Chapter 8: Surprise Vacation

Waking up into the New Year,with nightmares,you gently shake the Foxes out of their Sleep.They hopefully don't remember last night.

"Morning you two,slept well ?" you ask them.

"Owner,about last night...." Katie says,tails and ears down,slowly starting to sob again.

"Oh Katie,my dear." you say,moving closer to her.

Soon after she begins to cry,once more.Kate can only watch as her,dear Sister,cries.

"Now Now,what's the matter ?" you ask Katie,hugging and stroking her.

"O-Owner,i didn't mean to bring you bad memories back." Katie says,sobbing,with crying eyes,she looks up at you.The pain and suffering she gave herself,through you.If you could just take that from her,and make yourself suffer,once more.

"Katie,it is fine,don't worry about me,not a single bit." you say,with adrenaline rushing through your veins,you gently stroke her back,kissing her head.

"Master,we Foxes...when we bring any kind of pain to our Owner.We ourselves will get a slight bit depressive.Even if our Owner is fine." Kate explains,trying to make you understand.

Your Heart is fragile,now more then ever.You feel like you have a Wild Fire burning in your chest,slowly grabbing hold of more and more of your Body.Not soon after,you first felt it.Your Nose begins to bleed,not only that,but your vision becomes blurry.

"Master,your Nose--" Kate remarks,but you quickly stop her.You deeply hope that Katie didn't hear that...but,she did.

"Oh no..." Katie says,horrified,blaming herself,for your Bodies inability to process deep and painful emotions.

Katie soon,starts to cry more and more,until...Galina,Boris's Wife,comes in stressed about the Crying she heard.

"Dan what's wrong--" she stop in the door,seeing Kate,look at the Ground.With Katie crying in your arms.

"Can you bring me a Glass of Water,please." you ask her.

"O-o-of course." she answers,looking at your Nose,still bleeding.

The urge to hum a melody,comes rushing to your mind.You do so,impressed by the tune.Kate soon hums as well,now both of you hum.A sooth song,hoping it will sooth Katie's,fear and panic.

Galina comes back with the Glass of Water,you nod,thanking her.

Not long after,Katie slowly stop crying...less and less until.She tightens her hug on you and her ears and tail come back to be happy.

With Tail wagging and ears perked,she releases you.

"Owner,i am sorry.I made your Pullover wet." Katie says.

"It's black,nobody will notice,except me.Because i know it is there." you say,patting both their heads.

"Galina,thanks for the Glass." you say,drinking a bit of the water and soaking your left hand finger in the water,putting them on the backside of your neck.Hoping to stop the bleed.

"Dan,it might not be of my concern,but i wish to know what happened." Galina asks.

"Girls how about we get dressed and go eat at Fritz's place ?" you tell your Foxes.

"Oh,Dan,the others have left,by the way.I didn't make breakfast.Me and Boris,just woke up as well." Galina adds.

Hearing stomping and yelling,it has to be Boris.

"Chief ! Chief ! Where are they ?! I'll rip them to---" Boris says,not knowing what's going on.

"Morning Comrade." you say,with a smile on your face.

"Morning Chief....Coffee ?" Boris asks.

"Thank you for the offer,but i have to humbly decline.I got some biz around Town"(biz,short for,business) you say,slowly standing up.

" 'Course.Forgot to mention,Dima has something to tell you.He told me that before he left earlier." Boris adds,before you three leave his House.

"Thanks again ! Have a nice day !" you say,waving.

"No problem,see ya 'round !" Boris says,also waving.

"Take care of them ! And yourself !" Galina adds,also,waving.

You walk on over to Fritz's Shop,entering it reveals.Quite a few people here.

"Guten Morgen(Good Morning) Chief,Young Misses." Fritz greets your three.

"Morning there,you have a more,secluded,spot today ?" you ask him.

"But of Course,for the Man that keeps this Town safe and civil,follow me !" he says,pointing at a door behind him.

You enter the Staff Room,from there he leads you to a,actually,secluded room,nicely arranged and decorated with various paintings and furniture.There is a couch,perfect for the Girls,and a Chair for you.

"Can i get you anything ?" Fritz asks.

"Girls ?" you say,pointing at your Foxes.

"One Strong Coffee,please." Kate says.

"Make that Two,please." Katie adds.

"Noted,Chief ?" he asks you.

"Very Strong Coffee for me.Thanks." you say.

