Chapter 9: Fox Relationship & Fox Rescue

After the Exercises where done,you and your Men take a,well deserved,break.

Soon after,you sit down.Your Foxes come and sit beside you,giving you water and handing you a fresh new T-shirt.

"Thanks you two.I got such good Girls" you say,patting their head.

"Waah~ you're embarassing us Owner~" Katie says.

"My Sister is right,you are embarassing us Master~!" Kate adds.

Soon afterwards,you four,you and your Men,take a Shower inside the Sports Room.

After you are done,your return the the Room is greeted by Katya and her Daughter.

"That was amazing Sir Dan ! Thank you very much !"

"You are welcome,Young Miss." you say.

"Sir Dan,may we move on to the Shooting Drills ? If that is possible." Lena asks.

"As you wish" you say.

With a swift gesture,your Squad mates,rush home.To get their Gear and get back in time.

You Spot Miss Katya,looking troubled on the Phone.Deciding to walk over to her,she holds up her Hand,gesturing you to wait.She finishes not long after,

"Dan,i have bad news..." Katya says,holding her hand infront of her mouth.

"What are they ?" you say,prepared for the worst.

"The Gunships,that i sent to clear out the Military Base occupied by White Russia.They,couldn't kill or do anything *sob*. Those Bastards where using they'r Slaves as Human Shields~" Katya adds,breaking out in tears.

"I see.If you order it,i will take care of it." you say,dominantly.

"You were *sob* supposed to stay in Town for a while,not go on any missions or Raids.... *sob*" Katya adds.

"We can continue your Vacation Plans,when your Mind is untroubled.It is pointless trying to enjoy a vacation,when there is something bothering you constantly." you say,hands behind your back.

"I don't know what to do Dan...*crying* I can't send my Escort.They mostly rely on they'r Vehicles." Katya says,her crying getting worse and worse.

As the Sun is slowly setting,you gaze upon it.Thinking of accomplishing,a mission that...not even Top Class Gunships could do.Before you say another Word....Katya's Daughter appear.

"Mother ?! Did this idiot make you cry ?!" Tina says first,angered beyond reason.

"Tina~,Dan is Mother's elite Soldier.And he showed much respect and nobility towards us,and our wishes.Why would he make Mother cry ?" Lena says,trying to calm Tina down,

"Dan didn't make me's my own incapability that made me sad." Katya says,slowly stopping her tears.

"You're lucky you big idiot ! I would've killed you if you made Mother sad." Tina says,joined by her Sister,giving Miss Katya a big family Hug.

"Miss Katya,i beg your pardon...your Orders ?" you say,trying to help Katya,make up her Mind.

"Dan,i to take care of it." Katya says,looking disappointed.

"At once !" you say,stepping away.

After you've received your Orders,you quickly send out emergency messages to your Squadmembers.A meeting in the Squad Room.On the Way there you spot the Foxes on a bench,chatting and laughing.Just like Girls they'r age should.

You walk up to them,but...a voice in your Head,calls you out.It must be that Demon from earlier Today.

"Dan,we need to talk.In private,this is very important." the Demon says.

"Alright,give me a few minutes when i am prepping my Gear we can talk." you answer him.

"Girls,we got a Mission.Let's Go !" you tell your Foxes.They immediately jump up,excited.

"Alright~!" they say,following you.

Together you get to the Squad Room,where you find your Men,already talking about the Plan,they probably assumed the Plan.

"Chief,White Russia ?" Sergey asks.

"Yes." you say,zooming in on the Occupied Military Base.

"Katya's Gunships,did nothing to them.Scumbags where using Slaves as Human Shield.Worst Part is,because Slave Trading is they Number one source of income.They probably have more Demi Human Slaves,then Humans slaves." you say,showing your Squad members,Foxes included,the satellite view of the Base.

"Right,what's the Plan ? Rescue Mission ?" Dima asks.

"Bingo ! We'll sneak in at night,get the Foxes two Thermal Vision Devices,and we're Good to go,almost." you say,pointing at the possible entry points.

"Owner,what is...The-Thermal ?"Katie asks.

"Master,what do you mean by Vision ? Can you see like us in the Dark ?" Kate adds.

" two can,actually,see in the Dark ?" you say,reminding yourself that when you where on your Way Home,when you found the Foxes in the City,they seemed to be able to see in the Dark.

"We can,thanks to our Ancestors." Katie says.

"Our Ancestors,Female and Male,used to hunt in the Dark.Our History goes back all the way,to what you call,Stone Age.We coexisted." Kate explains,both Sister,wagging they'r Tails.

