Chapter 7: New Ways,New Year

Waking up enveloped by fluff is a breathtaking sight.But to be able to do have to keep it safe and secure.

Dressing slowly and silently to not wake the Sisters,you go downstairs and prepare Breakfast and Coffee.Nothing is better for you then making food for your loved ones.

You go through the plan,in your head,for today step by step:

Get the Train Station

Get Home safely

Get Dinner

Go Party for New Year's Eve

That is the Plan.

"Maaaster~! you better made breakfast." Kate yells from upstairs.

"Ooowner~! I am hungry,hope you made breakfast,dummy." Katie adds to her Sisters desire.

"Yeah yeah ! Get down here already." you say looking and waiting for the Foxes to appear.

They move downstairs slowly,awaiting they'r doze of fresh Coffee.

"Morning you two,today is going to hectic,Boris,Dima and Sergey invited us to a New Years Party at Boris's House.But we also need to get the Train Station from last time.Otherwise we won't be able to get more Supplies to our growing Town.A lot of families gave birth,meaning we will need more specific and higher quality supplies.Which can't be sent by car or helicopter.Understand ?" you explain the Plan to the Sister,which are enjoying they'r breakfast.

"Alright Owner,but...can we be home before dark ?" Katie asks.

"My little Fluffy Foxes.We will never be outside the Walls when it's dark.That is my Job if the need arises." you tell them,patting they'r heads.

"Master~ you are the Best~" Kate says,standing hugging you.

"Owner~ you're a very nice Person." Katie says,doing the same as her Sister.

"Hey~ what's up with you two ?" you ask them,stroking they'r backs.

"We just felt like hugging you." Kate says,smiling.

As the Foxes eat breakfast you get ready to go on a Raid.Putting on your vest,you take a good look at your Mask,that also acts as a helmet.Protecting everything from,ear,scalp,face and the backside of your neck.

"Master,shall we get ready as well ?" Kate asks.

"Please do so sweethearts." you say,loading your magazine with bullets.

"Don't call us that ! It's embarassing !" Katie adds.

"I get it.Don't worry about it !" you tell her.

Awaiting the Foxes at the Door,they soon are ready to roll.Rifles and Gear ready.

"So,same plan as last time.You two stay with Dima and Boris and only come to me when i say so,go it ?" tell them walking down the street towards the Gate.

"Alright,we'll do as you say." the Sisters answer.

Approaching the Gate you spot Dima,Boris and Sergey playing,what seems to be....Rock paper Scissors.

"Morning Chief ! Ready for the Party tonight ?" Boris asks.

"Morning you three.But of course.We each bring something,right ?" you ask your Men.

"Yes,that was the idea.But snack,i will be providing." Boris says,chambering his Rifles.

"Khorosho, poshli!(Alright let's move)" you say,chambering a round and signaling for the Gate Guards to open,the Gate.

Exiting the Town,Sergey spots a Crow circling around you'r Squad,he called it out.

Moving faster then last try,to try and save time,you move towards the Station.

"Chief,Radio signal's from the Station itself." Boris says,even are not even in view range of the Station.

"Trace it,could be something else.We hold here for a bit." you say,your squad holding just outside the View range of the Station.

"Chief,any attempt to trace it succeeds comes from the same place." Boris says.

"Was it there the last we where here ?" you ask him.

"No,didn't pick up a trace of any radio signal." he says.

"Right,tune in,put the volume on lowest and we listen." you say.

Boris does as he is order.Tuning into it...static at can hear,a different sound.No words or anything...still static.You notice that the static changes depending on the wind.A clear indication that it is a AM radio station.

"Boris,is that...a AM station ?" you ask him.

"Could be...noticed the wind as well." he says.

"How do you know that it is an AM station ?" Katie asks.

"And what does it have to do with the Wind ?" Kate asks.

"So... AM radio waves,adjust to certain weather condition,they are weaker then FM waves.They are also affected by obstacles,but AM waves adjust to the Modulation Wave,basically a Wave that gives the AM signal a Rithm,you could say.But the biggest giveaway,is the frequency range.AM only reaches to 1600 kilohertz,while FM reaches to 108 Megahertz" you tell your Foxes.

"Chief,i checked the frequency range.It is AM,means the sender has low tech.Could be a scavenger,calling for help." Boris says.

"Chief,there is still Z's outside and inside the way someone got inside without alerting them." Dima says,after observing the Station.

"This is bad..if someone is inside...we can't take the Z's out without letting that person know we are here." you say,pondering over solutions.