"Alright.I will be back shortly." Fritz says,leaving the Room,closing the door.

"Owner,what is the plan for today ?" Katie says,seemingly feeling splendid !

"We'll see what Dima has to say.Then from there,we either go on the Small Patrol,sacking,a few Kills.Then call it day.What'd ya say ?" you tell them.

"Sounds Fun !" Kate says.

"I love Fun !" Katie adds.

"You both Love Fun,i know that." you say,laughing a little.

"Master,don't you think it's too much for you,that coffee you ordered ?" Kate asks,placing her hand on yours.

"It will be fine,i have a butt tone of work to do Today.It will help." you say,booping her nose.

A few minutes pass and Fritz is back with your Order.

"Thanks Fritz.Here is the Toy i have for you Kids,if i find more.They'r yours." you tell him,handing him the toy.

"Thank you Chief.My kids will love this." he says,having a very bright smile on him.

"Well done Master." Kate says,putting her legs on the couch.Shoes off.

"Indeed well done." Katie adds,doing the same pose as her Sister,but to the opposite side.

"Thanks you two.Enjoy your Coffee." you say.

They grab they'rs and lean back on the Couch.Relaxing.

You on the other hand,you start to ponder over the action,today brings.Not knowing or expecting anything in particular.You take a sip of your,Very Strong Coffee.Feeling the power surge through your Body immediately.

Watching the Girls,sitting in such elegant poses,looking out the Window.Having the Sunlight shine on them.Simply beautiful,and elegant.

After all three of you have drank your Coffees you had out the back door.Leaving Fritz,his money,that he deserved.

You tell the Girls that you are going to Dima's House now.They nod,tails wagging.

On the Way there,you simply have to admire,what you have accomplished in these months since the Outbreak,even if it has been only 4.It is astonishing,how much the Town has blossomed into a Civilized,Polite and Hard working,Society,one could say.

Finally you arrive at Dima's Home.You knock on the Door,answering,his Wife,Darya answers.

"Ah Dan,here to talk to Dima ?" she asks.

"Hi Darya,i am here for that." you say nodding.

"Please,come in.Shoes stay on." Darya says,welcoming you in.

"Thanks a lot." you say,letting the Foxes in First.

Entering the House,Darya points you to the Table.Offering you home made Peach Cake.The Foxes accept immediately,with,following after.

After a while,you finished the Cake,the Foxes included,finally Dima shows up.

"Morning Chief,i was in my office.Sorry i took so long." he says,coming down the stairs.

"Morning Dima,take your Time.We where enjoying the Peach Cake your Wife made.Excellent ! As expected." you say.

"Happy to hear that.I will tell her." Dima says,taking a seat.

"I heard that Dan ! Thank you ! Kate and Katie as well,there so cute~!" Darya says,form the Kitchen.

"My Wife can be a,Ninja sometime.One second here,the other in the Kitchen." Dima says.

"I heard that !" Darya says.

"Love you Darling !" Dima says,trying to not get a frying Pan on his head today.

"Me too !" she answers him.

Everyone laughs a bit,enjoying the moment.

"Now then,Dima,what is it ?" you say,leaning on the Table.

"Chief,i have bad and good news." Dima says,sighing in relief,or in stress.

"Bad ones first." you say.

"The Signal we found yesterday,wasn't from the Station.It was further away,that is why it was so weak.It was very strange at first,but i ignored it." Dima says.

"Alright,i was craving for some action.So do the Foxes,i hope." you say,looking at them.

"Of course we do" they say together.

"Good ones ?" you ask.

"I found the exact Position of the signal,it is a abandoned Military Base,not far from the Train having an AM sender and not FM or via Satellite,means it's a very old one.We are talking 20 or more years." Dima explains.

"Wow,that sounds interesting." The Foxes says,tails wagging,slowly.Showing they'r very close attention and high interest in Today's Mission.

"What else ? Any info on the Base ?" you ask Dima.

"I found out via satellite and communicating with the Russian at the Train Station.That the signal is offline ever since the Station was taken.Meaning someone was watching closely what was happening at the Station.I suspect local Gangs." Dima says.

"If it is local gangs,then i fear the Foxes will stay here." you say,sighing.

"Waa~ Master,you can't just leave us here for some Gonks." Kate says,still her tail wagging.

"Don't be a party pooper Owner,we want to shoot someone too~!" Katie adds.

