His project started showing real progress, most of the test subjects awakened magic. The only problem was their magic was very weak, one in ten would have some magical potential.
'Their magic is enough to attend Hogwarts… considering most of them were old for awakening.' There was one unusual variation in their sixty-fifth subject. gained good affinity to Earth element. Unfortunately, his unstable mind turned him into a stone statue, experiment was success with death of the subject.
His DNA was proof of potential, and one gene triggered mutations of few others. Adding unpredictable variable to his process, creating possibility of supreme wizard birth or gruesome death.
Getting experiment subjects required some effort as he couldn't just get hundred people from one city. None would care if couple thugs disappeared in London, thing would be different in case of hundreds missing people.
His only choice was sourcing subjects from unrelated parts of wizarding Britain.
After few hundred successful awakenings, his solution was little more stable. There was even one woman in Maledictus dormant in her genes, awakening magic turned her into a weird deformed creature.
'I might be capable to find genes related to this curse.' Using magic sealing formula reversed her transformation with small change of nature.
Developing second formula was crucial to recycling of his subjects, he could reverse process and test another formula.
Perfecting formula in haste wasn't possible, problem was her approaching birthday day.
'I can abandon her or simply use little risky formula.' Time turners didn't exist in this reality, so all mistakes were permanent.
'Version 1.6 is very stable… It killed only four subjects… Less than three percent of risk.' He decided to kidnap girl and perform experiment on her.
'I cannot actually just give her magic as I told… Dumbledore will mind-rape her and come after me.' Never trust the wizards that's one of the rules of Legion Commander from Dota 2, considering this universe of incest loving mind rapists as good reason.
'Plan is simple… Put her into sleep. Awaken her magic and put her into the stressful situation. Forcing her accidental magic to work.' It would explain her magic awakening, people would consider them as descendants of Squib.
'I can deal with consequences. In worst case… I will just wipe memories and take away Lily magic. Saving her from wizarding the world. Fulfilling promise to previous Severus.' Currently he didn't know means to protect mind of other wizard without teaching them Occlumency. There was no guarantee that any of sisters possesses potential to achieve considerable level in this technique.
'I should be able to stop a lethal awakening.' Longer he thought about this idea, and he started to hesitate if his method was even good in first place.
'I am destroying the moon to prevent the wave from wetting my feet…' His goal was to solve the relationship between sisters, instead of sending them to specialist. This was little too much, however in the end of the day Lily was part of his deal.
'I might be little insane. Fuck… Let's start from zero. Do I really want to become Dark lord? No. It's boring. I want to do science and magic. Those things seem to be exciting. Killing couple people to the right and left doesn't make me the dark lord…'
'It's not like her existence is important… Let's recall all my mistakes… Giving my name to random people. I was disguised, and they didn't want an unbreakable vow… Why am I rushing things? My soul is stronger than most powerful wizards. I can live for hundreds of years without problem. If I stop courting death…'Changing fate of Petunia wouldn't change much wizarding Britain, and he only needed to be discreet.
'I need to get straight with my own mind. Why am I acting like attention seeking a child? I was loner in my previous life… maybe sociopath. At worst case psychopath…' His own mentality was a problem, combining this with experience as bitter man. Double mess in his head, problem was impossibility of getting help.
'Last reckless action… I swear to… myself. What a joke…' Using dark of the night to kidnap girl and awaken her magic.
'Success. Her magic is on Lily level. Not bad, though… Let's finish this plan with accidental magic as excuse.' His plan succeeded without problems, however there was really bad feeling in his mind.
'I was ready to risk life of little girl for my own ego? What kind of monster did I become?' Sitting on a bench before his house depressed, thinking about reasons of such change.
'I need rules… I shouldn't kill innocents.' His decision was to not interfere with Evans sisters anymore, they would remember him as this crazy guy who awakened Petunia magic.
'Let's concetrate on spell creation and push this project on the side.'
'I need to plan my actions with caution. I underestimate a wizarding world too much.'
'I helped my parents a little then left them… I cannot act like this… They are strangers to part of me...and only family to other part.' New life was opportunity to become someone great, both of his life experiences longed for love.
'Let's start by understanding feelings of my current parents.' They experienced cruel reality of wizarding the world, and he wasn't treating them any better.
