Omni vs The Risen Knight

His blades gained a green tint before he quickly slashed at DK five times, leaving deep cuts in his armor.

He swung Mercurius at him which he ducked under and swung his fist upwards for an uppercut but DK leaned back enough for it to miss.

DK pulled back Merc before he and the sword glowed a yellow tint, indicating Sol.

[Sol-Hero skill. The attacker gains half as much health as the damage he dealt.]

The sword swung forward before striking Shane's red tinted dragon armor, sending him sliding back.

DK quickly followed before Mercurius gained a blue tint, indicating Luna, before striking him in the chest and cutting through as blood came out of the wound.

Shane rolled before getting back on his feet before dashing behind DK and aimed to jab the blades into his back before DK moved out of the way and slashed him again, meeting his red tinted armor once more.

Shane quickly turned and slashed his chest before jumping backwards.

Suddenly the wall of fire disappeared before the Shepherds started fighting the Grimleals that had appeared as reinforcements.

DK dashed at Shane and swung, only for him to lean out of the way of the blade.

Shane held his arms by his side and formed his elbows at a 90o angle and tightened his muscles.

"It's over. Piasu Tengoku!"

[Piasu Tengoku-Sukairyoshu's strongest attack. Shane dashes forward with compressed fire that expands rapidly, causing him to fly forward at extreme speed. Shane then starts spinning, causing him to gain a bullet-like shape of fire to surround him and inflict massive piercing damage]

Shane dashed forward as he started to be enveloped in a fire-like cone while he dashed forward fast enough to essentially be flying.

He started spinning quickly as the fire cone started gaining a pink tint to it.

The fire cone slammed into the Death Knight, grinding away at his chest before bursting through the other side and stopping about 20 feet behind him.

The fire quickly disappeared and revealed the Death Knight had a hole from the top of his ribs to his waist.

DK stood there before quickly evaporating into purple smoke.

Shane stood for a second before Sukairyoshu turned back into Kuro and Shane returned to just his dragon armor state and stabbed Kuro into the ground, breathing in heavy breaths.

Shane looked over and saw Robin and Chrom slash Validar before walking over to them.

"Why... Why would you squander your birthright... daughter…" Validar asked before dying.

"We did it! We did it, Robin! We've altered our destiny! We... We've won." Chrom stated, happy that it was finally over.

Oh how Chrom should keep his mouth shut.

A figure appeared that revealed itself to be the Hierophant.

"You may have altered the course of history, but not its destination." She spoke.

"What do you mean?!" Robin asked.

"It is still written that Chrom died here at your hands. Or, perhaps to be more precise...mine."

"Who are you, really?!" Chrom demanded.

"I told you. I'm Robin. The Robin that murdered you and became the fell dragon, Grima. When this "Marth" of yours decided to come back in time...I came with her." She revealed.

"So you're Grima." Shane stated.

"Another version of me? But how?" Robin asked, causing 'Robin' to sigh.

"I can be so daft sometimes... It's really quite simple. I am you. Our only difference is the decisions we've made... Those vivid dreams you have—those are my memories. We share those memories because we share the same heart...Grima's heart."

"The headaches..the voices...they were you!"

Robin had mentioned that every few months, she'd swear she heard someone speaking to her when no one was around.

"Your recollection begins the day I entered this world. I intended for us to unite then, the first moment I found you. But your heart was still too weak to contain Grima's power... The shock of my attempt wiped your memory clean."

That stunned Chrom, Shane, and Robin into silence. They had finally learned what caused Robin's amnesia.

"I knew if Lucina managed to rewrite history, Grima would never be resurrected. And I, in turn, would cease to exist. So I had to step in, now and again, to keep my future secured. Like when Validar was killed in his attempt to assassinate Emmeryn... But that is the past, now. We have our future past to think of. All that remains is for you to become Grima, as I did. Then you and I will become one, and we can reclaim my power."

"You mean we're not the same?"

"...You were supposed to choose godhood over your pathetic band of servants. But if you'll not claim the sacrifice laid at the Dragon's Table... I will claim it in your place!"

'Robin' then gained a dark aura around herself.


"Myeh heh ha ha ha! The fell dragon and I are one! And though my journey through time has diminished my power...the life force here shall renew me!"

Everyone quickly ran out of the building as 'Robin' started glowing.

Once everyone escaped, they looked in the air after a giant roar rang out as purple lightning flashed, revealing the giant form of Grima the Fell Dragon.

"Alright.." Chrom drawled out. "What now?"

"That's Grima! That's the demon who destroyed my world. And now he is among us…" Lucina stated, losing slight hope.

"The terrible size of it...gods! For once the legends spoke true. We can't face him, not in a straight battle—he'd kill us all!" Frederick exclaimed.

"If only we still had the Fire Emblem, we could ask Naga for her power. Then at least we'd have a chance."

"What, you mean THIS Fire Emblem?" Robin then pulled out the Emblem from her robe.

"The Emblem! But how…"

"I stole it from you once, remember? The least I could do was steal it back." Robin joked.

"Robin, you sly cat. You never cease to amaze! Quickly now! We must complete the Awakening before Grima catches on!" Chrom planned.

Shane wrapped an arm around Robin. "Good job honey."

"It's said the first exalt paid tribute to Naga at a site on Mount Prism." Frederick told.

"Do you know where, exactly?" Chrom asked.

"Yes. There is an altar at the peak of the mountain. If milord would perform the Awakening, it must be done there."

"A small hope is better than no hope at all. Hurry, everyone!"

With that, everyone quickly headed to their last hope of defeating Grima.