"Dan~ you have some very special Foxes.Better take care of them." Darya says from the Kitchen.

"I got no choice do i.Fine,you two will join us..." you say.

"Yaaaay ! Master's the best." Kate says,smiling.

"Owner ! You're very cool !" Katie adds,also smiling.

"Under one condition ! You and me,will go train hand to hand combat and shooting drills." you tell them.

"Alright !" they say together.Foxes are very active creatures,they never say no to action or exercise,in this case.

"Dima,i need you to do one thing.Ping the Russians the Ops Details and tell them.No intervention,unless we need it." you tell him.

"Consider it done." Dima says.

"One more thing,if it is local gangs,which one would you say it is ?" you ask him.

Local Gangs or Militias - groups of people that didn't ally with Russia or NATO.They took matters in they'r own hands.Killing mercilessly,stealing weapons and supplies from everywhere they can.There Leaders are rarely Humans though,Demi-Humans are mostly the Leaders.Having higher Strength and sometimes intelligence then Humans.

The Gangs that have formed are:

Techies - some what peaceful scrapper,scavengers even.Most of them are Nomads,others find Shelter in abandoned Houses or in most cases Apartments.Unlikely to take a military base out of fun,unless there is something they want in it.Take very high interest in anything Techy.

ADMG - Anti Demi-Human Group,nothing but idiots rallying behind anything that shows hate and violence against Demi Humans.While in ever decreasing numbers,they still pose a threat to Society,or what's left of it.Too small Brain activity to occupy and even manage a military base.Mainly made out of Nomads.

2nd NATO - what the name says,deserters and bandits.Trafficking Demi-humans,mainly Male.Sometimes Female ones as well.But sadly for them,Russia stays and will stay in they'r way of turning Demi-Human trafficking into a real thing.Highly active in ex NATO or Russian Territory,possible to occupy a Military base,but no idea how to operate one.

White Russia - a fake Russia,made out of Russian residents of the local area that have formed a group.Earning they'r living out of Demi-Humand and Human Slavery.Highly active in Russian Territory.They've been a pest ever since the Outbreak happened.Could and have run a military Base.The Former,until Russia decided to send two RS-28 Sarmat Rockets down on them.Wiping out most of them plus making the Territory they lived in,inhabitable.

After careful thinking and analyzing,you have made up your Mind.It can only be the Techies or,Fake Russia.

"Dima,any news on Fake Russia ?" you ask him.

"Yeah,they moved a lot of troops and equipment towards east of us.Not knowing where they go." Dima says.

"They got the Base then." you say standing up.

"Master,who are,Fake Russia ?" Kate asks.

"Scumbags,Rapist and Slave Traders.Nothing but the utter scum of this World.I fee like throwing up now." you say,taking a seat again.

"Your Master and us have killed many of them,but not many enough.Russia sent two Missiles on they'r Territory,they've been on the search for new one ever since." Dima says,giving you a Glass of Water.

"Owner,what kind of Slavery ?" Katie asks,it might sounds like a bad question.But she and her Sister,start to think more strategic every day.

"Well...mostly Demi-human, 'cause they sell well.And then you have Human Slaves,not to worried about that.It's mostly just Hookers and Man who beg for a meager reward." you say,downing the whole glass of water.

"Sister,i...really think if those who occupied the old Base are White Russia,then you should stay here." you say,feeling your left hand start to shiver.

"Okay !" they say together.Surprisingly.

"Please,i am sorry.But i can't bear the thought of having you two with me there." you say,calming down your left hand.

"We know Owner,no need to Worry." Katie adds,reassuring you.

"Kate,Katie do you enjoy Cooking and baking ?" Darya asks them,sitting on her Husbands Chair,while he's gone.

"Yeah we do~" they answer.

"If you don't mind,Dan.I would keep them,until you're back.And have a feast ready for you four." Darya says.

"If you want sure ! No objections." you say,happily.Standing up.

"Thank you Dan !" Darya says,smiling.

"They'r Tails are fluffy,by the way." you say.Darya giggles a bit.

"Master~!" Kate says,annoyed.

"Owner~! We will get you back." Katie adds,also annoyed.

"Alright you two.You can get me back.But only in the evening." you say.

"Darya,can i go to Dima's Office upstairs ?" you ask her.

"Of course you can,you are like a brother to him." Darya says,shooing,you away.

Heading up stairs,you hear a keyboard being typed on.That must be his Office.With is Children asleep,that has to be it.

