwater before swimming to the top and swimming towards the rest of their ships that started coming over as the Valmese ships crashed against theirs and quickly started catching fire.

Shane reached the ship and climbed the ladder before leaning against the rail next to his family, looking at the incredible scene.

"The sea itself is on fire." Severa commented.

"It worked!" Frederick exclaimed.

"Only you two could hatch such a brilliant scheme. Who else would desert half our vessels and turn them into flaming cannonballs? And there was still enough room on the remaining ships for all our troops. It was so simple, and yet the Valmese never saw it coming. They never considered anyone might be willing to sacrifice half a fleet…" Flavia said.

"We won the day, but the war is far from over." Chrom stated.

"Aye, boy! I've had enough of the smoke and smell here for one lifetime, besides." Basilio commented.

"Full speed ahead to Valm."