The Final Fight

Shane prepared for his fight by summoning his gauntlets and Kuro.

"Shane, the enemy you'll be facing will be a shock at first but you must defeat him. He could be a worse problem than Grima." Naga warned.

"I already have a feeling on who it is Mom." Shane told.

The Shepherds had gone on ahead and were fighting the last forces the Grimleals had.

"In case this is goodbye, here's a little something."

Naga then touches his left hand before it shines dimly.

When the light disappears, he sees the Mark of Grima.

[I decided that since they're still only dragons, they can still do the same things for the most part. Naga can give Grima's mark and vice versa but just never had a reason to do so.]


"We both know you would rather die than have your wife take your place. By doing that, I've also managed for you to control your Fell Magic form." She explained.

Shane looked at his hand before gripping his palm.

"You really should talk with your grandchildren." Shane smiled.

Suddenly, a boom sounded in the distance.

"That's him. I'll be with Chrom to aid them in the fight." Naga then disappeared.

Shane turned and saw someone who looked familiar.

"I'm gonna take a guess that you are Mors." Shane stated.

The figure had dark red hair, black sclera instead of the natural white, bright red eyes, and had armor similar to his own but with the colors dark purple, dark red, and black.

"Oh? So I guess that dragon told you?" He said with a crazy grin on his face.

"I also know who you really are." Shane told.

"Oh? And what did you come up with?"

"Based off what Corrin told me, you appeared from nowhere. Second, he disappeared for a few years where Grima happened to have been killed. Third, Grima had taken over Robin's body and that left Morgan as an unknown where he likely died. Those three things lead me to your identity." Shane released Sukairyoshu. "You're Corrin's Shane."

Mors started chuckling before his arm glowed and something popped out before taking the look of the Hagakure Blade.

Mors grabbed it with his right hand and swung it to his side.

"You might have somehow become stronger than I was at your age, but I've had enough time to reach my strongest."

Mors had his arms and legs transform into his part dragon form.

"No matter if you're stronger, just like you, I get stronger the closer I get to my dragon form."

Shane transformed into his part dragon form with his helmet covering his head completely.

Mors dashed forward and swung at Shane who blocked it. Shane pushed him backward and tried to slash at him, only for him to block the strike as well before jumping back.

Mors lunged at him, only for Shane to start gaining a flower aura.


Shane swung forward and collided with his Hagakure Blade, causing it to crack halfway through the blade.

Mors backed up a step before he gained a blue and yellow tint.

[Aether-Great Lord Skill. The user strikes first using the Sol skill that's then followed up by a Luna strike]

Mors struck forward, hitting him in the chest and then slashing him with Luna.

The Luna strike definitely did damage as Shane's back now had a long slash wound on it.

"Gah!" Shane cried before turning quickly as his blade started to glow a green tint.

Shane quickly slashed 5 times but each strike was blocked but the last slashed accomplished something.

Shane slashed the fifth strike as Mors brought up his blade and blocked it, only for the Hagakure Blade to break.

Mors jumped back and looked at his sword with an emotionless face before tossing it to the side.

His arm started glowing again before a lance came out with Shane recognizing it as the Waterwheel lance.

He held it with both hands as they dashed towards each other as they both activated Ignis.

Mors thrusted the lance forward and hit him on his red tinted side while Shane swung Sukai upward and hit his chest.

Shane coughed some blood up before jumping back and quickly breaking a Concoction he had in his bag, quickly healing himself.

Mors however, used that small amount of time that took and charged him and slashed him once more, dealing some damage.

Shane held his blades close to his sides as they gained a purple color, indicating Purge activating and quickly slashed at him.

Mors brought the Waterwheel upwards to block it. It did block it at the cost of its life as it broke in two.

Mors quickly threw it away before an axe called Aurgelmir appeared as he grabbed it.

Shane dashed forward as Ignis activated once more and locked blades with his axe and left a heavy crack in the blade.

'One thing Mors seems to have forgotten is that while an Axe is powerful, it is pretty hard to get a hit with an axe if you don't primarily use one.' Shane thought as he dodged another slash and broke Aurgelmir with another slash combined with Purge.

"Enough!" Mors yelled before putting his hands in front of him. "Ginnungagap!"

Shane was suddenly surrounded by darkness before feeling excruciating pain as a bright light surrounded him while he had a blue tint around him.

Shane quickly grabbed two Vulneraries before crushing them, restoring his health.