Knocking on the Door,you hear a chair move.Dima opens the Door and let's you in.

"Chief,found the base.Some objects have been moved.If you look here...and here." Dima says.Pointing with a pen on his 28 inch monitor.Displaying a satellite view of the Base.

"I see,what's that ? Must be the old Radio Tower." you say,taking a seat on a chair beside him,pointing at the Screen.

"Correct,but what is the biggest problem is...this." Dima points out.

"It seems to be a device,seems to be a radio of some sort.Because it emits radio waves,as seen here." Dima says,switching to a different view of the Base.

"Zoom Out a bit." you tell him.

After zooming out the waves barely reach the Train Station you captured recently.

"That must be the transmitter that sent the signal that day." Dima says,as if shocked.

"Well,that explains why someone would use AM waves in this decade." Dima says.You laugh a bit.

"Truely,that is why.They must be using it as bait.Making it look like a distress signal then sacking everything the poor souls that fell for that have and turning them into slave.That,is a actual scumbag tactic." you say.

"Yup,welcome to the New World.That stupid virus has made." Dima says.

A few more hours pass and the clock shows 2PM.Perfect timing to gear up and get going.But then....Dima get's a message from the Russian,that a convoy in arriving shortly in your Town.

"Chief,Russian convoy will be here soon." Dima says.

"Alright,a bit of a bad timing but what don't we do for our brother in arms." you say,gesturing for the Guards on the Walls to open the Gate as soon as the convoy is here.

A few minutes pass and you hear the Gate open.In come,2 Armored Vehicles at the front.A monstrous one at the middle.A Armored Personnel Carrier and a Infantry Fighting Vehicle.

But there is something,special about these vehicles.They don't seem to be a supply convoy.That only means they either carry a person,or Very Important Data,for short VID.

The Gates close and you and your Men are standing at attention,for what seems to be the Armored Escort of..Miss Katya.

The Soldiers leave the Front and Rear Vehicles and open the Door for,none other then Miss Katya and her three Daughters.

"Hello Dan !" Miss Katya says,waving at you.You wave back.

Then,her Daughters get out,they all seem to be dressed in,rather normal and boring attires,rather then they'r Special and Elegant Dresses and Attires.

"Good Day Miss Katya,Young Misses.What brings you to us ?" you ask,greeting everyone.

"Good Day Dan,Squad of Dan.We came here for a special reason." Katya says.

"The White Russia Occupied area,we where heading there right now.Don't worry ab--" as your about to finish your sentence Katya interrupts you.

"Not here for that,i sent 4 Gunships they'r way.If that's not enough i got 2 RS-28 Missiles as well." Katya says casually,having access to Russia's most powerful arsenal.

"Very well Miss,then may i ask the reason you are,gracing us with your presence ?" you ask her,holding your hands behind you back.

"Dan,drop the flirting.You know i can't stand it.And yet you still go on with it." Katya adds.

"I beg your pardon Miss,but...still.Your presence her must mean something." you say.

"Of course,i came here to relax." she says.As the Words leave her Mouth,you can't believe it.

"Miss Katya,we might be one of your Most Peaceful and civilized Town,except when compared to the Main Towns,of course.But why us ? You could've gone back to Russia." you ask her.

"Well Dan,my Daughter wanted to know how life is in our Towns,plus...they had enough of the serving and sitting around all day." Katya adds.

"Miss Katya,allow me to say then.Welcome to our Town,please ask me or my Men,whatever Desire you have." you tell her,pointing at the activity in Town.

"That's what i wanted to hear.Well then,we want to eat something.But not lunch,a...snack or a cake.You recommend ?" she asks.

"We have,Fritz,his Wife has the best Black Forest Cake there is." you tell her.

You can hear Dima,breath in relieve.You ponder over if he thought you would recommend his Wife's Peach Cake to Katya.

"I say that's interesting.What do my Daughters say ?" Katya says,asking her Daughters.

"I wouldn't mind it.From the sounds of his voice,i assume it is as he says." Lena says,being the oldest one,you would expect calm behaviour from her.

"Sounds Yummy !" Anika says,being the youngest one,you expect her to be a little,impatient.

"I don't care what i eat,as long as it is,worth my time." Tina says,being of younger age then her older sister and older then her younger sister,it is expected that she is a bit of both worlds.