"Chief,movement.Z's are running at something.Fuck they even are screaming." Sergey says,having heard the Screams of the Zombies.

"What are they chasing ?" you ask quickly.

"Master,look ! It's car." Kate points out after a short look.

You grab Sergey Binoculars and take a look where Kate pointed.You are hidden in a tight formation of Trees and Bushes,hardly anyone can find you.

"That car was used.It looks intact tho.Why are they running towards it ?" you ask,after observing that the car could've been abandoned.

"Chief,check thermals.The engine is hot,too hot.They might have picked up on the thermal signature.Highly unlikely though." Dima says,having checked with his thermal vision.

"That Engine is really hot..but still.Hold on ! They could just leave the engine to run on max,run into the station and set there.While the Z's are at the Car." you realize.After looking at the engine run,overheating even.

"It could be.What are your orders,i only see 4 Z's inside.Out of which two are runners and the rest is walkers." Dima says,relaying what he sees inside.

Runners - Infected,with a genetic mutation specifically enhanced running abilities.They'r cognitive function are minimal.Once they spot you,they will start chasing you.But only if you run first.Something...unique for infected to do.

"Right,Dima - Overwatch and Rear Guard and Boris Fire Support.Foxes - Rearguard one and the other Overwatch." you tell each of them they'r orders.Leaving Sergey out,he already knows that he is going with you.

"Master,please be careful." Kate shares her concerns with you.

"Owner,please be back safely." Katie adds her concerns for you.

"Promised to be back Home for the Party.Please stay safe you two." you say,taking off your mask,that covers your whole head.Giving the Foxes each a kiss on the head.

"You won't be late.Otherwise i will be mad." Katie says.

"We-will be mad." Kate adds.

You give them each a quick pat on the Head and move out.

"Chief,just spotted the Z's heading back from the Car.You have to hurry,if you want to get inside unnoticed" Dima says,over the Radio.

The Radio Signal does not interfere with your Radio Channel,nor can it be jammed nor can the enemy tune into it.As the Transciever is on your back and the signal travels into outer Space,onto a communications satellite,then back to earth.

"Got it,stay quite and fire if you see something other then us." you tell Boris.

"Got it.Over and out." Boris says back,staying quite until further notice.

You hand gesture Sergey to stay close and to move quick,jumping over the Fence.You see a door leading into the Station's Office Building.The objective is to hold out in the Main Office from where you can control most things,if not everything.Hoping that the Power is still on.

Entering the Station Building,you don't hear or see anything.Gesturing Sergey to a nearby Staircase,you two get to the Second floor,where there is only Crates and rubble.Quickly moving to the 3rd and Final Floor of the Station,you radio over to Boris that you have arrived.

Breaching the Room Silently you get inside and lock the Door.Checking the Panels to see if there is any power.No juice.

"Ugadayte, gde nakhoditsya blok pitaniya? (Guess where the Power Unit is ?)" you say,looking at a Building Plan on the wall.

"It's not a Power Unit Chief,it's a fucking Nuclear Reactor." Sergey remarks quickly,pointing at it.

"It's a old doesn't even have a off switch.Meaning it should run constantly.Unless...." Sergey says...breaking of as both of you realize,that it can only mean.The reactor was destroyed and the core is either open or exploded.

Quickly checking your Dosimeter radiation.

"What the fuck...why is there no power if the--" Sergey tries to say,before you cut him off.

"It's a Kochkin Reactor,it has a countermeasure if the Reactor is about explode.It sends coolant into the core,slowing the reaction down until it stops." you tell him.

Kockkin Type Nuclear Reactors - An old type of Reactor from over a decade ago,no one knows anymore how it operates.But when it does,it provides the most energy out of all types of Reactors.The cost of the energy the countermeasure for a catastrophe requires so much coolant.The pumps and tubes leading to the reactor core,take the most space.Beside the reactor itself.

"What does that mean ?" Sergey asks,before...

"Chief, you got company,4 men squad,armed to the tooth." Boris says over the Radio.

"Get on the Window and kill them." you quickly say,rushing towards a Window.

"Boris,fire !" you tell him.

Without a word,a silenced shot rings out,you can hear a body drop in pain,still suffering from the shot.This leaves 3 alive.

Another silenced shot can be heard,this time.Dropping the Body ice cold.Leave 2 left.

"trakhal (Fuckers) they got inside,no visual - you are on your own." Boris quickly says.

You look at Sergey,you both start to think how to kill them,without alerting the Z's.