"I wanted to try and be nice, but I'm tired of this!" He then raised his head towards Grima's giant form. "Integrum Contritio!"

Mors then shot a massive red and purple beam at the dragon before everyone heard Grima screech in pain.


The Shepherds had just finished Aversa.

"His weakness is on the nape of his neck." Naga informed. "I'll be able to send you up there but I'll be able to do little-"

Suddenly, Naga got cut off as a massive beam shot towards Grima before he cried in pain. Grima started falling to the ground before the beam returned and blocked everyone's view of Grima.

When the beam disappeared, all anyone could see of the previous Fell Dragon was a massive amount of ash floating in the sky.

"What in reality could do that?!" Lon'qu shouted.

"Mors." Corrin muttered in fear.

That got Lucina, Chrom, Morgan, and Robin to look at her.

"The dragon from your time? Did he come back as well?" Chrom asked.

"I don't know, but that attack was used to destroy over half of all of Plegia."

Robin looked in the direction before widening her eyes. "Shane." That got all of their attention. "That was in the direction Shane went."

"Then what are we waiting for?!" Chrom exclaimed, about to hurry over there until Naga stopped him.

"I can't allow that. You all just saw what 'Mors' just did to Grima with two attacks. He would kill you before you could blink."

"And Shane is fighting that thing by himself!" Robin exclaimed. "As his wife-"

"As his wife you should trust him." Naga cut her off. "Or would you rather be caught up in the crossfire?"

Robin grit her teeth and clenched her hands.


"Bolganone!" Mors commanded as Shane rolled to dodge out of the way.

"Arcthunder!" Shane yelled.

"Arcfire!" Mors blasted the yellow orbs and dispersed them before they could do anything.

"I don't need a blade when I am one!" Mors then extended claws from his hands and dashed at Shane as Aether activated once more.

"Valflame!" Shane yelled, but instead of casting it on Mors, he casted it on himself.

Mors was shocked and couldn't stop in time before Valflame exploded on both of them.

Shane jumped out of the smoke cloud before holding his hand out. "Thoron!"


The beams of energy struck each other and caused another explosion.

Mors dashed forward and swung at Shane who side-stepped before swinging an uppercut and slashed him and met a red tint. The hit didn't do too much damage but sent Mors sliding away.

Shane grabbed a Concoction and smashed it, he healed himself before pulling his hands with elbows bent slightly at his side before his blades started glowing green.

"Sukaijabu!" (Sky Jab) Shane yelled.

Shane dashed at Mors and threw quick jabs and struck his armor that glowed red five quick times that left slash marks on his armor before ducking under his claw before throwing an uppercut that Mors leaned out of the way.

Mors kicked him away, sending him sliding backwards before he held his hand outward.


Shane stopped before rolling out of the way before holding his hand in the air.

"Mjolner!" A giant bolt of lightning came down and struck Mors before blowing him backwards.

Shane, not letting the momentum end, held his hand out at Mors before Ignis started activating.

"Forseti!" Shane sent out a tornado of wind that blew outwards towards Mors and hit him as he started glowing blue.

The Ignis fueled Forseti dug a 10 foot by 30 foot trench into the ground for about 40 feet where Mors laid on the ground before pushing himself off the ground as his legs and arms turned into a complete dragon form, leaving his chest and head as the only parts that looked human.

Shane immediately feeling the change in power broke a Concoction to heal himself more.

And just in the nick of time.

Mors' claws glowed green before he disappeared from Shane's vision before he felt pain.

Mors slammed a fist into Shane's gut, then slashed at his side, back, and face but that one was blocked by Sukai, before punching him in the chest and sending him flying across the ground where he rolled.

Mors wasn't finished before he dashed at Shane, leaving a crater in the ground before slamming a punch into Shane's face.


"Shane/Dad/Father!" Shane's family cried out.

After the Shepherds were still adamant on going to support Shane, Naga decided to put a strong forcefield around them and open a seeing-portal, something that allows Naga to see anywhere on the planet.

"Naga! Take us there to help!" Chrom exclaimed.

"I told you before, if I take you there, all of you would be dead in an instant. You must have faith in Shane." Naga retold.

"You don't understand Naga!" Corrin started. "Mors is nothing like Grima! Mors has the power to wipe a continent off the face of the planet in a matter of seconds at full power!"

"Father might be strong but he's not strong enough to take a hit from something like that!" Morgan told.