"Well...that makes it easier.Thanks for explaining." you say,patting they'r Heads.

"So,not Thermal Vision Devices for them.Therefore,plan is..." you say.

"I want you three constantly on guard,protecting the Foxes,as i clear the way ahead.We want those Slaves free,if we can..." you say,letting your Head down.

Your Men nod and add,markers and Waypoints to they'r,Neko Map System.

"We're ready once we got our Gear.Meet ya at the Gate in 15-20 mins.Then we roll." Boris says.

"Right,you want more Armor this time around,not a balance between Armor and Speed." you tell them.

"We figured,see ya !" they say,before they leave.

You are left with your Foxes,obediently watching you.

"Master,can you change your Armor ?" Kate asks.

"Owner,when do we get our Armor ?" Katie adds.

"I can give you some Armor,but it will be difficult...for you to endure the pressure." you say,starting to blush.

"Why ?" Katie asks.

"We are as tall as you almost.So height can't be the problem..." Kate adds.

You sigh and gather your strength together for one sentence.

"Girls,you both are very pretty...the problem i-i-is...y-you-your...Rack." you say,stuttering,having no experience with Woman before.

"Eek ! You stared at my Rack for so long !? You pervert !" Katie says,embarrased.

"Master~ you stuttered there a bit~ What's up ? You nervous around two pretty Woman ?" Kate say.

"N-No,it's just that,well...i don't have any experience with Woman.I don't even know what to say..." you tell them,letting your Head drop.

The Foxes giggle in a cute way and grab your arms,because they are almost as tall as you,your Hand reaches perfectly to they Hips.

"G-Gir-Girls,this is not adequate before a combat mission~" you tell them.

"Come on Owner~,we know you like this~" Katie says,with a rather,excited tone.

"Master~,you can touch our Hips,we allow it." Kate adds,reassuring you.You do as she says.

"That's it Owner,now you look like true Man." Katie says,wagging her tail,touching your hand.

"Yay ! Master is now our Boyfriend !" Kate says.

They'r Words strike a very pleasant,feeling in you.Something...soothing.Not sure what it is,you decide to give them a big and tight hug and move on with the Mission.

"Thank you Girls,so much.For everything !" you tell them,giving them a big and powerful hug.

"Oh~ don't be a cry baby now.We can pamper you once,we are back home." Kate says.

"I agree with my Sis." Katie adds.

Together you go home and get ready to strike White Russia and Rescue everyone you can.

The Foxes get dressed in they'r Combat Gear and then join you in your Room.

"Master~ we're ready !" Kate says,smiling,walking in.

"Owner~! Can we help ?" Katie adds,excited.

"If you want you can tend to your Rifles.We got about 10 mins left,before we need to get going." you tell them.They nod,putting they'r Rifles on the Table,starting to check them for any problems.

You thought them how to disassemble and clean each of they'r Rifles.They do it quicker and quicker every time they clean them.Foxes,seem to be fast learners.

"Master,can we go get a drink ?" Kate says,having cleaned her rifle.

"Owner,can we ? Can we ? Please,we'll even bring you one with." Katie says,having done the same as her sister.She does sound like a Kid in a Candy Store.

"You don't have to ask for permission from me,you two can do what you want." you say,knowing this might give them the wrong idea.The Wrong idea being,you getting less and less dominant,leading to them,revolting,hopefully not.

"Alright,we'll bring you a energy drink." Katie says,leaving together towards the Kitchen.Enjoying a drink,be it Vodka or Water.

A few minutes pass and the Foxes are back,handing you the drink they promised you.

"Thanks Kate." you say.

"Your Welcome Master." Kate says with a bright smile.

"Owner,i can sense something is bothering you." Katie says,with her Sister saying the same.

"There is.That Demon that appeared today...he wants to talk with me.About the upcoming Mission." you tell them.

"Dan,may i show myself to them ?" the voice in your Head,that being the Demon,says.

"Go on." you affirm him.

There appears a black figure standing to your Left.The Foxes don't show aggression towards it,nor fear.It's as if,they have power over the Demon.

"So...hit it." you tell him.

"The reason why i am here and made you suffer through some nasty things,i truely apologize for that.." the Demon starts to explain.

"All good,go on." you tell him.He bows,showing his gratitude.

"There is a Fox Priestess in that Military Base.She begged any spirit near her,to help her out of there.Not for a short time,she talked to many,none wanted to help her.As i am what's left of the Guardian Spirit,of your Foxes,the last form of it.I can not speak to her directly,as she is sacred..." he explains.