"Unlock the Door,they must have the same goal as us.We hide then strike." you say,Sergey does as you say.

You two quickly hide in the darkness of the room,with only sunlight shining on the Control Panel.

Then the door opens,they run inside.Close the Door quickly,not making too much noise and then they lock it.

"That was close,what kind of Psychopath shoots civilians..." one of the Men says.

"Well we are armed to the brim." the other adds.

"We lose two...they were good people." one of them says in pain.

"They knew what they where signing up for." one says,having a more and more female voice.

They start playing with the Panel,but no luck.No power.

"There was someone here,they left finger-" as the male was about to finish his last sentence you shoot him in the head,he drops dead onto the panel,then onto the floor.The female starts to panic,wondering where the shot came from.

You ONLY use tracerless ammunition.It doesn't have a tracer,meaning you can fire it in close quartes combat without revealing your position too much.

"Good Day miss." you say,stepping out of the shadows,gun pointed at her head.

"Don't shoot ! Don't shoot ! Please !" she says,panicking more.Seeing two Soldiers dressed in pure black,come out of the shadows.

You gesture Sergey to take her Gun and search her to anything harmful.

"What do you want ? I'll do anything,just don't shoot me~" the female says,pleading for her life.

"Stop wimping so much,why should we shoot our only prisoner." Sergey tells her.

"Nashli plennika, my v bezopasnosti. Proydite vnutr'.(Found prisoner,we are safe.Get inside quick.Over)" you tell Boris,using minimal amount of words.

"You're Russians,please don't rape me...Please....." she starts to cry.

"We are should look at your own.Fucking filth." you say,disgusted by her words.

"Chief,settle down.You killed one of them." Sergey says,pointing at the dead body.

"Dostan'te vse pushki iz tekh, chto snaruzhi, polozhite ikh v ryukzaki i proydite na 3-y etazh.(Get the all the Guns from the ones outside,put them in the backpacks.And get to the 3rd floor.)" you tell Boris.

"Uzhe sdelali, podkhodim.(Already did it,we are coming up.)" Boris says,you can hear footsteps on the Stairs.

Opening the door for them you see Boris,Dima and your lovely Foxes.You signal your Foxes to be quite and to not talk.They nod in agreement.

" have Foxes.Did you rape them as--" she tries to say,either in panic,in fear or to provoke you.Either worked.

"Don't you ever speak about them again.Or we'll do it to you." you tell her,you face close to her.She doesn't close her eyes,she tries to be brave.But against a Russian Squad,nobody left without a few broken bones.

You feel something tugging you from behind.It's Kate and Katie,looking up to you,giving you a thumbs up.You do the same.

You squat beside her.

"You tell us what you wanted here...or we'll throw you out for the Z's to ask you as well." you tell her,leaving her shocked for a moment.

"We-We wanted to *sob* get this Station for our is-is *sob x2* vital for us." she says.

"Good,now where is your Town ?" you ask her.Planning to level that place.

"Pleaseee,leave them alone.Just do what you want to me." she says,trying to play the hero.

" do have a nice body.But no...we are not you." Boris says.

"I will not tell you,just take the station.I'll leave...never come back." she says...trying to get out of this with pitty,against the Russians.

Your Men start laughing...

"Why-Why are you laughing...*sob*" she asks.

"You know who we are.Pitty...we never heard of it." you tell her.Leaving her shocked one more time.

"Tell us ! Where you'r Town is !?" you tell her,grabbing her by the Neck.

"It-it's Southeast of here,10km." she says,you apparently broke her.

"Well done,you are the first to cooperate with us.I'll give you that." you say,clapping your hands.

"Please,Please,Please let me go.I have a family." she begs.

"Tell me your Age." you ask her.

"19" she answers.

"Oh boy,NATO getting desperate for soldiers." you tell her.Your Men laugh,making it sound like a joke.

"Listen Girly,if you want to play hero.War,is not a game.It's art,something you have to learn." you tell her.

You stand up from your squat.Stretch your legs and form up with the rest of your Squad,making it into a terrifying picture.

"I-i-i just wanted to pay my debt back." she says,still crying.

"To whom ?" you ask her.Gesturing your Men to set up for lunch.

"T-T-to my Boyfriend." she says.Making it sound like a lie.

"You have a debt to your Boyfriend.For that you choose to join the Rapist Army ?" you tell her.

"Y-Yes." she says,you barely hear it.

"Hm...Fine we'll let you walk." you say,surprising your Men.

"T-Thank you so much." she says slowly standing up.