"ENOUGH!" Naga yelled, shocking all the Shepherds. "I know more about 'Mors' than you think! The instant he traveled to this time, I saw many visions and in all of them, only Shane has defeated him. Not even with all of your help would it do much."

"I don't care!" Robin yelled back. "I'd rather lose my life knowing I helped Shane than live as a coward!"

"And what of your children?"

That caused a silence through the Shepherds.


Shane groaned before getting to his feet and breaking an Elixir.

Once he fully healed, he stabbed himself in the leg to prevent the Elixir's drawback.

Shane then focused on drawing his Divine Dragon and Fell magic through him, making him more durable, stronger, and faster. The downside would originally be that he'd lose more of his thought process due to the Fell magic but thanks to his Divine Dragon magic along with Naga's gift to control his Fell magic better.

"So you sacrificed your full form for a stronger hybrid form." Mors commented.

Shane became confused. Seeing this, Mors decided that he'd at least tell him this. "I can tell by your energy that you used Divine Dragon magic and Fell Dragon magic to make your form stronger. What you likely didn't realize was that by doing that, that form absorbs all the amount of those magics, preventing you from turning full dragon forever."

Shane said nothing before smiling under his mask. "Then that's perfect."

Now that confused Mors. "You see, I fight largely using instinct when I've been a dragon every time. Now, I can channel that power while knowing how to use it."

Sukai started to glow green before Shane dashed at Mors, who was too shocked at Shane's sudden power boost to dodge. Shane quickly slashed him five times before jumping backward.

Mors dashed at Shane and swung his claw at him but he side-stepped it before Sukai glowed green once more and Shane hit the same places he did before, doing a little bit extra damage.

Continuing his momentum, Shane activated Ignis before slamming his fist into Mors chest, sending him flying and rolling on the ground.

Mors laid there for a second before starting to chuckle, immediately giving Shane a bad feeling before he heard something break. Not long after, Mors stood up where his wounds were healing extremely fast.

"What? Did you think that I had grown so cocky that I at least never kept some elixirs on me?" Mors cracked his neck before he growled before his chest turned into his dragon form, which granted him his tail.

Mors disappeared, leaving a giant crater but that didn't mean Shane couldn't see him.

He couldn't block the Sol hit from Mors' Aether attack but managed to block the more dangerous Luna strike, but not without something that worried him immensely.

Sukairyoshu had been damaged. There was a slight crack in one of the blades.

Sukairyoshu is the released form of Doragonkuro which his weapon is tied to his soul.

He doesn't know what could happen if it broke.

Shane pulled back Sukai where it glowed a dark purple, activating Purge before slashing at Mors, creating two purple slash marks that appeared over the place he hit Mors before he flew backwards.

Mors jumped to his feet before holding his right hand at Shane.


"Exorno:Lightning Splitter!" Shane's lightning axe appeared before he held it in Thoron's path. "Level 0: Absorption!"

Thoron collided with LS's blade before it disappeared into the axe, leaving it glowing a slight yellow from the electricity.

"The hell is that?" Mors asked.

"Level 2: Blast!" Shane exclaimed before Thoron shot back out and hit Mors, but didn't do much.

Mors dashed forward before swiping his claw that Shane jumped over before activating Ignis.


Sky Smash-One of Sukairyoshu attacks. When Shane puts a lot of force into a downward swing, Sukairyoshu will use the air in front of it to create a large impact on the target.

Shane swung down and hit him in the chest before Mors slid back but not before Shane had already closed in on him and activated Astra once again and quickly slashed him.

This time however, Mors activated Astra right after Shane finished and slashed him five times as well.

That left Shane in a bad state where he crushed the rest of his Concoctions and a Vulnerary, restoring him to peak condition.

This left Shane to be more careful now as he and Mors continued to attack each other but they would each keep dodging the other's attacks. Until Shane activated Astra once more and dealt some damage.

They both activated Ignis before hitting each other with it, both activating Pavise before they did the same thing again.

Shane broke his last two Vulneraries to heal himself a little bit.

Mors activated Ignis again while Shane activated Purge, the better version in Shane's opinion.

They dashed at each other before sliding past each other before both crouched due to their recent injury.

Shane quickly turned and activated Ignis before slashing his back.

Mors turned around and kicked Shane away from him.

"Enough!" Mors yelled, breaking another elixir, healing him fully.

Mors' head transformed into his dragon form fully now.

'I am now at my strongest!' Mors roared.

