Evans family got visited by Dumbledore, and he was surprised to see two magical children in muggle family. They didn't know much about any wizarding ancestry, not satisfying his curiosity. His typical way of mind scanning people forced him to go through all tenants.
Fortunately, his probes didn't go too deep to find Severus memory alterations, and such ways of awakening wasn't unheard of in wizarding world.
Severus decided to temporarily let them enjoy their lives, his plan was to reclaim his heritage as descendant of Prince family. Having any heritage was still better for the start in any business, pure bloods tended to suppress any muggleborn startups.
'I don't know if they really provide so much service… It's not really profitable to give random muggleborn some gold left by ancient family. A hundred years of cool down isn't fun either.' Considering longer lifespans of wizards, they could easily have some bastards around the world. It's not like their marriages were based on love, it would actually depend on real attitude to not pure bloods.
'I might be mistaken. There was nothing like this in canon books or memories of first Snape.' This might be only plot device of fanfics, giving their characters way to get rich without genuine effort.
'I need to work for my money…' His thoughts started to think about anything that could be currently in demand.
'Beauty products? No… I should start without requirement of long testing on human subjects.' Women would do anything to preserve their beauty, and he possessed some ideas about possible recipes for such potions.
'Let's go with standard procedure of transmigrator. I will build a two-way mirror with some additional functions.' Protean charm was greatest charm in existence if you could understand its potential, magically transporting image or sound on long distances. Adding some additional charms like regulated voice amplification, dark magic detection, emergency calls and magical chat.
Creating bewitched artifacts with multiple functions wasn't easy, it required layering multiple charms on one object. His problem didn't merely require learning method of layering, profit required finding way to develop method to make mass production possible.
'It's waste to not use smartphones as inspiration.' His idea was using multiple smaller bewitched objects connected into one device of pocket mirror size. Adding additional option of parrying, instead of having permanent pair.
This would open opportunity to practise modern methods of item manufacturing.
'House elves would work perfectly for this job.' It doesn't matter what part about their slavery was canon, he believed that humankind used magic to break their very existence for their purpose.
'Did they have real elves as ancestors or other magical race?' Having brains imprinted with need to work, they would experience existential pain without master.
'Most of the cases elves are part of property of ancient families. Being inherited… How am I supposed to get one? Don't tell me this absurd way of asking if there is any will work..'
"Is there any house elf…" He felt ashamed of telling this sentence out loud.
"Wonky is looking for a master! Does mister wizard looking for a servant?" His appearance was similar to Dobby from movies with only difference of eyes which were brown.
"Yes… I need couple house elves for my household." This method was in fact working, however only one elf was summoned.
"Wonky will become master's servant. If mister wizard wants…"
"Yes. I want you to serve as my servant Wonky."
"Yes! Wonky isn't useless house elf anymore. Wonky waits for orders!"
"Can you enchant items?"
"Wonky can do all magic stuff!"
"Do you know other jobless elves… I require more elves for my task. I won't mistreat any of you."
"Wonky isn't enough… I know other elves without master. Does master want to Wonky look for other elves without master and bring the here?" His question was quite specific, however he instantly agreed.
Severus liked their method of teleportation, and Wonky wasn't absent for long time.
"Wonky finished the task! I brought five more elves for the master!" Their appearance was terrible, they didn't care properly for themselves. Looking like they would collapse and die in any second.
"Why are they in this state?"
"The longer elf has no master sicker it becomes. Wonky previous master died few months ago. None claimed Wonky. Wonky became a useless elf…" Inbreeding among wizards made them more vulnerable to certain diseases, dying without lawful heir left house elves to themselves. Causing such situations to happen, they wouldn't have reason to live and die from such state.
"Wonky can you tell me their names? I want to recruit them all." Luckily Wonky knew names of those half dead elves, and he could become their master and order them to nurture themselves back to health.
'Their obedience is very thoughtless. They aren't even communicative… yet they obey.' Only hope was their return to health, there was no need for elf corpses working for him.
Severus decided to bring elves into St. Mundo, small investment into full recovery of his workers was worth it. Healers weren't very polite after getting elves to treat, yet some were actually scolding him for such mistreatment of his servants.
Any attempts of explanations were met with even more scolding. His elves could be healed, and all of them would return to peak in their age performance.
'I need to learn some healing spells.' Severus was good at healing injuries caused by Dark magic, his other healing were fine. There were five patients with strong malnutrition and who-knows-what elf diseases. His experience didn't cover elf depression or unique racial diseases, and hospital hadn't such person either. Opportunely they communicated with other hospital and someone arrived to heal his subordinates.
'If I was supposed to heal them with potions… I would need few days to brew all of them. I cannot even diagnose what's wrong with them.' This situation allowed him to realize none is omniscient and there was always something to learn.
'I should work on healing artifacts in future.' Being able to save the person in any kind of situation was important skill, people would force first aid training to everyone in a modern era. It was understandable as every second counts in such situations, and basic resuscitation techniques could save life.
'Do I need to combine muggle medicine and magic healing? I can do it in some cases. There is parseltongue magic. All things point at it being great at healing… It might be fanfic bullshit.' A serpent isn't symbol of doctors without reason. Snakes and nagas have high status in Hindu mythology, considering many creatures from myths exist in magical universe. If he can get this ability checking on those people was worth a shot.
'I can try to acquire this ability from Slytherin descendants. No need for Riddle. There is his uncle in Azkaban. At any rate at some point, I will need to defeat him or assist in this case.' There was no place in Voldemort's world for muggleborn, obviously there was high chance that his conquest would end in Britain.
'I feel like there are other great wizards hidden in other parts of the world. They just don't show themselves like Dumbledore or others.' For passionate researchers those values are waste of time, and their eyes were set on their own field of study. Making only people with similar goals worth respect, ignoring population of ordinary mortals.
His biggest worry was actually protection of his own inventions, and anyone with capability to bewitch objects could eventually replicate his artifacts.
'Ministry is incompetent… I need to protect my own patents…' Only magic could protect things from itself, so his following project will be charm with ability to protect insides of his products.
'Best if product destroys itself at any attempt of disassembly without my permission. Jinx people with something nasty like Hermione did with Cho friend. Hahaha! I will provide services to remove jinx for a price. Making magical Edisons bleed with money!' His current state was satisfactory enough to survive, and he could gradually develop necessary safe measure before establishing his business.
'I need to brew potions too. My needs will grow as I accepted elves in.' Many of them were in process of returning to mental health, and he didn't consider them as slaves or just servants.
'They are allies and mystery. Their wandless magic is fascinating. If I could fix their attitude towards freedom… I could get them as true subordinates with ability to fully display their magic.' Wizarding world harm its own future most of the time, messing with genetics or turning other races against them.
'At least British wizards act like this…' A good example was putting werewolves and giants as lesser beings, lycanthropy was a sickness of wizards or witches. It was same as saying people infected by Dragon pox are no longer human. Half-giants had potential to become great wizards, however he still had weird feeling about man and giantess sex.
'It's not my business. Their fetishes…'
'I need to go to Gringotts… I doubt they would produce away tons of gold to every wizard with some blood… I cannot expect getting wealth of Prince family…I want tittle and information about their possessions.' If right of conquest was illegal, he would sue Malfoy family for stealing his wealth.
'Obviously… I need to first gain some power. I don't want to be besieged day before court case.' They were dark wizards and random guy appeared to take away their wealth, getting rid of problem would solve the case without involving the law.