"Mother… I am sorry for my recent actions. I got too excited about magic. Treating you both as incompetent fools." All those things were unfair to them as parents, acting like a spoiled brat instead of treating them as family.
"Don't worry… Apology accepted. I remember time as young witch. I wanted to change the world with magic. I thought only imagination was my limit. Reality was like a bucket of cold water… Sending me to pure families with marriage proposals. I don't know… Best time of my life was Hogwarts… I hated returning home. I hated being treated as tool. I married with Tobias in secret. I was happy when they disowned me! I thought no more control. No more suffering. I felt free! At the end of the day… they punished me through Tobias." Life of a daughter in most of the pure blood families was cruel, he didn't know how to react.
"It's not impossible to change the world now… This will require a lot of patience… Their ideals were built in generations of brainwashing and multiple broken families."
"You really changed in way… I don't know. You always be my son…yet your moving, talking and thinking. It's completely transformed… I might be broken woman… I still can perceive if something troubles my child. I might not be grand magus or dark lord… I can still try helping you with simple solution…"
"I don't know. I feel like my sudden change took away opportunity from you. I am nine years old and I am more experienced than both you combined…"
"Far more experience. It's pretty bad for a child… It's almost cruel. Losing your innocent view of the world. Ability to play in any moment. You don't need to worry… We will be always your parents."
"Why don't we play a game of Gobstones?" In his life as John, he always addictively played games or read books. Severus was escaping into the world of magic, and effect was making him a great wizard.
"GOBSTONES?!" Her eyes almost flashed from excitement, seeing her almost teleporting to retrieve set of magic stones.
"I don't if you know. I was once captain of Gobstones team. They called me rainbow Eileen…after they always ended covered in different colors." It seems she loved playing this game, every her word was passionate.
Severus tried to win at least one round with his mother, however she was merciless even to him. Being covered with various liquids made him surrender.
"Please! Mercy. I cannot win…" Even if he was in bad position, letting his mother smile was worth it.
'Only imagination is my limit. Power is necessity… It's not everything. I should have fun with magic! I lost myself in my bitterness. I am not alone.' Soaking in hot water was best time to think about life.
'I helped Petunia because Snape part of me… still love her. I feel really bad…For me, she could be little sister or niece…' Treating little girl as his love interest would make him vomit.
'I need to be cautious. I might have experience with dueling. They have numbers…' Dark wizards wouldn't care about morals or fair battle, they could attack him through his parents.
'If I stay low-key and build my strength… none will care about my existence. Let them fight among themselves… It would be great if such thing happened…I have power to save some people from terrible fates… Why not? I didn't get any shit about messing up with plot. Anyway… It's already done. There won't be poor child bullied by his aunt family. I prevented plot from happening with my reincarnation.'
'My thoughts about getting an army of artificial wizards is great…but it cannot be done for time being.' They would group up on him before his project was finished, one thing was to awaken a wizard. Another was actually make him powerful enough to fight with experienced duelist.
'Combining talent of Snape with ideas from modern Earth. I could make money on anything… I could even go to muggle world and use my future knowledge to push their technology forward.' His decision was to stay in wizarding world for the time being.
'First connections… I really want to save Black sisters from their fate.' Problem was his heritage, and half-bloods weren't good candidates for pure bloods.
'Let's put all things together. I want to have fun with magic. New potions, new spells, magical artifacts.'
'This works well with money making and protecting of my family… It also allows me to build my connections.'
'Second goals are problematic… saving people makes me an enemy of some individuals… Same goes with artifact stealing… There are a lot things left around without care.' His knowledge would allow him to steal some of the artifacts turned into horcruxes by Riddle.
'It isn't like Riddle will get second chance in this reality. Devouring his soul would strengthen my magic. I wonder if I could get Parseltongue. It is actually interesting… It's magical, so it can be received by connection to soul. It means… I can create artifacts with such ability too.' This language opened entirely new branch of magic, and he only knew that European wizards had some prejudice against this ability.
'I didn't really care much about it… I could go do some grave robbing, though.' There was an entire tutorial of curse-breaking on the web, he read its content to understand if Dumbledore could curse or not.
'I will test those spells in future.' Severus wasn't curse-breaker and it was only mentioned in books as profession of Weasley family child.
His research towards magic awakening of muggles was hidden and most evidence was disposed leaving only some samples hidden in recently bought spatial trunk.
'I need safer location to continue this kind of research.'