Shane quickly broke one of his two elixirs just in time before Mors' Dragon Breath spell hit him, sending him skidding back despite Aegis activating.

Shane saw Mors disappear despite his giant size before he felt another Dragon Breath hit his back where Aegis activated once more, sending him rolling on the ground due to not being prepared for another attack.

"Now do you understand? You had no chance to begin with! Our father was killed by Aizen and I just killed Aizen! I am now stronger than the strongest man in history!" He roared.

"And look what it cost you." Shane started. "You've lost your wife, your children, your sanity! All for that power!" He yelled.

Mors didn't like that comment and blasted him with another spell, but this time, Shane blocked it with Arcfire and didn't move from his spot.

"You know I'm right! Now you want to do that again! This time, in my timeline!"

Shane then placed Sukairyoshu's dual blades on top of each other in front of him.

"There was one thing you got wrong earlier." Shane commented.

"And what's that?" Mors growled.

"You said I had no chance. I agree that right now I have no chance. But I haven't been fighting at my strongest." Shane told. "Tell me, did you inherit Zangetsu like I did?"

"Ichigo's Zanpakuto? What of it?" Mors asked.

"Tell me, do you remember what his final attack was called?" Shane asked as magic started slightly swirling around him.

'His final attack? Aizen mentioned something like Final Getsuga which was an incredibly strong form that would have drained Ichigo's magic until it was all gone afterwards.' Mors recalled. 'But his final attack was called Mugetsu.' Mors' eyes widened, finally realizing what Shane meant.

"You wouldn't! I know you still have your family and if you're like my old naïve self, you would never abandon them!"

"True, but I'd rather them be alive." The magic circling Shane sped up drastically. "This ends here and now Mors!"


"What is Mors talking about?" Robin asked Naga worried..

After their last argument, everyone had mostly been quiet until Mors transformed fully and started beating Shane again.

"He is talking about his final attack that likely resembles my dear's final attack. Ichigo Sosuke used his last move to deal immense damage against his opponent at the cost of his own life." Naga told.

"No!" The Shepherds exclaimed.

"Shane can't do this!" Chrom spoke up.

"Don't father!" Morgan and Corrin exclaimed.

"Honey.." Robin muttered.


"It's over Mors." Shane told calmly as the magic around him essentially exploded before covering him in black and green flames before going out.

They revealed Shane with long black hair down to the back of his knee and had green bandages covering his arms, chest, and left leg while a black robe covered his right leg, all the while dark green flames circled around him.

"This technique is called Saigo-no-Tsukisasu or also known as The Final Pierce. It's where I become one with Zangetsu and Doragonkuro. After I use this form, I will lose my life due to the taxing effect on my body."

Shane held his right hand to the side before black and green flame converged on his arm before it settled in a green and black Pata, a sword that has a gauntlet around his fist.

"I will not lose to an emotional human!" Mors roared, flying at him.

Shane pulled his arm back, preparing to thrust his Pata.

The Pata gained a purple and pink tint, indicating Purge would activate as well as be a critical.

"Die! Hakai Bimu!" [Devastation Beam] Mors roared before firing an Ignis fueled red and dark purple beam similar to the one he shot at Grima but larger and more condensed at Shane.

The beam quickly made its way to Shane before he thrusted the pata forward towards the beam.

"Kudakeru Sora." [Shattered Sky] Shane calmly said.

A small beam of green and black shot outwards from the Pata at speeds even he could barely follow even in his new form.

It made contact with the Hakai Bimu before almost instantly blasting through it before a loud bang resounded in the area and continued towards Mors.

Mors' eyes widened in shock before Kudakeru Sora slammed into his chest as his dragon skin and Pavise worked to reduce the damage but not even that could stop it.

The beam quickly tore through his dragon scales, ripping through his chest, destroying his organs, before exiting his back.

Mors began to plummet to the ground and crashed with a bang, causing dust to fly in the air and cover the area.

Shane vanished before appearing beside Mors who had reverted back to his human form, showing the hole had destroyed most of his ribs, half of his lungs, while his stomach and intestines were gone.

Shane fell to a knee before clutching the area where his heart was.

'Damn, already taking effect huh?' Shane thought before falling on his back.

"At least I stopped him, right dad?" Shane muttered before he swore he saw his father smiling at him before he held a hand out towards him.

"Yeah, you did champ." Ichigo told. "You even managed to surpass me when I fought Aizen."

Shane reached out and grabbed his hand.