As she is about to leave through the Door you Knock her out with a swift hand strike.

"Well done Chief,let me tie her up." Sergey says.

"Calling us Rapists,not even knowing of her own cause.Debt to boyfriend part,might be true though." you say,sitting down,leaning against a wall.Taking your Mask off.

"Master that was amazing.We loved it !" Kate says,snuggling with you.

"Owner,we love it ! Ever moment of it,you are great at these plays." Katie adds,snuggling in.

"That part where she said,that you know...what i did.Pissed me off the most." you say.Stroking the Foxes Heads.

"We know,a little bit longer and we would've seen steam come out of your ears." Boris says.

The Foxes giggle at bit,resting they'r heads on your stomach.

"That NATO girl has some balls,talking freely about Chief's Foxes.Not like that...i thought you where out to break her every bone." Dima adds.

"He would be capable of it." Kate says,eyes opened.

"I thought he would throw her out the window." Kate adds,holding your hand.

"Chief,Russians are on they'r way here.We should eat and they'll give us a ride Home." Dima says,after he communicated with Russian Occupation Units.

R.O.U - they are NOT what they seem like.They are only defenders.Nothing more.They occupy a captured Zone until further orders arrive or until Construction Units have arrived together with reinforcements.They do not exert violence or kill.They are only to intimidate and protect.

There are some of these Guys in your Town even,they are pretty good at defending it.They'r better at intimidating.

You eat together with everyone and when the Russians arrive you explain everything to them.They mention a reward for your Mission,one part of it is the Armored Truck they give you.It's a bonus for respect and loyalty to the Cause.And to make long journey possible.You tell them about the Reactor,they say it's a mystery to them.

"No Chief,it's very rare that these Reactors just stop working.But we will find out soon.Thanks for your work.*Salute*" a R.O.U Soldier says.

"Well,good luck uncovering.The Mistery of the Kochkin Reactor." you say,making it sound dramatically.The Foxes giggle once more.

Arriving Home you all take a shower after dumping the Prisoner to the Guardsmen,for safe keeping an maybe a long interrogation session.But after New Year.

Taking a quick shower,while you dress up nicely.The Foxes take one as well.Then they dress while you get the Drinks.

"Empresses i have found Cherry Wine and..some...other...type of Wine.Which one shall we take ?" you ask them.

"Hm,the Cherry one." Kate says.

"I agree with my Sister." Katie adds.

"Very well." you say,bowing putting the,other,Wine back into the Cellar.Leaving the Cherry one,on the Table.

You look at your Foxes,brushing each others hair,exactly as you would expect from Sisters.

"Ready to go Ladies ?" you say,asking for their Hands.

"Master,are you sure you want to attend with your Combat Gear ?" Kate asks.

"Even if he looks really good and sexy in it.Still,you sure Owner ?" Katie adds.

"Well,it's only the Bottom part of it.I got this pullover from the Drawer." you say,pointing at your pitch black pullover.

"Fair,give us your hand servant~" Katie says.

"Empresses,please let my humble existence accompany you tonight,into the New Year." you say,bowing forwards.

"Stand straight Dan,you are our Server therefore you may." Kate says.You do as she said.

Walking to Boris's you spot the beautiful Sun set slowly,taking place.It is only 6PM.

Arriving at the House you knock on the Door.Boris's Wife,Galina opens the Door.

"Hello Galina,these are my Two Foxes.Kate and Katie" You say,introducing your Foxes,they do a princess bow each.

"Such lovely and respectful Foxes,come in all of you." Galina says,inviting you in.

"Thank you" you and your Foxes say.Entering her home.

"Galina,we brought a Cherry Wine *hands her the Wine* for Later." you say,giving her the Wine.

"Alright,i will be right back,please take a seat at the Table,my Husband will give you the Drinks." She answers,heading to the Kitchen.

"Boris ! Long time no see !" you say jokingly.

"Chief,Foxes ! Welcome ! Long time no see !" he answers.

You take a seat on the Corner Bench,so do your Foxes at a Large Round,white,table.Fit for such a event.

"Boris,what are you reading ?" you ask him,noticing he reads a book,perhaps a magazine ?

"Ah, Sorry Chief,reading the Gun Magazine for the New Year Sale the Russians have going on.For us as well,of course." Boris says,showing you the cover of the Magazine.The cover has a AS VAL on it,a different one then you have.

"Do you have another copy of it ?" you ask him,interested in the magazine.

"Sure do,they sent two to each house.Told the others to bring they'rs as well." Boris says,handing you the extra magazine.