"Easy there,a Fox Priestess,huh ? Never thought i hear those words.Go on." you say.

"As i couldn't speak to her,i came back to you,adopting this form.Hereby i beg safe her." the Demon says,bowing.

"Alright,i have a few questions though." you say,chambering a round.

"Of course,i will answer them..." the Demon adds.

"I heard stories of only 3 people in History ever being able to speak,but also see,a Demon like you.Is that true ?" you ask him.

"Yes,it is.But,you are the 4th person in History.I may add,that those who speak and see Demon,also own one." he says.

The Foxes let out some excited Eek's,showing they'r excitement.

"Right,so...i own you ?" you ask the Demon.

"That is correct.But please,may i beg for you to call me anything but a Demon from now on." he asks.

"Sure,i apologize for calling you that.How about...Daemon ?" you suggest to him.

"Splendid ! Thank you Milord." he says.

"Only have two other Questions...then we need to move." you say,putting magazines in your vest.

"Please,let me hear them..." the Daemon says.

"Is it true you can kill me by accident ?" you ask,casually.

"What ?!" the Foxes say.

"That is,sadly,true.But only when you completely exhaust yourself and make use of my powers." he answers.

"Now this is a Life worthy of praise ! 'Got two very attractive and cute Foxes and a Daemon." you say,excited.

The Foxes have calmed down after hearing the explanation from the Daemon.

"Last Question....What type of Daemon are you ?" you ask,your newly found,companion.

"I am part of the Highest Class,created through only my Owner's Hatred.The exact name is,Grypho" your,Friend,says.

"Doesn't that mean,Griffon,in...Latin ?" you ask him.

"Yes Milord,'s slightly modified.May,i suggest we make haste..." he tells you.

"One more thing....actually two.The first one..." you say.

"Under any circumstance.When you have to choose between me and my Foxes,you will,go and safe them.Not me.Understood ?" you tell him,dominantly.

"As you wish Milord." he answers.

"Master,why us again.You will keep us safe." Kate asks.

"Because...this is a piping hot situation.If i fail,at least i know you are safe." you tell them,standing up ready to go.

Spirits - be it Daemons or Guardians have been on earth for 300 years,as time went on...less and less was heard of them.As not many could see and speak to them,they eventually went silent.Not extinct.As the 2nd World War came to and end and the Cold War came to existence,the Hatred in some people where unimaginably high,therefore attracting or creating,Daemons.Some,even with Hatred on very high levels,could call upon a Guardian,to protect their Loved ones,but never in the History of Spirits and Humans living together,was there a possibility for those with Guardians to chant it upon themselves.As such,they always gave it to they'r Loved ones,leaving themselves....unprotected.

As you walk out the Door and towards the main Gate,you see everyone going along they'r usual duties.The Defenders of Town,are on very high alert,that being the only difference.

"Milord,i will exist as long as you'r hatred exists..." your Daemon says.

"Cool,so forever." you say,sarcasm filling your voice.

The best part of having a Daemon is,you always have a friend to talk to.Unlike Guardians,which,bluntly put,are concrete walls,with less emotions then Daemons.Only because they'r Mission is to protect,not serve.

But,there are incidents,where one Daemon,had received order to protect,someone,be it multiple people or a single person.Those that have the protection of either a Daemon or Guardian,could stand in a Train's way,and the Train would stop,magically.Depending on the Orders the spiritual being received from it's Owner,it may crush the Train, or gradually make it slow down,until it stops.

That also depends if it is,a Guardian,or a Daemon.

At the Gate,you meet with your Men,ready to go.

Miss Katya,sent you a message.Containing information of other Special Forces Squads arriving at the meeting point soon,waiting for your Orders.This,has just turned into a Mass Assault and Rescue Operation.

Going on foot towards the Meeting Point,you spot a few marks on your Neko Map.Those must be the Squads Miss Katya was talking about.

You receive a message from a Squad leader saying that,they are in position and await further instructions.You tell them to,standby until they hear the First Rounds fired and they will kill everyone inside,besides your Squad,telling them that you have two Foxes.

"Alright,everyone ready ?" you ask one last time,before going in.

"Ready." everyone responds,including your Foxes.

Together you move towards the Military Base,via Trucks,stopping close to the Base and then moving on foot,the Guard Towers,are empty.Lights are still turned off,even if the Sun has already set.Nothing to strange,considering they don't have a permanent and reliable energy source.

Soon,the Lights flick on.Your Squad switches to Thermal Vision,making it easier to navigate inside the Base.

