The Dragon God King, The Enemy is Spotted

*6 hours later*

They arrived at the base of Mount Prism.

"The divine dragon's power flows through every blade of grass here." Lucina said amazed.

"Wait... Something doesn't feel right." Chrom stated.

"Nngh... We must prepare for battle! Grima has sent servants here. I can sense it. They'll be on us soon!" Robin told, causing everyone to prepare for battle before they continued up the Mountain and encountered Risen just before the Shrine.

"Shane, Assassin Mode!"

Shane quickly released Sukairyoshu and disappeared before quickly ending the Risens and stabbed the Risen Chief in the head and back, quickly ending him.

Shane relaxed and released Sukairyoshu before the Shepherds rejoined him and they headed to the altar.

"We've made it—the altar. Wait here... I'll be back." Chrom told before heading to the altar. "Hear me, Naga! I bear proof of our sacred covenant! In the name of the exalted blood, I ask for the divine dragon's power! Baptize me in fire, that I may become your true son!"

The Fire Emblem glowed with all Five Gemstones before Chrom started crying out.


"Father!" Lucina tried to move forward before Shane stopped her.

"He can't stop now. If he did, it would be certain death." He warned.

"I'm... I'm all right!" Chrom told before a figure appeared.

They had beautiful, sparkling, dark green hair. Their form seemed to be almost spectral-like, having a bluish-green glow. Most of the figure's body was covered by wraps up their arm, waist, and chest, along with a ghostly dress under their waist.

That figure was Naga.

"Be welcome, Awakener. Your heart has been tested and deemed worthy. Cleansed in my fire, your desire has proven to burn the stronger." She told.

"Then you will grant me the power to defeat Grima? ...The power of a god?" Chrom asked.

"Yes. But know this: I am no god."

Shane subtly nodded at that. No matter how strong one is, they are never truly a god. That carries a heavy burden/weight.

"But milady, you are the divine dragon!" Lucina exclaimed in shock.

"So do the sons of man name me. But I am no creator. I possess not the powers of making or unmaking. And neither does Grima. Neither of us bears the power to destroy the other utterly."

"Then what power can you grant me?" Chrom asked.

"With my blessing, thou may draw forth Falchion's true might. The blade of the exalteds shall again strike like the dragon's fang. Your strength will then be my equal."

"But not strong enough to destroy Grima?"

"Alas, Grima cannot be slain. Sleep alone can be your victory. Just as your ancestor put the fell dragon to sleep a millennium ago. But you must weaken him first. Only as the final can my power be used to bind his."

"Isn't there ANY way to destroy him for good?" Lucina asked.

"There is, perchance, a power that could end Grima. However... 'Twould be his own."

This confused most of the Shepherds except for two of them. One of them would need to make the sacrifice while the other is the spouse of said person.

"...He has to kill himself?" Frederick asked.

"Yes. And never would he do so of his own volition. He seeks only to add to his power, and set ruin upon the world. Now come. There is little time…"

"Where is Grima now?" Chrom asked.

"To the west lies a volcano known as Origin Peak. You shall find the fell dragon there." Naga told.

With that, they headed down the mountain and headed to Origin Peak.

*2 days later*

"Origin Peak…" Chrom stated once they arrived.

"The fell dragon is indeed here. Remember, Awakener! The power I gave you cannot destroy Grima." Naga reminded.

"It can only put him back to sleep…" Robin finished.

"Correct, Fellblood." Naga addressed.

"So you know of my lineage?" Robin asked, not noticing Shane move closer to her.

"You possess power not so different from my own."

"We must find some way to break this unholy cycle! We can't just keep putting Grima back to sleep every few centuries. Otherwise we merely will his vengeance on our descendants." Chrom stated, not liking the plan one bit.

"...I may know a way." Robin told, this time noticing Shane gripping her hand.

"Yes, Robin? You have some strategy?" Chrom asked.

"The other me claimed the dragon and I were the same, yes? If I strike the final blow, he'd be killed by his own hand…"

"Robin! Ingenious! Naga? Will it work?"

"...Perhaps. But there would be consequences. Grima's heart and Robin's are inexorably linked. Dragon and woman can no longer be separated. Therefore, slaying Grima would also cause the end of Robin's life."

"...I realize that. I am ready." Robin told.

Suddenly, Naga's head swung to the right and stared across the ocean.

"Naga, what's wrong?" Shane asked.

"...It seems more than one individual came through time and has announced themselves."


"I refuse to be defeated by an insane madman with no real power!" A figure in a white cloak declared before a blade struck through him as a marble on his chest shattered.

"You had no real power Aizen." A figure pulled the blade out of him before ending him. "And this time, no returning for you."

The figure picked up the blade 'Aizen' held before snapping it in two and dropping the pieces.

The figure looked across the ocean, making eye contact with Naga.

"Be prepared to lose the one you hold most dear..."

The figure suddenly grew wings.

*Back at Origin Peak*

"The one known as Shane will need to stay by my side for this battle."

"What? Why?" Morgan asked.

"He has his own battle that he'll need to fight."