"Really ? I didn't get even one." you say surprised.

"Ha ! They probably know you are a Gun Geek." he says laughing.

Boris's Joke makes your Foxes laugh,that is important for you.

You open the Magazine and start to look at all the Guns they have on sail,even attachments.Looking over to your Foxes they seem to be waiting for you to show it to them as well.

"Hey Katie,can you sit on my Lap so both of you can look at it ?" you ask Katie.

But then,they both sit on your Lap,one on each foot.They start to laugh.

"Chief,that's how things are.Sorry to break it to you.Galina darling,bring us the glasses please~!" Boris tell his Wife.

"Here you go" Galina says,putting the Glasses on the Table.

"What's this Owner ? We can't read Russian yet."Katie asks,letting her ears and tail drop.

"Don't worry you two,i'll teach you Russian next Year,promised." you tell them.They brighten up again,happy to have you.

"So this is a....SVDS Mk.23,Designated Marksman Rifle,for short,DMR" you tell Katie.

"What's this then Master ?" Kate asks.

"This is a... Orsis T-8000....What ?! They released it ?" you say,surprised by Kate's find.

"What page ?" Boris asks,his love for Snipers is unmatched until now.

"Page 6" you answer him.

"Do you want any specific Gun Girls ?" you ask your Foxes,which are leaning on you,as if you are a chair.

"Galina,you hear him ?! Asking his Foxes,what guns they want ! That's a future Husband !" Boris yells out to his Wife.

"Dan,aren't you a handful of violence~" Galina says,hopefully not scolding you.

"Sorry~" you say,letting your head down.

"Girls,do you want him to be like this ?" she asks your Foxes.

"Of course we do,he is very nice and protective.This is what we want from him,that's why we chose to stay with him." they answer Galina.

"Well i am happy i have two Fluffy Future Wives." you say,hugging them.

"Of course you do,dummy.What do you think,we would just hold hands ?!" Katie says,angered a bit.

After a while Dima and Sergey arrive together,as well.They brought beer and a bottle of Vodka respectively.

"This is my Wife Darya." Dima says.

"And this is my Wife Dina" Sergey adds.

"Anybody want to play truth or dare,Family edition ?" Boris asks.

"Bring it on." Dima says.

"Of course." Sergey adds.

"Na, davay" you add.

Galina,explains the Rules quickly.No sexual challenges no nudity,for tonight she adds.No harmful or embarassing ones either.This were her rules.Females ask all the questions or give challenges to one family only,to not make it to long.

"First,Dan.Did you ever,do it,with someone before the Outbreak ?" Galina asks.

"Well this is...funny.I did not." you say.

"You better have not." the Foxes add.

Everyone laughs at that.

"Next,Kate...tell me,does your Master,do lewd stuff to you or your Sister ?" Galina asks her.

"Not really.He grabs out tails at night and pulls them and stares at us in the morning while we make food for him." Kate says.

"Now that's a Man.We drink to that !" Sergey says.

Each Male takes a shot of Vodka.

"Katie,does your Owner,tease you in a lewd way ?" Galina asks her.

"" Katie says.

"Dan~ you have to pay more attention to you Foxes needs." Galina adds.

"I know~ but i don't have any experience with Woman prior to this~" you add,ashamed.

"That's good,you know why ? The Foxes won't beat the Steam out of you.Ha !" Dima adds.

Everyone laughs,the mood is very bright.

After a few rounds go by.Galina announces the Last Round before you go to their Balcony and Admire the Stars and possible Firework,if both NATO and Russia have settled a cease fire for new Year.

"Back to Dan." Galina announces.

"Have you ever kissed a Girl before ?" Galina asks.

"Uh,well you see,i was busy trying to get a job.So i didn't have time for Girls.So my answer is.No." you say,partially proud and shame on the other.

"Alright,because it is the final round.We let the Females of the Family ask the Male questions." Galina explains.

"Did you ever,love someone ?" Kate asks.Both Foxes,putting their Hands on your tight,ready to squeeze it as hard as they can,if the answer you give is not good.

"I did and i still do.In fact..i am sitting between them." you say,patting your Foxes Heads.

"That's a Husband,to us Husbands !" Sergey says,all the Males drink a shot of Vodka.

"Did you ever think of having Children ?" Katie asks.

Hearing the last words,you'r face darkens,not leaving a trace of happiness left.Letting your head down,slowly.Remembering the Nights you spent wondering if you want to bring someone to this world,just to suffer and have a glims of happiness.