The Base has no outer Walls,nothing to keep anything out,not even wild animals.Guards are spread out thinly,no wonder,after the Russians,nuked,they'r Old Home,they barely stand on their Own.

As you enter the Base,you spot a strangely looking Barrack,must be something important in their.But before you go check,you have to call in the other squads.You pick 3 Enemy Soldiers and as soon as they are in your Line of Sight,you open fire.There fore starting,a little,Rat Hunt.

You quickly look at your Forearm-mounted Display,the Supporting Squads have started to move.Getting close by the second.Soon,you can hear more shoots.Resulting in multiple breaches into the Base,including yours.

It didn't take long for the enemies to catch on to the,Rat Hunt.They even sent soldiers into the Towers.You order your Foxes to take them out,they even eliminate some more without you telling them to,that is what you expect from them.

Soon,you hear that the Base has been cleared and the perimeter secure.

"Call in reinforcements,i need some snipers on the Towers and some of you loot the dead for goods." you tell the other Squads an order,they affirm it.

"Chief,what now ?" Sergey asks.

"Follow me." you say,leading your Squad to the Building you've seen when you got inside the base.

Arriving at the building you saw in the beginning,you notice it has two floors,meaning there could be hostiles still inside.

"Looks important and interesting..." Boris says.

"Daemon,anyone inside it ?" you ask your companion.

"No Milord,just a portion of the Slaves." he answers.

"Where the other portions ?" you ask him.

"One is in another building close and the final portion,they moved it.Into the City." your Daemon says.

"Oh fuck..." you say,outloud.

"What's wrong chief ?" Sergey asks.

"What if they split all the slaves in three portions ?" you ask him.

"Well then we'll find all of them." Dima says.

"Alright,let's find these people." you say,opening the door to the building.

Upon entrance you see a lot of Crates,you open one of them and,it's full of American made M4A1,standard ones.

"Fuck...Sergey,call Katya and tell her what we found...She'll know what to do." you tell Sergey.

"Will do.Want to check the rest of the floor ?" Sergey asks.

"Yeah,we need to find those people." you say.

Going up the Stairs,your Daemon tells you that the first floor is clear.Upon arriving at the 2nd floor,you can hear screaming and crying,you found the slaves !

Hopefully one of the is the Fox Priestess the Daemon was talking about.

"Master,look...that must be a Fox." Kate says,pointing one of them out.

"Owner,can i untie her ?" Katie asks.You gesture she can go ahead.

Before Katie can even touch her,the Fox starts to scream to try and warn Katie of something.

"It's okay,we are here to save you all." Katie says.

"We will help you.Please stay calm." Kate adds.

"Milord,be careful,most of the Humans here are criminals !" you Daemon says.

"We will,NOT ! Help some of you.I'll choose who gets to live and who will stay here to rot." you say,dominantly.Making most of the Prisoners cry,again.

"Shef, chto eto za khren' ?! (Chief,what the fuck was that ?)" Sergey says,seeing as you made most of them cry again.

"Chto yesli odin iz nikh prestupnik ili soldat NATO ?! (What if one of them is a NATO soldier ?!)" you ask him.

Sergey back down,after hearing your motive.

"Master,can we take the Fox somewhere else ?" Kate asks.The Fox Prisoner starts to scream again,to no avail,having her mouth tapped shut.

"Stop screaming,we're here to help you." you tell the Fox prisoner,she tries to get away from you,you still have no idea,why.

Your Foxes take the Fox Girl to the next room,with a door.And wait for you there.

"Wise choice,Milord.May i point out the criminals ?" your Daemon asks.

"Go ahead,i'll put them to rest." you say,trigger happy.

Your Daemon starts to point out which are criminals,they don't fear a bullet to the brain.But the others,which are other Humans,they fear it.Some,even crying.

"Superb Work Milord." the Daemon says.

"You as well." you tell him.

"I am utterly grateful for you compliment." he adds.

Of course,you and your Daemon communicate without speaking out loud.As thus you where able to find and accomplish most of your current tasks.

"Chief,you where suggesting that most of them are being transported to the city.I found the Truck they are on,they seem have been stopped,by what can only be, a NATO patrol in the City.But the Slaves are now being kept in the Truck still." Dima says,after being absent for a bit.

"Well done Dima." you say,giving him a pat on the back.

"Only did my job Chief." he says,laughing a bit.

Having given your Men and the other Squads order,you proceed into the Room your Foxes have taken the so-named,Fox Priestess.

"Ah~Master,you're finally here." Kate says,with a Smile.

"Come on sit down Owner." Katie says,handing you a chair.

"Untie her please and you two also take a seat." you tell them.