"Dan,send your Men off to they'r Families,no point in taking they'r Time,as i only have business with you." Katya says.

"You heard her,uvolen(dismissed)" you tell your Men.They do so.

"Thank you Miss Katya !" your Men salute her,then go Home.

"Miss Katya,may i have your Permission to get my Foxes from Dima's Home ?" you say.

"Of course,but we will follow you.We do want to see the Town after all." she says.

"As you wish." you say,leading the Way.

You slowly walk towards Dima's Home,presenting most,if not all attractions to Katya and her Daughters.

"Uh-Uh...Sir Dan ?" Anika says.

"Yes Miss Anika." you say.

"C-Can i see your Training ? Please." Anika says.

"I will have to send a message to my Squadmates,but your Wish will be done." you tell her,typing while walking,on your Hand-mounted display.

"Sir Dan,may we also see your Weaponry and how you fire a Firearm ?" Lena asks,calmy.

"That can be done as well." you tell her,having sent the Message to your Squadmates.

"Hey Idiot--Sir Dan,i want to see what activities you do with your Squad !" Tina say.

"That,will be done as well.Also,Miss Tina,you can call me an Idiot,i don't mind it." you tell her.

"Fine ! I will call you an Idiot.You idiot !" Tina says.

Katya walks up next to you,

"You don't have to allow everything Dan,you know that right ?" Katya whispers to you.

"I know Miss,but that is the least i can do for how much you've done,not only for the Foxes and me,but for the Whole Town." you tell her.

"Dan,you really are a Man of respect,honest and most recognizably nobility." Katya adds.

"I wouldn't go that Far Miss Katya.I'm only doing what is asked of me.Also,what will your Men do ?" you ask her.

"I told them to sleep in the Vehicles,it's comfy in there so don't worry." Katya adds.

"Miss we do have a Barrack here.Do you want me to make it hospitable ?" you ask her.

"If it's not to much hassle for you.And because you asked so nicely,i will take you on your offer." she tells you.

With another few messages sent,you arrive at Dima's House,he and his Wife wave the Foxes goodbye.You gesture him a thank you.And thus,move on to Fritz's Caffee.

"There so cute and fluffy i want to eat them !" Anika says,seeing the Foxes.

"There really Fluffy !" Tina says,surprised.

"Sir Dan,i never would've imagined you to have two very Fluffy Foxes." Lena says also surprised.

"Good Day Miss Katya,Miss Anika,Miss Tina and Miss Lena." the Foxes say together.

"Good Day Kate and Katie,it's nice finally meeting the Foxes,Dan has praised so much." Katya says.

"Ah~ Miss Katya,there is no need for that~" you say,embarassed.

Together you Move to Fritz's Coffee Shop.Katya and her Daughter meet the maker of the best Black Forest Cake and her Husband.Enjoying it every single bit.

Not long after,you get a message back from your Squadmates,

"Shef, my gotovy,Kogda by vy ni byli.(Chief,we're ready,Whenever you are.)" your Men write.

"Miss Anika,the Training has been organized.On your command we will begin." you tell her.

"O-O-Okay." she struggles to say.Coming from the one that saved her Life back when nobody else could,does really seem to be a scary experience.Plus,she can command you around,more embarrassment.

Katya and her Daughter rate the Coffee shop,service and food and solid 10/10.Nothing less expected from Fritz,his Wife and they'r Staff.

"Sir Dan,can we go to the Exercises,please ?" Anika asks.

"As you wish Miss.You don't have to use,please,by the way Young Miss." you tell her.

"I can command you around,but that doesn't mean i have no respect for the one that saved the lives of my Sisters and Mother,and of course mine." she says,seemingly having changed her way of talking.

"I understand,i am grateful for your respect." you say.

As you bow forward to thank her she pushes you back up,

"No bowing,understood ?" she says,in a dominant tone.

"Yes Miss !" you say.

Your Foxes giggle as you get commanded around.It makes you happy knowing that they enjoy the moment.

"Dan,you will be a good Husband" Katya says,covering her mouth from laughing.

"How come ? If i may ask." you ask.

"You are obedient to Woman,and you are not bossy either,in my opinion,a very respectable Husband." Katya says.

"But Miss Katya i only follow your Daughters Orders.And i will obey each word of my Future Fox Wives." you say.

"Very good,that's what i wanted to hear from you.Lead on." Katya says.