"Owner ? Owner ?! Owner i am sorry,i didn't know it was a bad question.Please Owner,Owner !?" she says,shaking you out of your re-awakened nightmare.

Then,you'r smile comes back,absorbing her panic of hurting but also loosing you.

"It's fine darling,it'f fine." you say,grabbing her Head,giving her a gentle Kiss on the head,both of them.

"Chief,we didn't know you had--May i ask why you,changed your Face ?" Boris asks.

"It's not your fault Girls,it's mine.Okay ?" you first make sure the Foxes don't blame themselves for your Mistakes.

They Nod,and grab on to your Torso,no trace of letting go.

"Ah...where do i start ? Ah yes.When i was little,in Middle School.One day i came home,my mother was cooking lunch,it smelled wonderfully,i couldn't wait to eat.I just got back my Physics Test i was eagerly expecting and i got an A,not an +A.I showed it to my Mother and..." you stop,letting out a few tears.

Your Foxes stroke your back,slowly.Letting you know,everything is fine.

"Thank you Girls." you tell your Foxes.

"My Mother's if i just showed her an F,and not an A.She then looked back at her Cutting Board a-and sai-said tha-that *swallow* i could've done better.Then she added that...i was a failure and a mistake.I don't deserve that mark,her last words.Why i didn't get a +A ?"

you say,head to the Ground,not even looking up.

Galina,Darya and Dina gasp.Not believing what they heard...Where as your Men,just look at their Glasses.Not saying a peep.

"Dan- *gasp* i can't believe she did that to you.Unbelievable." Galina says.

"That's a Nightmare right,not reality is it ?" Darya asks.

"Wish it was." you answer her.

"We are sorry to hear it Dan.You don't seem affected by it at all though." Dina says.

"I spent,probably the next 6 years after that,locked in my Room.Coming Home from School,ate,locked in my Room.Playing Video Games all day,at least those welcomed me." you add.

"Best part was....she didn't even welcome me home anymore.She wouldn't even call me after my name,she would call me either a failure or mistake,to come eat or something.For Christmas,i was just happy to be left alone." you say.

The Wives look at each other and nod,seems like they decided something.

"Go on,we are listening even our Husbands are." Galina says.

" 'Course we are Chief.Don't you think you can stick your Head out for all of us and we would Chicken out of it.No.You stick your Head out for us,we stick ours out as well.Not-one-step-back." Boris adds.

"I appreciate it.I just want to say one more thing and that was the story....really." you say,still,head down to Ground.

Before you can open your mouth you'r Foxes,hug you tightly,starting to cry as well.That is not,what you wanted.

"Girls,hey...what's wrong ?" you ask them.

"How can you ask what's wrong when you obviously suffer." Katie says.

"I can't believe your own Mother did that." Kate adds.

"Yeah...that is my Mother." you say.Patting they'r heads.

"Where are they now ? Your Parents i mean." Galina asks.

"Gone,in another Country.They just left.Without saying a word." you say.

The Foxes break out in more crying,and there is nothing you can do,to stop it beside wait and endure the pain.

"Chief,want to go see the Fireworks ? To clear your Mind,nothing else." Boris says,you can hear the Fireworks outside.The Cease Fire was a success then.

You nod.Heading to they'r spacious balcony with four medium sized couches on it and Blankets.

Galina Explains that she planned on each of the Families having a cuddle place.

Each one of the families takes a couch and set it in a fashion that they like.

You'r Foxes are only sobbing now,so they calmed down.You three sit down.

You pull a thick blanket over them and you snuggle up to them.

"Master,why didn't you tell us..." Kate asks.

"Owner,please be happy with us." Katie says,hugging you,sobbing into your Chest,as she is the closer one to you.

"Dan,you can sleep in our Home tonight." Galina says,pointing at the now sleeping,dreaming Foxes.

You nod in agreement.

"I'll bring them in,in a bit." you say.

You watch them sleep and hug each other.

"I need to protect them,no matter what.Even if i have to bring hell to others,i will." you say,kissing Katie on the Head and patting Kate's head.

Soon,you carry both of them together in and place them on a bed in a guest room,shown to you by Galina.The rest that fell asleep did the same.The House has enough space.

Together with the Foxes,you gently fall asleep and will wake into a New Year.


Thank you to everyone which has taken their Time to read every of my Chapters,i really appreciate it.I hope you are and will be safe and sound together with your Loved ones.

From me,from the deepest part of my heart,again,Thank you so much for reading this.

I wish you a Happy New Year !