Your Foxes get two chairs and untie the Fox Girl,you all found.

"Get away from us Demon ! You are nothing but scum !" the Fox Girl immediately yells.

"Don't talk to our Owner like that." Katie tells her,after hitting her soft in the arm.

"He is your Owner ?! What have you down to these Empresses ?! Get out of our Sight !" she continues.

"Listen,i wanted i could rape you right now and there's nothing you could do.So calm down." you tell her,trying to comfort her,with reasoning.

"How dare you speak to me like that ?! Do you even know who i am ?!" she adds.

"Look,can you just simmer down.Or i will do it." you say,dominantly.

"What ? You're gonna take my clothes off and do stuff to me after you gained my trust ?!" she still continues,no sign of calming down.

"Calm down already,we are his Foxes because we liked him !" Kate suddenly says.

"Why can't you just calm down and let him speak.He is a nice person." Katie adds.

"Empresses...don't tell me you brainwashed them you Demon !? Or worse,you ra-" she says,but she gets cut off by you.

"Speak another Word about them and those will be you last ones !" you say,having snapped and grabbed her by the throat.

She watches in horror as a,Demon,stands above her,ready to kill her in the blink of an eye,for his Foxes.

"Master~ calm down please,it's fine." Kate says,slowly stroking your back.

"Owner~ when we get Home,we're going to have fun.Alright ?" Katie says,holding your right Hand.

"Yeah...Alright,sounds...good." you say having regained control over yourself.

"How can you talk like a mother to such a monster like him ?!" the prisoner Fox,still,continues.

"He is our Master." Kate says.

"And Owner." Katie adds.

"We chose the stay with him." they both say.

She gasps on hearing they'r last sentence,

"I-i-i am sorry,Care Taker,i didn't mean to bad mouth you,i beg your forgiveness." she,finally,says.

"Now now,calm down.I apologize as well for snapping earlier." you say,taking of your Mask.

"Now,your a Priestess ?" you ask her.

"Yes,Care Taker.I come from a Large Family,that live Rich in Japan,but me,my Sister and them came here on a vacation.Then the Outbreak happened,me and my Sister had to hide,steal and even kill to survive." she says,dropping her Head.

"Congratulations,you are worthy of joining them *points at Kate and Katie*" you tell her.

"You are surely jesting...nobody would want a Priestess that kills and steals..." she says.

"Did you see what they do out there ? What NATO does ? You did the right thing,you and your Sis.Speaking of her,where is she ?" you ask her.

"My Sister,is somewhere they split us up.I couldn't do anything." she says,starting to cry.

Your Foxes,comfort her.

"Daemon where is her Sister ?" you ask him.

"Still in the Base Milord,she is alive,but she is injured." he says,you jump out of your seat.Telling the Foxes to stay here and wait.

Walking outside the Building you see Russian Reinforcements have arrived together with the Occupation Troops.

You rush over to the building some soldier try to pry open after hearing yells from inside.

"Get out of the way !" you yell.Running towards the door,kicking it open.

Finally you look after the Priestess's Sister,you spot her.

"Are you hurt ?!" you ask her.But she is terrified,nearly crying.

"I'll get you to your Sister." you say,picking her up.

She doesn't scream nor does she move around uncontrollably.You give her a lift,on your back, to the building where her Sister,and your Foxes,are.You enter it,out of breath,you go up the Stairs and enter the Room with the three Foxes.

"Nee-san !" the Priestess says excited.

"Happy to have reunited you two." you say,untying the Fox.

They immediately hug each other and even,start crying,hopefully,tears of joy.

"Thank you Care Taker ! Thank you so much !" the Priestess says.

"No worries." you say,taking a seat.

"What are your Names ?" you ask the two Sisters.

"My Name is Yui" the Red,with black lined Fox says.

"My Name is Yua" the Red,with white lined Fox says.

"Nice to meet you two.Name is Dan Walker." you introduce yourself.

"Those two are..." you say,letting your Foxes introduce themselves.

"My Name is Kate"she says.

"And i am Katie." she adds.

"It's an Honor to meet you Empresses,we will be your humble servants from now on." Yui and Yua say together.

"We thank you for your subordination,we will accept your talents." your Foxes say.

"Well,this turns more and more into a Harem...ay ?" you think outloud.

"Master~! You said it yourself,we are your future Wives !" Kate says,annoyed.

"Owner~! Don't make it worse for yourself !" Katie adds,also annoyed.

Your report your finds to Miss Katya,she sounds very pleased with your Finds and of course,your success.

All there is left to to find the third and final part of the Slave Group.