Your Group leaves the Caffee,heading towards the Training Camp not far from the Caffee.In,what feels like,10 mins,you arrive.Your Men,are waiting.

As soon as they spot Miss Katya and her Daughters,they stand at attention,not moving a muscle.

"Dan~ aren't you a good Squad leader ?" Katya remarks.

"He is Miss Katya,that is why we chose him to be our Master..." Kate adds.

"And our Owner." Katie adds.

"You two~..." you say,patting they heads a little.

"Sir Dan,do you need preparation for the exercise ?" Anika asks.

"No Miss,i am ready to go and so are my Men.All we need is your Word and we start." you tell her.

"You can begin,but slowly don't break yourselves.Understood ?" she asks.

"Yes Miss Anika !" you and your Men answer her.

"Be careful Master,you didn't each much today." Kate shares her concerns with you.

"Owner,if you need something let us know.We have brought biscuits and water,if you need it." Katie adds.

"Thank you very much.I will tell you,don't worry." you tell them.

"Miss Anika,may we go inside ? The Wind i picking up." you ask her.

"Yeah good idea." she says,standing up.

The Facilities your Town has are not limited,it has every facility needed for a functional and happy life.Entering the Sports Room,separate from the other one,this one has been modified specifically for military training.And only Guardians and Night Stalkers have access to it.

Everyone enters the Room.Your Foxes and Katya and her Daughter take a seat on the cushioned benches,having gotten drinks from the vending machines at the entrance,everything is set.Except your Men are in their Training Gear...while you are in your Combat Gear.

"Dan,undress !" Katya says.

"Yes Master undress !" Kate adds.

"Owner take your clothes off !" Katie adds.

"Guess that's it." you say taking your Vest and Combat Clothes off,including your Boots.Your Men don't have shoes either,as the floor is as well,cushioned.

You hear your Foxes and Katya,maybe even her Daughter wooing you,and your Men.

"Khorosho, dazhe bez trenirovok cherez nekotoroye vremya. My sdelayem eto.(Alright,even with no training in a while.We'll do this.)" you tell your Men,as the Room is quite small,the Girls can hear you as well.

"Da, shef!(Yes,Chief !)" they answer you.

Your Men,strap a Tractor Tire with a leather belt to your Waist.While you Hang.To make it more interesting to watch,you decide to put your Mask on.

"Chief,if you do it,we do it.It won't be easy." Boris says.

"You all sure ?" you ask them.They nod.

You put your mask on,they do as well.

You hear more wooing from the Girls,ready to go grab the bar again.Therefore,you begin.

Doing hanging leg raises,with a Tractor Tire and having one of your Men,kick you in the abdomen every time you straighten your legs is easy,in the beginning.Or so you think...

The Standard time for one person is,10-15 mins,then you switch.

The Girls watch with excitement as the exercise goes on.

"Dlya kogo my eto delayem?(Whom are we doing this for ?)" Dima yells,kicking you in the abdomen.

"Nashi zheny i sem'i !(Our Wives and Families!)" the rest yells,including you.

You can hear Katya translate for your Foxes and perhaps for her Daughter as well,if they don't understand it.

Dima says,10 minutes past and asks if you should quit or do 2 more minutes.You tell him do to more then you can go over the Shooting Drills and hand to hand combat.

After a few more kicks,you feels something creep out from your chest.Not pain,nor feelings.Soon enough blood starts running our your Mask.

"Master ?!" Kate yells.

"Owner,are you alright ?!" Katie adds.

Everyone watches in terror as your Blood keeps dripping,no sign of stopping.Regardless of blood you keep going,not stopping,a few more seconds.It's over,you let go of the bar and untie the Belt.

The Foxes rush over to your side,in terror and fear of your safety.

"Master,Master !" Kate says,panicked.

But also Katya and her Daughters are rushing to your side,asking if your alright and what happend.

"Dan you can't put your health at risk like that ! Are you insane ?!" Katya asks.

"Sir Dan,why did you do it ?! I didn't ask for your Blood only for a demonstration of your exercises." Anika says,scared.

"Is this normal for him ?" Katya ask your Men,which are also kneeling,out of exhaustion.

"He only did this a few times,but only starting bleeding on 2 occasions." Boris says.

The Foxes take your Mask off,only to have no trace of blood on your chin.The Mask is also clean,as if you never shed blood.

"Dan,explain this right now !" Katya asks,angered.

But you can't even speak,near to faint even.

"Master ! Stay with us !" Kate says,slapping you in the Face.

"Owner,drink." Katie says,holding your Head in her soft,silk-like lap,holding the bottle so you can drink out of it.

"Chief,what was that ?" Sergey asks,looking at your Mask.

"Chief,what is happening.You start bleeding from your mouth and now there is no trace of it ?" Dima asks.

You start to come back to senses,breathing heavily.

"D-De...Demon." you mumble.

"Demon,i hav-....Night...mares." you say,mumbling,trying to stand up,with no result.

"What Demon Dan ?!" Katya asks,her Daughters start to worry more and more.

"Master,answer us Damn it !" Kate says,scared to the bone.

"Kate,don't stress him...his pulse is barely there." Katie adds,feeling your pulse.

"I'll go get Ava." Sergey says,running out the Sports Room.

"Foxes,what is happening to him ?" Katya asks them.

"We don't know...and we are afraid,it has to do with us." they say.

"" you mumble,closing your eyes.

A few minutes of the Foxes stroking your Back and Head pass,then Sergey is back Ava.

"Dan,i heard what happened.Drink this." Ava says,handing you a drink.

"What's in it ?" Katie asks,dominantly.

"It's a energy drink,if you don't give him something with Sugar.He'll die !" Ava says.

Katie holds the drink so you can drink,slowly...regaining your strength.

"What happened to him ?" Katya asks Ava.

"From what Sergey told me....i can only guess it's a Demon." Ava says.

"Do Demons exist ?" one of Katya's Daughters asks.

"They do,but only with Foxes,as they are sacred being." Ava says,pointing at Kate and Katie.

"Ava,what...type,of...De-Demon." you ask her.

"Only from the bloodshed,i can only guess it's one fueled by your hatred..." Ava says,almost choking on your words.

"Great...i always wanted a personal tormentor." you say,smiling.

"It's good that you still have your humor Master." Kate says,stroking your cheek.

Suddenly you start coughing,looking at your hand it's blood.You start seeing a figure,sitting on the bench,where the Girls sat before.

" want ?" you ask the figure.

"Dan,who are you talking to ?" Katya asks.

"It's the Demon,he appeared,only he can see him." Ava says.

With more and more coughs you decide to stand up.This time,with success.

"I want to know something..." the figure on the bench asks.

"What is it..." you ask him.

"What makes such a happy Men,like you,surrounded by your loved once,have so much hatred in him ?" the figure asks.

"I have my motives." you tell him.

"I understand.Well then,i'll be in your presence,when you need me.Just call." the figure says,dashing towards you,straight into your head.You don't move at all,with no strength to do so.

"Dan,what do you see ?" Ava asks.

"The Figure said,i can call him when i need to." you tell her.

Ava gasps for air,as she processes what you told her.

"What is it,tell me Fox ?!" Katya says,grabbing Ava's Arm.

"He-he-he-heee,tamed a Demon." she says,seemingly close to faint.

"We heard of stories,certain people with enough fear or hatred,can tame a Demon.But they must be,Owner or Masters of Foxes.Only a few where ever capable of doing so." Katie says.

"Great,now i got a Pet Demon,now what ?" you say,having gotten all your strength back.

"You'll have to live him Dan.If it's true what he meant,then,you are the most powerful Men on Earth right now." Ava says.

"A Demon can destroy entire Armies with one sweep,no matter what.Even Burn Countries to dust." Kate says.

"Can we forget about the Demon stuff and get back with our Lives,please ?" you say.

"Of course.One Question Dan." Katya says.

"Yes Miss ?" you ask.

"Will still be under my Command,or go solo ?" Katya asks,fearing for the Worst,creeping in her voice.

"I will still be under your Command Miss.I will not change because of a Demon,which i thought i had since i was little." you say.

"How little ?" Ava asks.

"Since my parents fucking left.Those cowards." you say,standing up.Stretching feeling more refreshed.

"Dan,i am sorry to hear that.I didn't know..." Ava says.

"No need to,just live your life.If needed call me." you tell her,if she needs things from the Outside.

"Thank you very much.Empresses,Dan,Miss Katya and others,have a wonderful Day." Ava says,waving before leaving.

"Take care !" you tell her.

"Thanks for the help!" your Foxes say.

"Have a good one !" Katya says.

"See ya 'round !" your Men say.

After that the exercises continue where they left of,this time,without Demon interference.